AMEND INSURANCE POLICY Money Status Has Priority jfofflwm In Insurance Vol. XXVII VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1944 No. 8 • IN ONE OF THE SOBEREST student meetings held for years, the report of the Insurance Committee recom­ mending that the AMS set up a fund to provide accident Mackenzie. Crumb Talk Today insurance for students was passed unanimously Wednesday at the general AMS meeting. Recommending that a fund not Mock Parliament SCIENCE STUDENT to exceed $1000 be put aside to REGULATIONS pay for accidents suffered by stu­ This Is A Koofisooker dents, the original report was a- • ALL SCIENCE students who mended so that the students' fin­ Discusses Post-War have not done so in previous ancial status receives top priority sessions must call at the Regis in grant* and the president of the trar's Office at once' to fill out Women's Athletic Association is Reconstruction Science Student's Declarations re­ included in the committee hand­ • PRESIDENT NORMAN A. MacKenzie, sponsoring the quired under National Selective ling the fund. Service regulations. This applies QUORUM? government's policy and Dr. J. A. Crumb, representing ^^^'^'.-^'•-^v. to men students only. Debate on the Insurance com­ the opposition, will be the principal speakers at the opening The following are affected: mittee's report did not reach the meeting of the Parliamentary Forum today in Arts 100. All Applied Science students. usual high pitch of student oratory, The subject of the firsf bill to be presented to the house is, All men students in Agriculture. but aided by the efforts of treasur­ "Be it resolved that a league granting equal representation All men students in Arts and er Ken Creighton, the student! Science in first and second year to all powers would be a better guarantee than an alliance were distracted enough to forget taking two sciences or in third the time-tested debate on a of the great powers for world peace." and fourth year taking honors or Quorum. This debate if expected to bring , ==, . .. ..—4^-_ majors in Mathematics or Science. out the main points ot the recent Those taking Pre-Medlcal or Dumbarton Oaks Conference. The Pre-Dental courses are not re­ Creighton Lays ... purpose of this conference was to Ubyssey Plays quired to fill out \his declaration, prepare data on the possible crea­ tion of a world organization to preserve peace. Hard to Get AMERICAN PLAN KoofisooKEfi Tieer/cus Chambers Plans N The American plan ls to form Starting Today a Council which can call into ac­ War Hid Council tion all armed forces available to • COPIES of The Ubyssey will Council's Brainchild the world organization to suppress be "rationed" beginning today aggression. The Big Four, with in order that more students will the later addition of France are be assured of receiving a copy of Drives This Vear to be permanent members of this the paper for which they pay. AMS Imports Koofisookers• FOUR energetic drives Council. Representatives of six Although there has been an in­ upkeep, in fact swelling the A.M.S. will be featured by the other nations are to be elected and crease of several hundred in re­ • THE ALMA Mater So­ exchequer, these useful animals will outnumber the great powers. gistration, Students' Council be­ ciety has recently accept­ War Aid Council this year quickly adapt themselves to cam­ Tho fact that decisions need not lieves that a corresponding In­ under the direction of Ted ed- three Koofisookers, which pus life, and itjs understood that be unanimous but by majority vote crease in circulation does not will be shipped from Tibet they are very docile with fresh­ Chambers, newly-appointed is the main difference between this warrant the expense because of as a gift to UBC as soon as ettes. president. The Council will proposed Council and the League the waste of papers evident about CONTENTED KOOFISOOKER of Nations. the campus. the exchange rate on the follow the lead of last year's While the Koofisooker could not It was also suggested that there Some students have complained piaster has been brought into organizations in abolishing be termed a fussy eater, he does should be no International Police of not being able to get copies tag days on the campus. line with the rouble. go for some things in a big way, Force, but that each power should and therefore the Publications The Koofisooker, or translated, The important job of the Coun­ showing a marked partiality for be required to police only its own Board will attempt to distribute Campus Scavenger, is a garbageif- cil is to co-ordinate the various lunch papers, old text-books, bro­ region of influence. copies about the campus more erous marsupial, and in this re­ war-drives on the