THIRTY-FIVE CENTS DECEMBER 28, 1959 }15:111dSklar : -7-- . .. 14 .T, Yno TS G Tel 1 .7._ Lpaaq aga 1 T o,,-) p; Zt.quaolg THE BUSIN ESSWEEKrT 11-MPIplir ti4 Page 19 Agency consensus: current ills to ultimately strengthen tv 32 Tv's gross in '59: top clients buying 18% more than in '58 Page 34 lOpening the consumer's eyes: FTC weighs public deception Page Page 56 ReDort from Geneva: worldwide swing to uhf band in offing? W),,vitgiitek,g.tgoolx-4,4,44,1P -- Itatx Agir-psittg, 40000 ' let giugiri9 ';-V,igegtgtf'Ser 442t4;01PAAW4)1,9,0=4114,1514M-navlimi-+.1,- The Metropolitan Broadcasting Corporation announces the appointment of Edward Petry & Co., Inc. City as national sales representative for WNEW-TV, New York ..program-styled New York's leading independent station. night and day to reach the people who reach for more! WHEELING:IflßJOßTV MARKET One Station Reaching The Booming Upper Ohio Valley No. 16 WTRF -TV Image Series MACHINERY BLAW -KNOX COMPANY, Wheeling and Warwood, W. Va. Slab Shear, one of the gigantic machines manufactured here in B -K plants. (Note how machine towers over man at left.) Producing massive machines for steel and aluminum manufacturers, The Blaw Knox Company employs 1000 skilled craftsmen earning a five million dollar an- nual payroll in their two WTRF -TV area plants. Blaw -Knox, another industrial giant, contributes to the progress of this rich and busy 36- county area covered by WTRF- TV from Wheeling. Why are alert advertisers interested? The two million people living in this Wheeling Market have an annual spendable income of over 21/2 billion dollars. They look to WTRF -TV for ways to spend that money! For availabilities, call Bob 316,000 watts network color Ferguson, VP and Gen. Mgr., C or Needham Smith, Sales Manager, at CEdar 2.7777. National Rep., George P. WHEELING 7, WEST VIRGINIA Hollingbery Company. ,aching a market that's reaching new importance! *ADULT LEVEL *PROGRAMMING Adult Baltimoreans love A' L °' P `! Because *Adult Level "Programming is the kind of radio listening they PREFER -as proved by Nielsen Adult Listenership Surveys. Just the right mixture of local and CBS network per- sonalities, news commentators, drama, comedy and adult -pleasing music! A °' L* P* means SELL in Baltimore ... so schedule WCBM and get more sales in the total Baltimore market -now more than 1,900,000 people! A CBS Radio Affiliate 10,000 Watts on 680 KC Baltimore 13, Maryland PETERS, GRIFFIN, WOODWARD, INC., Exclusive National Representatives BROADCASTING, December 28, 1959 3 from to in TE N YEARS ATV HOMES . that's how the Dallas -Fort Worth Market, dominated since 1949 by KRLD -TV, has grown. Since KRLD -TV beamed its first program to a scattering of "wealthy Texans ", there has been a "measured preference" for Channel 4 in Dallas. That's why KRLD -TV has the greatest TV cir- culation of any station in the great Southwest. Get into the booming, BUYING Dallas -Fort Worth Market . get in there best with KRLD -TV. Ask a Branham man. represented nationally by the Branham Company THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS Clyde W. Rembert CkßN 4,Daliae President MAXIMUM POWER TV -Twin to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, December 28, 1959 CLOSED CIRCUIT® Magazine concept ABC-TV -like plus five Philadelphia and one Cleve- be changed to RCA Building, with CBS -TV-now is putting out tentative land disributors. company occupying some 40,000 sq. ft. rotation in (three floors, plus one -half of ground feeler on possible advertiser Night and day Gordon B. McLen- single night's block of programs in floor). All government, commercial, don, multiple owner whose exploits electronic data processing Dec. 21) . sales and prime time (CLOSED CIRCUIT, have enlivened radio, has embarked Though they have no definite plans, service center (in ground floor show- upon new acquisition project with over- room) will be housed, under direction both networks have talked to agency tone that could bring far -reaching form of of Pinckney B. Reed, RCA vice presi- executives about spot- carrier changes in am operations. He has con- advertising in two hours of entertain- dent in Washington. NBC, RCA Serv- tracted to buy assets of WINE, Buf- ice Co. and RCA Communications Inc. ment, say 8 to 10 p.m., to be followed falo daytimer and its fm adjunct, from will continue at their present locations. by half -hour public affairs show with John W. Kluge, chairman -president of ads rotated in this entire block. Metropolitan Broadcasting Corp. for Drop -in status Sen. Mike Monroney $280,000. Simultaneously, however, he (D- Okla.) has been advised by FCC in Networks already have run into re- will seek second station on "nighttime response to his inquiry about vhf drop - sistance to spot- carrier concepts from basis in Buffalo to round out full - ins in less- than -three- station major mar- Similar misgivings have only" major agencies. on two separate kets that