1 The Keystone State's Official Fishing and Boating Magazine September/October 2001 $3.00 ' Jid m WL Fall Trout Fishing page 34 •SINK, www.fish.state.pa.us 'J •? r4 -*? ^^Sf^ Deep Water Bass page 12 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 IS FISH-FORFREE DAY- TAKE A FRIEND FISHING. A Matter of Opinions Anglers and boaters care. They care about constant stocking, and provides oppor­ the proposed changes to the Delayed- their sport, and they care about the re­ tunity to extend the "no-kill" experience Harvest program, the idea of allowing source. They care about the Fish & Boat to more anglers. The "no-kill" period fishing with artificial lures on Delayed- Commission and its programs, and they extends from September until mid-June Harvest waters currently limited to fly care about proposed changes to fishing of the following year. From mid-June fishing only attracted a lot of comment. and boating regulations. Anglers and through Labor Day, the limited-harvest Using today's modern communication boaters have a wide variety of opinions. component allows anglers to take three techniques, including the Internet and Anglers and boaters don't hesitate to let trout per day. These trout would other­ e-mail, fly-fishers sent in many messages us know what they think, and they of­ wise be lost to natural mortality as a result opposing any change to the Delayed- ten communicate their views in no of stress induced by elevated water tem­ Harvest regulations. At the same time, uncertain terms. peratures and reduced flows. supporters of "traditional angling" have Let's look at a couple of examples that Delayed-Harvest management is a contacted the Commission to indicate the Commission, the Boating Advisory deliberate attempt to extend the use of their opposition to any special tackle re­ Board and the staff are currently review­ stocked trout and to permit more types strictions on trout waters. They want the ing. The Commission received a petition of anglers to experience no-kill angling. Delayed-Harvest waters open to all tackle to change special boating regulations on "Recycling" of trout is a key component and oppose even the artificial-lures-only Beltzville Lake in Carbon County. The of the Delayed-Harvest concept. There­ restrictions. petitioners, avid water skiers, want the fore, to minimize hooking mortality, an In the face of these diverse opinions, current regulations modified to open the Artificial-Lures-Only tackle restriction the Commission decided to seek public entire lake to water skiing and expand was created. comment on proposed changes to the the times when water skiing is allowed. The Delayed-Harvest program began Delayed-Harvest program. In a similar At a public meeting held at Beltzville State in 1983 with one water, a 1.25-mile sec­ move, the Commission decided to seek Park, the comments were about evenly tion of Cool Spring Creek, Mercer County. public comment on a suggestion to re­ divided between supporters and oppo­ In the past 15 years or so, Delayed Har­ duce the daily creel limit on panfish from nents of the proposed changes. For every vest has continued to grow. Today, there 50 per day to 25 per day, effective in 2003. water skier who wanted the current regu­ are 26 Delayed-Harvest, Fly-Fishing-Only In seeking public comment on both these lations changed, there was an angler or (DHFFO) waters, and 51 Delayed-Harvest, proposals, the Commissioners were not other boater who thought his or her rec­ Artificial-Lures-Only (DHALO) projects. endorsing them. reation would be hurt by more water The Commission is currently seeking It's important for anglers and boaters skiing. After due consideration of the public comment on a concept to merge to understand the importance of their widely split opinions on this issue, the the two different tackle restrictions ap­ input in this process. The Commissioners Commission decided to issue a notice of plicable to Delayed Harvest into a single (and the staff) read all public comments proposed rulemaking (and start a for­ DHALO program. This would provide and give them full and fair consideration. mal public comment process) on a for simpler regulations and more diverse A public comment period is a chance for proposal to keep the water-ski zone as trout fishing opportunities at a time of anglers and boaters to share their reason­ is, while expanding the hours when water reduced trout stocking. The proposal has ing as well as their conclusions. skiing is allowed. attracted a good deal of opposition from The members of the Fish & Boat Com­ Boating regulation proposals are not fly fishers who want to maintain the mission cannot promise you that their the only ones that attract wide divergences DHFFO restrictions. decisions on regulations and policies will in public opinion. Proposed changes to The proposed change to Delayed-Har­ always agree with your opinions. But they our Delayed-Harvest trout fishing pro­ vest regulations does not affect the can promise you that they will review and gram have also attracted a lot of inter­ Heritage Trout Angling program, which consider all