Title Author Points 102 Minutes Dwyer, Jim 25 1215: Year of Magna Carta Danziger, Danny 20 2001: a Space Odyssey Clarke, Arthur C. 15 Abel's Island Steig, William 4 Abraham Feiler, Bruce 15 Acceptable Time L'Engle, Madeleine 18 Accident (Strasser) Strasser, Todd 13 Accident (Wiesel) Wiesel, Elie 8 Acorn People Jones, Ron 4 Acorna McCaffrey, Anne 21 Acquaintance with Darkness Rinaldi, Ann 17 Across the Grain Ferris, Jean 10 Adam Bede Eliot, George 30 Adam Of The Road Gray, Elizabeth 12 Adoration of Jenna Fox Pearson, Mary 12 Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 7 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark 24 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, A. Conan 25 Advise and Consent Drury, Allen 60 Aerie Sniegoski, Thomas E. 20 Aesop's Fables Aesopi, Aesop 5 After The First Death Cormier, Robert 11 After the Rain Fox, Norma 14 Aftershock Easton, Kelly 8 Age of Innocence Wharton, Edith 26 Airs Above the Ground Stewart, Mary 20 Aku-Aku Heyerdahl, Thor 22 Alcohol Uschan, Michael 10 Alex: The Life of a Child Deford, Frank 11 Alexander the Great (Ancient World) Crompton, Samuel 10 Alexandra O'Dell, Scott 8 Alias: Recruited Mason, Lynn 8 Alive Read, Piers Paul 27 All American Girl Cabot, Meg 11 All Around The Town Clark, Mary Higgins 14 All I Want Is Everything Von Ziegesar, Cecily 14 All Quiet on The Western Front Remarque, Erich Marie 15 All the King's Men Penn, Robert 40 All Things Wise and Wonderful Herriot, James 31 All Through The Night Clark, Mary Higgins 12 All Together Now Bridgers, Sue Ellen 10 Almost Lost Sparks, Beatrice 15 Alone Gardner, Lisa 11 Amanda Ransom, Candice F. 15 America Takes Over Doyle, Edward 20 American Dreams: Lost and Found Terkel, Studs 38 American Tragedy Dreiser, Theodore 69 America's Hidden History Davis, Kenneth 15 Among the Brave Haddix, Margaret Peterson 10 Among the Enemy Haddix, Margaret Peterson 10 Among the Free Haddix, Margaret Peterson 10 Among the Hidden Haddix, Margaret Peterson 10 Amy's Eyes Kennedy, Richard 15 And Then There Were None Christie, Agatha 10 Angel Isle Dickinson, Peter 33 Angela's Ashes McCourt, Frank 32 Angels and Demons Brown, Dan 32 Angels on the Roof Morre, Martha 8 Animal Farm Orwell, George 10 Anna And The King of Siam Landon, Margaret 28 Anne Frank and Me Bennett, Cherie 14 Anne Frank's Tales From The Secret Frank, Anne 10 Anne of Avonlea Montgomery, L. M. 20 Anne Of The Island Montgomery, L. M. 16 Answer Me, Answer Me Bennett, Irene 13 Antarctic Melting Sommers, Michael A. 10 Anthem Rand, Ayn 7 Anti-Semitism Dolan, Edward 15 Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare, William 24 Anything to Win Miklowitz, Gloria D. 10 Applications & Limitations of Taxonomy Freedman, Jeri 20 Are You In The House Alone? Peck, Richard 8 Arm Of The Starfish L'Engle, Madeleine 18 Armageddon LaHaye, Tim 20 Arms and the Man Shaw, Geoge 12 Around the World in Eighty Days Verne, Jules 13 As Simple as Snow Galloway, Gregory 20 Ascent of Man Bronowski, Jacob 20 Asimov's Mysteries Asimov, Isaac 16 At First Sight Sparks, Nicholas 13 Attila the Hun (Ancient World Leaders) Harvey, Bonnie 10 Auschwitz Nyiszli, Miklos 18 Austerlitz Sebald, Winfried George 15 Autobiography of Ben Franklin Franklin, Benjamin 30 Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Gaines, Ernest J. 19 Autumn Bridge Matsuoka, Takashi 18 Autumn of the Patriarch