San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1960 Special Libraries, 1960s 7-1-1960 Special Libraries, July-August 1960 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1960 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, July-August 1960" (1960). Special Libraries, 1960. 6. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1960/6 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1960 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Pntting Knowledxe lo Work OFFICERS DIRECTORS President SARAAULL WINIFREDSEWELL Uniz'enity of Houston Squibb Institute for Medical Research Houston 4, Texas New Brunswlck, New Jersey LORRAINECIBOCH First Vice-president and President-Elect Charles Bruning Co., Inc. EUGENEB. JACKSON Mount Prospect, Illinois General Motors Corpovarion, 1Vawe11,Mich,KCrri W. ROY HOLLEMAN Second Vice-president Scripps Institution of Oceanography PAULL. KNAPP La Jolla, California The Ohio Oil Company, Liitleto~~,Color.do Secretary ALVINAF. WASSENBERG MRS.JEANNE B. NORTH Kaiser Aluminum C Chemical Corp. United Aircraft Corporation. EUJt Efdr tford 8. COIIN. Spokane, Washington Treasurer OLIVEE. KENNEDY Room 5600, 30 Rockefellrr Plaza, Aru I'oli, R'. 1'. Immediate Past-President DONALDWASSON DR. BURTONW. ADKINSON Council on Foreign relation^ National Science Poundation, Washington, D. C. New York, New York EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: BILL M. WOODS ASSISTANTTO THE EXECUTIVESECRETARY: KATHRYN E. SMITH Special Libraries Association 31 East 10 Street, New York 3, New York MEMBERSHIP Dues: Sustaining - $100 ; Active - $15;Associate - $10 ; Afiliate - $15 ; Student - $2 ; Emeritus - $5 ; Life - $250. For qualifications, privileges and further information, write the Executive Secretary, Special Libraries Association. PUBLICATIONS Aviation subject headings, 1949 ............ $1.75 National insurance organizations in the Bibliography of engineering abstract- United States and Canada, 1957 ........ $3.50 ing services (SLA bibliography no. Nicknames of American cities, towns lj, 1955 .................................................. 1.50 and villages past and present, 19SI .... 2.00 Bibliography of new guides and aids Picture sources: an introductory list, to public documents use 1953-1956 1959 .......................................................... 3.50 (SLA bibliography no. 2), 1957 ........ 1.50 SLA directory of members, as of Sep- A brief for corporation libraries, 1949 .... 1.75 tember 1956, 1957 ................................ 1.00 A checklist for the organization, opera- SLA loan collection of classification tion and evaluation of a company li- schemes and subject heading lists, 1959 2.50 brart !960 .............................................. 2 00 Source Gst of selected labor statistics, Contri utlons toward a special library rev. ed., 19.53 .......................................... 2.00 glossary, 2nd ed., 1950 ........................ 1.25 Sources of commodity prices, 1960 ........ 5.00 Correlation index document series & Special Libraries Association-its first PB reports, 1953 .................................... 10.00 fifty years, 1909-1959, 1959 .............. 2.50 Creation & development of an insur- 2.00 Special Libraries Association personnel ance library, rev. ed., 1949 .................... survey 1959, 1960 .................................. 1.00 5.00 Directory of special libraries, 1953 ........ Subject headings for aeronautical en- Fakes and forgeries in the fine arts, 1950 1.75 gineering libraries, 1949 ...................... 4.00 Handbook of commercial, financial and Subject headings for financial librar- information services, 5th rev. ed., ies, 1954 .................................................. 5.00 1956 5.00 .......................................................... Technical libraries, their organization Handbook of scientific and technical and management, 1951 6.00 awards in the United States and ........................ Canada. 1900-1952,1956 .................... 3.00 Translators and translations: services and Map collections in the U. S. and Can- sources, 1959 .......................................... 2.50 ada ; a directory, 1954 .......................... 3.00 Visual presentation. Our library, 1953 .... 