
DEEP STATE DIRECTING THE Disorder The CFR is the Deep State powerhouse undoing and remaking our world. 2 by William F. Jasper The nationalist vs. globalist conflict is not merely an he whole world has gone insane ideological struggle between shadowy, unidentifiable and the lunatics are in charge of T the asylum. At least it looks that forces; it is a struggle with organized globalists who have way to any rational person surveying the very real, identifiable, powerful organizations and networks escalating revolutions that have engulfed the planet in the year 2020. The revolu- operating incessantly to undermine and subvert our tions to which we refer are the COVID- constitutional Republic and our Christian-style civilization. 19 revolution and the Black Lives Matter revolution, which, combined, are wreak- ing unprecedented havoc and destruction — political, social, economic, moral, and spiritual — worldwide. As we will show, these two seemingly unrelated upheavals are very closely tied together, and are but the latest and most profound manifesta- tions of a global revolutionary transfor- mation that has been under way for many years. Both of these revolutions are being stoked and orchestrated by elitist forces that intend to unmake the United States of America and extinguish liberty as we know it everywhere. In his famous “Lectures on the French Revolution,” delivered at Cambridge University between 1895 and 1899, the distinguished British historian and states- man John Emerich Dalberg, more com- monly known as Lord Acton, noted: “The appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult, but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The AP Images Comrades: Big Tech & Beijing — Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates meets with China’s communist managers remain studiously concealed leader Xi Jinping (right) at the Boao Forum in China’s Hainan province in 2013. In 2017, Gates and masked; but there is no doubt about was inducted into the elite Chinese Academy of Engineering. their presence from the first.” One of those revolutionary managers was Duke of Orleans Louis Philippe, the wealthiest parties), the megabanks and corporations, powerful organizations and networks man in France, head of the Grand Orient the think tanks, and academia — all with operating incessantly to undermine and masonic lodge, and cousin to King Louis the aim of sabotaging the pro-American subvert our constitutional Republic and XVI. Like George Soros, Bill Gates, Mi- agenda of Donald Trump and removing our Christian-style civilization. The pre- chael Bloomberg, and other billionaires him as president of the United States by mier organization leading this global- of today, Louis Philippe operated through any means necessary. ist effort is the New York City-based a Deep State network that provided the President Trump has correctly de- Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). It “calculating organization” that designed scribed the opposing forces in this con- is the “brain trust” and public face of and caused the murderous chaos and tu- flict as globalists vs. nationalists, and has the shadowy Deep State internationalists mult that engulfed revolutionary France. publicly cast his lot with the nationalists, who have been pushing to submerge the Since the 2016 U.S. presidential elec- announcing his “America First” position United States (and all other nation states) tions, the term “Deep State” has become and a refusal to yield America’s national under a world government for the past a popular expression referring to the pow- sovereignty to the United Nations or any century. As the accompanying charts on erful, murky forces operating throughout of its schemes for world government. pages 18-27 demonstrate, the CFR has the federal government, the major media, However, the nationalist vs. global- acquired unparalleled power and influ- the political establishment (of both major ist conflict is not merely an ideological ence not only in our government, but also struggle between shadowy, unidentifiable in virtually all of our society’s principal William F. Jasper is senior editor of forces; it is a struggle with organized glo- institutions. Unfortunately, many of the THE NEW AMERICAN. balists who have very real, identifiable, critics of the Deep State fail to mention www.TheNewAmerican.com 2 DEEP STATE — whether out of ignorance or fear — the been that in a few short months not only COVID contact tracing; mandate vacci- central role of the Council in the Deep the United States of America but the entire nations and healthcare tracking in order State’s actions. But this is like whining world has lurched further into socialist- to work, travel, or engage in any com- about “organized crime” while refusing communist control than could have been merce; and much more. to mention the Mafia families by name. imagined by even the most far-sighted po- This sweeping revolution would not Or complaining about the evils of the litical seers. have been possible without the orchestra- narcotics trade while refusing