The Herald This Journal and Its Mission of Christ’s Kingdom Char tered in 1918, the Pas to ral Bi ble Insti tute, Inc. was formed for the promo tion This journal brings you 192 of Christian knowledge. Its jour nal, The Herald of Christ’s Kingdom, stands pages of spir itual reading mate - firmly for the de fense of the only true foun da tion of the Chris tian’s hope now be ing rial each year on a va ri ety of so gener ally re pu di ated—re demp tion through the pre cious blood (1 Peter 1:19) of biblical sub jects. Each is sue also “the man Christ Je sus, who gave himself a ran som [a corre spond ing price, a substi - lists many Bible convent ions and tute] for all” (1 Tim o thy 2:6). Build ing upon this sure foun da tion the gold, sil ver, con fer ences where you will find and pre cious stones of the Word of God (1 Corin thi ans 3:11-15; 2 Pe ter 1:5-11), Chris tian fel low ship. In cluded in its fur ther mis sion is “to make all see what is the fel lowship of the mys tery, which ev ery is sue is News & Views, … has been hid in God … to the in tent that now … might be [made] known by four pages of current events, the church the man i fold wis dom of God”—“which in other ages was not made letters to the ed itor, and infor- known unto the sons of men, as it is now re vealed” (Ephe sians 3:5-10). mation on the oper a tion of the It stands free from all par ties, sects, and creeds of men, while it seeks more and Pas to ral Bible In sti tute. It is pub - more to bring its every utter ance into fullest sub jection to the will of God in Christ, lished bim onthly by: as expressed in the holy Scriptures. It is thus free to declare boldly whatso ever the Pas to ral Bi ble In sti tute Lord hath spo ken—accord ing to the Divine wis dom granted unto us to under - P.O. Box 3274 stand. Its atti tude is not dog matic, but con fident ; for we know whereof we affirm, Bremerton WA 98310 treading with implicit faith upon the sure promises of God. It is held as a trust to be used in his ser vice; hence our decisions rela tive to what may or may not appear in its Cor re spon dents col umns must be accord ing to our judg ment of his good plea sure, the teach ing of his 102 Broad Street Word, for the upbuilding of his peo ple in grace and knowl edge. We not only invite, we urge our read ers to prove all its utter ances by the infalli ble Word, to which refer - Chesham Bucks, HP5 3ED ence is con stantly made to facili tate such testing. ENG LAND Berean Bi ble In sti tute P. O. Box 402 To Us the Scriptures Clearly Teach Rosanna, Vic to ria 3084 w That the Church is the “tem ple of the liv ing God”—pe cu liarly “his work man - AUS TRA LIA ship”; that its con struction has been in prog ress through out the Gos pel age — ever since Christ became the world’s Redeemer and the chief “corner stone” of this tem ple, through which, when fin ished, God’s bless ings shall come “to all peo ple” and they find access to him (1 Corin thi ans 3:16,17; Ephe sians 2:20- ( 22; Gen e sis 28:14; Galatians 3:29). toll-free 1-888-7-THE-PBI w That mean time the chis el ing, shap ing, and pol ish ing of con se crated be liev ers in 7-843-724 Christ’s atone ment for sin progresses and when the last of these “living stones,” 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Mon.–Sat. Pac. time) “elect and precio us,” shall have been made ready, the great Mas ter Workman will bring all together in the first res ur rection; and the tem ple shall be filled with E-mail: [email protected] his glory and be the meet ing place be tween God and men through out the Mil - len nium (1 Pe ter 2:4-9; Rev e la tion 15:5-8). w That the ba sis of hope for the Church and the world lies in the fact that “Je sus ¿ www.heraldmag.org Christ by the grace of God tasted death for every man,” “a ran som for all,” and will be “the true light which lighteth ev ery man that com eth into the world” “in due time” (He brews 2:9; John 1:9; 1 Timo thy 2:5,6). w That the hope of the Church is that she may be like her Lord, “see him as he THE HER ALD OF CHRIST’S is,” be “a par taker of the di vine na ture,” and share his glory as his joint-heir KING DOM (ISSN 0884-8777, (1 John 3:2; John 17:24; Romans 8:17; 2 Pe ter 1:4). USPS 241-260), pub lished bi- w That the pres ent mis sion of the Church is the per fect ing of the saints for the fu - monthly by The Pasto ral Bi ble ture work of ser vice; to de velop in herself ev ery grace; to be God’s wit ness to the Institute, P.O. Box 3274, world; and to pre pare to be kings and priests in the next age (Ephe sians 4:12; Bremerton WA 98310. Pe ri od i cal Mat thew 24:14; Rev e la tion 1:6, 20:6). postage paid at Bremerton WA That the hope for the world lies in the bless ings of knowl edge and op por tu nity and ad di tional of fices. Au tho- w rized as sec ond-class mail. Sub - to be brought to all by Christ’s mil len nial king dom—the res ti tu tion of all that scription rates world-wide: $5.00 was lost in Adam, to all the will ing and obe di ent, at the hands of their Re - per year. deemer and his glori fied church—when all the willfully wicked will be de stroyed (Acts 3:19-23; Isa iah 35). Cover, coun ter clock wise from up per left: Henry Grew, George Storrs, George W. Stet son, Charles Taze Russell, Norman Woodworth, R. E. Streeter, and Wil liam Miller. Bi ble Stu dent His tory In the Beginning In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mys tery of God should be fin ished, as he hath de clared to his ser vants the proph ets.—Rev e la tion 10:7 ho are the Bi ble Stu dents? Where Stu dent move ment through out the world. The do they come from? These are ques - con clud ing arti cle, A Delight ful Inher i tance, notes tions fre quently asked by those who the effect of this his tory and what it bodes for Wseek to iden tify this move ment and its or i gins. the future of the Bible Stu dent movement. This special issue of The Her ald is an expan - History, at best, is incomplete and subjec - sion of an ear lier edi tion and is meant to an - tive, but the edi tors of The Her ald hope this swer these queries. sincere attempt to record the origin and devel- Seeking to place the Bible Stu dent move- op ment of the Bible Stu dent move ment will be ment in a histor i cal context, these articles trace helpful to our readers. devel op ments in the Chris tian world from the Ref or ma tion to the events of the nine teenth cen tury which led to the for ma tion of a small In the Beginning (Bible Student History) ....... 3 group of sincere Christians who are pleased to associ ate under the generic term of “Bible Stu- The Reformation and Martin Luther .... 4 dents.” Re counts the prog ress in the Chris tian world The opening arti cle, The Ref or ma tion and from the Ref or ma tion to the Napo le onic era. Mar tin Luther, tracks the advance ment of Prot- es tant ism from 1517 to 1799. The Midnight The Midnight Cry................... 9 Cry picks up the theme in the for ma tion of the Christen dom be came aware of the second advent Sec ond Adven tist move ment, focus ing pri mar- of Jesus Christ through the min istry of William Miller. ily on the growth of inter est in the return of Heroes of Our Faith .................16 Jesus Christ aroused by William Miller. The teachings of many nineteenth cen tury Bible Heroes of Our Faith out lines the rebirth of scholars con trib uted to the beliefs of Bible Stu dents. doctrinal view points largely lost since the days A New Wine Bottle..................23 of the Early Church. Those ele ments of belief Out lines the start and im por tance of the work that formed an inte gral part of the frame work and min istry of Pas tor Charles Taze Rus sell.
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