viewpoints and make the very est. Delayed-Harvest management is one was created specifically to reflect the best decision they can in the best inter­ of the most popular and widely used spe­ tradition fly angling has played in Penn­ ests of the Commonwealth, fishing, cial-regulations programs the Commis­ sylvania trout angling and conservation. boating and the resource. sion offers. The eight waters under the Heritage Trout The underlying principle in Delayed Angling regulations offer no-kill trout Harvest centers on the use of trout- fishing opportunities for fly-fishers only. stocked stream sections to offer a high Even before the Commission approved Peter A. Colangelo catch-rate fishery that places less empha­ publication of a notice of proposed Executive Director sis on harvest, creates less need for rulemaking to seek public comment on Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission -&i PROTECT • CONSERVE • ENHANCE >MBF j Commission Update Nominations Sought for Commission Curtails Trout Abele Conservation Heritage Award Production at Big Spring The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission is seeking nominations for the 2001 Fish Culture Station Ralph W. Abele Conservation Heritage Award. The Ralph W. Abele Conservation The Fish & Boat Commission recently Heritage Award is the highest recognition the Commission can confer on persons proposed to undertake an orderly dispo- who distinguish themselves in the cause of conservation. The Commission estab­ sition of the remaining adult and lished the Abele Award to recognize citizens of Pennsylvania who have made outstanding fingerling trout held at Big Spring Fish contributions to the protection, conservation and enhancement of the Commonwealth's Culture Station. Trout production will aquatic resources. The award serves as a memorial to Ralph Abele, longtime Com­ not resume there until installation of a mission executive director, for his steadfast and courageous work in protecting and major upgrade including recirculation conserving our natural resources. technology, subject to review and approval The Abele Award is presented to a Penn- by the Department of Environmental Pro­ sylvanian who has dedicated his or her time tection (DEP). and energy to the conservation of the state's According to Commission fisheries natural resources, specifically the aquatic managers, it may take until mid-Novem­ resources, through one or more of the fol­ ber to stock all the remaining trout from lowing accomplishments: Big Spring Fish Culture Station. Some • Personally invested heavily in the long- of the 30,000 remaining adult trout may term education of Pennsylvania's youth on be moved to other fish culture stations, conservation issues vital to an improved with the others to be stocked early this aquatic environment. fall. More than 700,000 fingerlings will • Put at risk his or her person and live­ be stocked in appropriate waters or moved lihood to undertake public activities and to other facilities as soon as weather and positions on behalf of improving and pro- water conditions permit. tecting the aquatic resources of "We believe the interim operations plan Pennsylvania. we submitted to DEP was a good one. At • Led a regional or statewide environ­ the same time, our goal at Big Spring must mental effort that has been recognized for focus on the longer term and protection its duration and success in protecting and of the resource. We want to upgrade the enhancing the aquatic resources of Penn­ hatchery and install recirculation tech- sylvania. nology. We need to attract the • Played a leading role in reclaiming and Commonwealth funding needed to ac­ enhancing a major significant natural water complish this major, expensive upgrade," resource in the Commonwealth. said Fish & Boat Commission Executive • Led an effort to pass major environmental legislation for the protection, con­ Director Peter A. Colangelo. servation and enhancement of Pennsylvania's natural environment. • Brought national recognition to Pennsylvania through personal activities, ac­ tions and contributions to the aquatic resources. Launch Permits Employees and active Commissioners of the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commis­ sion are not eligible for this award, but they are encouraged to submit nominations. Permits issued by the Department Nominations may be sent to Dennis Guise, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Counsel, of Conservation and Natural Re- Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, P.O. Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000. sources (DCNR) allowing Nominations should be postmarked no later than September 10,2001. The nomi­ non-powered boats to launch at state nations should describe, in a maximum of three typewritten pages, the following: park lakes are now valid for use at • Biographical information. access areas and lakes operated by • How the nominee meets the categories for recognition. the Fish & Boat Commission. The • Specific accomplishments of the nominee.
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