TOWNSHIP of PLYMPTO-N . William 2 19 Wilson, John 9 22 Ward, & Joseph

TOWNSHIP of PLYMPTO-N . William 2 19 Wilson, John 9 22 Ward, & Joseph

66 COUNTY OF LAMBTON GAZETTEER I AND GENERAL DIRECTORY . 67 Con. L . Con. L . Walker, James 12 14 Wilson, George 9 22 Walkor, John 3 14 Wilson cC Bro. 2 17 Wanless, William 2 18 Wilson, John 2 16 TOWNSHIP OF PLYMPTO-N . William 2 19 Wilson, John 9 22 Ward, & Joseph . ... .... ..r.. Watkins, Wm . 10 19 Wilson, William 9 22 Watty, Joh n 10 14 Wilson, Wm . 12 15 This Township is bounded on the north by Lake Hu ron, on the Way, Sterling & Co. 2 17 Wooley, J as. 14 7 west by Sarnia, on the south by Warwick, and on the nortb-east by Webster, David 10 7 Woodley, John 12 15 Bosanquet . The soil and timber of this Township are of a very fine Webster & Shipley, 2 18 Woods, Samuel 3 18 quality, the land being generally rich, and the timber the best kind of 3 3 hardwood Wheeler, Henry 3 6 Woods, William . In 1846 there were only 2,516 acres under cultivation, and Whipple, A . J. X, Co . 2 18 Woods, William 3 18 19,484 taken up . The value of rateable property was about i33,000, White, h:dmund 2 16 Worms, John 2 17 and the population 639 . The population in 1861 was 3,287. Wilkinson, Levi 3 19 Wygatc, B . 2 6 RITUItN O7 AüBICULTUSAL PEODUCl, Wilson, E . 2 18 Young, David 13 3 LANDS HELD, &C ., IN TH' TOWNSHIP Or PLYYPTON, IN 1861 . Total occupiers of land, 489; occupiers of ten acres and under, t;; oo. cupiers of ten to twenty acres, 3 ; twenty to fifty acres, 105 ; fifty to one hundred acres, 285 ; one hundred to two hundred acres, 81 ; upj wards of 200 acres, 9 ; amount held in acres, 50,007 ; acres of land unde{ cultivation, 15,294 ; acres of land under crops, 11,365 ; acres under pasture, 3,621 ; under gardens and orchards, 308 ; wood and wild lands, 34,713 ; cash value of farms, E841,661 ; cash value of farming imple- mente, M,716 ; produce of gardens and orchards, $2,084 ; quantity of land held by townspeople not being farmera, 32 acres ; acres fall wheat, 159 ; bushels fall wheat, 2,405; acres spring wheat, 3,212; bushels spring wheat, 63,436 ; acres barley, 14-1 ; busbels barley, 4,004 ; acres rye, 3 ; bushels rye, 83 ; acres peas, 1,892 ; bushels peas, 33,038 ; acres oats, 1,777 ; busbels oats, 63,350 ; acres of buckwheat, 27 ; busbe ls buck- wheat, 521 ; acres Indian corn, 229 ; bushela Indian corn, 6,879 ; acres potatoes, 393 ; bushels potatoes, 52,252 ; acres turnips, 176 ; bushels do, 38,546 ; bushels carrots, 957; acres Lnangle wurtzel, 4; bushels do, 1,252-, bushels beans, 248 ; clover, timothy and other grass seeds, 251 ; tons hay, 3,030 ; pounds hops, 174 ; pounds maple suglr, 17,586 ; pounds of wool, 13,705 ; yards fulled cloth, 732 ; yards flannel, 4,418 ; pounds of flax and hemp, 1,840 ; bulls, oxen and steers, 9,59 ; mileh cows, 1,313 ; calves and heifers, 2,246 ; horse.; over 3 years old, 528 ; value of horses, $33,005 ; colts and fillies, 250 ; sheep, 4,471 ; pigs, 2,603 ; total value of live stock, $118,355 ; pounds butter, 78,856; pounds cheese, 5,224 ; boef, in barrels of 200 lbs ., 247 ; pork, in barrels of 2001bs ., 1,309 ; earriagea kept for pleasure, 38 ; value of same, $1,528. 