campus. The ken coke bottles, and candy wrap­ ... Down Law PLEDGE FORCE? evenly. spect it was ideally evolved for events this year will be a tag pers, with a fair amount of The problem arising from this is the job as its spacious pouch dance in October, ISS week sched­ Only 2400 copies of the paper are worked-out chewing gum, which Importance of basing the grants whether the Americans are pre­ makes a handy receptacle for pop uled for February, and the Red delivered to the campus every adds viscosity to the roughage. en the financial status of appli­ pare to pledge the USA to use bottles, slide-rules, golf balls and Cross Ball. Other sources of rev­ Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. As a very special treat, if he can cants was advanced by Les Ra­ force at the orders of an interna­ other revenue - producing odd - enue will be the waiving of cau­ Students will receive only one be given three lipstick butts for phael. MUS president. During Ra­ tional group without the signed ments which will contribute to tion money, a War Stamp drive copy per person from the Quad local colour, one is rewarded by phael's speech. Creighton paced the declaration of war by Congress. the coffers of the Society. sponsored by Mamooks with the Box office, distribution point to his peculiar whinneying purr of floor and finally retired from the Russia on the other hand advo­ MISALLIANCE objective of raising $750, and mix­ the Caf, where there is the great­ contentment. debate by resting on a sofa placed cates virtually absolute rule by the est waste. The number of papers This animal is the result of a ers the first week of every month at the back of the stage. But until the exchange rate be­ Big Four as well as an internation­ for the Caf will be decreased. misalliance between a Yak and to enlarge the ISS fund. Creighton came back from retire­ tween the piaster and the rouble al air corps to be controlled by The large complimentary copy a Yumph, a goatlike quadruped A meeting will be held of all ment to reply to Pete McGeer, who can be straightened out to permit these same powers. list to administration officers will which ranges between the upper War Aid Council members in the questioned the advisability of dis­ the shipment of our three Koofi­ CLARIFY SUBJECT be cut. Students must remember reaches of the Boopdong and the double committee room in the continuing last year's insurance sookers, Allan Ainsworth pleads What the final outcome of the that if they want a copy to take Hindu Kush. News of its exis­ Brock at 12:30 p.m. Friday, Oc­ policy on the grounds that it was that the stuff be not allowed to Dumbarton Oaks conference will home they must save the copy tence first reached the outside tober 5. a "long term policy" and would stack up. no( be known, but today's debate they receive when papers are dis­ world from travellers who saw the pay dividends in peace time when between President MacKenzie and tributed. animal feeding among the monas­ Give the Koofisookers an even Increased athletic activities would Dr. Crumb should help to make A few papers will be saved In tery middens of Shangri-La. break. All students must keep the mean Increased accidents. the subject clearer to the students forestry faculty the Pub for those unable to re­ Costing absolutely nothing for Campus clear of litter. Creighton explained that when on this campus. ceive copies when they are dis­ peace comes and claims increase Students are urged to participate tributed. Sought for UBC then the policy would be renewed. in the discussion which will follow Until then the* society would save the debate. • APPROVAL of a proposed money by not paying the premium Mock Parliament will be held motion to establish a Faculty of $.50 per student. Benefits re­ during the evening of Wednesday, Register for of Forestry at the University of ceived last year totalled $150 while October 18 in the main lounge of Give Percy H. Elliott British Columbia was given Mon­ payments were over $1100. Brock Hall under the auspices of day by the university Forestry Allan Ainsworth, Junior Mem­ Parliamentary Forum. Party cau- Totem Pictures Club. ber, suggested the Administration suses will be held Tuesday, Oc­ • INDIVIDUAL pictures for the Scholarship The club has set up a committee contribute to the insurance tober 10 at 12:30. class section of the Totem will • TO HONOR the memory of Percy H. Elliott, late princi­ under the chairmanship of club scheme since many accidents oc­ Labour party will meet in Arts be taken on the campus starting president Robert Knowles to in­ pal of Victoria College, former associates and students cured in laboratories and lectures.
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