Isospin Symmetry of Fragmentation Functions Kai-bao Chen,1, ∗ Zuo-tang Liang,2, † Yan-lei Pan,2, ‡ Yu-kun Song,3, § and Shu-yi Wei4, ¶ 1School of Science, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan, Shandong 250101, China 2Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science, Key Laboratory of Particle Physics and Particle Irradiation (MOE), Shandong University, Qingdao, Shandong 266237, China 3School of Physics and Technology, University of Jinan, Jinan, Shandong 250022, China 4European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38123 Villazzano (TN), Italy We make a systematic study of the isospin symmetry of fragmentation functions by taking decay contributions into account. We assume the isospin symmetry in strong interactions and show that in the unpolarized case the isospin symmetry is held for fragmentation functions of Λ and only tiny violations are allowed for other hadrons such as nucleon and pions due to the contributions from weak decays. We present a rough estimate of the magnitudes of such violations. In the polarized case, we show that the isospin symmetry violation for Λ production should be tiny and the recent Belle data on the transverse polarization of Λ can be reproduced if the isospin symmetry is kept in the corresponding polarized fragmentation functions. Introduction: The fragmentation function (FF) is Polarizations of hadrons produced in high energy re- one of the most important quantities in describing hadron actions have been measured in different connections such production in high energy reactions. The studies of FFs as the transverse polarization of hyperons in pp/pA col- provide important information on the basic properties lisions [7–11], the spin transfer of the longitudinal polar- of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and have been a ization [12, 13], the spin alignment of vector mesons [14– standing topic in the field of High Energy Physics [1, 2]. 18] and the recent observation of the global polarization Recent measurements on the transverse polarization of Λ effect in AA collisions [19–21]. The results often bring hyperon in e+e− annihilations by Belle collaboration [3] us surprises and have inspired plenty of studies. For open a new window in the studies and have attracted im- the hyperon polarization in fragmentation process, most Λ mediate attentions [4–6]. One of the most striking fea- of the studies concentrate on the polarized FF G1Lq(z), tures of the Belle data [3] is the behaviors of the polar- the longitudinal spin transfer [22, 23], and related phe- ization of Λ in the associated processes e+e− Λh±X nomenological aspects [24–36]. The Belle experiment has where Λ and h± are in different hemispheres.→ The re- measured [3] the transverse polarization of Λ in e+e− sults show a distinct difference between the polarization annihilations. It is an induced polarization of hyperon in e+e− Λh+X and that in e+e− Λh−X, especially produced in the fragmentation of an unpolarized quark → → ⊥Λ at small zΛ, where zΛ is the longitudinal momentum frac- and is described by the polarized FF D1T q(z). This is tion of the parent quark carried by Λ. Parameterizations the first polarized FF of this class that has ever been pa- have already been carried out by different groups [5, 6] rameterized [5, 6]. The isospin symmetry has never been and the direct χ2-analysis seems to lead to a significant studied explicitly in this connection. It is therefore also isospin symmetry violation in the corresponding polar- important to clarify the situation for future studies. ⊥Λ ⊥Λ ⊥Λ ized FF D1T q(z), i.e., D1T u(z) = D1Td(z). In this paper, we present a systematic analysis of the 6 isospin symmetry violation in FFs due to electroweak arXiv:2102.00658v1 [hep-ph] 1 Feb 2021 The isospin invariance is a fundamental property of decays. We show that such violations can only be tiny as QCD and strong interaction processes. The fragmenta- long as the isospin symmetry holds in strong interaction. tion process is dominated by the strong interaction. How- We also demonstrate that the Belle data [3] can be fitted ever, there can be contributions from electroweak inter- ⊥Λ if the isospin symmetry for the polarized FF D1T q(z) is action processes such as resonance decays. One therefore kept. There is no need to introduce a significant isospin usually thinks that the isospin symmetry violation may symmetry violation in the FF. be allowed to some extent in FFs and was often included The Unpolarized FF: We start with the fragmenta- in some of the