together THE VOICE OF CATHOLIC ANGLICANS EASTER 2020 Finding our Voice for Jesus Fr Harri Williams writes... ‘Crucify Him! Crucify him!’ The High Priest and his supporters altered the mood of the crowd by the bitterness For nearly 90 years the Calvary Crosses in the grounds of they felt. The bitterness generated from the fact that Jesus the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham have been an seemed to command more respect than they did, he important feature in the pilgrimage programme of the seemed to draw others to him in a way that they could not, faithful who have come to that holy place. Erected there to and so their bitterness and jealousy overtook them and replicate Our Lord’s last journey from the Praetorium to they sought Calvary, Fr Alfred Hope Patten surely intended that the to kill him. How Great importance of Good Friday within the Christian story remained embedded within the heart and mind of every We encounter rage on Good Friday through the actions of Thou Art pilgrim. However, Good Friday surely is more than just a the soldiers. These servants of the Roman Empire Page 6 ‘one-off’ event in Jerusalem nearly 2000 years ago? Does humiliated Jesus; they acclaimed him as King one moment, not each one of us, as disciples of Jesus Christ, face Good and then rage overtook them and they physically abused Friday in our lives on a nearly daily basis? Good Friday was him. They struck him, spat on him, degraded his human a day consumed by bitterness, rage and anger and surely dignity. Perhaps they did it because they felt inadequate? these are emotions we also encounter and display in our Perhaps because they were disappointed with their own lives? place in life? Perhaps because here was an innocent victim on whom they could take out all their rage and frustration? Bitterness and hardness of heart were seen in the We see anger through the behaviour of the religious response of the crowd to the pleading call of Pontius Pilate authorities. Desperate not to allow Pilate to release Jesus to release Jesus. On three occasions he declared Jesus they resorted to allegations of political revolution to seek to innocent and yet on three occasions the crowd, cried out: secure his crucifixion. These religious leaders, who for Praying with the Blessed Sacrament Page 7 RESURRECTION IN OUR PARISHES Pages 8-9 2 Together EASTER 2020 THE VOICE OF CATHOLIC ANGLICANS Finding our Voice for Jesus Continued from front page generations had taught their people about the We may doubt that we are able through our voice Messiah, forgot those expectations in favour of to make a difference, but such doubt and fear their newly found political loyalty to the Roman needs to be washed away. For if we do not use our Emperor, which until that time they had loathed voice in the pursuit of holiness what are we to do and abhorred. So angry were they at Jesus that he with ourselves? Our vocation as Christians is to might give himself titles such as the Son of God, proclaim the good news of the Resurrection of that they were driven to ensuring his downfall at Jesus Christ and what it means for us, as those any cost. who have found life in its all fullness through faith in Him. Yet what was Jesus’ response to all this bitterness, rage and anger? Did he strike back? Did he argue To do that is challenging. The vulnerable, shy, passionately against the charges made against fearful side of our character may constantly fill our him? Did he sell out his principles in order that he hearts and minds with thoughts of rejection, or might be saved? No, he did not. Why? Because the desire not to upset anyone. Yet remaining Jesus hung upon the cross, to teach us that it is silent in the world which we inhabit, and which love, perfect love which conquers all. It is love Christ came to save, cannot surely be right? which enables forgiveness, reconciliation, and Amidst the horror of our world and tragedy of so compassion to occur despite the pain and agony many individuals’ lives, do we not believe that the which he endured. Gospel message of forgiveness, love and reconciliation has something to offer to our broken When life is difficult for us, when we find world? bitterness, rage and anger within ourselves, what will we do? When such emotions are directed at the Walsingham crosses is true for us as we seek In this time of great spiritual need we need to find us or those whom we care for what will our to make meaning of Good Friday and the faith in our voice, and use it. We need to be response be? Will we harm others with our words Resurrection. The sacrifice which Jesus made reminded of the words of God, spoken through the and actions, by letting out all that is sinful inside upon the Cross was not meant to be held in one prophet Ezekiel: ‘You must speak my words to us? place, rather we are to embrace his sacrifice and them, whether they listen or fail to listen.’ Our live out his Risen life in the world as his body. faith, spoken in our words, using our voice, will not There on Golgotha, there in the darkness and Through the power of the resurrection Jesus’ sound insincere or foolish, but rather will be of silence that followed the death of our Saviour cause is vindicated, his authority as the Son of the encouragement and reassurance to those who are Jesus Christ, we should find the answer to those living God is confirmed and his opponents are in doubt or need, for in our voice they will find the questions. For by gazing upon the cross, we can disgraced. But to whom does Jesus reveal authentic voice of humanity. We encounter Good let go of all the bitterness, rage and anger that himself? To the strong and the resilient? To those Friday in the difficulties and challenges of human may be within us and recall the beauty of love; with power, authority and wealth? No. Jesus life, but we have also been blessed with the perfect, unconditional and sacrificial, given freely chooses to reveal himself as the Resurrected Lord knowledge of the Resurrection and how that to you and to me. to his group of scared disciples and to the women triumph over sin and death has changed our lives. who had followed him during his ministry. Let us take that hopeful message, and share it I am reminded of that love through the fact that a with the world around us as we proclaim: Alleluia! piece of those crosses erected in the Shrine And why should who Jesus chose to be the first Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia! grounds nearly 90 years ago, now finds itself in my witnesses to his resurrection matter? It matters cassock pocket – the original crosses were because God chooses the weak, the vulnerable, Fr Harri Williams is the Parish Priest of the replaced in 2019, as they had become unsafe. those who seemingly have no power, influence or Walsingham Benefice Because having stood in a unique position for all voice to be his witnesses in the world. God that time, they have been carved into devotional reminds us that he has given to each one of us a crosses for use in our daily lives. What is true for voice; we just need to find it. College of Readers Chrism Masses 2020 Patron. The Rt. Revd Norman Banks Bishop of Richborough Bishops of The Society will be celebrating the following Chrism Masses: Co-patron. The Rt. Revd Martyn JarreÌt Bishop Date Time Church Are you a licensed Reader Richborough Wednesday 1 April 7.30 pm St Hugh, Eyres Monsell, Leicester (Licensed Lay Minister)? Richborough Saturday 4 April 11.00 am Winchester Cathedral Beverley Sunday 5 April 6.00 pm St Aidan, Grangetown, Sunderland The College of Readers is an organisation Burnley Sunday 5 April 6.00 pm St Anne, St Annes-on-Sea which aims to provide support, study opportunities Wakefield Sunday 5 April 6.00 pm St Peter, Horbury and spiritual development for Readers who accept Beverley Monday 6 April 11.30 am St Leonard, Loftus the traditional understanding of the apostolic Ebbsfleet Monday 6 April 12.00 noon Bristol Cathedral ministry of bishops, priests and deacons. Richborough Monday 6 April 12.00 noon Chelmsford Cathedral Annual membership is £15.00: Fulham Tuesday 7 April 11.00 am St Andrew, Holborn Beverley Tuesday 7 April 11.30 am Manchester Cathedral Chairman : Barry Barnes Ebbsfleet Tuesday 7 April 11.30 am Lichfield Cathedral Further information may be obtained from Chichester Tuesday 7 April 12.00 noon Chichester Cathedral* Mary Snape (Treasurer/Registrar) Richborough Tuesday 7 April 12.00 noon Canterbury Cathedral 01782 332606 Ebbsfleet Wednesday 8 April 11.30 am Exeter Cathedral [email protected] Beverley Wednesday 8 April 12.00 noon St Catherine of Siena, Sheffield www.college-of-readers.org.uk Richborough Wednesday 8 April 12.00 noon Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham *with renewal of ministerial vows - for all the clergy of the Diocese of Chichester. THE VOICE OF CATHOLIC ANGLICANS Together EASTER 2020 3 CURA CURA AL TE AL TE N S N S O S O S I O I O T T I C I C D I D I E E D T D T A Y A Y p p a a s s ADDITIONAL CURATES SOCIETY s s i d i d o o n o n o a o a o t h t h e st e a st abo rie bout prie ut p Almighty God, give us priests: to establish the honour of your holy name; to offer the holy sacrifice of the altar; to give us Jesus in the holy sacrament; to proclaim the faith of Jesus; to baptise and to teach the young; to tend your sheep; to seek the lost; to give pardon to the penitent sinner; to bless our homes; to pray for the afflicted; to comfort mourners; to strengthen us in our last hour; to commend our souls; Almighty God, give us priests! Amen.
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