file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/mckeagep/My%20Documents/Prosperity/Hearings/hearing%20registry/apr%2019/TNG%20submission.htm From: on behalf of Panel Registry Subject: FW: TNG registration of presenters for the topic specific hearings April 26-May 3rd. Attachments: McCrory CV Apri l2010.pdf; Prosperity Project - Written Submission for Kevin Morin April 16 2010.pdf; McCrory Submission Prosperity Panel 16Apr2010.pdf; Hartman Fish Habitat Compensation Project review-final 4.16.2010.pdf; Select DFO Documents from TNG Access to Information Act Request.PDF; TNG Community_Based Impacts Submission P Larcombe 4.16.2010. pdf; TNG Presenters List for Technical Sessions April 16 2010 (2).pdf From: Amy Crook [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 4:55 PM To: Prosperity Review [CEAA] Cc: Jay Nelson; Sean Nixon; Marilyn Baptiste; Roger William; Percy Guichon; Bernie Elkins; [email protected]; Joe Alphonse; Crystal Verhaeghe; Matthias Starzner; Patt Larcombe Subject: TNG registration of presenters for the topic specific hearings April 26-May 3rd. Colette, please find attached, on behalf of TNG, the list of presenters and supporting information for the topic specific hearings in Williams Lake from April 26-May 3rd. I will be sending two emails because the attachments are so large. Please confirm that you have received these emails with the attachments (as itemized in CSP2’s letter to you). Thanks. Amy Crook Centre for Science in Public Participation 2543 Wesley Place Victoria, BC V8T 1V1 [email protected] 250 721-3627 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/mckeagep/My%20Do...rings/hearing%20registry/apr%2019/TNG%20submission.htm [4/19/2010 12:47:16 PM] CENTRE for SCIENCE in PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Amy Crook, 2543 Wesley Place, Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8T 1V1 2 Phone/Fax: (250) 721-3627 web: www.csp2.org / e-mail: [email protected] “Technical Support for Grassroots Public Interest Groups” CSP Colette Spagnuolo April 16, 2010 Panel Manager Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 160 Elgin St. Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 [email protected] Dear Colette, Re: Technical presentations on behalf of TNG for specific topic panel hearings On behalf of the Tsilhqot’in National Government, we are submitting the following list of presenters for the topic specific panel hearings in Williams Lake. We have included the presenters name, affiliation, their preferred date(s) for presenting and a summary of their presentation along with supporting references. Several of our presenters have very limited time availability and have requested as much specificity as possible for when they will present. We have no funding to retain them for additional time if the hearing schedules change during the week. We’d appreciate your accommodation of our requests to the maximum extent possible and we acknowledge your difficult challenge of coordinating the panel hearings. The TNG will have a technical team present for the duration of the technical sessions, and would appreciate having a table and microphone set up in the hearing room where we can work and have the necessary documents readily available. We anticipate the size of our group to average 4 people throughout the week. Please confirm if this possible. This letter includes the following: Attachment A An outline of the topics Dr. Kevin Morin will present Attachment B A summary of Stratus Consulting’s presentation and references Attachment C Information on the Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance (UFFCA) and contact information for Chief Thomas Alexis Attachment D Dr. Gordon Hartman’s CV Stand alone PDF files attached to this letter include: 1) Dr. Gordon Hartman’s review of the fish compensation plan 2) Dr. Patt Larcombe’s summary of the impacts to Tsilhqot’in current use and cultural values from the proposed project 3) Mr. Wayne McCrory’s CV 4) Mr. Wayne McCrory’s summary of terrestrial ecosystem impacts from the proposed project 5) Xeni Gwet’in’s community based climate change adaptation plan 6) Select documents from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans regarding the proposed project, released to TNG under the Access to Information Act. SESSION-SPECIFIC COMMENTS & REQUESTS 1. Water Quality and Quantity Our presentation of concerns with the water quality and quantity impact assessment is complex and multi-faceted. We urge the panel to give adequate time for this issue to be fully discussed. We will have several experts presenting at the hearings, at significant expense. Our water quality experts are available only on April 26th and 27th. We do not have the funding, nor do they have the time to extend their presence in Williams Lake later than 5 pm Tuesday April 27th. Thus, we request the water quality and quantity issues be heard starting Monday morning, April 26th through Tuesday afternoon, April 27th. Dr. Kevin Morin, P.Geo., L.Hydrogeo. Minesite Drainage Assessment Group Dr. Morin will present a summary of his findings on the adequacy of Taseko’s estimation