68 COUNTY OF LAMBTON GAZETTEER AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 69 Con. L. Con. L. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TIIE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWNSHIP. Campbell, Robert 2 9 Cronkhite, Wellington front 8 Con. L. Con. L. Campbell, Robert 12 Currah, Joseph 6 3 Campbell, Abel, Jamea 11 21 Blain, Daniel 1 15 Robert 4 15 Curran, Chas. 12 17 Cauthin, Achram, Geo. F 13 Blunden, Christopher front 43 Richard front 2 Dahnege, Adam 12 20 Adams, James 7 14 Blunden, Travor 14 16 Canton, John 4 21 Dalmege, Jacob 12 21 Canton, Aliveo, Geo. 1 22 Bowman, Philip 10 11 Peter 4 13 Dawson, Alexander 1 24 Carey, Thomas Allan, Robert 8 IL Boyd, Robert 9 11 6 6 Dawson, John 6 11 Cars, Anderson, Archibald 3 20 Brambles, Robert 20 Alexander 9 8 Davis, Robert 1 27 Anderson, Alexander 5 29 Bremner, John 10 27 Cam, James 10 18 Davison, Win. 6 11 Anderson, John 5 29 Bridges, Wm. 10 15 Carrigan, Patrick 4 12 Dennis, James 1 20 Anderson, Ebenezer 3 20 Bremner, Alexander 9 13 Carroll, Daniel 3 13 Doherty, Thomas 8 24 Carr, James Anderson, JII.Meti Y. 3 19 Brittany, Jerome 1 2 4 2 Dewar, Alexander, sen. 5 21 Carter, Anderson, John, junr. 2 20 Brock, Thomas 3 16 David ,/ 11 20 Dewar, Alexander, jun. 5 20 Anderson, Robert 3 19 Brock, Wm. 10 12 Casey, John, '6. P. 8 17 Dewar, Archibald 4 22 Casey, Anderson, Walter front 33 Brooks, James 1 Win. 5 25 Dewar, Archibald 3 30 Archer, Edward 7 29 Brooks, John 1 5 Chalmers, Alexander 2 5 Dewar, Geo. 4 24 Armstrong, James 7 IS Brooks, Win. 1 Chalmers, James, jun. 2 2 Dewar, John 4 22 Armstrong, John 6 8 Brook, German 4 10 Chahners, Robert 2 2 Dewar, Malcolm 6 24 Armstrong, Moses 1 28 Brooks, Robert 1 7 Chahners, Thos. 2 1 Dewar, Neil 7 23 Armstrong, Mrs. 1 28 Brown, Jeremiah 1 12 Clarke, Alexander 4 17 Dill, Thos. 5 27 Atkinson, Geo. 1 20 Brown, John 1 11 Clarke, James 4 17 Dobbin, John 16 20 Baillie, Edward G 29 Brown, John 11 20 Clark, Daniel front 39 Dodge, Thomas 7 27 Bairn°, Matthew 14 21 Brown, John 3 10 Climie, Thos. 2 6 Donaldson, George 12 21 Baillie, Robert 8 27 Brown, Thomas 6 15 Cochran, Duncan 9 21 Donald, Archibald 3 9 Baillie, Samuel 3 18 Brown, Win. J. 4 10 Conboy, David 5 17 Donald, John 2 8 Conboy, James Bain, Wm. 4 25 Bryson, James 4 21 4 17 Donald, Thomas 3 4 Conboy, Thomas Baillie, Wm. 6 '‘.9 Buchanan, Donald 12 25 4 17 Donelly, Hugh 4 12 Cone, 1Villiam Bannister, James 14 22 Buchanan, Duncan 12 28 8 9 Donelly, Win., J. P. 5 24 Connors, Michael 4 5 Banister, John 15 22 Buchanan, Hugh 11 28 Douglas, John 13 23 Barker, Matthew 