COURSE DESCRIPTION 209 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ACCOUNTING computer-based information systems. Pre- requisite: All business foundation courses or equivalent and MBA–Accounting Option ACT 6625 Specialized Study in the Area of prerequisites. 6626 Accounting (1-3) 6627 Study of problem or problems using re- ACT 6698 Advanced Auditing (3) search techniques. Selection of the problem A study of advanced auditing theory, prac- must be approved by the student’s adviser, tice and problems encountered in the prac- instructor under whom the study is to be tice of public accounting. Prerequisite: All made, and the appropriate dean . The study business foundation courses or equivalent must contribute to the student’s program. and MBA–Accounting Option prerequi- Preparation of a scholarly paper is required sites. and may involve an oral defense. Total credit for any combination of enrollments in ACT 6699 Contemporary Issues in Accounting (3) these courses may not exceed six semester A study of contemporary accounting issues hours. A specialized study may be substi- and an analysis of how accounting practice tuted for a required course only once in a is influenced by regulatory agencies, eco- student’s program. See semester hour limits nomic conditions, and professional ac- listed under Course Restrictions in the Gen- counting organizations. Prerequisite: Pre- eral Regulations section. Prerequisite: All requisite: All business foundation courses business foundation courses or equivalent or equivalent and MBA–Accounting Option and MBA–Accounting Option prerequisites. prerequisites. ACT 6691 Managerial Accounting (3) ADULT EDUCATION A study of sources and classifications of accounting data, classification and behavior of revenues and costs, use of accounting ADE 5560 Instructional Systems Development (3) data for profit planning and cost control, and This course emphasizes systematically use of accounting data for special analysis. developed course design. Special attention Prerequisite: All business foundation is given to learning and instructional sys- courses or equivalent. tems theory. ACT 6692 Advanced Accounting Problems (3) ADE 6600 Foundations of Adult Education (3) A consideration of problems relating to pen- An overview of adult education to give an sion plans, long-term leasing arrangements, understanding of characteristics of adults as refunding of bonds payable, stock options, learners as well as the history, philosophy, allocation of income taxes, changing price and nature of adult education. Includes levels, cash flow statements, and other fi- exposure to fundamental adult education nancial accounting topics with emphasis on concepts such as lifelong learning, self- relevant pronouncements by professional directed learning, and contract learning. organizations and governmental agencies. Prerequisite: All business foundation ADE 6605 Computer Based Instructional Technolo- courses or equivalent and MBA–Accounting gies (3) Option prerequisites. This graduate level advanced survey course is designed to prepare students to use class- ACT 6695 Accounting Research and Communica- room adaptable technologies. Emphasis is tion (3) given to historical and social context, com- An individual study of specific accounting puter systems, software, hardware, and topics and written and oral communication curriculum adaptation. of the results of the study. Prerequisite: All business foundation courses or equivalent ADE 6606 Current and Emerging Instructional and MBA–Accounting Option prerequisites. Technologies (3) This course focuses on current and emerg- ACT 6696 Accounting Information Systems (3) ing instructional technologies. The empha- An advanced study of accounting informa- sis of this class is on the instructional use tion systems concepts and applications. of production software, desktop publishing, Case studies will provide the students an graphics, hypermedia, on-line services, opportunity to relate systems concepts to the optical technology, and telecommunica- actual problems encountered in the analysis, tions. Prerequisite: ADE 6605 or permis- design, implementation, and utilization of sion of instructor. 