The Indian National Congress. 1924'. -- Being the' resolutions o~ the Congress and of the Ali lndta Congress Committee and of the Working Committe~ 'of Jhe ~ngress passed during the.yead914. • - ALLAHABAD TH& ALLAHABA' LAW JOURNAL Plll!.SS 192S. • PRINTED BY It, p, DAR AT 'fHE ALLAHABAD LAW JOURNAL PRI!~S, AN.ll PUBLISHED BY ]AWAHARLAL NEHRU, GENERAL SECRETARY, ALL INDIA CONGRESS COMMITTEI£1 ALLAHABAD. 1ooo-1-s-zs. CONTENTS. PAGI All India Congress Committee meetings In 1924 :~ 110 At Cocanada on rst and zncl January At Ahmedabad on June 17th, a8th nnd 29th 3 At Bombay on 23rd November .. 6 At Belganm on z8th December .. 8 Workins Committee meetings in 1924 :- .. .. 9103 At Cocamula on 2nd ]110uary 9 At Bombay on January 30th and Jilt and Fehruary 1~1 10 · At Delhi on February a6th and 27th r6 At Bombay on April 23rd IIDd 14th •• rS At Sabannati and Ahmedabad on June 26tq, zgth, 3oth and July lSI .. •• 20 At Delhi on October 3rd .. At-Bombay on November zrst • .. ·At Belgaum on December 23rd .. •• Jl Belgaum Session 1924 •• .. l9 Delhi Unity Con£erence resolution! 46 All .Parties Conference rl!.!lolntions 51 Annual Report of Secretarlea of A. I. C. C. for 1924 52 Audited Statement of Accounts of the A. I. C. C. Office for 1924 • • 58 .o\11 Judia Tllak Memorial Swarajya Fund:- .. 6rtotl6 (i) Statement of Recelpta and Di,buraementa from 19th Decem· ber 1923 to roth December 1914 ,.. 6r (Ill Revenue Acconnt from 19th December 192~. to roth Decem· ber 1924 •• 6s ·(iii) Balance Sheet as on 10th December 1914 .. .. IndeJ .. .. .. - •• Some mispril~ts co1·rected. On page 3 line 8 for indispmsible read indispmsablt. On page 3 line 9 for have read kas. On page 3 line 32 and line 40 for advisib!e read adrJisable. On page 2 5 line' 26 for provi1~eial read provisional. On page 28 line 2? for 29 read XIX. On page 30 iine 25 delete of 1818. On page 31 line 11 for and !tad read lzad. On page 37 line 35 for assasinatiou read assassl1ititioll. On page 56 line 4 for 194o8 rtad /94¢. On page 59 note (iii) for Rs. 215-12·6 read RJ. 21]·12-6. On page 64 2nd column for Rs. 1]8]]·14·0 read Rs. 1]8]]·14'9. ,t\LL INDIA CONGRESS COMMITTEE 1924. The following resolutio11s were passed by the 'All India Congress Committee at Coca11ada 011 the 1st and 2nd Janttary, 1924:- 1. Resolved that the following do constitute the Working Com· Working Committee. mittee :- Ex·olficio : Maulana Mohamad Ali-President Syt, Rev.~hanker J~gjivan Javeri}rreasurers. Syt. Vel)t Lakhamst Napoo .... Syl. Gangadhar Rao Deshpande. } Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew. General Secretaries. Syt. Jawaharlal Nehru. Eltcled mtmbm: I, Deshbandhu Das, 2. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. 3· Syt. Konda Venkatappayya. 4· Maulana Shaukat Ali, 5· Seth Jamnalal Bajaj. ,. 6. Syt. Vallabhbhai Patel. 7, , C. Rajagopalachariar, 8. Sirdar Mangal Singh. 9· Syt. Sbankerlal Banker, 11. (I) The All India Congress Committee is of opinion that all 1 p b. • • f the resolutions of the Congress, the All India , u 1tea1 1on o 1eso1 n· 1.• f ons C C · d th W C 1 ongress omm1Uee an e outng om• ' mittee, excepting privileged resolutions, passed during the year, aud the accounts, should be printed together in con· venient form for sale· and distribution with the annual reporL The Working Committee is authorised to take necessary steps in this behalf. (2) The Working Committee is also directed to take necessary steps to get published in convenient form all the resolutions of the All India Congress Committee and the Working Committee together with a· report of receipts and expenditure, from the Calcutta special session to the Cocanada session of the Congress. Ill. Resolved that the Working Committee prepare a scheme lor Permanent stall and having a permanent staff and office in a office. central place and place it before the All India Congress Committee. IV. The Akali question be referred to the Working Committee Akalis. lor necessary action. A. I. C. C. 1924. I v. In 1\lpersession of the resolulions pWassedk.on thee lllbject !rtho'!l time to lime by the or tog ommtltee, ts lloundary disputes. Committee appoints an Arbitration ~ommittce consisting ol Syt. C. Rajagopalachariar, two repre~tabves ,fr~m Utkal and two !rom Andhra, elected by the respecbve Provmctal Congrea Committees, to invesligale the question of the Andbra-Utkal delimitation and arrive at a decision bel ore the 31st of March, 1924, the decision of the committee being linal. VI. The following are elected to the Eleclion Disputes Panei:- Eiectlon Disputell 1. Syt. Jaitamdas Daulatram. Panel. 2. Babu Bhagwandas. 3• Syt. C. V. Vaidya. 4· Syt. 'Manila! Kothari, s. Dr, M. A. Ansari. 6. Dr. Pattabhl Sitaramayya. 7• Syt. George Joseph. 8. Pandit K. Santanam (Lahore) g. Syt. B. F. Bharucha. 10. Syt. T. Prakasam. 11. Dr. Suhrahmanyam. 