University of Massachusetts Boston ScholarWorks at UMass Boston Wavelength (1979-1984) Student Journals 3-20-1982 Wavelength - Vol. 03, No. 04 - Spring 1982 University of Massachusetts Boston Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.umb.edu/wavelength Recommended Citation University of Massachusetts Boston, "Wavelength - Vol. 03, No. 04 - Spring 1982" (1982). Wavelength (1979-1984). Paper 12. http://scholarworks.umb.edu/wavelength/12 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Journals at ScholarWorks at UMass Boston. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wavelength (1979-1984) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at UMass Boston. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 U^. ) Wavelength • Spring 1982 Pb4Sw'puf State House, Boston, 1980, Glen Gurner Wavelength Volume 3, Number 4 Spring 1982 Editor aer:* _-_/© JEFF BRUNNER Literary Editors JOHN HAWKINS TOM KAPLAN-MAXFIELD LU LASSON News Editor KEN TANGVIK Third World Editor WILLIAN HENRIQUEZ Art Director KELLY KILDOW Staff CYNTHIA AVILLAR BETH BAGLEY ALISON HURLEY JOANNE KENNEY DENNIS LORDAN LISA SAMA CHARLIE WARDELL Front and Back Cover Drawing by Paul Swiggart Inside Front and Back Cover Photos by Glen Gurner Design by Kelly Kildow Waveknffh is the literary/news/arts magazine of UMass/Boston, student funded and staffed. (Offices: 010/6/096] f)y<pxr- for Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms DEPARTMENTS Letters FATHER PENN SEXUAL HARASSMENT KHOMEINI ATROCITIES Fiction 4 SHORT PIECES — Ramon Figueroa LOUT AT ST. LEONARD'S — William Cahill COMING SOON TO A THEATER NEAR YOU — Daniel Small Essflv IMPOSSIBLE LOVE An essay of broken reflections — Tom Kaplan-Maxfield 14 Poetry — Robbins, Driscoll, Schuster, MacDonald, Knill, Haug, Sama, Crowley, Ritchie, Sullivan, Meier, O'Connor, Marzot, Hall, Hewbold, Hawkins, Brunner, Nickerson 18 Third World EL SALVADOR — Avillar and Henriquez NICARAGUA LIBRE — William Alan TELL THE CHILDREN THE TRUTH — George MacKenzie HAITIAN REFUGEES — Ashley Batista POETRY — Moore, Sousa 29 Photo essay IMAGES SILVERED — Glen Gurner and Nina Schlosberg 41 41 News REFLECTIONS ON A NOBLE CAUSE — Michael Letwin CAMBODIA AFTERMATH: KHAO-I-Dang — Lisa Sama WORKFARE -Charles Wardell 49 Supplement WOMEN'S ANTHOLOGY 63 49 LETTERS To the Readers: the Church's doctrine is. Why does the and non-sequiturs that as such do not merit The Wavelength staff would like to re- author think those Maryknoll nuns were a rebuttal. On the one hand, it would be mind its readers that "Father Penn is a fic- killed? Or did he consider that? Why not naive to think that an institution, despite a tious being." However, the facts contained look at what these people are doing, then divine authorship and guidance, could have it the article "A Dissenting Jesuit's View of show how corrupt the institution is and ask, almost two thousand years of human the Catholic Church" of the last issue of even if they aren't adhering to all the doc- history without human failings. The Wavelength were obtained from the follow- trines, can they still in good conscience Church is the first to admit this. However, ing sources: The Inquisition, by John A. support the coffers of this institution. to the many of us who experience the O'Brien, MacMillan Publishing Co., New Also the piece is really insensitive to the Church as a major force for good in which York 1973, The Spanish Inquisition by fact that religion involves family traditions. God is present and who actively work Henry Kamer, New American Library Catholics I know today are not strictly within it to bring about a better world, the 1965, L'Inquisition by Pierre Dominique, followig the doctrines, but are seeking to article is personally very insulting and of- Librarie Academique Perrin, Paris 1969, preserve what is good in their traditions. fensive. I, for my part, would be ready to The Humanist, Vol. 41 Number 1 Jan./Feb. Archie Bunker also likes to rant about discuss how the Church can be more 1981, The Making of the Popes 1978: The how much money the Catholic Church has. faithful to its preaching; but such a dialogue Politics of Intrigue in the Vatican, Andrews Not a terrificly intelligent point of view is impossible with one who is obsessed with and Memeel, Inc., Kansas City 1979, Wit- (neither is it original). denigrating at every opportunity. ches, Midwifes and Nurses: A History of On a more philosophical level, it may Women Healers, The Feminist Press, New Mary Bethe Cooper be worthwhile for Wavelength to reflect York 1973, Vatican U.S.A., by Nino upon the educational foundations and im- LoBello, Pocket Books, New York 1973, plications of the state university of which it The Vatican Empire, by Nino LoBello Tri- is a part. Briefly put, while the modern To the editors: dent Press New York 1968, The Decline secular university does not propagate any