to identify Governments at every level — local, tion provided by the CFR politicos and the drug cartels and their kingpins. We state, national — have rushed to imple- their academic, business, and media ac- will return further on for a brief history ment authoritarian (even totalitarian) mea- complices. They have relentlessly sown of how the Deep State CFR achieved sures that would be completely unthink- fear and hysteria to consolidate and per- its deep — and wide — penetration and able, except for the claim that these actions petuate this huge power grab, even though control. Before doing that, however, we are absolutely necessary to save humanity the actual findings of science, the real will look at the two revolutions referred from a uniquely deadly “pandemic.” medical facts, show that COVID-19 is to above, and the starring role the Council Politicians, bureaucrats, and “public nowhere near as deadly or contagious as on Foreign Relations has played in each health officials” have enthusiastically the fearmongers claim, and certainly not to topple the American system of govern- embraced their new COVID-19 powers serious enough to justify their dictatorial ment in favor of a socialist order both na- to close down virtually all normal human mandates. tionally and globally. activity; destroy millions of businesses In addition to lionizing Tedros Adha- and hundreds of millions of jobs; close nom, director-general of the UN’s World Tyranny Gone Viral completely or greatly shackle religious Health Organization (and one of Beijing’s For the first time in human history, the worship; totally take over and control most dependable cheerleaders), and Dr. entire world has been trapped in a global hospitals and healthcare; spend trillions Anthony Fauci, lead spokesman of the lockdown, at the behest of the United Na- of dollars; order everyone to adopt “soc- White House Coronavirus Task Force, the tions’ World Health Organization. This ial distancing,” “isolation,” face-mask CFR media minions have ceaselessly pro- unprecedented action came about due to rules, and other social regimentation; moted the propaganda of the Bill & Me- the (supposedly unintentional) release of cancel or completely reorder elections; linda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates, one of a novel coronavirus by Xi Jinping and the hire hundreds of thousands of “contact the world’s richest billionaires, is a close Communist Party leadership of the Peo- tracers” and institute Orwellian monitor- comrade of Chinese dictator Xi Jinping ple’s Republic of China. The result has ing and surveillance under the guise of and has been inducted into the elite Chi- nese Academy of Engineering, an organ headed by “Premier” Li Kequiang, Chi- na’s “Number 2” communist boss. Besides being the largest nongov- ernmental funder of WHO, the Gates Foundation has obtained unparalleled influence over global health issues by pouring billions of dollars into national health agencies, medical research cen- ters, institutes, and universities around the globe that are promoting the COVID pandemic hysteria: Harvard, Johns Hop- kins, University of Washington, Emory, Yale, Scripps, Cambridge, Oxford, and many more. The foundation claims to be committing “more than $350 million for work on COVID-19 globally.” Cur- rent and former top Gates Foundation officials who are CFR members include Mark Suzman, Margaret Hamburg, and Christopher Elias. Bill Gates has written for the CFR journal Foreign Affairs, and Anthony Tedros Fauci Adhanom his foundation endowed the CFR’s Se- nior Fellow Chair for Global Health, now National Institutes of Health Flickr.com/ITUpictures occupied by former advisor to the Gates Global medical mafia: Dr. Anthony Fauci, spokesman of the White House Coronavirus Task Foundation Thomas Bollyky. Gates is the Force, and Tedros Adhanom, director-general of the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) are principal funder of GAVI, the Global Al- the leading voices and faces of the CFR-UN-Beijing-Big Pharma pandemic dictatorship. liance of Vaccines and Immunizations, 3 THE NEW AMERICAN • AUGUST 10, 2020 AP Images Revolution from above and below: While the CFR-led corporate-political-media mob attack our freedoms from their suites, the BLM/Antifa headed by CFR member Seth Berk- with the virus that the communist regime mobs they fund and promote (shown here in ley. The Gates Foundation is also a key unleashed on the planet. And, it just so Portland, Oregon) advance the agenda with funder of the Royal Institute of Interna- happens, each of these must-dos takea us violence in the streets. tional Affairs (aka Chatham House), the ever closer to resembling the Maoist dic- CFR’s globalist sister institute in Britain, tatorship of China’s “People’s Republic.” also for the Wall Street Journal op-ed by as are the Rockefeller, Soros, and Bloom- The enormity and influence of this CFR mega-globalist Henry Kissinger (CFR) berg foundations, all of which are joined propaganda operation defies exaggeration.
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