12. Dr. Murarilal. VII. Mr. Viswanath Mukerji's proposition suggesliog the crea· lion and promotion of a labour and peasant ;a~~tl!.d peasant or~anisalion. is referred to the Working Com· g mt\tee lor disposal. Vlll. In accordance with the programme adopted by the Con· • e gress at Cocanada, the All India Congress C t t programme.on!rUC:IV Commtltee . !eso Ives th at every p.rovmcta '\C on· gress Commtltee do at once take steps to carry out the consttuctive programme. Provincial Congress Committees are directed to prepare detailed and considered schemes showing the items of the Bardoli constructive programme to he now concentrated upon in each province and the ways and means decided upon for carrying them out. Reports shall reach the general secretary before February 15th, 1924. IX. Resolved that Oeshbhakta Venkatappayya be requested to Old lectl dis deal with and dispose of finally the election ~· e on pu 1es. disputes of last year. X. That the Working Committee be authorised be negotiate Congress pav&Uon. wi~ the Reception Committee of the Indian National Congress at Cocanada and Mr. Mu~eriee the owner, with a view to purchase the tent wherein the Congress was held, and to purchase it should they consider it desir· able. A. I. c. c. i1121. a 'Phe following resolutions were passed by the All India Cottgress Committee at Ahmedabad on lu11e 27th, 28th and 29th, 1924 :- 1. (I) In view of the fact lhat lite memben of Congrese , . organisations lhroughoutlhe country have ahem· Hand spmnmg. selves hilherto neglected hand·spinoing, in spite of lhe fact lhat lite spinning wheel and its product handspun khaddar have been regarded as indispensible for lite establishment of Swaraiya, and although lheir acceptance have been regarded by lite Congrese as a necessary preliminary to civil disobedience, the All India Congress Committee resolves that members of all elected Congrese organisations shall, except when disabled by sickness or prevented by continuous travelling or other similar cause, regularly spin for at least half an hour every day and shall each send to the secretary of the ,All India Khaddar Board, or to any penon appointed by him in _this behalf, at least 2,000 yards of even and well twisted yam of their own spinning, so as to reach him not later than the 15th of August 1924, and thereafter in regular monthly succeaion. Any • member failing to send the prescribed quantity by the prescribed date shall, unless unavoidably prevented, be deemed to have vacated his office and such vacancy shall be filled in the usual manner; provided that the member vacating in the manner aforesaid shall not be eligible for re-elecrion before the general election for the members of the several organisations. (2) In view of the fact that certain members, whilst lite procee­ dings ollhe committee were going on, deemed it necessary to with· . draw from the comminee, by reason of their resentment of the (lenalty clause in the obligatory spinning resolution, and in view of the fact that the penalty clause of the resolution was carried only by 67 against 37 votes, and further in view of the fact lhat the said penalty -nuse would have been defeated if the votes of the withdrawal• had i eo given against, lite committee conaiden it proper and advilible · t' remove the penalty clause from the resolution and to re-affirm the ' lid resolution wilhout lite said penalty clause. II. ln as much as it has been brought to the notice of lhe com· mittee that instructions issued from time to time /, Defaulters. by officers and organisations duly authorised , lhereto have sometimes not been carried out properly, it i1 resolved that such disciplinary action including dillllissal, as may be deemed advisible by lite respective executive committees of the Provincial Congress Committees of the provinces in which the failure haa occurred shall be taken against the persons about whom complaint may be made, and in lite cases of complainll by or on behaU of the 4 A. I. C. ¢, 1924. central orgainisations such disciplinary action as may be taken br ~e provincial executive committee shall be reported to the complammg organisations. In cases of default by whole organisations lhe discipli· nary action shall be taken by lhe superior organisations. Ill. The AU.India Congress Committee draws the attention of lhe Congress voters to lhe fact that the five Req_uest to Repre- boycotts viz,, ol all foreign dolh, government sentauves. law courts, educational institutions, titles and legislative bodies, except in so far as lhe boycott of the legislative bodies may be aflected by the Cocanada resolution, and the propaganda lor lhe exclusive use ol khadi, are ~rill part of lhe Congress programme, and lherefore considers it desirable lhat lhose Congress voters who believe in lhe Congress programme do not elect to lhe various organisations subordinate to lhe Congress those who do not believe in the principle of and carry out in lheir own persons the said live boycotts, except where alfected by lhe said Cocanada resolution, and do not exclusively use hand-spun khaddar: and the All-India Congress Committee there­ fore request! such persons who are DOW members of the Congress elective organisations to resign lheir places.
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