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थڙ͚పప䭲⩢㻳ᕨ $IJOB*OUFSOBUJPOBM57$PSQPSBUJPO ͚పᎬ᧚⩢ᒞ⩢㻳㞯Ⱋϑᭀ͚ᓰ $IJOB3BEJP 'JMN5FMFWJTJPO1SPHSBNT&YDIBOHJOH$FOUFS ͚పࡄϙጯ⊤⋭ࡧ㒷౷Ꮔ䌜तϙ䬕๔࣓喑 +JOHNFO#VJMEJOH /P:BOHGBOHEJBO3PBE )BJEJBO%JTUSJDU #FJKJOH $IJOB ͚పᒞ㻳㞯Ⱋ㇫㤰 $IJOFTF57 1SPHSBNT#FTU4FMFDUJPO ๫ጺࠅິۉዐࡔࡔा $IJOB*OUFSOBUJPOBM57$PSQPSBUJPO XXXDOUWDOXXXDIOQFDDPNXXXDJUWDDPN ๫বణ঍ᅟዐ႐ۉᆖۉዐࡔ࠽խ $IJOB3BEJP 'JMN5FMFWJTJPO1SPHSBNT&YDIBOHJOH$FOUFS ᠊͊ᎄᣤὉᑍ⦣ȠᱻᷓᒙȠᰦ⻸䰗 ಣࠫὉ ͈ᬚᬒȠᲕᮣ ణ!୤ DPOUFOUT 0้ጎਗ ु୤ೌپৎ MODERN DRAMA DOCUMENTARY China’s Mega Projects 34 ײप߾ג ୺๘ॅට 16 War and Destiny ଫᤥਆ 17 A Snare of Treasures dijob • ٍ 35 China • Chinaware ঵঵૬ኟၠമጽ 18 Go! Sister Go! ዐࡔெ๋༑௞ 36 A Taste of China ዐࡔ 37 A Bite of Chinaڦऄ 20 Happy Life of the Shabby บॖฉิޟ႞ڦ಻ට ূᇗ஢༗ 21 Treasure Fills the Hall ऋԼ 38 Money ঢ়ष๢ᆩఴ 22 My Economical and Applicable Man ূጇኮࡔ 39 BRICSڦࠟጎਗ ࿢ COSTUME DRAMA BB዆ิऄ 23 Darling, Let’s Go Dutch! ࣍൰ཞُଃඤ 40 Warm and Cold, We Share Together The Yellow Emperor 41 ڽࣜ ᇸ • ༑໭ዐࡔ 42 The Legacy of China ళ࡛ᅃࡽ 43 South China Sea No.1 ആ 02 King’s Warدࡲؤ ༣༣ၭࢋ 43 A Surging River ౰၎ 04 Female Prime Minister ࡔԐ 44 Discovery of National Treasuresڦನہ ቶ๧ܹࠜ 05 The Orphan of Zhao ആ 44 Ash Legendدӣછ ৛ዒሄݧ 06 The Patriotic General Yue Fei ྭ࡛ళ 45 Exploration of Hainan Island ༚ࠆᄊኮ౰ටཀူ 07 The World of Tang Women ԛሄ࢛෷ 45 Mt. Hengshan: the North Mountain (Bei Yue) For the Sake of Beauty 08 چ࣡ఙލ ዐࡔࠅୟ 46 Expressway of China ᆖۉ ศࠆ۟ᆖ 09 Mystery in the Palace ऄ૰ዐࡔ 46 China on the Move ႘ఁ฾ᄷ 10 Chinese Detective ጞ 47 Walking Dinner Table֕ڦFILM ႜጽ ӣᇗ༗ኮਆྔਆ 11 Sleek Rat, the Challenger ૰ଉ 47 The Power of Sportsڦᇣ༹ Mammon You Dao 12 ڢ֎หᆶ ೦ᅳ֤֡௢ஓ 48 Decipher the Code of Cao Cao ໋ෙ 13 Confessions of a Concubine ࿎׿ࠁ 26 The Door God, Yuchi Gong ᄇຫஃᇕ 48 Speech of the Analects of Confucius ኮՉঀႜ 49 Far Away Homeॆڦૡ 27 Tremble ᇺݛׄ ॵီ൧ᇹ 28 Sword Heroes' Fate ዐࡔࠟኔ 49 Towns with History ႎ೜ጷီᆖ 29 Tracking Knights Phantom ዐࡔࠟॺዾ 49 Chinese Ancient Architecture Twin Brothers ାዿ๮ᅝ 50 Keep Ancient Craftsmanship Alive 30 د༚ມୄٷ ࿔௽ 50 Civilization at FingertipsڦPrelude of Painted Skin ኸॖူ 31 دࣃೄമ 古装剧 COSTUME DRAMA 01 古装剧 2012 Chinese TV 2012 Chinese TV 古装剧 COSTUME DRAMA Programs Best Selection Programs Best Selection COSTUME DRAMA 楚汉传奇 King’s War 公元前210年,秦二世残暴不仁,民众揭竿起 义。项羽是义军中的“西楚霸王”。刘邦加 入,率众攻破咸阳,结束秦王朝统治。秦灭亡 后,刘邦不到一年就还定三秦,并向东扩张, 拉开了楚汉战争的序幕。双方历经战役数十 场,最终汉军重创项羽于垓下。 