Garcia, Gabriel 26 Awful End of Prince William the Silent, The Jardine, Lisa 20 Babbitt Lewis, Sinclair 26 Babe: The Legend Comes to Life Creamer, Robert W. 35 Backfield Package Dygard, Thomas J. 9 Ballhawks Olson, Gene 11 Balyet Wrightson, Patricia 6 Band Never Dances Landis, J. D. 11 Barbarians, Marauders and Infidels Santosuosso, Antonio 40 Barretts of Wimpole Street Besier, Rudolf 10 Baseball's Biggest Bloopers Gutman, Dan 7 Battle Cry Uris, Leon 38 Battle of Waterloo Komroff, Manuel 4 Baumgartner's Bombay Desai, Anita 12 Beach House Stine, R. L. 11 Bean Trees, The Kingsolver, Barbara 17 Beanpole Park, Barbara 6 Bearing an Hourglass Anthony, Piers 19 Bearstone Hobbs, Will 8 Beautiful Boy Sheff, David 22 Beautiful Child Hayden, Torey L. 24 Beauty Sleep Dokey, Cameron 8 Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty McKinley, Robin 15 Beauty: A retelling of the story of Beauty & theMcKinley, Beast Robin 15 Because I'm Worth It Von Ziegesar, Cecily 15 Because They Hate Gabriel, Brigitte 17 Becoming Rosemary Wood, Frances 11 Bedford Boys Kershaw, Alex 18 Behind Rebel Lines Reit, Seymour 7 Behind the Attic Wall Cassedy, Sylvia 13 Being Dead Vande, Vivian 11 Bel-air Bambi & the Mall Rats Peck, Richard 11 Bell for Adano Hersey, John 18 Bell Jar, The Plath, Sylvia 18 Bell, Book and Candle Drute, John Van 7 Belonging Scott, Virginia M. 10 Beloved Morrison, Toni 19 Beloved Invader Price, Eugenia 17 Bend in the Road Sparks, Nicholas 16 Beowulf unknown 10 Best Intentions Anson, Robert Sam 22 Best Little Girl in the World Levenkron, Steven 19 Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov Asimov, Isaac 40 Betrayed: House of Night Novel #2 Cast, P. C. 22 Between a Rock and a Hard Place Ralston, Aron 22 Beyond The Chocolate War Cormier, Robert 13 Big Sky Guthrie, A. B. 30 Big Sky Guthrie, A. B. 30 Billy Budd Melville, Herman 11 Biological Evolution Human, Katy 20 Bitter Road to Dachau Wise, Robert L. 13 Black Arrow Stevenson, Robert Louis 18 Black Cauldron Alexander, Lloyd 12 Black Death McMullin, Jordan 20 Black Echo Connelly, Michael 21 Black Elk Speaks Neihardt, John 15 Black Like Me Griffin, John 14 Black Music in America Haskins, James 13 Black Notice Cornwell, Patricia 30 Black Rose, The Costain, Thomas B. 40 Blackbird House Hoffman, Alice 10 Bleachers Grisham, John 7 Bless the Beasts and Children Swarthout, Glendon 9 Blind Side, The Lewis, Michael 29 Blood and Gold Rice, Anne 40 Bloodline Cary, Kate 11 Bloodstream Gerritsen, Tess 23 Bloody Bones Hamilton, Laurell K. 26 Blue Sword McKinley, Robin 23 Boat to Nowhere Crane, Maureen 10 Body Bags Golden, Christopher 14 Body of Evidence Cornwell, Patricia 30 Bold Journey Bohner, Charles 8 Bone Collector, The Deaver, Jeffery 25 Bone Wars Lasky, Kathryn 24 Book of the Dead Preston, Douglas 31 Book of the Lion Cadnum, Michael 13 Born in Sin Coleman, Evelyn 13 Born On A Blue Day: Inside the extraordinary Tammet,mind of an Daniel autistic savant: a memoir 17 Born to Skate: The Michelle Kwan Story Epstein, Edward Z. 12 Boscombe Valley Mystery, The Conan, Arthur 7 Both Sides Now Pennebaker, Ruth 16 Boy Who Could Make Himself Disappear Platt, Kin 14 Brain: Injury, Illness and Health Parker, Steve 10 Brave Lipsyte, Robert 10 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous 25 Breaking Dawn Meyer, Stephenie 45 Briana's Gift McDaniel, Lurlene 9 Brian's Song Blinn, William 