<iongrrssional Rrrord United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 9 I st CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION • HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, April 2, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to­ at the results of the election in the The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, day to pay tribute to the· people of the Seventh District of Wisconsin yesterday. D.D., offered the following prayer: Seventh Congressional District of Wis­ Crowing is unbecoming, and we do not consin on their election yesterday of crow, but we are very proud of the forth­ Herein is my Father glorified, that ye DAVE OBEY, Democrat, to Congress. right and refreshing campaign con­ bear much fruit.-John 15: 8. DAVE OBEY, an outstanding young leg­ Almighty God, by whose spirit men of ducted by Congressman-elect DAVID islator, has a proven record of accom­ OBEY. It has the additional effect I old were guided in their decisions, direct, plishment in the State assembly. He was believe, of putting to rest rumors that we beseech Thee, the deliberations of first elected to the Wisconsin State House the Democratic Party is no more. Congress this day. Help us to do well the in 1962 and is today the assistant minor­ This is the first time in history that work we have to do and may it be for the ity leader. Last year he was named a Democrat has carried this Seventh good of all. ·America's outstanding education legisla­ District of Wisconsin. It is significant To our President, our Speaker, and to tor for 1968 by the National Education that Congressman-elect OBEY in his all who share with them the respon­ Association's rural division. campaign made a major issue of the need sibility of planning the program for our Legislation authored or coauthored by for tax reform, and the plugging of loop­ beloved country, grant spiritual strength, DAVE OBEY included mainly the areas of holes. I believe the tremendous response wise counsel, and an adventurous faith conservation, education, law enforce­ he received from the electors of the that they may continue to lead our peo­ ment, social justice, senior citizens, men­ Seventh District of Wisconsin shows the ple toward the high goal of one nation, tal health, highway safety, and agricul­ mood of the people. under Thee, indivisible, with liberty and ture. So again, Mr. Speaker, I join the ma­ justice for all. jority leader, the gentleman .from Okla­ In the spirit of Christ we pray. Amen. Honors include: In 1964, named one of three outstanding freshmen assembly­ homa (Mr. ALBERT ) , in his praise for men by several State newspaper writ­ the aggressive and vigorous campaign THE JOURNAL ers; in 1966, recipient of a Legislative of Mr. OBEY. We shall all welcome him leadership award by the Eagleton In­ to the House of Representatives, and I The Journal of the proceedings of am sure we shall find him a most honor­ yesterday was read and approved. ~titute of Politics at Rutgers University; m 1968, named the outstanding educa­ able and dedicated colleague. tion legislator in the Nation by the Na­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE tional Education Association's rural di­ HONORING OUR LATE PRESIDENT vision. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER A message from the Senate by Mr. Once again the people have spoken Arrington, one of its clerks, announced and I must congratulate their exception­ <Mr. HOWARD asked and was given that the Senate had passed without al choice--a candidate so well qualified permission to address the House for 1 amendment a concurrent resolution of to serve them in the U.S. Congress. It minute and to revise and extend his the House of the following title: must be remembered that this district remarks.) H. Con. Res. 191. Concurrent resolution was just vacated by the gentleman who Mr. HOWARD. Mr. Speaker, during providing that when the two Houses adjourn now serves as the Secretary of Defense the month of January the District of on Thursday, April 3, 1969, they stand ad­ Columbia Armory Board determined that journed until 12 o'clock meridian, Monday, who won this district in 1968 by 64.2 per­ April 14, 1969. cent of the vote. it would honor the late Senator from To say "On Wisconsin" would be most the State of New York, the Honorable appropriate. As many of you will recall Robert F. Kennedy, by renaming the ELECTION TO COMMITTEE it was in 1953 when another special elec~ District of Columbia Stadium the "Rob­ tion was held in Wisconsin, a Democrat, ert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium." Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, on behalf They are presently using this name on of the distinguished gentleman from Lester Johnson, pulled an upset and the Democrats went on to recapture the their stationery, and a dedication cere­ Arkansas (Mr. MILLS ) , chairman of the mony is to be held during the month Committee on Ways and Means, I offer House of Representatives in 1954. It will be the first time in this century of June. a privileged resolution and ask for its Yesterday in the House legislation was immediate consideration. that a Democrat will represent the 15- county district in Congress and with all introduced which would strip away this The Clerk read the resolution, as honor to a great American, and by legis­ follows: but eight of the precincts counted, OBEY had 60,666 votes and Chilsen 58,170. lation change the name of the Robert F. H. RES. 355 Kennedy Memorial Stadium to the Resolved, That Ed Jones, of Tennessee, be, Congratulations again to DAVE OBEY and he is hereby, elected a member of the and I say to you: "On Wisconsin." Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Sta­ standing committee of the House of Repre­ dium. sentatives on Agriculture. Mr. Speaker, I have today introduced DEMOCRAT DAVID OBEY WINS legislation which will, by law, name the The resolution was agreed to. District of Columbia Stadium the Robert A motion to reconsider was laid on ELECTION IN SEVENTH DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium to pro­ the table. tect this honor to a great American. I <Mr. REUSS asked and was given have also introduced legislation which permission to address the House for 1 SPECIAL ELECTION will have the President appoint a com­ minute and to revise and extend his mission which will spend 6 months dis­ <Mr. ALBERT asked and was given remarks.) cussing with the family of former Pres­ permission to address the House for 1 Mr. REUSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to join ident Eisenhower and other interested minute and to revise and extend his re­ the distinguished majority leader in his persons a suitable memorial to our for­ marks.) modest and controlled feeling of elation mer President. CXV--528-Part 7 8379 8380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE April 2, 1969 The commission will report their rec­ It happened this way. The paper's circu­ ful recreation businesses on privately owned ommendations to the Congress within 6 lation manager came by his heme. Mrs. Kuy­ wood.lands. months. I would hope that both the kendall asked about a job for her son. The The Forest Service program Ls conducted resolution and the -bill wi~l pass the . deal was made that Lawrence could have a cooperatively with the College of Forestry. route, if he established.one. for himself.' With College and Forest Service recreation research Congress: during this session. this in· mind, he started out. The first day scientists work together to the public benefit I invite the support of as many of my he· picked up 10 papers, and by nightfall he and are building an expertise in forest recre­ colleagues who feel ·inclined to agree had 10 customers. The second day, he picked ation research that promises to yield great with my position, because I believe we up 20 papers, and so it continued until he public benefit. The College provides offices, can honor former President Eisenhower developed his own route of 145 customers. He utilities, computer services and other facili­ without doing it at the expense of held this job seven years, or until he entered ties for the Forest Service staff. In turn, the another great American, the late Senator Langston University. Forest ~vice provides funds for cooperative research, assists in graduate studies, pro­ Robert F. Kennedy. A natural athlete, Kuykendall was cap­ vides lecturers for special occasions and Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, will the tain of his high school football team, and participates in other ways in the College gentleman yield? also lettered in basketball and softball. program. Mr. HOWARD. I yield to the gentle­ At Langston he played football and bas­ Currently the Forest Service has a staff of man. ketball while majoring in history. three scientists at the College financed by an Mr. PUCINSKI. I would like to call During Wor!d War II he started work appropriation of $80,000. A rea.sonable pro­ the gentleman's attention to the fact at Fort Sill as a summer employee. He gram in keeping with the complex problems that last year the House Committee on became a truck driver and eventually a and the economic and social values at stake, Education and Labor reported out a bill would require an additional $250,000. These driver's test examiner. additional funds would be used to: (1) in­ which the Congress approved and which While holding his job at Fort Sill, he crease cooperative research with the College I understood was, at the request of the acted as a part-time member of the Har­ of Forestry; (2) increase the staff of Forest Eisenhower family, to appropriate, if my lem Magicians, flying to take part in key Service scientists at Syracuse and provide ade­ memory serves me right, $5 million for games.
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