In 210 BC, Emperor Qin the Second’s heartless cruelty causes widespread poverty among the people, who can no longer tolerate and starts uprising one after another. Xiang Yu is the "King of Western Chu" in the insurgents. Liu Bang joins in the insurrectionary army. Eventually, he and his army succeed in breaking into Xianyang, the capital of Qin, ending the rule of the Qin Dynasty. 高清 / 80集 X 47分钟(暂定) / 无字幕 / 国际声 / 中英文台词本 After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, Liu 制作时间:2012年 recruits a large number of talents, hiding 导演:高希希 his abilities and keeping a low profile, 编剧:汪海林,闫刚 opening the prelude of the war between 主演:陈道明,何润东(中国台湾),秦岚, Chu and Han. Finally, Liu inflicts heavy 李依晓 losses on Xiang Yu’s army in Gaixia. HD / 80 X 47min. (Temporary) / Clean / M & E / Chinese & English Scripts Production Time: 2012 Director: Gao Xixi Screenwriter: Wang Hailin , Yan Gang Cast: Chen Daoming, Peter Ho (Taiwan, China), Qin Lan, Li Yixiao 02 03 古装剧 2012 Chinese TV 2012 Chinese TV 古装剧 COSTUME DRAMA Programs Best Selection Programs Best Selection COSTUME DRAMA 女相 Female Prime Minister 本剧讲述了北齐王朝女官陆贞的传奇故事。陆贞自小聪慧,是父亲 的得力助手,也正因如此招致继母妒恨追杀,被逼考入宫廷。陆贞 的坚忍与善良打动了太子高湛。高湛在陆贞的全力辅佐下,最终使 北齐成为中土第一强国。 This is the legendary story of a female officer in Northern Qi dynasty, Lu Zhen. Her kind and intelligent cause her stepmother’s envy, which makes her have to participate in the palace. Lu’s virtue and intelligence is appreciated by the prince of Gao. With Gao’s ruling and Lu’s striving 高清 / 45集 X 47分钟 / 无字幕 / 国际声 / 中英文台词本 serving, Northern Qi grows prosperously, and finally 制作时间:2012年 becomes the first power of China. 导演:阎建钢 主演:吴秀波,孙淳,应采儿(中国香港) HD / 45 X 47min. / Clean / M & E / Chinese & English Scripts Production Time: 2012 赵氏孤儿 Director: Yan Jiangang Cast: Wu Xiubo, Sun Chun, Cherrie Ying (HK, China) The Orphan of Zhao 春秋时期晋国太尉屠岸贾让景公误认为赵朔是政变主谋,下令将赵氏灭族,程婴冒死相救,使得赵家留下了血脉,并 得以栖身屠岸贾家。十八年后,屠岸贾当年将赵氏灭族的血案大白于天下,屠越其实叫做赵武,是真正的赵氏孤儿。 高清 / 45集 X 47分钟 / 无字幕 / 国际声 / 中英文台词本 制作时间:2012年 导演:李慧珠(中国香港),邓伟恩 总制作人:于正,高希希 In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Kingdom of Jin, Tu’an Gu was the most powerful man in Jin. He 主演:赵丽颖,陈晓,乔任梁,杨蓉 launched a coup and framed his mortal enemy Zhao Shuo. The enraged king ordered Tu to wipe out the Zhao Family. A doctor name Cheng Ying saved the Zhao’s new born baby by sacrificing his own baby. HD / 45 X 47min. / Clean / M & E / Chinese & English Scripts 18 years later, the