11460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 16 Lieutenants (Junior Grade) Byron F. Harper, Jr. William C. Owsley Spencer A. Gedestad James H. Snyder Lawrence H. Eding Dean K. Marquardt Wiley H .- Harrison William F. Park Cparles E. Gleason Me~ers Thornton Frank M. Laurenzano Albert R. Marschall Edward G. Haskell, Jr.William T. Patton Frank E. Grogman George Ulrich Bernard L. Hansen William B. Stephen- Earl A. Hathaway Donald F. Percy Melvin L. HermsmeyerCurtis J. Vague John J. Manning, Jr. son Milford D. Hayden Samuel R. Penn Everard F. Jones John R. Waggner Benjamin T. Dibble Allen S. Waters John S. Hayes James C. Peterson Frank J. Kratochvil,Harvey P. Webre Robert B. Jarvis Joe R. Wilson Edwin A. Henck Charles A. S. Phillips Jr. Howard T. Williamson Ray A. Henn Leonard v: Phillips Donald E. Parry Ensigns Carl M. Herbert, Jr. William H. Plesscher George E. Livingf?ton Donald G. Iselin John T. Hicks, Jr. John R. Pollock, Jr. To be ensigns in the Nurse Corps of the Navy Vershall A. Roy Albert M. LaLande, Raymond W. HillyardJack W. Pou Mary F : Barrett Dorothea M. Johnson James T. Acuff Jr. Harland V. Hippen- James M. Poynter . Elaine H. Baumann Mary L. Kleckner Earl I. Boyd Edward M. Saunders steel, Jr. Lyle H. Prenzler Bettie L. Beach Floy G. Mangold Robert J. Farley Nelson C. Simonson Robert R. Hirst Elmer M. Purcell, Jr. .Eleanor C. Beste Ruby L. Morden Charles J. Forquer Walter W. Vander Bert J. Hoeflich · John W. Reece Anna Birardi Lola M. Paulie William J. Francy Walk," Jr. Richard F. Hoffman Walter D. Reese Virginia I. Brown Wanda E. Pizorka Appointments to the grades indicat~d jn the John W. Hollowell Robert N. Reynolds Ann M. Chamblin Marie Poljanac Dental Corps of the Navy Alden V. Holmes Stanley T. Robinson Shirley A. Dobbs Mary M. Rhodes Ethel C. A. Eusenbio Annette Rutkosky Lieutenant Commanders Roy W. Holmes Matthew P. Romeo Charles C. · Houghton, Robert C. Rossberg Grace E. Hall Nellie J. Smoogen Gus J. Jerkofsky Jr. Albert G. Rowe Imogene Hathaway Allee M. Taraskas Harry E. Pump Marion B. Howorth,Paul W. Scanlon Annie V. Hopple Irene D. Walker Appointment to the gra'Cle indicated in the Jr. Peter W. Schneider Mary E. Howard Medical Service Corps of the Navy . James B. Hutcheson Morgan E. Scott IN THE MARINE CORPS William Ingram, Jr. Martin A. Seidell Lieutenant (Junior .Grade) To be second lieutenants in the Marine Corps Woodrow C. Manley Harry S. Irvine, Jr. Robert R. Sexton . Lyle F. Jacobson Edwin P. Shanks from June 6, 1947 Appointments to the grades indicated in ·the Paul A. Jarand Daniel M. Shook · Carl R. Dennis Nurse Corps of the Navy Alvin C. Jensen Harrison "H" Shoul- Harold K. Thompson, Jr. Lieutenants Ralph A. Jessar ders, Jr. Jack Westerman Mary R. Anderson Edna A. Reeves Morton Johan Thomas A. Sinclair To be a second lieutenant in the Marine Anna M. Dillon. Ida A. Thompson Harold G. Johnson Ronald B. Slater Corps from June 4, 1948 Lawrence W. JohnsonEdward M. Smith, Jr. Edith M. Macha Adelyn M. Yankowski Dona1d R. Hughes. Mary F. Parker Robert L. Justice Jull1en L. Smith John A. King David J. Stahl . Lieutenants (J?nior Grade) William E. King, Jr. Carl C. Stanford Elois M. Duffy Lindsay J. Kirkham Marshall K. Steele, Jr. Kathryn E. Lopartz Robert J. Kleinhenz Marshall P. Stonestreet J:IOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES , Celia Z. Pipkin Martin Koeck III · Fred Sutliff Ensign Donald R. Koerner John E. Sweeney TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1947 Edith M. Devoe "Walter P. Kosar Richard E. Symmonds Michael J. Langan Lloyd McC. Taylor The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Appointment to the commissioned warrant William E. Larsen George V. Teter, ·Jr. grade indicated Thomas B. Lebherz George W. Thoma, Jr. Dr. Clarence' W ~ Cranford, Calvary Chief Boatswain John R. Lee, Jr. Clayton L. Thomas Baptist Church, Washington, D. C., of­ John Buday Harvey L. Lehman, Jr Edwin M. Tomlin fered the following prayer: Oliver S. Leinart, Jr. Willard W. Tornow To be ensigns in the Navy with rank jrom Thomas H. Lewis Lockland V. Tyler, Jr. We thank Thee, 0 God, for this mo­ June 4, 1948 Robert H. Lister Frank H. Voelz ment of prayer. It may seem unim­ Charles W. Hallagan Edward F. Krueger Richard E. Luehrs ~ohn S. Walker portant to take time to pray in a world Thomas M. Hopkins Joseph J. Paulis, Jr. Dennis P. McCarthy Herbert L. Walter in which there is so much to do. But To be ensigns in the Supply Corps of the Francis C. McMains Stephen H. Ware, Jr. help us to believe it is never unimportant Navy w~th rank from June 4, 1948 Charles D. McMillan Charles J. Watkins . Dan G. McNamara Alan D. Watson to seek the Divine Will-that unless we Warren w.