210 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ADE 6608 Curriculum Integration of Technology (3) ADE 6691 Research Methodology (3) The purpose of this course is to prepare The study and evaluation of research meth- students to apply knowledge and compe- ods commonly used in the social sciences. tency in instructional technologies in rela- The course will provide information neces- tion to curriculum design, diverse models, sary to understand and apply research proc- and teaching situations at all developmental esses, synthesize knowledge and writing, levels. Included is evaluation of software, and plan and organize research problems for audio/visual production, and instructional interpretation and application of research design using technology as a basis for in- results. Application of these skills in the struction. form of a written project using the Publica- tion Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) is required. A grade of ADE 6617 Seminar in Personnel Planning and Lead- “B” or better is required. ership (3) A study of literature and research pertinent ADE 6694 Special Problems in Adult Education (1-3) to adult education in areas of planning and A study of problem or problems using re- leadership. search techniques. Selection of problem to be approved by student’s adviser and in- ADE 6620 Seminar in Communication and Human structor under whom study is to be made. Relations (3) Study should contribute to student’s pro- An investigation of literature and research gram. Preparation of scholarly paper or pro- related to verbal and nonverbal communica- ject required and may involve oral defense. tion, listening, and human relations appro- priate to adult education. ADE 6696 Practicum in Adult Education 6697 (1–3) ADE 6630 Programs for Adult Education (3) 6698 Supervised experiences related to instruction A study of current concepts and objectives in area of specialization. Emphasis on appli- of adult education programs, courses and cation of skills, concepts, and principles activities. Includes study of adult education acquired in previous courses. Grading sys- programs and agencies serving diverse adult tem is Pass / Fail. Prerequisite: Completion learners. of coursework and approval of adviser are required. ADE 6653 Educational Evaluation (3) The course presents basic procedures used in evaluation. A major focus is on planning and ART constructing teacher-made tests and non-test evaluation techniques. Also includes study ART 5581 Methods and Materials in Art (3) of a variety of standardized tests. Teaching methods, selection, organization, and use of art materials. ADE 6670 Psychological Foundations of the Adult Learner (3) ART 5599 Advanced Studio Projects (3) An in-depth study of research findings and Supervised study and projects in an area not philosophical concepts related to the nature included in the student’s undergraduate stud- of adult learners and learning process; prin- ies. ciples of motivation and effective instruc- tional design geared toward adult learners; ART 6605 Seminar in Art History (3) and social and cultural influences on adult Historical inquiry into art with emphasis on learning. Emphasis will be given to the sources and approaches to the visual arts as understanding of critical and variable attrib- they interact with other facets of culture. utes of adult learners. ART 6625 Specialized Study in Area of Art (1-3) ADE 6674 Methods and Strategies for Teaching 6626 An individualized study with studio art Adults (3) 6627 faculty. Total credit for any combination of A study of methods and formats used in enrollments in these courses may not exceed organizing educational materials for adult six semester hours. See semester hour limits learners. Emphasis is given to designing listed under Course Restrictions in General effective instruction which matches methods Regulations section. and strategies to educational demands. ART 6662 Seminar in Art Education (3) ADE 6680 Curriculum Development for Adult Edu- A review of issues and research in art educa- cation (3) tion and the visual arts. A study of concepts, learning theories, mate- rials, and media related to curriculum and ART 6664 Research in Art Education (3) program development in adult education. A review of contemporary research in art education and the presentation of a scholarly paper. Prerequisite: ART 6662 COURSE DESCRIPTION 211 BIOLOGY BIO 5520 Field Vertebrate Zoology (4) A study of the basics of vertebrate identifi- BIO 5502 Spring Flora (4) cation, with emphasis on phylogeny, anat- A survey of vascular plants from different omy, morphology, life histories, habitats, habitats in southeast Alabama. Principles of distributions, and conservation. Prerequi- plant taxonomy, including history and sys- sites: General Biology, General Chemistry tems of classification and nomenclature, the use of dichotomous keys, and general her- BIO 5521 Population Ecology (3) barium techniques. Emphasis is placed on This course covers animal and plant popula- plant identification and habitat types. Pre- tions, food supply, competition, disease, requisites: General Biology, General Ecol- fecundity, distribution, and other environ- ogy mental factors. Management of endangered species and protected ecosystems are in- BIO 5505 Entomology (3) cluded. Prerequisites: General Ecology, A study of the orders of insects with the Genetics, General Chemistry, Statistics. Co- emphasis on
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