truth of the slaughter was revealed. Tu Yue was proved to be none other than the Production Time: 2012 Orphan Zhao Wu. After years of humiliation, Cheng finally won the battle of justice. Director: Li Huizhu (HK, China), Deng Weien Chief Producers: Yu Zheng, Gao Xixi Cast: Zhao Liying, Chen Xiao, Qiao Renliang, Yang Rong 04 05 古装剧 2012 Chinese TV 2012 Chinese TV 古装剧 COSTUME DRAMA Programs Best Selection Programs Best Selection COSTUME DRAMA 精忠岳飞 唐宫燕之女人天下 《精忠岳飞》着重描写岳飞从普通士兵成长为抗金军事统帅的传奇一生。岳飞少时因缘际会,屡 The Patriotic 经军事训练,历经二十年奋勇抗金,百场征战、精忠报国,但终遭奸臣迫害,含冤而死。 The World of Tang Women General Yue Fei The story is based on the legendary biography of Yue Fei who grew from an ordinary 武则天晚年密谋除掉太子失败后,被迫传位中宗李显,幽居洛 soldier into a military commander against the Jin Dynasty. When he was still young, 阳上阳宫。宫女孟凡与孟芙身陷其中,身历后宫一幕幕血雨腥 Yue happened to get chances to have military training and be guided by many famous 风的权争。太平公主派孟凡接触李隆基,两人暗生情愫。孟凡 characters. Yue had spent 20 years fighting nearly a hundred battles against the 助李隆基政变成功,孟芙被害,孟凡带着孟芙的牌位离开。 invaders from the Jin Dynasty before he was killed by the courtier Qin Hui. Yue was widely regarded as a patriot and national hero both before and after his death. During Empress Regnant Wu Zetian’s late reign, she conspires to remove the crown from the prince but fails, living in seclusion at Shangyang Palace in Luoyang. 高清 / 66集 X 47分钟/ 无字幕 / 国际声 Her two maids, Meng Fan and Meng Fu, also get / 中英文台词本 involved in the battle for power within the harems. Sent 制作时间:2012年 by Princess Taiping, Meng Fan gets close to Li Longji. 监制:唐季礼(中国香港) The two soon fall in love. Meng Fan helps Li’s coup 导演:鞠觉亮(中国香港) to become successful. However, Meng Fu gets killed, 主演:黄晓明,罗嘉良(中国香港),丁子峻 Meng Fan leaves with Meng Fu’s memorial plates. (中国香港),林心如(中国台湾) HD / 66 X 47min. / Clean / M & E / Chinese 高清 / 46集 X 47分钟(暂定) / 无字幕 / 国际声 / 中英 & English Scripts 文台词本 Production Time: 2012 制作时间:2012年 Supervising Producer: Stanley Tong (HK, 主演:惠英红(中国香港),刘庭羽,杨恭如(中国香港), China) 李承铉(韩国) Director: Ju Jueliang (HK, China) Cast: Huang Xiaoming, Gallen Lo (HK, HD / 46 X 47min. (Temporary) / Clean / M & E / Chinese & China), Allen Ting (HK, China), Ruby Lin English Scripts (Taiwan, China) Production Time: 2012 Cast: Kara Hui (HK, China), Liu Tingyu, Kristy Yang (HK, China), Lee Seung Hyun (Korea) 06 07 古装剧 2012 Chinese TV 2012 Chinese TV 古装剧 COSTUME DRAMA Programs Best Selection Programs Best Selection COSTUME DRAMA 凤凰牡丹 深宫谍影 For the Sake of Beauty Mystery in the Palace 武王王后产下长子伯建。