Commission is awaiting report executives time facility, operating been voiced by two broadcast Innovation would be without on negotiations with Defense Dept. that have combined channels. at pair of agencies precedent and require changes in FCC looking toward expanding existing vhf $100 million -plus yearly in billings of procedures but competent engineering band (BROADCASTING, May 4). Prog- tv. They feel networks in effect network opinion says this will work allocations - ress report from Comr. Fred W. Ford, won't go for pub- admit that advertisers wise. FCC's liaison on allocations, is expect- can be lic affairs in prime time but ed within fortnight. Sen. Monroney assured via 1 drawn in and scheduling WINE operates with kw daytime on asked for specific steps which had been be would spot- carrier. They contend there'll 1080 kc. Fulltime fm adjunct be taken since last June and FCC's time- more "high- level" programming placed exploited upon FCC approval of trans- table (BROADCASTING, Dec. 7) . within regular series by advertisers fer. If "nighttime only" station is au- themselves (though network people thorized, McLendon plan is to advise March of Time Time Inc., stations, might dispute this on basis of past ex- listeners at local sunset signoff of WINE following December management meet- perience). What they didn't say: Agen- to tune nighttime station. McLendon's ing in Colorado Springs, have decided cies generally avoid any concept which KLIF in Dallas three months ago began to beef up news coverage, both domes- would further dilute sponsor identifica- operating from two separate transmitter tically and internationally. Additional tion or influence (see agency com- locations -1 kw nighttime transmitter staff appointments will be made in ment, page 19). using five tower directional array, while Washington, according to Time vice 50 kw transmitter functions daytime at President Weston C. Pullen, and ar- Station trading High on FCC's 1960 location 10 miles distant. This likewise rangements also are being developed agenda is whole question of policy on was innovation in allocations and appli- with Time Inc. correspondents abroad station sales, transfers and assignments. cation now is process to increase night- for special and supplemental news cov- Scheduled for review are legislative and time transmitter to 10 kw with nine or erage. other proposals made over years such possibly 10 towers. Other McLendon as abandoned Avco procedure of com- stations are KILT Houston; KTSA San Scouting fm There's fm in ABC's petitive bidding for available stations, Antonio, KEEL Shreveport, WAKY future - if network can figure out best variation of which is proposed in Bar- Louisville and KARL San Francisco. way to use it. For more than year, ABC row Network Study Report, and other Radio has been "investigating all pos- proposals wherein FCC would select Ratings aren't all Despite Ford's dis- sibilities" for using fm, including feasi- new best qualified operator, once owner appointment over ratings of its show- bility of employing it to replace lines has decided to sell. Among suggestions case (and expensive- $200,000- $250,- to connect stations. But many affiliates are mandatory competitive hearings. 000 production for each show) Startime do not have fm outlets. One possibility: Biggest bugaboo is presented in sale of series on NBC -TV Tuesday 9:30 -10:30 some sort of specialized service, a la newly authorized stations within months p.m., it now appears advertiser will NBC Radio's new "Medical Radio" of competitive hearing or grants. continue with its commitment for 39 which plans to feed medical news and specials this season. Other "values" of information direct to subscribing doc- Flip side Look for more payola corn- program, such as content and reception toIs' offices [BROADCASTING, Nov. 9]. plaints out of Federal Trade Commis- by critics, have pleased Ford's hierarchy, Committee mulling it all over may sub - is sion this week. Best guess that but ratings picture, if . not improved mit report in fairly near future. charges of under -counter payments to considerably, may affect plans for next disc jockeys will be laid to number of season in networking. J. Walter Thomp- Doerfer's hot Atomic Energy Com- record distributors, but inclusion of few son, New York, is agency of record. mission has blown whistle on FCC more record companies should not be Chairman John C. Doerfer's watch. Last ruled out. RCA -FTC consent order on Gathering of clan RCA operations November, while attending Interna- payola (BROADCASTING, Dec. 21) may in Washington, now diffused in several tional Conferences on Telephone and not be only one; negotiations are con- locations, will be consolidated for most Telegraph in Geneva, he bought Rolex, tinuing with other respondents of first part, in new building under construc- which AEC tested last week and found complaint.
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