parameterizations [2]. However, it has tion process q h+X in the unpolarized case and write never been investigated up to what extent the violation out decay contributions→ explicitly so that can be accommodated. The parameterizations of the po- ⊥Λ h h,dir h,dec larized FF D1T q(z) given in [5, 6] show such a clear and D1q(z)= D1q (z)+ D1q (z), (1) substantial violation that could be a great challenge to Dh,dec(z)= Dh,hj (z), (2) QCD. It is therefore important and urgent to make a sys- 1q 1q X tematic study to see whether and, if yes, to what extent hj the isospin symmetry violation can be accommodated in h,hj ′ ′ hj ′ D1q (z)= Br(h,hj ) dz Kh,hj (z,z )D1q (z ), (3) FFs if it is held in strong interaction. Z 2 h h,dir where D1q(z) is the final FF; D1q (z) is the directly With the isospin symmetry for strong interaction con- h,dec tributions, we have, similar to Eqs. (5)-(7), that produced part; D1q (z) is the decay contribution part, h,hj Λ,dir Λ,dir D1q (z) is that from the channel hj hX, Br(h,hj ) D (z)= D (z), (10) ′ → 1u 1d ∗ ∗ is the branch ratio and Kh,hj (z,z ) is the Kernel func- DΛ,Σ (z)= DΛ,Σ (z), (11) tion representing the probability for a hj with momentum 1u 1d fraction z′ to decay into a h with momentum fraction z. Σ0 Σ0 D1u (z)= D1d (z). (12) We limit ourselves to light flavors and consider J P = 0− pseudo-scalar and J P = 1− vector mesons, and From Eqs. (7) and (12), we obtain immediately that J P = (1/2)+ octet and J P = (3/2)+ decuplet baryons. there is no contribution to isospin symmetry violation in There is also small contribution from even higher excited Λ production from Ω− ΛX or Σ0 Λγ because the → → resonance states [37]. We do not consider them because: decay process involved is the same for u Λ+ X and → (1) the production rates are very small. (2) most of them d Λ+ X. → decay via strong interaction so that the isospin symmetry For the contribution from the weak decay of Ξ, al- is held in such decay processes. We just include them in though there is a small isospin symmetry violation for Ξ Ξ0 Ξ− the directly produced part effectively. production, i.e., a difference between D1u (z) and D1d (z) The decay channels and the corresponding branch ra- as given by Eq. (8) due to the weak decay contribution tios can be found in the Review of Particle Properties [1]. from Ω−, it does not lead to isospin symmetry violation We analyze the situation for different hadrons one by one in the Λ production. This is because both Ξ0 and Ξ− in the following. contribute equally to Λ production via the weak decay (i) Ξ production: The situation for the baryon pro- Ξ Λπ. Such a difference disappears in the Λ pro- → duction is simpler than that for mesons since it receives duction where the contributions from Ξ0 Λπ0 and → decay contributions only from heavier baryons. We start Ξ− Λπ− add together, i.e., we still obtain ∗ → with Ξ where we have decay contributions from Ξ and Λ Ξ Λ Ξ D , (z)= D , (z). (13) Ω−, i.e., 1u 1d ∗ − We conclude that the electroweak decays do not lead Ξi Ξi,dir Ξi,Ξ Ξi,Ω D1q (z)= D1q (z)+ D1q (z)+ D1q (z). (4) to isospin symmetry violation in Λ production and the isospin symmetry is valid in unpolarized FFs of Λ, i.e., Here we use i to specify one of the charge states and Ξi,Ξ∗ Ξi,Ξ∗j Λ Λ D (z) D (z) to denote the sum of con- D1u(z)= D1d(z). (14) 1q ≡ j 1q tributions ofP different charge states and similar in the We note in particular that this contradicts the parame- following of this paper. We take the isospin symmetry in terizations in e.g. [40] where significant isospin symmetry strong interaction processes, and obtain, violations are involved in FFs of Λ. 0 − (iii) Nucleon production: Nucleon receives the most de- DΞ ,dir(z)= DΞ ,dir(z), (5) 1u 1d cay contributions among all the different baryons. There ∗ − ∗ Ξ0,Ξ Ξ ,Ξ ± D1u (z)= D1d (z), (6) are weak decay contributions from Λ and Σ . Both of Ω− Ω− them lead to isospin symmetry violation. We denote it D (z)= D (z). (7) p 1u 1d by δDN D Dn , and obtain 1q ≡ 1u − 1d − The weak decay of Ω leads indeed to a small isospin N,Λ N,Σ δDN (z)= δD (z)+ δD (z), (15) symmetry violation of Ξ production given by 1q 1q 1q − The corresponding decay branch ratio differences are [1] Ξ Ξ0 Ξ− Ξ,Ω δD1q(z) D1u (z) D1d (z)= δD1q (z) δBr(N, Λ)=0.281 and δBr(N, Σ) = 0.484. ≡ − − − production: − ′ ′ Ω ′ (iv) π Among all different hadrons, the = δBr(Ξ, Ω ) dz K − (z,z )D (z ), (8) Z Ξ,Ω 1u production of pions receives most decay contributions and the situation is most complicated.
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