ZANTHOXYLUM 601 stem bark: skimmianine, Y-fagarine, dictam- Iana. Zoritho, cy!urn thouuenotiiis also used in nine, N-benzoyltyramine-methylether and 4- traditional medicine as an antitussive, but it is methoxy-I-methyl-2-quinolinone. The quino- unclear which part of the plant line alkaloid Y-fagarine exhibited the strongest Ecology Zanthoxylum tsihonimposo occurs in-vitro antiplasmodial activity. Decarine, an in dry deciduous forest, up to 400 in altitude. alkaloid isolated from two other Zorithoxylum Genetic resources and breeding Although species of Madagascar, i. e. Zorithoxylum mado- much of the natural forest in the area of distri- gascoriense Baker and Zorithoxylum thouueno- bution of Zanthoxylum tsihonimposo has dis- tit H. Perrier, showed molluscicidal activity appeared or is heavily degraded, the species Is against Biomphulorio platfferi, which is an apparently still common locally, at least trees intermediate hostfor bilharzia parasites of sinaUer sizes. There does not seem to be jin- Botany Deciduous medium-sized tree up to mediate danger of genetic erosion, also because 30 in tall; bole usually straight and cylindrical, Zorithoxy!urn tsihonimposo has a fairly wide up to 100 cm in diameter, with woody, prickle- distribution area bearing protuberances up to 2 cm long but old Prospects There is too little information on trees sometimes lacking these, often with large Zorithoxylum tsihonimposo to judge its pros- and thick, yellowish, corky flakes at base; bark pects as a commercial timber tree under sus- thick, outer bark greyish white to pale brown; tainable exploitation management. However, twigs thick, armed with conical prickles stands of large trees are probably too scarce Leaves alternate, clustered at ends of and inaccessible. An inventory Is needed to branches, imparipinnately compound with 19- establish the status of the remaining popula- 33 leaflets, up to 80 cm long; stipules absent; tions rachis glabrous, sometimes with smallprickles; Major references Gu6neau, Bedel & Thiel, leaflets nearly opposite, almost sessile, oblong- 1970-1975; Parant, Chichignoud & Rakotovao, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 5-20 cm x 2.5-7 cm, 1985; Perrier de in Bathie, 1950; Randriana- rounded and asymmetrical at base, long- rivelojosia at a1. , 2003; Sallenave, 1971. acuminate at apex, margin slightly toothed Other references Bolteau, Bolteau & A1- with rounded teeth, glabrous, with scattered 10rge-Boiteau, 1999; Debray, Jacquemin & minute glandular dots, pinnately veined with c Razafindramba0, 1971; Neuwinger, 2000; Ra- 12 pairs of lateral veins. Inflorescence a panicle soanaiv0, 2006; Rasoanaivo at a1. , 1999; Schatz, up to 15 cm long, clustered at ends of twigs, 2001; Takahashi, 1978 short-hairy, many-flowered with flowers in Authors R. H. M. J. Lemmens clusters. Flowers unisexual, regular, 4-merous, small; pedice1 0.5-2 mm long; sepals nearly free, c. I mm long; petals ovate, c. 2.5 min long, greenish; male flowers with 4 stamens, disk thick, irregularly toothed, ovary rudimentary; female flowers with superior, g}obose ovary and short style. Fruit a globose fontcle c. 8 min in diameter, glandular pitted, dehiscent, I- seeded. Seed globose, c. 5 min in diameter, black and shiny Zorithoxylttm tsihonimposo Is deciduous and bears leaves from November to May. It flowers near the end of the dry season, from September to November, shortly before new leaves de- velop. Fruits are ripe in December. Zorithoxylttm is pantropical and comprises about 200 species, with tropical America being richest in species. Mainland Africa harbours about 35 species, whereas about 5 species are endemic to Madagascar The wood of Zorithoxylum thouuenotii H. Perrier from eastern Madagascar is used for the same purposes as that of Zoritho, cylum tsihunimposo The leaves are used in the treatment of ina- 602 TIMBERSl Literature Abbiw, D. K. , 1990. Useful plants of Ghana: West African uses of wild and cultivated plants. Inter- mediate Technology Publications, London and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, United Kingdom. 337 pp. Abbott, P. G. & Lowore, J. D. , 1999. Characteristics and management potential of some indigenous firewood species in Malawi. Forest Ecology and Management 1/9: 1/1-121 Abdelgaleil, A. AM. , Hashinaga, F. & Nakatani, M. , 2005. antifungal activity of 11monoids from Khaya Ivorensis. Pest Management Science 61(2): 186-190 Abebe, T. & Holm, S. , 2003. 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