SPRING SEMINAR A Textron Company PGA OF ALBERTA SPRING SEMINAR March 5 & 6, 2018 Carriage House Inn Calgary, Alberta The Most Trusted Resource in Golf SPRING SEMINAR MEET THETHE EDUCATIONEDUCATION COMMITTEE Kurtis Foote Dave Henzie Paul Horton Dean Ingalls Garett Jenkinson Woodside GC Nanton GC Heritage Pointe GA Silver Springs G&CC Golf Performance Canada at Elbow Springs Matt Johnson Shawn Lavoie Jeff MacGregor Dale Machesney Paul MacLeod Royal Mayfair GC The Winston GC Inglewood G&CC Glencoe G&CC Golf Performance Canada at Elbow Springs Aaron Pakylak Dean Sklarenko Jeremy Tanner Sean Thompson The Hamptons GC Picture Butte GC Highlands GC Cottonwood G&CC SPRING SEMINAR PROGRAM AT A GLANCE MONDAY, MARCH 5th 8:00 – 9:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:00 – 10:30 PGA OF ALBERTA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 10:45 – 12:00 KEVIN LOWE & GARRY MCKENZIE Q&A SESSION (see Bio for topic details) 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch (Photo session; PGA Members are strongly encouraged to update professional headshots) 1:00 – 4:00 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: JAMES SIECKMANN (see Bio for topic details) 5:00 – 8:00 Cocktail Party at Schanks Sports Grill South, presented by (Right next to Carriage House Inn – 9627 Macleod Trail, Calgary) TUESDAY, MARCH 6th 8:30 - 9:30 Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:30 – 10:30 BREAKOUT SESSION #1 TRACY MOFFATT (see Bio for topic details) OR TIM KREBS (see Bio for topic details) 10:45 – 12:00 BREAKOUT SESSION #2 TIM KREBS (see Bio for topic details) OR TRACY MOFFATT (See Bio for topic details) 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch RYAN ROBILLARD, Canadian Sales Manager for Super Speed Golf, will present on Coaching Speed in the Modern Golf Swing. 1:00 – 3:00 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: CAMERON MCCORMICK (see Bio for topic details) SPRING SEMINAR MEET THE SPEAKERS Kevin PGA of Alberta Insight Lowe MEETKevin LoweTHE THE will SPEAKERS be hostingSPEAKERS a Q&A session alongside Garry McKenzie. The format of this session will begin with a guided Q&A discussion moderated by Matt Johnson, Head KevinKevin PGAPro fessionalof Albertaat RoyalInsight Mayfair GC and Co-Chair of the Education Committee. The second Lowe Kevinportion Lowe of will this be sessionhosting awill Q&A be session opened alongside up to the Garry attendees McKenzie. for The any format questions of this they may have Lowe sessionand to will spark begin interactive with a guided conversations Q&A discussion. Kevin moderated will be by bringin Matt gJohnson, valuable Head business experience Profromfessional running at Royal an NHL Mayfair franchise GC and as Co well-Chair as of insight the Education into the Committee. life of a professional The second athlete. portion of this session will be opened up to the attendees for any questions they may have and to spark interactive conversations. Kevin will be bringing valuable business experience KEVIN LOWE, Vice Chairman – Oilers Entertainment Group from running an NHL franchise as well as insight into the life of a professional athlete. Kevin Lowe is entering his second season as Vice Chair and Alternate Governor of Oilers KEVIN LOWE, Vice Chairman – Oilers Entertainment Group Entertainment Group (OEG). Previously, Lowe served as the Oilers President of Hockey KevinOperations Lowe is entering for seven his seasonssecond season and prio as Vicer to Chaithatr spent and Alternat eight seasone Governors as ofth Oilerse Oilers General EntertainmentManager. Lowe Group wa (OEG).s the Previously,Oilers' first-ever Lowe serv drafted picas thk ewhen Oilers h Presidente was selected of Hockey 21st overall in the Operations1979 NHL for Amat seveneur seasons Draft. and He prioscoredr to thatthe firstspent goal eight in season team shisto as thrye Oilas ershe Generalbeat Tony Esposito at Manager.9:49 of Lowe the first was period the Oil ers'in Edmonton's first-ever draft first pic NHLk when gam hee was in Octob selecteder of21st 1979. overall Th ein goal the launched a 1979career NHL thatAmat saweur Draft.him pl Heay sco forred 19 th seasone first goals without in team spending history as a heday beat in thTonye minors. Esposito Lowe at has been 9:49instrumental of the first period in the in renewed Edmonton's succ firstess NHL of the gam Edmontone in October Oilers, of 1979. both Th eon goal and launch off thede aic e and will careercontinu thate saw to worhim kpl toaywards for 19 andseason promots withoute th spendinge growth a and day developmentin the minors. Lowe of OE hGas in been its many new instrumentalbusiness initiatives. in the renewed success of the Edmonton Oilers, both on and off the ice and will continue to work towards and promote the growth and development of OEG in its many new business initiatives. Lowe played 13 full seasons with the Oilers where he won 5 of