11 15 Buchanan, Duncan 12 25 Cooper, Geo. 1 20 Douglas, Robert 13 16 Copes, James 10 15 Doyle, John, Barker, Samuel 9 10 eBuchanan, John I 2 28 Carpenter 5 26 Barrows, D. D. 2 10 Buchanan, Donald 11 28 Cope, John 9 30 Duncan, Alex front 30 Beattie, John 8 5 Buckley, Wm. 2 Cope, Richard 9 20 Duncan, John 2 3 Cope, Samuel 9 30 Bell, Geo. 11 21 Burnley, John 6 4 Duncan, Park 3 19 Bell, James 15 26 Bullock, Robert 6 26 Core, Thomas 15 27 Dunham, Matthew 4 24 Coulter, George 14 Bell, John 12 26 Cahil, Michael 7 2 16 Dunlop, James, S.W. Cor'nr. Bell, Thomas 12 26 Cait hs, John 13 17 Cowan, John 12 21 Mandaumin Reserve. Bell, Thomas 11 21 Cairns, Peter front 27 Cowan, Richard front 36 Elvin°, Wm. 2 4 Cram, 6 Bell, Wm. 15 22 Cairns, Thomas 14 17 Peter 1 23 Enright, Dennis I Crawford, John Bell, Wm. 13 28 Cameron, Alexander front 14 8 12 Enright, Thomas 4 2 Cronan, 21 4 13 Benest, Francis 9 25 Cameron, Duncan front 40 John front Erens Geo. Benson, Robert 13 17 Cameron, John front 14 Cronkhite, Joshua front 9 Ewart, Andrew 2 6 Best pool, James 14 19 Campbell, Edward 6 2 Cronkhite, Nelson front 9 Fair, Francis 6 16 Crook, 49 3 Blockee, Walter 4 14 Campbell, James 12 19 Thos. L. front Ferguson, Alexander front 70 COUNTY OF LAMBTON GAZETTEER AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 71 Cou. L. Con. L. Con. L. Con. L Ferguson, Duncan, senr., 4 3 Haggarty, Dennis front 20 Hoskin, Wm. 8 26 Lairy, Johr. 13 15 Ferguson, Duncan 4 19 Haley, Win. 10 26 Houston, James 8 8 Land, John 14 19 Ferrie, Jesse 5 25 Hamilton, Donald 9 24 Houston, Thomas front 8 Langan, John 6 21 Ferguson, Robert 4 27 Hamilton, John 11 19 Hoyle, David 4 8 Lawlviz, Lewis 9 10 Fierney, James 6 13 amilton, Wm. 4 6 Bayne, John 7 25 Lawson, Win. 3 24 Finlay, Thos. 10 14 Ilandy, Michael 1 8 Hubbard, John 14 20 Leigh, B. T. front 14 Fisher, Valentine 14 26 IIandey, Nicholas 13 24 Hunter, Elijah 4 11 Leishman, Frederick 10 20 Flemming, Geo. 4 26 Hannah, John 6 Hunter, Hugh 10 22 Leymour, Peter F Flounerfilt, Wm. 5 9 Hinnah, rmothy 6 4 FInntly, Arthur 11 24 Lionell, Shepley 7 5 Flemming, Walter 9 14 Ilare. Geo. 14 24 Huntley, Edward 10 30 Livingston, John 14 28 Forbes, David 3 25 Hare, Jacob 14 24 Hyde, George front 19 Loop, Joseph 3 6 Forbes, Geo. 5 22 IIartly, Geo. senr., 1 19 Ingles, Abraham front 6 Longley, Wm. 10 8 Ford, John 7 13 Barfly, Geo. junr., 19 Irvine, Wm. 15 21 Lawrie, James 11 17 Ford, Patrick 7 13 Hardy, James 1 18 Ironsides, James 8 15 Lucas, John 4 24 Forsythe, Thomas 4 7 Hartly, Wm. 4 18 Ironsides, John 8 15 Lucas, Thomas 4 18 Frusler, Absolent 9 10 Finely, Wm. senr, , 3 18 Jackson, Thomas 4 5 Lunam, David 9 15 Fraser, Philip 7 19 Hart, Jeremiah 4 36 Jackson, — 5 26 Lundy, John 12 30 Frusler, Alralt 9 Harvey, Joseph 11 13 James, S. blacksmith 10 20 Lusk, John 3 23 Frusler, Esther 9 9 Hastie, Wm.

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