APPENDIX A: UNION PuBLIC DEBaTES CONTaINING THE TOPOS OF PRINCIPLE Date Cambridge Union Society Oxford Union Society 1830 That the purity and independence January of Parliament is better secured at present than it would be under any system of reform (motion: Sir John Hanmer) 1830 Is the Principle of the Salique Law That the conduct of Mr Fox and February worthy of adoption in Hereditary his party in reference to the Monarchies? (motion: Morrison) Treason and Sedition Bills, which were passed in the year 1795, deserved the admiration and gratitude of their country (motion: Moncrieff) (Principle and Character) 1830 March Is a Severe Code of Laws, executed That Leeds, Manchester, and with lenity, or a Lenient Code with Birmingham, ought to be severity preferable? (motion: represented in Parliament Matthew) (motion: Lyall) 1830 March Is a Taste for Oratory desirable? (motion: Carne) 1830 March Had Corruption in the Representation of the People previous to the year 1810 increased, and ought it to have been diminished? (motion: Dupuis) (continued ) © The Author(s) 2016 197 T. Haapala, Political Rhetoric in the Oxford and Cambridge Unions, 1830–1870, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-35128-5 198 APPENDIX A (continued) Date Cambridge Union Society Oxford Union Society 1830 March Was the Union with Ireland in 1800, a justifiable measure, or conducive to the welfare of that Country? (motion: Warburton) (Principle and Expediency) 1830 April That the Battle of Navarino was unjustifiable, and that its consequences have proved prejudicial to the interests of England and France, the two principal powers engaged in it (motion: Lord C. Osborne) (Principle and Expediency) 1830 May Ought some heavier punishment to That the disabilities of the Jews be adopted in lieu of a pecuniary fine ought to be removed (motion: for the crimes of Seduction and Lyall) Adultery? (motion: Matthew) 1830 May Is the Literary Character or the Military Hero more deserving of the applause of mankind? (motion: Price) (Principle and Character) 1830 May Was the English Government justified in going to War with France in 1790? (motion: Dupuis) 1830 Can the extended Education of the That Free Trade is essential to the November lower Orders be dangerous to a good prosperity of the country (motion: Government? (motion: Matthew) Denison) (Principle and Expediency) 1830 Was the conduct of Ministers during December the Trial of the late Queen, constitutional? (motion: Shillito) (Principle and Character) 1831 That it behoves all lovers of their January country to unite against the spirit of democracy, which is tending to destroy the constitution in church and state (motion: Allies) 1831 Ought Church and State to be February separated? (motion: Yorke) 1831 Is an early and entire abolition of February Slavery in the British Colonies desirable? (motion: Dupuis) APPENDIX A 199 (continued) Date Cambridge Union Society Oxford Union Society 1831 March Is it consistent with sound policy, for Great Britain to interfere in favour of Poland, in the contest between that country and Russia? (motion: Dupuis) 1831 April In case of an immediate War in Europe, would it be good policy in England to unite with France? (motion: Law) 1831 May Is the cultivation of English Literature worthy of admission into an Academical Education? (motion: Blenkinsopp) 1831 Was the conduct of Warren Hastings, That the King ought to create new November Esq. deserving of impeachment? Peers to pass the Reform Bill (motion: Layton) (Principle and (motion: Lowe) Character) 1831 That Triennial Parliaments ought November to be restored (motion: Massie) 1831 That the recognition of the November Birmingham Political Union by Lord Althorp and Lord John Russell was highly imprudent and unconstitutional (motion: Doyle) (Principle and Character) 1831 Has the immediate interference December hitherto exercised by many Peers in the return of the Members to the lower House, been in accordance with the principles of the English Constitution? (motion: Gardiner) 1832 May Is it desirable that legal provision That an absolute monarchy is a should be made for the supply of more desirable form of anatomical objects, and is the bill at government than the constitution present before parliament calculated proposed by the Reform Bill of to effect that object? (motion: Lord John Russell (motion: Ward) Davidson) (Principle and Expediency) 1832 May That a creation of Peers for the purpose of carrying the Reform Bill would be an unconstitutional exercise of the Prerogative of the Crown (motion: Goldsmid) (continued ) 200 APPENDIX A (continued) Date Cambridge Union Society Oxford Union Society 1832 June That the recent attempt of the Duke of Wellington to form an administration with the view of carrying a modified measure of reform was justifiable (motion: Hussey) 