his 6 Stanley Cup rings before th Lowebeing played traded 13 full to seasonsthe New with York the Rangers Oilers where where he he won won 5 of his his 6 6 Stanleyand final Cup Stanley rings before Cup beingChampionship. traded to the HeNew later York found Rangers himself wherere he-joining won his the 6th andOilers final in Stanley1997/98 Cup where he retired after Championship.two seasons. HeAfter later returning found himself to his re -originaljoining the organization Oilers in 1997, he/98 was where given he theretired opportunity after to join twothe seasons. frontoffice After returningstaff as an to Assistanthis original Coach. organizationHe was, he able was togiven quickly the opportunity work his way to join up the thecorporate front office ladd staffer asby an becoming Assistant Coach.the Head He wasCoach able of to the quickly Oilers work for hisa single way up season the in 1999 before corporatebeing promoted ladder by becomingto the General the Head Manager Coach of position the Oilers in 2000.for a single His outstanding season in 1999 knowledge before of the beinggame promoted and business to the General led to yet Manager another position promotion in 2000. in His 2008/09 outstanding where knowledge he became of the the President gameof Hockey and business Operations. led to yet another promotion in 2008/09 where he became the President of Hockey Operations. On top of his extensive resume with the Edmonton Oilers he has also helped the Canadian On top of his extensive resume with the Edmonton Oilers he has also helped the Canadian 2018 NationalNational HockeyHockey teams teams as a memberas a member of the ofmanagement the management team for team the 2002 for theWinter 2002 Olympics Winter Olympics wherewhere team team Canada Canada won wonthe gold the medal.gold medal. @EdmontonOilers@EdmontonOilers MEET THE SPEAKERSSPRING SEMINAR James PGA of Alberta Insight MEETMMEETEETJames THETHE THE will SPEAKERSSPEAKERS be SPEAKERSgoing over the various techniques and tips on how to improve your short Sieckmann game. This will be an interactive session as he will be using the same strategies he coaches JJamesames PGAPGA ofof AlbertaAlberta InsightInsight James JamesJames PG willwillA bebe Tou goinggoingr player overover thethes various variouswith, techniquestechniquessuch as, andSmyliand tipstipse on onKaufman howhow toto improveimprove, Charle youryoury shortshortHoffman , I.K. Kim, Ben Crane and James will be going over the various techniques and tips on how to improve your short SSieckmannieckmann game.game. ThisThis willwill bebe anan interactiveinteractive sessionsession asas hehe willwill bebe usingusing thethe samesame strategiesstrategies hehe coachescoaches Sieckmann game. ToThism will Pernice. be an interactive session as he will be using the same strategies he coaches James PGPGAA TouTourr playerplayerss withwith,, sucsuchh asas,, SmyliSmyliee KaufmanKaufman,, CharleCharleyy HoffmanHoffman,, I.KI.K.. KimKim,, BeBenn CranCranee andand PGA Tour players with, such as, Smylie Kaufman, Charley Hoffman, I.K. Kim, Ben Crane and ToTomm Pernice.Pernice. Sieckmann Tom Pernice.James will be presenting on the topic: The Art of Coaching Short Game – Scoring from 120 JameJamess Yard wilwilll bebes presentinpresentinand In.gg onon thethe topictopic:: ThThee ArtArt ofof CoachinCoachingg ShorShortt GamGamee –– ScorinScoringg frofromm 120120 James will be presenting on the topic: The Art of Coaching Short Game – Scoring from 120 YardYardss anandd In.In. Yards and In. JAMES SIECKMANN, Director of Instruction, The Golf Academy at Shadow Ridge CC JAMESJAMES SIECKMANN,SIECKMANN, DirectDirectoorr ofof Instruction,Instruction, TheThe GolfGolf AcademyAcademy atat ShadowShadow RidgeRidge CCCC JAMES SIECKMANN, Director of Instruction, The Golf Academy at Shadow Ridge CC ForFor thetheFor lastlast the 2222 yearsyears last James James22 years hashas servedserved James asas the thehas DirectorDirector served ofof InstrInstras theuctionuction Director atat TheThe GolfGolf of AcademyAcademy Instruction atat at The Golf Academy at For the last 22 years James has served as the Director of Instruction at The Golf Academy at ShadowShadow RidgeRidge CCCC inin Omaha,Omaha, Nebraska.Nebraska. HeHe isis aa nine-timenine-time recipienrecipientt ofof thethe NebraskaNebraska PGAPGA SectionSection ShadowShadow Ridge CC Ridgein Omaha, CC Nebraska. in Omaha, He is Nebraska. a nine-time recipien He is ta of nine-time the Nebraska recipien PGA Sectiont of the Nebraska PGA Section TeacherTeacher ofof thethe YearYear andand isis recognizedrecognized byby GOLFGOLF MagazineMagazine asas aa TopTop 100100 TeacherTeacher inin AmericaAmerica andand byby TeacherTeacher of the Year of and the is Yearrecognized and byis GOLFrecognized Magazine by as aGOLF Top 100 Magazine Teacher in Americaas a Top and 100 by Teacher in America
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