7 Brian's Song Blinn, William 7 Bridge at Andau Michener, James 19 Bridge of San Luis Rey Wilder, Thornton 15 Bridge of Sighs Steinhauer, Olen 16 Bridges At Toko-Ri Michener, James 5 Brighter Than A Thousand Suns Jungk, Robert 31 Broken Cord Dorris, Michael 32 Broken Date Stine, R. L. 7 Bronze Bow Speare, Elizabeth George 16 Brothers of the Heart Blos, Joan W. 8 Buck Fever Mike Sajna 14 Bumblebee Flies Anyway Cormier, Robert 13 Cage Sender, Ruth Minsky 6 Caged Virgin Ali, Ayaan Hirshi 15 Caine Mutiny Wouk, Herman 40 Californios L'Amour, Louis 10 Callender Papers Voigt, Cynthia 13 Camera Never Blinks Rather, Dan 26 Candidate for Murder Nixon, Joan Lowery 10 Candide Voltaire 10 Canine Caper Block, Rose 10 Canterbury Tales Chaucer, Geoffrey 42 Canticle For Leibowitz Miller, Walter 27 Captains Courageous Kipling, Rudyard 19 Captives in a Foreign Land Lowry, Susan 9 Carolina Autumn Williams, Carol Lynch 7 Carousel Hammerstein, Rodgers & 5 Carrie King, Stephen 14 Cask of Amontillado, The Poe, Edgar Allan 6 Catalogue of the Universe Mahy, Margaret 13 Catch-22 Heller, Joseph 30 Catcher in the Rye, The Salinger, J. D. 16 Caught in the Act Nixon, Joan Lowery 9 Cave Under The City Mazer, Harry 9 Cell King, Stephen 17 Cells Lokere, Jillian 20 Ceremony of Innocence Jamake 18 Chamber, The Grisham, John 20 Chanda's Secrets Stratton, Allan 15 Change of Heart Picoult, Jodi 29 Changes within Physical Systems and/or ConservationVillard, Ray of Energy 20 Charlemagne (Ancinet World Leaders) Gelfand, Dale 10 Charley Skedaddle Beatty, Patricia 10 Chickenhawk Mason, Robert 25 Child Called It Pelzer, David 10 Child of the Holocaust Kuper, Jack 21 Childhood's End Clarke, Arthur C. 16 Children of the Flames Lagnado, Lucette Matalon 25 Children of the Holocaust Epstein, Helen 30 China Garden Berry, Liz 15 Chlamydia Breguet, Amy 7 Chloe Cote, Lyn 23 Chocolate War, The Cormier, Robert 10 Choice, The Sparks, Nicholas 19 Chosen Potok, Chaim 22 Chosen: House of Night Novel #3 Cast, P. C. 19 Christmas Train Baldacci, David 15 Christy Marshall, Catherine 28 Chronicles of Pern McCaffrey, Anne 18 Cinnamon Andrews, V. C. 10 Circle Unbroken Hotze, Sollace 12 Citizen Soldiers Ambrose, Stephen E. 45 City of Bones Connelly, Michael 40 City of Gold and Lead Christopher, John 11 Civil Action Harr, Jonathan 36 Clan of the Cave Bear Auel, Jean M. 43 Class Dismissed II Glenn, Mel 3 Climate Change Freedman, Jeri 10 Coastal Rescue Miller, Christina 10 Cobra Event Preston, Richard 21 Cocaine and Crack Barter, James 12 Cocaine and Your Nose Apel, Melanie 7 Code Name Kris Mates, Carol 9 Codeine Diary Andrews, Tom 12 Codex Grossman, Lev 15 Cold Moon, The Deaver, Jeffery 20 Cold Mountain Frazier, Charles 20 Cold Sassy Tree Burns, Olive Ann 29 Color of Absence Howe, James 13 Color Purple Walker, Alice 16 Coma Cook, Robin 24 Come a Stranger Voigt, Cynthia 17 Command of the King Lide, Mary 26 Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Blumberg, Rhoda 6 Common Sense Paine, Thomas 7 Companions of the Night Vande Velde, Vivian 12 Compass in the Blood Coles, William 17 Confessions of Nat Turner Styron, William 35 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Twain, Mark 27 Cork Boat: A true story of the unlikeliest boat everPollack, built John 16 Count of Monte Cristo, The Dumas, Alexandre 25 Court-Martial of Lt.
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