Europski parlament 2019-2024 Odbor za zapošljavanje i socijalna pitanja EMPL_PV(2019)1007_1 ZAPISNIK sa sjednice održane 7. listopada 2019. od 15:30 do 17:30 BRUXELLES Sjednica je započela u 15:46 u ponedjeljak, 7. listopada 2019., a predsjedala joj je potpredsjednica Katrin Langensiepen. 1. Usvajanje dnevnog reda Dnevni red usvojen je bez izmjena. 2. Priopćenja predsjedateljice Usluge usmenog prevođenja Dostupni su bili svi jezici osim malteškog. 3. Odobrenje zapisnika sa sjednica od: 24. rujna 2019. PV – PE641.263v01-00 4. Saslušanje kandidata koji će biti imenovani kao stručnjaci u upravnim odborima Cedefopa, Eurofounda, EU-OSHA-e i ELA-e EMPL/9/01452 Saslušanje Kandidati: Heinz K. Becker za Cedefop, Veronica Lope Fontagné za Eurofound, Vlad Mixich za EU-OSHA-u, Jan Cremers for ELA-u Govornici u prvom krugu: Sara Skyttedal, Agnes Jongerius, Dragoş Pîslaru, Katrin Langensiepen, Elżbieta Rafalska Govornici u drugom krugu: Anna Zalewska, Jeroen Lenaers, Anne Sander, Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, Matthew Patten, Johan Danielsson 7. listopada 2019., 17:28 – 17:35 *** Elektroničko glasovanje *** 5. Imenovanje kandidata koji će biti imenovani kao stručnjaci u upravnim odborima Cedefopa, Eurofounda, EU-OSHA-e i ELA-e PV\1190166HR.docx PE641.406v01-00 HR Ujedinjena u raznolikostiHR EMPL/9/01453 PREDLOŽENI POSTUPAK: Tajnim elektroničkim glasovanjem[1] glasuje se o svakom od predloženih kandidata u skladu sa sljedećim redoslijedom: o glasovanje o Heinzu K. Beckeru za Cedefop o glasovanje o Veronici Lope Fontagné za Eurofound o glasovanje o Vladu Mixichu za EU-OSHA-u o glasovanje o Janu Cremersu za ELA-u Kandidati moraju dobiti običnu većinu glasova da bi ih se preporučilo za imenovanje. Glasovanje u skladu sa zasebnim glasačkim listama Kraj elektroničkog glasovanja *** Odluka: Imenovano je četvero kandidata (rezultate glasovanja vidi u Prilogu I.). 6. Opći proračun Europske unije za financijsku godinu 2020. – svi dijelovi EMPL/9/00546 2019/2028(BUD) 11734/2019 – C9-0119/2019 Izvjestiteljica za mišljenje: Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová (ECR) AD – PE639.697v02-00 Nadležni odbor: BUDG – Monika Hohlmeier (PPE) Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D) Mišljenja: AFET, DEVE, INTA, CONT, ECON, EMPL, ENVI, ITRE, IMCO, TRAN, REGI, AGRI, PECH, CULT, JURI, LIBE, AFCO, FEMM, PETI – Ponovno podnošenje amandmana na proračun odbora EMPL na plenarnoj sjednici *** Kraj elektroničkog glasovanja *** Odluka: (rezultate glasovanja vidi u Prilogu I.) 7. Sljedeće sjednice 4. i 5. studenoga (točno vrijeme još nije potvrđeno) [1] članak 191.: Tajno glasovanje [koje se primjenjuje na odbore, vidi članak 219.] „1. O imenovanjima se glasuje tajno, ne dovodeći u pitanje članak 15. stavak 1. i članak 213. stavak 2. prvi podstavak. Prilikom izračuna broja glasova u obzir se uzimaju samo glasački listići s imenima kandidata.”, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/RULES-9-2019-07-02_HR.pdf PE641.406v01-00 2/15 PV\1190166HR.docx HR Annex I Results of roll-call votes Contents 1. Appointment of candidate to be designated as expert to the management board of CEDEFOP 1.1. Final vote..........................................................................................................4. 2. Appointment of candidate to be designated as expert to the management board of EUROFOUND 2.1. Final vote...........................................................................................................5 3. Appointment of candidate to be designated as expert to the management board of EU- OSHA 3.1. Final vote...........................................................................................................6 4. Appointment of candidate to be designated as expert to the management board of ELA 4.1 Final vote............................................................................................................7 5. 2020 Budgetary Procedure - - retabling EMPL Budgetary Amendments to plenary 5.1. Final vote 9 5.2. Final voting.list 10 Key to symbols: + : in favour - : against 0 : abstention PV\1190166HR.docx 3/15 PE641.406v01-00 HR 1.1. Final vote APPOINTMENT OF CANDIDATE TO BE DESIGNATED AS EXPERT TO THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF CEDEFOP Vote by separate secret electronic ballot - Vote on candidates to be designated as experts to the management boards For Against Abstentions Mr Heinz K. Becker for Cedefop 1 34 8 0 1 Following a technical interruption of the meeting by the chair for 5 minutes, Mr Matthew Patten (NI) left the meeting room and returned before those 5 minutes had lapsed. However, due to time-pressure, the chair had resumed the meeting before the end of the 5 minutes break. Therefore, Mr Matthew Patten (NI) sent an email on 8.10 at 11h24 to the EMPL Secretariat. His intention was to vote against the appointment of Mr Heinz K. Becker. PE641.406v01-00 4/15 PV\1190166HR.docx HR 2.1. Final vote APPOINTMENT OF CANDIDATE TO BE