1 Halomonas almeriensis sp. nov., a moderately halophilic, 2 exopolysaccharide-producing bacterium from Cabo de Gata (Almería, 3 south-east Spain). 4 5 Fernando Martínez-Checa, Victoria Béjar, M. José Martínez-Cánovas, 6 Inmaculada Llamas and Emilia Quesada. 7 8 Microbial Exopolysaccharide Research Group, Department of Microbiology, 9 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, Campus Universitario de Cartuja 10 s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain. 11 12 Running title: Halomonas almeriensis sp. nov. 13 14 Keywords: Halomonas; exopolysaccharides; halophilic bacteria; hypersaline 15 habitats. 16 17 Subject category: taxonomic note; new taxa; γ-Proteobacteria 18 19 Author for correspondence: 20 E. Quesada: 21 Tel: +34 958 243871 22 Fax: +34 958 246235 23 E-mail: [email protected] 24 25 26 The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession number for the 16S rRNA gene 27 sequence of strain M8T is AY858696. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 Summary 2 3 Halomonas almeriensis sp. nov. is a Gram-negative non-motile rod isolated 4 from a saltern in the Cabo de Gata-Níjar wild-life reserve in Almería, south-east 5 Spain. It is moderately halophilic, capable of growing at concentrations of 5% to 6 25% w/v of sea-salt mixture, the optimum being 7.5% w/v. It is chemo- 7 organotrophic and strictly aerobic, produces catalase but not oxidase, does not 8 produce acid from any sugar and does not synthesize hydrolytic enzymes. The 9 most notable difference between this microorganism and other Halomonas 10 species is that it is very fastidious in its use of carbon source. It forms mucoid 11 colonies due to the production of an exopolysaccharide (EPS). Its G+C content 12 is 63.5 mol%. A comparison of 16S rRNA gene sequences confirms its 13 relationship to Halomonas species. The most closely related species is 14 Halomonas halmophila with 95.8% similarity value between their 16S rRNA 15 sequences. DNA-DNA hybridization with Halomonas halmophila is 10.1%. Its 16 major fatty acids are: 18:1 ω7c; 16:0, 16:1 ω7c/15:0 ISO 2OH; 12:0 30H, 12:0, 17 11 methyl 18:1 ω7c and 10:0. The proposed name for strain M8T is Halomonas 18 almeriensis (= CECT 7050T = LMG 22904T). 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 The genus Halomonas, belonging to the Halomonadaceae family within the γ- 2 Proteobacteria, contains to date 32 species of moderately halophilic bacteria, 3 most of which have been isolated from hypersaline habitats (Dobson & 4 Franzmann, 1996; Mata et al., 2002; Ventosa et al., 1998; Vreeland et al., 5 1980). Taxonomically Halomonas is a heterogeneous bacterial group. On the 6 basis of 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequences Arahal et al. (2002) have 7 established three clearly distinguishable phylogenetic groups, in addition to 8 which another three groups can also be identified by phenotypic studies, 9 according to their capacity to produce acids from glucose and their use of a 10 variety of compounds as sole source of carbon and energy (Mata et al., 2002). 11 Some of the Halomonas species, including H. eurihalina, H. maura, H. ventosae 12 and H. anticariensis, which have been isolated and characterised by our 13 research group (Quesada et al., 1990; Bouchotroch et al., 2001; Martínez- 14 Cánovas et al., 2004a; Martínez-Cánovas et al., 2004b), produce extracellular 15 polysaccharides (EPS’s) with potential biotechnological applications (Calvo et 16 al., 2002; Béjar et al., 1998; Martínez-Checa et al., 2002; Arias et al., 2003; 17 Quesada et al., 2004). 18 19 We describe here a new exopolysaccharide-producing species belonging to the 20 genus Halomonas, with the proposed name of Halomonas almeriensis. 21 22 Strain M8T was isolated from a water sample taken from a saltern in the Cabo 23 de Gata-Níjar wild-life reserve in the province of Almería in south-east Spain 24 during a wide range of samplings made by our research group in 18 hypersaline 25 habitats in Spain and Morocco (Martínez-Cánovas et al., 2004c). It was 26 routinely kept and grown at 32ºC in MY medium (Moraine & Rogovin, 1966) 27 with 7.5% w/v marine salts (Rodríguez-Valera et al., 1981). 28 29 Phenotypic characterisation, on the basis of 112 tests, was done as described 30 by Mata et al. (2002). We compared the new strain with Halomonas species 31 using the software TAXAN (Information Resources Group, Maryland 32 Biotechnology Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, USA) based on 33 numerical analysis. The dendrogram obtained by the simple-matching 34 coefficient (SSM) (Sokal & Michener, 1958) and UPGMA method (Sneath & 1 Sokal, 1973) (Supplementary Fig. A, in IJSEM Online) shows that strain M8T 2 was related to the non-acid-producing group of Halomonas species (Mata et al., 3 2002), although it shares less than 63% similarity with them. This low similarity 4 can be put down the fact that strain M8T is extremely fastidious nutritionally. The 5 main phenotypic differences between Halomonas almeriensis (M8T) and its 6 nearest philogenetically related strains of the genus Halomonas are shown in 7 Table 1. 