吴贤妃产下世子仲豪。伯建登基,仲豪封侯。 康熙年间,嫔妃紫荷某晚欲设计令康熙临幸,却导致以丹格 伯建、仲豪都钟情瀛珠,瀛珠下嫁伯建。伯建亲征,战败被俘。世子仲 格与康熙发生关系。以丹格格非婚怀孕,产下涵香后即葬身 豪登基。伯建被囚禁南宫,与瀛珠相依为命。五年后,伯建重登帝位, 火海。18年后,涵香被选入宫, 经过一连串的追查,终于发 仲豪被废,大笑中薨毙。 现凶手竟然是……然而,事实真相却令涵香陷入天人交战般 的两难! Empress Wu gave birth to Bojian, the eldest son of Emperor Imperial Concubines Zi He designed to be visited Wu. Soon, Concubine Wu delivered another boy named by the emperor at night. However, Princess Yi Dan Zhonghao. After Emperor Wu passed away, Bojian ascended fell with her brother, Emperor Kang Xi, in a night of the throne and entitled Zhonghao as a feudal prince. Bojian passion, she left the palace out of remorse and guilt. and Zhonghao were both in love with Yingzhu, but Yingzhu She gave birth to Han Xiang and was murdered by kept the promise and married Bojian. Bojian led the army a mastermind. 18 years later, Han after a series of and was defeated and captured. Zhonghao then reined the tracing, finally found the murderer turned out to be ... ... state. Bojian was detained in a deserted palace together with However, the truth made Han trapped in the dilemma. Yingzhu. Five years later, Bojian crowned again. Zhonghao was deposed and died. 高清 / 37集 X 47分钟 / 无字幕 / 国际声 / 中英文台词本 制作时间:2012年 主演:甘婷婷,郑嘉颖(中国香港),米雪(中国香港), 刘庭羽 高清 / 46集 X 47分钟 / 无字幕 / 国际声 / 中英文台词本 制作时间:2012年 HD / 37 X 47min. / Clean / M & E / Chinese & English 主演:谭耀文(中国香港),李泰兰(韩国),蒋毅,穆婷婷 Scripts Production Time: 2012 HD / 46 X 47min. / Clean / M & E / Chinese & English Scripts Cast: Gan Tingting, Kevin Cheng (HK, China), Catherina Production Time: 2012 Yim (HK, China), Liu TIngyu Cast: Patrick Tam (HK, China), Lee Tae Ran (Korea), Jiang Yi, Mu Tingting 08 09 古装剧 2012 Chinese TV 2012 Chinese TV 古装剧 COSTUME DRAMA Programs Best Selection Programs Best Selection COSTUME DRAMA 刑名师爷 白玉堂之局外局 Chinese Detective Sleek Rat, the Challenger 外表谦和、内心坚定的段平,从生活经验入手,分析犯罪动机。 辽国在宋国腹地建立屠龙会,刺客韦率先在行动中被擒。穆桂英 身份奇特,对中华文明礼仪一无所知的孟天楚,善用解剖学、痕 将计就计,让白玉堂打进屠龙会。屠龙会会首曹肃女和第一护法 迹学、绘画雕塑等知识。探案之余,两人争夺夏凤仪芳心。二人 贺婷和两人,想验证出“韦率先”到底是叛变后的韦率先,还是 亦敌亦友,遇到各种惊险案件,并逐一查出凶案的真相。 卧底的白玉堂。白玉堂凭借着智谋和胆略,成功化险为夷。 There were two legal advisors, Mr. Duan, a gentleman In Song Dynasty, Liao Kingdom established a secret with a peace and strong heart and Mr.

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