DESIGNATED AS EXPERT TO THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF EUROFOUND Vote by separate secret electronic ballot - Vote on candidates to be designated as experts to the management boards For Against Abstentions Ms Veronica Lope Fontagné for Eurofound 1 34 8 0 1 Following a technical interruption of the meeting by the chair for 5 minutes, Mr Matthew Patten (NI) left the meeting room and returned before those 5 minutes had lapsed. However, due to time-pressure, the chair had resumed the meeting before the end of the 5 minutes break. Therefore, Mr Matthew Patten (NI) sent an email on 8.10 at 11h24 to the EMPL Secretariat. His intention was to vote against the appointment of Ms Veronica Lope Fontagné. PV\1190166HR.docx 5/15 PE641.406v01-00 HR 3.1. Final vote APPOINTMENT OF CANDIDATE TO BE DESIGNATED AS EXPERT TO THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF EU-OSHA Vote by separate secret electronic ballot - Vote on candidates to be designated as experts to the management boards For Against Abstentions Mr Vlad Mixich for EU-OSHA 1 37 5 0 1 Following a technical interruption of the meeting by the chair for 5 minutes, Mr Matthew Patten (NI) left the meeting room and returned before those 5 minutes had lapsed. However, due to time-pressure, the chair had resumed the meeting before the end of the 5 minutes break. Therefore, Mr Matthew Patten sent an email on 8.10 at 11h24 to the EMPL Secretariat. His intention was to vote abstention for the appointment of Mr Vlad Mixich. PE641.406v01-00 6/15 PV\1190166HR.docx HR 4.1. Final vote APPOINTMENT OF CANDIDATE TO BE DESIGNATED AS EXPERT TO THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF ELA Vote by separate secret electronic ballot - Vote on candidates to be designated as experts to the management boards For Against Abstentions Mr Jan Cremers for ELA 1 33 4 4 1 Following a technical interruption of the meeting by the chair for 5 minutes, Mr Matthew Patten (NI) left the meeting room and returned before those 5 minutes had lapsed. However, due to time-pressure, the chair had resumed the meeting before the end of the 5 minutes break. Therefore, Mr Matthew Patten (NI) sent an email on 8.10 at 11h24 to the EMPL Secretariat. His intention was to vote against the appointment of Mr Jan Cremers. PV\1190166HR.docx 7/15 PE641.406v01-00 HR 5. 2020 Budgetary Procedure - - retabling EMPL Budgetary Amendments to plenary 5.1. Final vote............................................................................................................. 5.2. Final voting list ...............................................................................................10 Key to symbols: + : in favour - : against 0 : abstention PE641.406v01-00 8/15 PV\1190166HR.docx HR 5.1. Final vote 2020 Budgetary Procedure - - retabling EMPL Budgetary Amendments to plenary Rapporteur: Lucia ĎURIŠ NICHOLSONOVÁ, Chair 29 + ECR Joanna Kopcińska, Elżbieta Rafalska, Ruža Tomašić, Anna Zalewska GUE/NGL Sandra Pereira, Nikolaj Villumsen NI Chiara Gemma, Daniela Rondinelli RENEW Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Jane Brophy, Sylvie Brunet, Radka Maxová, Dragoş Pîslaru, Monica Semedo, Yana Toom S&D Alex Agius Saliba, Milan Brglez, Johan Danielsson, Klára Dobrev, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Alicia Homs Ginel, Agnes Jongerius, Jude Kirton-Darling, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Marianne Vind, Lara Wolters VERTS/ALE Katrin Langensiepen, Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Alexandra Louise Rosenfield Phillips 13 - ID Nicolaus Fest, Guido Reil NI Matthew Patten, Miroslav Radačovský PPE Alexander Alexandrov Yordanov, Gheorghe Falcă, Jeroen Lenaers, Anne Sander, Sara Skyttedal, Romana Tomc, Maria Walsh, Tomáš Zdechovský RENEW Abir Al-Sahlani 1 0 ID France Jamet Corrections to votes and voting intentions + - 0 PV\1190166HR.docx 9/15 PE641.406v01-00 HR 5.2. Final voting list 2020 Budgetary Procedure - retabling EMPL Budgetary Amendments to plenary Rapporteur: Lucia ĎURIŠ NICHOLSONOVÁ, Chair Outcome of BUDG Vote / comment Vote on Budget item and title Am. N° — Tabled by retabling 04 02 63 01 European Social Fund — EMPL/5653 - Pereira, REJECTED + Operational technical assistance Ferreira As not included in the 38/4/0 compromise package on heading 1B 04 02 63 02 European Social Fund — EMPL/5654 - Pereira, REJECTED + Operational technical assistance managed Ferreira As not included in the 40/3/0 by the Commission at the request of a compromise package on heading Member State 1B 04 02 64 Youth Employment Initiative EMPL/5655 - REJECTED + Langensiepen As a compromise, based on 29/13/1 VERT/7655, with lower EMPL/5656 - Benifei, increase, was adopted (+€480M Gualmini in CA, +€216.66M in PA) 04 03 01 04 Analysis of and studies on the EMPL/5660 - Benifei REJECTED - social situation, demographics and the (no AM on line 04 03 01 04 has 20/20/3 family been adopted) 04
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