1832 Would a War with Holland under That the complete abolition of November existing circumstances be either slavery should be immediately politic or justifiable? (motion: Ellis) enforced (motion: Alston) 1832 That the conduct of the present November ministry as regards the King of Holland has been unjustifiable (motion: De Visme) (Principle and Character) 1832 Is a separation between Church and December State desirable? (motion: Fearon) 1833 Is a Repeal of the Union between February England and Ireland desirable? (motion: Warburton) 1833 March Was England justified in going to war with America, in 1775? (motion: Myers) 1833 March Is the immediate emancipation of the Slaves in the West Indies desirable? (motion: Fearon) 1833 March Have the proceedings of the Common’s House of Parliament, during the present session, been such as to warrant a belief that its Reform was a salutary measure? (motion: Kempe) 1833 March Should the present System of Corn Laws be continued? (motion: Laing) 1833 April Is it desirable to place restrictions on That an hereditary aristocracy is an the Press of a Free Country? (motion: evil (motion: Thomas) White) 1833 April Was the conduct of Warren Hastings deserving of impeachment? (motion: Hon. W. C. Henniker) (Principle and Character) 1833 May Is the Ambition of Russia dangerous to Europe? (motion: Creasy) APPENDIX A 201 (continued) Date Cambridge Union Society Oxford Union Society 1833 June That the reign of George the Third up to the year 1811 is to be considered a disastrous period in English History (motion: Woollcombe) 1833 Was the conduct of Queen Elizabeth, That in the event of a general October in signing the warrant of the movement in Europe, the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, ascendancy of popular principles is justifiable? (motion: Hon. W. C. to be ardently desired (motion: Henniker) (Principle and Character) Pearson) 1833 Has the conduct of the English November Government towards Ireland, been consistent with sound policy or justice? (motion: White) (Principle and Character) 1833 Whether Triennial Parliaments be an November institution contrary to the British Constitution or not? (motion: Johnson) 1833 That the civilisation of Europe is December at present in its infancy (motion: Thomas) 1834 That the measures taken for the January suppression of the rebellion in 1745 were disgraceful to the government of that period (motion: Lowe) (Principle and Character) 1834 Would the abolition of Capital That the reign of Charles 2nd was February Punishments, be a measure either just a less disastrous period of English or politic? (motion: G. Ferguson) History than the Commonwealth (motion: Faber) 1834 Whether the principle of Non- February interference, as advocated by his Majesty’s Government, is calculated to promote the best interests of Europe? (motion: J. Ellis) (Principle and Expediency) 1834 March Can the conduct of the English government towards Ireland from the time of the first invasion of the English upon the latter country be considered consistent either with sound policy or with justice? (motion: White) (Principle and Character) (continued ) 202 APPENDIX A (continued) Date Cambridge Union Society Oxford Union Society 1834 March Should there be a Dramatic censorship? (motion: Burke) 1834 May Would the abrogation of the Bishops privilege to sit in the House of Peers, be either just or polite? (motion: Watson) 1834 May Is the Law of Primogeniture worthy of our approbation? (motion: Jones) 1834 June That the late separation between the members of Earl Grey’s administration is deeply to be deplored; and that no ministry can hope to carry on the government of the country, which is not formed as well upon a principle of extensive practical reform, as of preserving the established rights of property (motion: Cardwell) 1834 Was the principle of the late English That the policy of Lord Grey’s November poor law system consistent with administration was opposed to the sound policy? (motion: Johnstone) first principles of sound practical reform (motion: Trevor) 1834 Has the Army or Navy of England November contributed most to its glory? (motion: Walmesley) 1834 Is there not every reason to rejoice That the conduct of the majority December that the Whig Administration has of the House of Lords during the ceased to exist? (motion: Watson) last session of Parliament was highly noble and patriotic; and that the formation of a strong government by that party under the Duke of Wellington, is an event to be hailed with satisfaction by every well-wisher to the country (motion: Cornish) (Principle and Character) 1834 Does the system of flogging in the December Army or Navy tend to degrade the character of our soldiers and sailors? (motion: Drake) (Principle and Character)
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