tecti— A ^^im^^. NYC news: Black pHde. Newffroots ...•aia hwwvlew: RGMC. ^^ Oplnkm: MX worker. Making dw Scene: MOCHA». SWKUOH B Entertainment: imageout.. Columnists „ 3 NonWTravel/Styte. 10 Gay Groups , „ 12 Community Center News....-....-14 Cbsssif{«d$ , 15 Calendar 18 3«pt»mb«r 2002 Cartoons , .. 23 A Publication of the Gay Althince of th« Genesee V^ky Harry Bronson to NewsFronts run for state Senate mLOCAL AND STATE Gill Foundaiticin/GAGV Non-profit lender was GAGV president, attorney workshops resume with By Susan Jordan publican — part of a majority in our grant-writing theme on On Aug. 5. Harry Bronson, execu­ Senate which has not addressed glbt Sept. J 7 and 8 8 tive director of Cepl-ias Attica, issues or the need for ecoriomic The series of workshops for non­ inc., attorney, and former presi­ development and revitalization of profit organizations sponsored by dent of the Gay Alliance board, upstate New York. The issues for the Gay Alliance and Denver's announced his candidacy for the upstate reaHy are new voices, nevv Gill Foundation resume this New York State Senate seat re­ ideas, and a new approach, espe­ month, looking at the topic "Nitty cently vacated by Richard cially in tfie areas of economic revi­ Gritty of Getting Grants". Doiiinger, longtime supporter of talization, human rights for ail, edu­ Part one wil! be held on Sept. i 7 lgbt rights. cation, and women's right to and part two on Sept. 18, at the The Republican Party would like choose," Red Cross headquarters. 50 Prince to replace Doiiinger with a Repub­ A lifelong resident of upstate New Harry Bronson announced his candidacy for N«w York State St The workshops begin at 2 p.m., lican — or with a Democrat who York. Bronson, the I ! th of 12 chil­ Senate on Aug. 5 at Denmocratic party headquarters. with registration, refreshments is willing to turn Republican, jike dren, worked his way out of pov­ and networking. The workshops Joseph Robach, Bronson's oppo­ erty, graduating from SUNY Os­ themselves run from 2:45 to 6:15, nent. wego and jetting his bw degree JfiTSX and each workshop costs $ 10. In his announcement at Demo­ from the University of Bufblo Law October workshops will be on cratic headquarters,Bronson high- School. He practiced law for 14 domestic rclvfl Moions "Super Special Events'* and iighted the issues which his cajD- y^ars, most rescendy as a partner in "INw^r^York Oty \m$ tak«n ^ "Incorporate Corporate Spon­ paign^^^j^l focus o^: t;flfi ?Y^d for the prominent firm of Blitman and N«w York^« stAwM46 g^ and rrufldt-rte^ded &te(> thac we hc^ie sorship" (Oct. 9 and 10), and on econDTpic revitalization of upstate King, where he worked to enforce Eesb^ civH rights or^^mization, v^H be foltowed by other jurisdic­ Nov. 13 and 14 the topics will be New^^York; the human rights and non-discrimination ajmd human rights praised the New York ClVfCoun' tions throtighout the United "Conquer a Capital Campaign'* dignify.6f each individual; the right laws, representing unions and em­ States^* 'sakt j.oe G^r^bari, Execu- and "Breathe Ufe Into Planned of w^h^en to choose; iiiio need in ployee benefit funds. He now heads t^e:D{r«ctor of the'Smipfre State Giving". For more information, A!baV>y for a new voice'calling for Cephas Attica, which works to break Priffe A^da. **We thank every- ca!! Lhe GAGV at 244-8640. reform and change, and the needs d^ie cycle of crime by offering re­ 'lo|Sf:«>f*:d|«:<2i«y<^if^^ of the pfeople of the 56th Senate sources to those in the criirtinal RIT VS^omen's Center ;iit;^4»<^^MtiMs :£>i{i^:?f>d' particulars' District corrections system, and offering in­ to mark Global •:11j«k'Wll,:tetrOi'::|:i.4-^>:l|WiS;^i^^ :il^iifek:i||otir^ S^)«aiCfir:'' :^:<S'ilbrdr Bronson told the Empty Chset, tervention and preventive services • ', . •,•,,••.• •,.•.••.•' ••';•'' •• :..;:•:•.•.:•:':.•:.:..•. .:^: .';•:-; ;'•; Sisterhood In October "I decided to run partly because I for young people at risk, The RIT Women's Center will feel ! can make more of a differ­ Bronson stated in his announce­ observe Global Sisterhood Week ence througlt the community ser­ ment speech, "Just as my mother in October by bringing two speak­ ^iif^i^fi^ill^^ ^^^^^^rferHatloii*^*^i vice agency I've run for a few years and father overcame staggering odds, onythe^-meittyre,.