The Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association JULY 2020 FlightMore than Aviation Photography 80 JP Bonin marks Classified Ads (p.46) 20 years ‘shooting’ aircraft UNDERWING CAMPING TIPS FROM EXPERIENCED CAMPERS CHRISTINE GERVAIS INTRODUCING COPA’s new CEO HANDHELD TRANSCEIVERS WE HIGHLIGHT 3 DIFFERENT PM#42583014 MANUFACTURERS & CAPTURE THE FEELING OF FLIGHT. L’ESSENTIEL, C’EST LE CIEL! In Canada, the freedom to fly provides pilots Au Canada, cette vérité offre aux pilotes and aviation enthusiasts endless ways of et aux passionnés d’aviation plein de moyens expressing our love for flight. pour exprimer leur amour de voler. Recognizing this, COPA and Red Canoe C’est pourquoi COPA et Red Canoe came together to create a high quality s’associent pour pour créer une collection collection meant to capture d’excellente qualité, destinée à rendre and celebrate just a few of those ways. hommage à quelques-uns de ces moyens. Shop for yours today: Trouvez le vôtre aujourd’hui: www.copanational.org/en/store www.copanational.org/fr/boutique his hers Pour lui Pour elle CopaFlight-ApparelPrintAd-Feb.Final.indd 1 2019-01-13 3:25 PM coNTENTS DEpaRTMENTS 4 PRESident’S CORNER JC AUDET DEFINES WHat COPA IS 6 MAILBOX INSPIRatIONAL StoRIES 7 ALL FOR FLIGHT RISE AND Soar — STUDENT PIlot SHows GREat INITIatIVE 8 NEWSLINE INTRODUCING COPA’S NEW PRESIDENT AND CEO 16 AVIATION ACCEssORIES COPA FLIGHT REVIEws HANDHELD 26 TRanscEIVERS 18 YOUNGER VOICES FEatURE YOUNG PIlots PROFILED 20 AVIATION SAFETY A PAssIONATE SHUTTERBUG THE WALK AROUND The quality of aviation photographer and COPA Flight contributor Jean-Pierre Bonin’s work is such that it’s hard to comprehend that he does not do it for a living. 22 LEARNING FROM OTHERS’ MISTAKES As he marks twenty years of dedicating himself to his hobby, Bonin’s passion for THE CARIBOU VS THE STEAMROLLER all things aviation is evident, even as he notes he is not a pilot. So, what is it that 24 EXCERPTS motivates this COPA member? The opportunity to share. SHIRLEE SMITH MatHEson REcoUnts FatE OF CP FLIGHT 3505 ON THE coVER: COPA Flight contributing photographer Jean-Pierre Bonin captures 38 REGIONS this 1946 Piper J3C-65 at one of the many fly-ins he attends. LOCAL NEws AND MEMBER ActIVITIES Clark Morawetz Flight [email protected], 905-809-4835 Québec Jonathan Beauchesne, Treasurer COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS EDITOR [email protected], 514-585-3959 B.C. & Yukon Steve Drinkwater ~ Vacant ~ Mathieu Delorme [email protected] [email protected], 514-248-5379 604-229-1629 Kate Klassen GRAPHIC DESIGNER [email protected], 604-366-8211 Newfoundland and Labrador Bill Mahoney, Eastern Vice-Chair Shannon Swanson Alberta & N.W.T. [email protected], 709-685-6885 Henry Vos DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES Maritimes [email protected], 780-835-1992 Katherine Kjaer Brian Pinsent 250-592-5331 Ken Zachkewich [email protected], 506-383-1867 [email protected] [email protected], 780-623-0673 Debbie Brekelmans CLAssIFIED ADVERTISING SALES & PRODUCTION [email protected], 902-499-7941 Roberta Drinkwater Saskatchewan 604-999-2411 Candace Pardo Ex-Officio [email protected] [email protected], 306-621-7181 Bernard Gervais, CEO and President [email protected], 613-236-4901 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Manitoba & Nunavut Janine Cross, Phil Lightstone Jim Bell, Secretary [email protected], 204-293-5402 Canadian Owners and Pilots Association ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Diana Topping 75 Albert Street, Suite 903, 604-339-3612 Northern Ontario Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7 613-236-4901 | www.copanational.org FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Anthea Williams Lloyd Richards Find us on Facebook and Instagram [email protected], 705-267-7111 AssISTANT ADMIN Rajei Gill @copanational #allforflight Southern Ontario COPA Flight is published under contract to COPA Kevin Elwood COPA Members $15 per year by Canadian Aviator Publishing Ltd. [email protected], 705-444-9461 Non-Members $30 per year Doug Ronan Single Copy Price $4.95 [email protected], 705-327-4730 (includes mailing in Canada) COPA FLIGHT | JUly 2020 3 FROM THE TOP PRESident’S CORNER WITH JC AUDET • 406 ELT Sales & Service Discount• • BEST PRICES Discount• Avionics406 ELT Sales & ServiceFOR ELT CERTIFICATIONS • 406• ELT •Sales & Service BEST PRICESFOR BOTH NEW AND OLDER MODELS Discount• w• ww.AvionicsDiscountBESTA PRICESvionicsFOR EL.comT CERTIFICATIONS FOR BOTH NEW AND OLDER MODELS www. DiscountFORAvionics ELT CERTIFIC.com ATIONS Artex • Kannad •W PointerHAT IS Avionics Artex • Kannad • Pointer FOR BOTH NEW AND OLDER MODELS Ameri-King • ACK www. DiscountAvionics .com877-878-8363877-878-8363 Ameri-King • ACK Artex • Kannad • Pointer COPA? 877-878-8363 Ameri-King • ACK AND, WHAT DO I GET FOR MY MEMBERSHIP? BEST PRICE FOR ELT CERTIFICATION FOR BOTH NEW + OLDER MODELS COPA’s Vice President of Operations pilots across our country. These two in- Fills in