of acid rock drainage and metal leaching. His presentation will address the material submitted by the proponent to date. An outline of the topics Dr. Morin will present is appended to this letter as Attachment A. Dr. Morin’s presentation will take about 1.5 hours. Dr. Ann Maest, Dr. Cameron Wobus, Dr. Josh Lipton, Dr. Jeff Morris, Mr. James Holmes, and Ms. Constance Travers, Stratus Consulting Inc. The Stratus Consulting group will assess Taseko’s information presented to date including: contaminant sources, geochemical testing, geochemical modeling, mine site water balance and hydrogeology, tailings storage facility seepage estimation, accuracy of water quality impact prediction at Prosperity mine and case studies from other mines, and prediction of toxic effects on salmonid fisheries. A summary of Stratus Consulting’s presentation and key references are appended to this letter as Attachment B. We will need teleconference capability for this presentation. Stratus Consulting’s presentation will take about 2 hours. 2. Fishery stocks, habitat and fish compensation plan Chief Thomas Alexis from the Tl'azt'en Nation Chief Alexis will be addressing the panel on behalf of the Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance (UFFCA) on the importance of the Chilco Salmon runs to First Nations as a traditional and cultural food source. Information on UFFCA and contact information for Chief Alexis is appended to this letter as Attachment C. Chief Thomas’s presentation is expected to take ½ hour. Tsilhqot’in fishery experts and Dr. Jeff Morris, Stratus Consulting These presenters will focus on the importance of the salmon fishery within traditional Tsilhqot’in territory. The experts will build upon the fish toxicology presentation of Dr. Morris and present information about potential project impacts on salmon within the Taseko River and by extension the Chilcotin River watershed. This presentation is expected to take ½ an hour. Dr. Gordon Hartman Dr. Hartman will present his review of the fish compensation plan. Dr. Hartman’s CV is appended to this letter as Attachment D. Dr. Hartman’s written submission are attached as a stand-alone PDF file 2 with this letter. Dr. Hartman is only available to attend the hearings for one day and has requested the chance to speak between 11 am and 3 pm on Wednesday, April 28th. Dr. Hartman’s presentation will take about 1 hour. 3. Terrestrial Ecosystem Wayne McCrory RPBio. of McCrory Wildlife Services Ltd. Mr. McCrory will present his review of the wildlife impact assessment information presented to date by the proponent. Mr. McCrory’s CV, written submission and reference material are attached as separate PDF files to this letter. Mr. McCrory will refer to the Xeni Gwet’in Community Based Climate Change Adaptation Plan (attached as a stand along PDF file with this letter) in his presentation. Mr. McCrory’s presentation will take about an hour and he prefers to present on April 29th-30th. 4. Socioeconomic Issues Ms. Patt Larcombe, Symbion Consultants Ms. Larcombe’s presentation to the Panel will entail: (1) summarizing the evidence provided by Tsilhqot’in members during the Community Hearings on current use and cultural values; and (2) conclusions regarding social, economic, cultural and health impacts, including Project impacts on current use based upon community evidence and professional opinion. Ms. Larcombe did not have an opportunity to deliver her presentation on community-based impacts associated with mining projects at the Xeni Gwet’in hearing due to time constraints and therefore, she is submitting that presentation to the Panel in writing at this time (stand alone PDF file attached to this letter). Ms. Larcombe will require about one hour for her presentation. Ms. Larcombe must make her presentation some time on Thursday, April 29th as she must leave Williams Lake by noon on Friday, April 30th to return home for scheduled surgery on the morning of May 1st . Please confirm the requested time slots for presenters as soon as possible so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Thank you for your consideration of our submission. Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, <original signed by> Amy Crook BC Program Director 3 Attachment A Written Submission for Kevin Morin In 2009, Dr. Kevin Morin presented comments on the Prosperity EIS/A. Taseko Mines Limited responded to his comments under the provincial and federal reviews. Dr. Morin will review his comments and Taseko’s responses to them. His presentation will address some or all of the topics set out below. REVIEW OF ML-ARD AND MINESITE WATER CHEMISTRY IN THE EIS/A 1 PAG vs. Non-PAG Materials at the Prosperity Project 2 Professional Certification 3 Mine Plan 4 Rock and Overburden 5 ML-ARD Predictions 5.1 Number of ABA samples 5.2 Kinetic Tests 5.3 Unavailable NP 5.4 Criteria for Differentiating "PAG" and "non-PAG" Rock 5.5 Lag Time for PAG Material to Become Acidic 5.6 Effect of Waste Rock Misclassification 5.7 Equilibrium Levels in Aqueous Concentrations 6 Tailings 7 Dissolved vs.
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