Ad diem illum Ad diem illum laetissimum is an encyclical of Pope Pius in his encyclical Ad diem illum numerous worldwide Mar- X, later canonised as “Pope Saint”, on the Immaculate ian devotions, stating, that “no honouring is more pleas- Conception, dated Rome in St. Peter’s on the second day ing to Mary, none she likes better, than the one in which of February 1904, in the first year of his Pontificate. It we truly recognize and love Jesus.[7] This is, according to is issued in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Pius X, the aim of Marian festivities. If the faithful en- the dogma of the Immaculate conception. It explains the gage in festivities in their churches, if parishes organize Mariology of Pius X.[1] feast, this is fine according to the pontiff. This may in- The first reason for Pius to write the encyclical was his deed promote piety. But Marian veneration has to reach desire for 'the restoration of all things in Christ,' which the innermost nucleus, and not be limited to outward fes- he had defined as his motto in his first Encyclical letter. tivities. Otherwise it would be a façade of real religiosity. To Pius, there is no safer or more direct road than Mary. She is uniting all mankind in Christ.[2] • Unless heart and will be added, they will all be empty The encyclical relied heavily on the views expressed in forms, mere appearances of piety. At such a specta- Saint Louis de Montfort's book True Devotion to Mary. cle, the Virgin, borrowing the words of Jesus Christ, Language of both writings is strikingly similar, which is would address us with the just reproach: “This peo- not surprising, since Saint Pius highly esteemed True De- ple honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far [7] votion and granted an Apostolic Blessing to all who read from me” (Matth. xv., 8). it.[3] Whoever wishes, that his devotion should be worthy of her, should go further and strive might and main to im- 1 Mary our Mother itate her example. The Pontiff declared that those only attain everlasting happiness who have by such following reproduced in themselves the patience and sanctity of Je- • “Mary is the Mother of Christ and therefore she is our sus Christ.[8] Mother also”. [4] According to the encyclical, Christ is the Word made 1.2 The Immaculate Conception Flesh and the savior of mankind. He had a physical body like any other man, but, as savior of the human family, Many modern men deny that mankind has fallen by sin, He had a spiritual and mystical body, the Church. The believing that the concept original sin, and all the evils Blessed Virgin did not conceive the Eternal Son of God that were allegedly its consequence, are pure imagina- merely in order that he might be made man, only taking tions. With this rejection, there is logically “no place left His human nature from her. In addition, by means of for Christ, for the Church, for grace or for anything that the nature assumed from her, he might be the redeemer is above and beyond nature; in one word the whole edifice of men. Mary, carrying the savior within her, also car- of faith is shaken from top to bottom. But let people be- ried all those whose life was contained in his. Therefore lieve and confess that the Virgin Mary has been from the all the faithful united to Christ are members of his body, first moment of her conception preserved from all stain; [5] flesh, and bones from the womb of Mary like a body and it is straightaway necessary that they should admit united to its head. Though a spiritual and mystical fash- both original sin and the rehabilitation of the human race ion, they are all children of Mary, and she is their mother. by Jesus Christ, the Gospel, and the Church and the law Mother, spiritually indeed, but truly mother of the mem- of suffering” [9] The dogma of the Immaculate Concep- [4][6] bers of Christ. tion is the answer, by its obligation “of recognizing in the Church a power before which (mankind ) not only has the will to bow, but the intelligence to subject itself” [10] The 1.1 To restore everything in Christ Virgin, according to Pius, was kept the more free from all through Mary stain of original sin because she was to be the mother of Christ; and she was the mother of Christ so that the hope In light of his pontifical motto, “Omnia restaurare in of everlasting happiness might be born again in our souls Christo” to restore everything in Christ, Pius X promotes [11] 1 2 4 NOTES 2 See also • Marian papal encyclicals and Apostolic Letters 3 Sources • Ad diem Illum at the Vatican website 4 Notes [1] Mark Miravalle, 1993, Introduction to Mary, Queenship Publishing ISBN 978-1-882972-06-7, page 164 [2] Ad diem illum 5 [3] Pope Pius X website [4] Ad diem illum 10 [5] Ephes. v., 30 [6] S. Aug. L. de S. Virginitate, c. 6. [7] Ad diem illum 16 [8] Ad diem illum 20 [9] Ad diem illum 22 [10] Ad diem illum 22 . [11] Ad diem illum 23 3 5 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses 5.1 Text • Ad diem illum Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_diem_illum?oldid=677072997 Contributors: Andycjp, O'Dea, Anthony Apple- yard, Pol098, Rjwilmsi, Jimp, GoodDay, Darev, CommonsDelinker, Mangwanani, Jordi22, Anna Lincoln, John Carter, VanishedUser- ABC, Alexbot, Ambrosius007, Good Olfactory, Addbot, Lightbot, Taketa, ArthurBot, PigFlu Oink, Esoglou, EmausBot, Michipedian and Anonymous: 5 5.2 Images • File:046CupolaSPietro.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/046CupolaSPietro.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: MarkusMark • File:C_o_a_Pio_X.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/C_o_a_Pio_X.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Con- tributors: Own work Original artist: Odejea • File:Cercle_jaune_50%.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Cercle_jaune_50%25.svg License: Public domain Contributors: ? 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