· Barker give attention to those spiritual matters George A. Murphy Gordon B. Mag111 Lorrain E. Watters Joseph K. Maloy Robert N. Webster that make for character and good will, To be lieutenants (junior grade) in the Isaac V. Manly John P. Welborn Medical Corps of the Navy we may succeed in building a -world in James H. Manly, Jr. Peter F. Wells II which our very cleverness may be the Leon A. Adams David G. Doane "C" "L" Manning, Jr.John F. Wetegrove means of our undoing. We pray in Thomas A. Anderson William C. Drennan Francis Marshall James E. Whiteside Robert J. Audet Arthur B. Dubois Allen L. Miller Frederick G. F. Wie- Jesus' name. Amen. Charles E. Bancroff Merlin K. Duval, Jr. Lewis C. Mills gand Paul E. Barber George S. Ellis The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ William D. Misbach Harry K. Wieman terday was read and approved. Jack Barrow Jerome C. Evanson Charles W. Moffett Stewart A. Wilber Frederick B. Becker Richard S. Farr Robert P. Moore Chester A. Williams, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Paul B. Bender John S. Featherston James F. Morrell Jr. Jack C. Berger John C. Filkins Samuel L. Moschella Robert G. W. Williams, A message from the Senate, by Mr. Richard C. Bishop · Donald R. Fitch Thomas J. Murphy Jr. Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that Walter L. Blackadar, Gregory E. Flynn Lincoln D. Nelson James "K" VanA. Will- the Senate disagrees to· the amtndment Jr. Ralph V. Ford Claude R. Nichols, Jr. son • of the House to the bill <S. 1770) entitled Billy R. Blackburn Richard. Foulk Donald J. Nollet Frank W. Winters "An act to amenq the National Housing Russell S. Boles Nathaniel E. Fowler Leon L. North Edwin P. Woodward Murdock S. Bowman George R. Frempter Robert W. O'Brien Wayne "L" Wright, Jr. Act, as amended," requests a conference Thomas A. Boyd Robert E. Fultz Donald O'Hanian Louis c. Zang with the House on the disagreeing votes Gurdon L. Bradt- Paul J. Fuzy · James S. O'Hare Edwin R. Zartman of the two Houses thereon, and appoints Byron L. Brown Aubrey D. Gantt Jack S. Oney George G. Zorn, Jr. Mr. TOBEy, Mr. BUCK, Mr. CAPEHART, Mr. John B. Bryan Charles R. Gardipe_e, Joseph Oshman · Robert G. Busboom Jr. MAYBANK, and Mr. TAYLOR to be the con­ John L. Butler Thomas H. Garth Robert F. Hause to be an ensign in the ferees on the part of the Senate. Dee W. Call Albin Gedarovich Civil Engineer Corps of the Navy. The message also announced that the David B. Carmichael Albert B. Giknis To be lieutenants (junior grade) in the Civil Senate agrees to the report of the com­ Herman· E. Carr, Jr. Paul J. Goodwin Engineer Corps of the Navy mittee of conference on the disagreeing WilliamS. Carter Orville M. Graves, Jr. James E. Delehanty,Francis B. Peacock James P. Clarke James W. Greer votes of the two Houses on the amend­ Jr. Robert T. Sinnott R. Dayton A. A. Cooper Donald W. Grimes Albert W. Draves; Jr. Charles L. Souder ments of the Senate to the bill <H. Robert R. Cooper, Jr. Lawrence K. Groves William A. Mueller 44_69) entitled "An act to amend the act Earl E. Correll JohnS. Guerrant To be lieutenants (junior grade) in the of July 7, 1947, so as to authorize the John C. Country James R. Hamilton Commission on Organization of the Exec­ Elgin C. Cowart, Jr. Paul K. Hamilton, Jr. Dental Corps of the Navy Donald R. Cruse Duke E. Hanna Richard M. BatchelderPaul W. Boudreaux utive Branch of the Government to pro­ Alfred 0. Davies John W. Hanni Theodore M. Behrman Floyd G. Dixon cure the temporary or intermittent serv­ Delbert R. Dickson Richard H. Hardin Gordon G. Bennett Floyd G. Evans ices of experfs or consultants or organi­ Milan Diklich, Jr. Kenneth L. Hardy Lambert A. Benson E:iward S. Flynn zations thereof." 1947 CO·NGRESSIONA:L· RE·CORD-HOUSE 11461 The message also· ann-ounced that the returned him to ·Congress after he was teet the economy and integrity of our Senate had adopte.Q. the following res<;>lu- · unseated. He took the whole matter coun-try and its public officials. I hope tion: as a Christian, forgiving his enemies ·at the Committee on Rules and the leader­ Resolved, That the Senate has heard· with all times. He was a ·man that was loved ship-wiil -immediately approve this reso:. profound sorrow and extreme regret ·the by every Member of the House,-and as lution so that we can go forward with the announcement of the death- of Hon. Arthur a businessman he was altruistic. investigation during the holidays and Walsh, who served in the United States Sen­ Mr.
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