Issue 3—A Monthly Magazine of RMCMC November 2016 In This Issue Club News Puzzles and Funnies Member articles Spotlight Artists Learn Music Other good stuff Election Results Other Country music clubs Club Information November Guest Artists —The Redlands Blue Grass Boys Welcome to all our members and guests to the Redlands Modern Country Music Club. We trust you will have a great night, stirring up some great memories. REDLANDS MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 1 ABOUT OUR CLUB EDITORS NOTE The Redlands Modern Country Music Club is based in the city of Redlands. Our clubhouse is located at the Pinklands Sports Reserve, Cleveland-Redland Bay Road Thornlands. Our members include people from varied walks of life who have a common interest of Country Music; it's performance, promotion and enjoyment within the community at large. Our age groups range from babes in the If anyone has any ideas/requests about what cradle to at least 80 years of age and our particular interests cover goes into our Magazine please let me know, as I the many and varied styles of am open to suggestions. Anyone who has some country music. funny, interesting, bizarre or anything relating to member achievements in any field, please con- ABOUT OUR MUSIC tact me on 042 659 2984 or email me on One of our main aims is to provide opportunity for [email protected]. persons of all ages to par- ticipate in the practice and Also be advised that although I make most of the presentation of country decisions as far as content is concerned, it is al- music. This especially ap- ways (quite properly) the executive that make plies if you are an aspiring the final decisions. musician or singer and wish to gain experience Happy Reading—Michael Burdette performing live on stage. Initially you would be in front of a small audience but as you gain experience you can expand your hori- zon and even branch out into semi-professional work. A country music club is the ideal place to start to gain experience of this kind. REDLANDS MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 2 CONTENTS Club Officers & Club Useful Information— Membership Page 4,5 Pages 26 to 27 Club Reports Pages 6 to 9 Other Clubs, Bulletin & Answers—Pages 22 to 25 Club Photos Pages 11 to 13 Learn Music Pages 20 to 21 Funnies and Games Pages 18 to 19 Performing Artists Pages 14 to 15 Birthdays, Grub & Raffles Pages 16 to 17 CLUB INFORMATION BOARD Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month 7:30 pm SHARP: Practices: Every Wednesday & Friday evening’s starting at 7.30 pm Club Social: First Saturday of every month 5pm start (3pm setup) Pinklands Sports Reserve, Clubhouse 226 Cleveland-Redland Bay Road, Thornlands, 4165 Phone: (07) 3829 2759 (President – Kevin Brown) Postal P.O Box 663, Capalaba, Qld, 4157 Address: Website: www.redlandscountry.asn.au Email [email protected] Address: Facebook: www.facebook.com/RedlandsModernCountryMusicClub YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RedlandsCMClub REDLANDS MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 3 Officers of the Club Position 2016 -2017 President Kevin Brown Vice President Peter Cathcart Secretary Helen Barkey Treasurer Dehlia Brown Committee Person Allen McMonagle Committee Person Des Boughen Committee Person Bill Healey Assistant Treasurer Peter Cathcart Bar Manager Karen Wooton Building and Equipment Des Boughen Festival Coordinator Dawn Healy Entertainment Committee Allen McMonagle, Dennis Bubke Fire Warden Kevin Brown First Aid Coordinator Jan Howard Food Committee Coordinator Debbie Brand Membership Registrar Peter Cathcart Monthly Socials Door/Raffles Lorraine Bickford, Gwenda Quinn Socials Program Coordinator Dennis Bubke, Michael Burdette Newsletter Editor Michael Burdette Sound Production Committee Lex Klein, , Steve Wooton Stage Managers Dennis Bubke, Mike Farrell Web Coordinator Steve Wooton Auditors Southern Cross Accounting Club Photographer Rosie Sheehan Monthly Social Report Michael Sheehan Club Patron— Dell Moller REDLANDS MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 4 Club Membership We value your membership so please remember that membership fees were due in May. Please contact Peter Cathcart if you wish to; Renew your club fees Change your membership details Join our wonderful club. Membership Application Forms are availa- ble from either our website or from the registration table at club events. You may contact Peter Cathcart or any club mem- ber for more information. Family Annual Membership $30.00 Single Annual Membership (Adult over 18) $15.00 Full Time Student Annual Membership $10.00 Single Pensioner Annual Membership $10.00 Couple Pensioner Annual Membership $20.00 REDLANDS MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 5 Presidents Report Over recent years however, if we asked all volunteers, competitors and parents G’day to leave the room, we would be lucky to