- ers to campus and hosting a week as an elected official, and better and that allowed me opportunities, of events celebrating women's Improve our community in gen­ which through diiigence and hard diversity, «£i{i«' era!. More specifically, th*e state work I then turned into additional Riki Wiichins, executive direc­ Senate seat is an imptorcant seat. opportunities that have brought nre tor of the Gender Pubiic Advo­ where there's a need to have the here today, so too can our commu- cacy Coalition (GendcrPAC) and voices of all people heard, and nifcy overcome the economic Patricia Ireland, past president of their issues addressed." struggles we now fece." the National Organization for He added, "The current makeup Bronson said that his campaign is Women (NOW) will speak on of the Senate (If we don't elect a taking shape nicely. The campaign how gender stereotyping creates I Democrat) will be all four rcpre- manager is Ted O'Brien, chair ofthe bullying, discrimination and vio­ ttattves for our anea being Re­ lence that affect all women and all Bronson continued on p. 3 people, re^rdless of race, age, gerider identatyor sexual orienta­ tion. Lterfaith Advocates c^ebrates 10 years on Oct. 3 Ireland, author of Whm Women Want, lead a delegation of 200 t Darrell Lance people of many ^tth traditions to foiiowed by dinner. An interfaith ceeds wili benefit the woric of IA. NOW members to B^hng for ^brating 10 years of growing share ideas and pian common events panei will present thoughts on For reservations, call Ralph Cartar «heU.N.Vf^ourch Worid Confer­ )rt from Rochester's faith that promote the inclusion of Igbt changes of the past i 0 years, espe* (271-7649), Nancy Fitts 0M\* ence on Women In 1995. Riki tunitles for (gbt people^ In- people in the religious conrMnunfties chl%the progress that has occurred 4846), Darrell Unce (442-5486), Wiichins is auti>or of Read My (th Advocates for Gay, Les- of Rochester and in sodety at large. in ih%ir pard«;uiar faith communi­ or Casey Lopata (271 -7363). Res­ Upa: Sexuo/ Subversion <3nd the End Bisexuai and Transgender The group Is highly aware that reli­ ties, and their hof>es for the future. ervations are due Sept. 26. St. e^ Gender, and author/co-editor fe will host a festhre recep- gious traditions have often inlikted The panel includes the Rev. Peter Mary's Church is located near Geva dfC£NDEi<<^EER: Yokes from Be­ td dinner on Thursday, Oct. great pain on their fgbt members, Carman, pastor of Ladke Avenue Theatre, and free parking is avaiU yond the Sexua/ Binary. Her third and works on strategies to over­ Baptist churdv f^bbi Alan ICatz of able for this event. book. Queer Theory/Gender Theory: come this legiMy. Symbolizing Its Temple Sin9i» smdHary EHen Ijopata IA Is co-chaired by Nancy ! event, with the theme of **A An hstant Primer, is due in spring interfaith character, IA led o4f the of Catholic Gay «nd LjBsbian Family Eckerson Fitts of First Unitarian fng Light," wili take place at 2004. igan Center of St. Mary's contingent of religk>us bodies that Ministry. M<x^«rating the panel will Church and IDr. James Stewart of See the October Empty Chset In downtown Rochester, marched together in the July 13 Gay be the Rev. John Wilkinson, pastor Third Presbyterian Church. Nancy for details, or call the Women's )pen to all. Pride Parade. of Third Presbyterian Church. Fitcs has been a leader of the group Center at 475-7464. faith Advocates (IA) is an The celebration on Oct. 3 will Tickets are $2S per person, and ition tliat brings together begin with a reception at 6:15 p.m.. the even is open to all. The pro­ IA continued on p. 10 Newsbriefi cont. on p. 10 *"•'•* — • * — u — i^i^iiili eb- «/ Bronson contimiod frx»m p* I LeTTERS TO THE EDITOIti and tombs of the woHd have finally realized Th« opiniom of eoUimnltti, •dkertel writ­ th«d|M«»«dltfer«pic«afidduily.We mana^r is T«d O'Brten. chair of th« this." he continued, "and that's why they offer ers tnd oth«r conUibuUnf writer* »r» wW print OTOfiQiiaioui tacBir* If-the name Monroe County Democratic Party. domestic partner benefits and sexual orienta­ th«ir own ind «io not n«c««»rily rrfl*ct and plKN»« nunkfrn-wtm f»ravlded to the Bronson said, •*WeVe put together a very tion human rights policies. The state needs to th* cott«ctlv« tttlttKto of «§»« G»y Alltanc* Editor; cowWdamlillqf wW be rwpected. solid commitcee to work on the campaign* take that next step and extend equal — not ectives of th« G«n«»«« Viltay or th« Empty Ck»«t. Subnriisloni. are due 4)y the ISth ol the We wIM print l«tt»n it the •dH»r'» dls«r«- month ttC'tlwiftiiHy Ctoeait. l79Adaft. inciuding individuals focusing on field op­ 'special'—rights to all of its citizens. And, let me tion and on 1 «pac* avalUWe b»fl».W« will tic Av«^ RodMStarNY l4«07-t255; emaU erations, media, fundraising, and the gen­ add, not only by passing legislation but also by viewpoints that matter not print personal MOdai on individuals.
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