5.00 TECHNICAL BOOK REVIEW INDEX-Subscription, $7.50; Foreign, $8.00; Single copies, 754 POSTMASTER: If undeliverable, send Fad 3919 to Special Libraries Association, Ji East 10 St., new York 3, N. Y. - -- - . --- -- - A - -- - -A-- --- A Unique Work of Reference in A11 Fields of Learning, Sciences and Humanities Announcing the reprint of INTERNATIONALE BIBLIOGRAPHIE DER ZEITSCHRIFTENLITERATUR INTERNATIONAL SUBJECT INDEX TO PERIODICALS Section A: Index to German Periodicals Vols. 1-94 & Supplements 1-20 (1861-1944) Section B: Index to non-German Periodicals Vols. 1-22 & N.S. vols. 1-25 (1911-1943) Section C: Index to Book Reviews Vols. 1-77 (1900-1943) Pre-publication offer expires Sept. 15, 1960 Please do not miss this deadline but ask immediately for special 12- page booklet containing price in- formation and publication schedule KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION 16 EAST 46TH STREET, NEW YORK 17, N. Y. JULY-AUGUST 1960 TILTED TAB GUIDES for your charging tile Improved Visibility - Easier to Read Enjoy new convenience and neatness in your charging file with these heavier, transparent tilted tab guides. Permanent 45' angle of headings provides easy reading and quick No. 337 Gaylord Tilted Tab reference. High mounting gives extra clearance over tops of Charging Guide. cards - won't cling when cards are tilted. Heavy acetate tabs Order today securely attached to durable pressboard. Tabs in center posi- PRICES: 50.. .......$4.15 tion - wide enough to accommodate extra long headings. (minimum quantity) Each box of 50 includes A-Z, 1-31, January-December, 38 100.. ....... 8.10 500. ........ 7.85 per 100 general classifications and a sheet of 50 blank headings. (Transportation charges paid) SYRACUSE, N. Y. STOCKTON, CALIF. SPECIAL LIBRARIES The only comprehensive abstracting service for librarians who want to keep abreast of current thought and developments in librarianship around the world is LIBRARY SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Published Quarterly (together with a detailed annual index) by The Library Association Chaucer House hlalet Place London, W.C. 1 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIOX: 50 SHILLINGS '4 nczo ~eprintin MATHEMA TICS JEAN ETIENNE MONTUCLA HISTOIRE DES MATH~MATIQUES REPRINT OF THE SECOND EDITION (Paris, 1799-1802) New preface by Ch. Naux The first two ~olumesof this new reprint edition present the contents of the original edition in a much enlarged form. Volumes I11 and IV toniprise the continuation to 1800 by Montucla and Lalande, with several supplements. 4 ~olumes,paperbound Subscription plice until August I, $32.00 Reprint r 960 After pzcblicntzon, $40.00 STECHERT-HAFNER, Inc. FOUNDED IN NEW YORK 1872 The Wotld's Leadins 3nternatioaal Sooksellers 31 East 10th Street, New York 3, N. Y. JULY-AUGUST 1960 HECKMAN'S COMPLETE LIBRARY BINDING SERVICE I I Class A Magaz~ne L~braryBmding for ultmate usefulness . Heckman Standardized Magarme Bmdlng where economy IS mandatory. L~brary THE Book Blndmg In the largest select~onof Illustrated and Decoratwe covers ava~lable. Durable Text Book Bmdmg des~gned for rugged classroom use . plus a speclal servlce for restoratlun NORTH MANCHESTER, INDIANA and repalr of rare volumes. Heckman gwes you Economy, Dependab~l~ty. 28 Day Serv~ce,plus the finest Quahty ava~lable. BOUND TO PLEASE@ Write or call North Manchester. Ind. today tor complete informatron! I I I MAGAFILES Expert Service on MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for SPECIAL LIBRARIES 0 Faxon's Librarians Guide Free on request The most practical and economical fibs for unbound magazines adpamphlets. :or the very best subscription service Free sample MAGAFILE-with com- plete description and price list-will be it competitive prices-ask about our sent upon request. It must sell itself rill Forbidden IBM-RAMAC plan. -no salesman follow-up. See, try and prove to your own satisfaction with no obligation. A card today will bring a sample MAGAFILE by return mail. F. W. FAXON CO., INC. THE MAGAFILE CO. 3-91 Francis Street Boston 15, Mass. P. 0. BOX 3121 0 ST. LOUIS 30, MO. Continuous Library Service Since 1886 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ( For The Reference Libmry- Sources of Commodity Prices PAULWASSERMAN, COMPILER For more than 6800 commodities are given periodicals publishing prices, Standard's market or markets where prices are ibrary Furnitu effective and frequency with which prices appear in the periodicals. Form and function combine with 176 pages 1960 $5.00 specialized craftsmanship and the finest materials to make Translators and Translations: -. Standard's line of library furniture Services and Sources the complete answer to your FRANCESE. KAISER,EDITOR $... library operation and decor. A directory of 154 translators in the United States, 42 translation pools throughout the world and 83 detailed references to published bibiliographies of translations. Appendices and index. 64 pages 1959 $2.50 Picture Sources: An Introductory List DESIGNED . ..by our own technical staff working with the nation's top
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