8 9 The G+C content of the DNA of strain M8 was estimated from the midpoint 10 value (Tm) of the DNA thermal denaturation profile, as described by Marmur & 11 Doty (1962) and Ferragut & Leclerc (1976). The guanine-plus-cytosine content 12 of the DNA of the novel strain was 63.5 mol%, within the range proposed for 13 Halomonas species of 52-68 mol% (Franzmann et al., 1988). 14 15 A partial fragment of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR using the 16 protocol of Saiki et al. (1988). The forward primer, 16F27 (5´- 17 AGAGTTTGATCATGGCTCAG-3´), annealed at positions 8-27 and the reverse 18 primer, 16R1488 (5´-CGGTTACCTTGTTAGGACTTCACC-3´) (both from 19 Pharmacia), annealed at the complement of positions 1511-1488 (E. coli 20 numbering according to Brosius et al., 1978). To complete the sequence we 21 designed an internal primer, 5´-GAGGATGATCAGCCACACTG-3´, which 22 annealed at position 401-421. The PCR product was purified using the GFXTM 23 PCR DNA and Gel Band Purification Kit (Amersham Biosciences). Direct 24 sequence determinations of PCR-amplified DNAs were made with an ABI 25 PRISM dye-terminator, cycle-sequencing, ready-reaction kit (Perking-Elmer) 26 and an ABI PRISM 377 sequencer (Perking-Elmer) according to the 27 manufacturer’s instructions. The sequence obtained (1459 bp) was compared to 28 the 16S rRNA reference gene sequences found in the GenBank and EMBL 29 databases by BLAST search. Phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary analyses 30 were conducted using MEGA version 3.0 (Kumar et al., 2004) after multiple 31 alignment of the data by CLUSTALX (Thompson et al., 1997). Distances and 32 clustering were determined using the neighbour-joining and maximum- 33 parsimony algorithms, and a bootstrap analysis (1,000 replications) was made 34 to determine the stability of the clusters. The neighbour-joining tree is available 1 as supplementary material in IJSEM Online (Fig. B). A similar result (not shown) 2 was obtained using the maximum-parsimony algorithm. The taxa included in the 3 tree in Figure 1 represent only the nearest neighbours. Our analyses confirmed 4 that the new strain belongs to the genus Halomonas, is located within Group 1 5 of Halomonas species described by Arahal et al. (2002) and shares 95.8% 16S 6 rRNA sequence similarity with Halomonas halmophila (Dobson et al., 1990). 7 The 16S fragment analysed contains the 15 signature nucleotides defined for 8 Halomonadaceae family (Dobson & Franzmann, 1996). 9 10 DNA-DNA hybridization was carried out according to the method of Lind and 11 Ursing (1986) with the modifications introduced by Ziemke et al. (1998) and 12 Bouchotroch et al. (2001). The result shows the low hybridization (10.1%) with 13 Halomonas halmophila, which was chosen on the basis of our phylogenetic 14 study as being the most closely related Halomonas species. 15 16 The fatty acids were analysed at DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von 17 Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH) by high-resolution GLC using a moist 18 pellet of the cells obtained from a culture in MY medium supplemented with 19 7.5% w/v sea-salt mixture. Strain M8T shows a combination of fatty acids found 20 in other species of Halomonas (Dobson & Franzmann, 1996) (see species 21 description), although it also contains a relatively high proportion of C10 22 (2.11%), 12:0 (1.22%) and 11methyl 18:1 ω7c (2.75%). 23 24 Figure C (supplementary material, in IJSEM Online) is a transmission-electron 25 micrograph showing the morphology and cell size of strain M8T and the 26 presence of an extracellular polymer that is released into the external medium. 27 The TEM method used is fully described by Bouchotroch et al. (2001). 28 29 On the basis of phylogeny, DNA-DNA hybridization, fatty-acid composition and 30 phenotypic differences between the novel and previously described species 31 within the genus Halomonas, we consider that strain M8T represents a novel 32 species, for which we propose the name Halomonas almeriensis. 33 34 1 Description of Halomonas almeriensis sp. nov. 2 3 Halomonas almeriensis (al meri en´ sis, N.L. adj. masc. = denizen of the 4 province of Almería, in south-east Spain, where the strain was isolated). 5 6 The cells are Gram-negative, non-motile rods, 2-2.5 x 0.75 µm, appearing singly 7 or in pairs. They accumulate poly-β-hydroxyalkanoates (PHB) and produce 8 exopolysaccharide. Colonies are round, convex, creamy-white and mucoid. 9 Their growth pattern is uniform in a liquid medium.
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