It is very distressing to me and to the and Fall of the Roman Church by Malachi sectarian belief or value system, it en- many people both within and outside the Martin, G. P. Putmans Sons, New York courages various systems to co-exist side by university who have contacted me that in 1980, Newsweek Nov. 3, 1980, A Modern side in peace. This is part of the meaning of its last issue Wavelength printed such an in- Priest Looks at His OutDated Church Trident pluralism. Such an institution of higher flammatory and prejudicial article against Press, New York, 1967, Church, State, and learning, along with its component parts, Catholicism. Certainly nineteenth century Freedom Beacon Press, Boston, 1967 seeks to create an environment in which American "literature" is replete with such tolerance at least, if not genuine apprecia- anti-Catholic attacks, but I had the impres- tion, can flourish; certainly not an environ- sion that such bigotry no longer ex- ment in which hysterical attacks slander a isted — at least not in print. Father Penn segment of the population. One of the most disturbing features of I hope that in the future the Wavelength the article is the rage with which it is writ- staff will evidence better judgement in To the Editors: ten. It is unfortunate that the author did not deciding which articles are fit for publica- Why isn't this signed? What's the dif- have the security and/or maturity to iden- tion. I hope it will not again encourage a ference between this and anti-Semitic tify himself/herself. Of course given the disgruntled student with hostile feelings literature? In my opinion it's unethical not virulent attack, it is understandable that the against a particular group to publicly vent signing it. The author puts me in mind of true author did not wish to claim respon- his/her ire. Such venting can only serve to medieval or middle age Christian scholars sibility. Less understandable is that further prejudice against religious, racial who wrote down every negative fact they Wavelength permitted such a scurrilous arti- and sexual minorities. could find or think about Judaism and then cle to be printed without requiring the I personally am ready to excuse the arti- wanted to know why Jews didn't march in author to sign it. cle as simply due to the inexperience of the droves to the Baptismal font, dropping their The author's manipulative style is not student staff, although that does not lessen culture and traditions by the wayside. geared so much to give facts, much less the damage done. And since Wavelength is Furtherfore, the author doesn't know truth, as to create an emotional response on ultimately accountable in some form to the who Catholics are today. He calls them the part of the reader against religion in university (I have not been able to view a "brainwashed." Well, all the statistics con- general and against Catholicism in par- copy of its consitution), then the university cerning practicing Catholics in the U.S. to- ticular. An obvious example of deception is administration and faculty must examine its day show that they are picking and choos- that the article was written to give the im- ing what parts of their religion they will own degree of responsibility for the article. pression that an ex-Jesuit priest wrote it. practice. Fr. Maurice Loiselle, O.M.I. This is particularly true where Although, to the critical reader, the adoles- Campus Minister, U.M.B. birth control is concerned, but in other cent rage of the article clearly points to a areas too. The Catholic missionaries and younger author, many who read the article clergy in Latin America, though they have thought it was in fact an ex-priest who been reprimanded several times for getting wrote it. Such slander against the Jesuits is Dear Father Penn: involved in temporal affairs (siding with the inexcusable. Thank you or your thoughtful and well- people against political regimes), continue The article itself is poorly written and researched article in the recent issue of to concern themselves with politics. They filled with false statements, cliches, half- Wavelength. As always, it takes great feel it is their Christian duty no matter what truths, sweeping generalities, innuendoes stength and humility to stand alone for the sake of Truth. The life of Jesus the Christ society is clear. However, there are as given. Is Confession, for example "a com- bears witness to this. many, if not more, Catholic as non- plete farce?" Carl Jung did not think so, yet I would add, however, that although the Catholic women having abortions and in you say it is. No evidence is given for this Church's colonization of the bodies and other ways Catholic women are rejecting opinion except the testimony of an im- minds of women is well documented, the the Church's limited perception of them.
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