for the President in this Issue stitutions regularly consult with us on — Ed. numerous issues before a new policy, rule or procedure is deployed. We do I have been asked these questions not always get what we advocate for in numerous times in my many years totality, but we generally do influence as a COPA member. My obvious an- the decisions. swer, to this day, is very easily under- But no matter the efforts and results standable by the other person: I get a of these efforts, it is very rare and diffi- monthly publication, good insurance cult to perceive, or identify, any specific rates since I have an airplane, some individual benefit. These benefits serve • 406 Sales + Service books and guides, and….? That likely the collective and maintain the accessi- • Repair station for all headsets does not sound like much in terms of bility, affordability and freedom of avia- • Factory Authorized Dealer for membership benefits. Despite this per- tion in Canada. spective, I am passionate about COPA, We also receive many requests that Technisonic Industries LTD what COPA is and what COPA stands include what used to be the typical ma- • 2-4 days turn around time on for. And I firmly believe that COPA is jor delays (now significantly improved) ELT certification an absolute necessity for general avia- with TC in obtaining service of any kind • Artex, Kannad, Pointer, tion (GA) in Canada. The major benefit (e.g. medical renewal, change of own- Ameri-King, ACK, SkyHunter I get for my membership in COPA is ership, downgrading to an RPP, various ELT very difficult to describe or to explain. issue with one’s aircraft documenta- • French + English service It may be easier to do that through the tion). We intervene and resolve issues asking of a different question: Where around cell tower intrusions or exces- would GA be today, in Canada, if COPA sive property tax assessments, among had never existed? many others. These are tangible bene- PLEASE SEE wEbSITE From its humble beginning to what fits to the individuals and the collective FoR PRomoTIonS, it has become, COPA has always been also reaps benefits from these. ADDRESS AnD there to represent the voice of the small COPA is extremely effective in re- SubmISSIon FoRm private operator, the one who owns and solving these issues, and typically does fly a plane for the sheer love of it, the so very quickly with the help of the one who is willing to sacrifice a great highly competent and dedicated staff number of common aspects of life to at our headquarters in Ottawa. Your fuel a passion that most of the popula- association is overseen by a Board of CONV Box 3635 tion at large probably has difficulty to Directors, all of whom are dedicated Cochrane Ontario understand or rationalise. volunteers, and managed by our Presi- Canada P0L1C0 COPA is the voice of GA to Transport dent and CEO. Office: 877-878-8363 Canada (TC) and Nav Canada, among Our mission has never so true and others. These first two are the ones relevant as it now. To advance, promote Cell: 705-272-9179 that exert by far the most influence on and preserve the Canadian freedom www.discountavionics.com the aviation life of all GA owners and to fly. 4 COPA FLIGHT | JUly 2020 LE MOT DU PRÉSIDENT PAR JC AUDET QU’esT-CE QUE LA COPA ? Et qu’eST-ce que j’obTIENS POUR MON ADHÉSION ? Le vice-président des opérations de de façon régulière sur de nombreuses la COPA remplace le président dans le questions avant le déploiement d’une mot de ce numéro — Ed. nouvelle politique, règlementation ou procédure. Nous n’obtenons pas tou- On m’a posé ces questions à plusieurs jours ce que nous préconisons en to- reprises au cours de mes nombreuses talité, mais nous influençons générale- années en tant que membre de la COPA. ment les décisions. Ma réponse évidente, à ce jour, est très Mais quels que soient les efforts et les facilement compréhensible par mon in- résultats de ces efforts, il est très rare terlocuteur: je reçois une publication et difficile de percevoir ou d’identifier mensuelle, de bons tarifs d’assurance un avantage individuel spécifique. Ces puisque j’ai un avion, des livres et des avantages servent le collectif et main- guides, et .? Cela ne ressemble proba- tiennent l’accessibilité, des prix abord- blement pas beaucoup à des avantages ables et la liberté de l’aviation au Canada. intéressants. Malgré cette perspective, je Nous recevons également de nom- suis passionné par la COPA, ce qu’est la breuses demandes qui incluent ce qui COPA et ce qu'elle représente. Et je crois était autrefois vus comme des retards fermement que l'association est une né- majeurs de services (désormais consi- cessité absolue pour l’aviation générale dérablement améliorés) de la part de (AG) au Canada. Le principal avantage TC, de quelconque nature (par exemple, que j’obtiens pour mon adhésion à la renouvellement médical, changement COPA est très difficile à décrire ou à -ex de propriétaire, rétrogradation à un RPP, pliquer.
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