Traditionally our November have enough people left over to form a social has been affected by cricket team; a sad reflection on how the absence of members ei- times have changed. ther organising or perform- ing at the annual Queensland Champion It would have been futile to plough on of Champions event. This year however, blindly yearning for the good old days, their services won’t be required as hoping and dreaming for their return. In Champs sadly came to an end earlier reality the world has changed and what this year. The Champs concept was the was relevant 20 years ago is not neces- brainchild of RMCMC, primarily Allen sarily so today. If, as I believe, country Mac and the late Jim Mitchell, who music is becoming increasingly popular came up with the idea as an opportunity and acceptable to today’s younger gener- for winners from the various Country ations; why then did champs lose its ap- Music Festivals throughout the state to peal? I wonder if it didn’t come down to compete for overall honours. Ironically it time. fell to members of RMCMC, who made up the majority of the Champs manage- It seems that with all the changes, pro- ment committee for the past two years, gress, innovations and inventions availa- ble to make our lives easier, we’re busier to make the brave decision to wind up than ever. Thinking back 20 years to the organisation earlier this year. when Champs began, how much time did we spend on emails and text messages; I’m reminded from time-to-time of how or updating our Facebook status with im- portant information “I’m having coffee in popular the event was in its early days. the city” We are so self sufficient these Clubs, individuals and families competed days. At the drop of a hat I can read virtu- in front of large audiences, a large sec- ally any newspaper in the world, work tion of which were made up of punters out the quickest route from here to Allen with no affiliation to the participants but Mac’s house; find out who played Centre who were there purely for the entertain- Field for the Cleveland Indians in the ment. 1995 World Series (Kenny Lofton by the way); or know the forecast temperature for Beijing this coming Tuesday! REDLANDS MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 6 And no matter where I am, or what I’m It seems funny to suggest, but you doing, I’m contactable by phone. could say that the fact that our com- bined efforts result in a very successful We no longer have to go the newsagent, and entertaining monthly social event is the record shop or the video store; we actually a very fortunate bonus. can download (a word you wouldn’t have heard in 1996) news, music and movies I take much pleasure in welcoming: from home. In fact there’s no reason you Pete &. Lyn Gill; Peter & Mitsie Auld; couldn’t write, record and release a hit Robin, Janette & Felicity Kircher; Kerry song without leaving your bedroom. Fuller; John Hamaty & Eileen Stagg; Ann Which made me think, in a world that De Courey; John Phillip Ellis; Christine & seems more focused on exclusion rather Grant Davis; Mary Kelly as members to than inclusion, what draws us to be in- the club this month. volved with the Redland Modern Music Club? The following membership application was been tabled for consideration at From my perspective, it’s extremely satis- the September meeting: Noel Koplick. fying being part of a team, randomly drawn from far and wide, that works to- Please & remember memberships can gether towards achieving common goals. be renewed by bank transfer/direct The fact that these people choose to debit into the club's Bendigo Bank ac- make such contributions on a volunteer count (BSB 633000; Account basis, on top of already busy lives, makes 145466967). Please use the reference our achievements that much more satis- field to help us identify the transaction fying. It might be as simple as finally nail- e.g. KDBrownMship. Renewals can also ing that song (the one you’ve been prac- be paid in cash to Peter Cathcart, or at ticing for months) at a social; it could be the entrance table at the monthly social participating in a community event that or Friday night practice. raised funds for a worthy cause, or per- haps helping out with serving meals at a social. Together we’re focused on learn- ing, sharing, mentoring, improving, con- tributing and achieving. REDLANDS MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 7 A reminder that we do distribute key com- munications through email channels so if New Years Eve at you want to be added to the email distribu- the club tion list send your email address to Club Secretary Helen Barkey email address – [email protected] It's on again, the big RMCMC NYE shindig!!!! Upcoming: This time it is a50 s' theme and Food Committee Meeting – Tuesday prior it's compulsory dress up! to each social at 7.00 pm Same format as last year, with
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