IT-TLETTAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 6128 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 434 tat-2 ta’ Marzu 2021 mill-Ministru fl-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru, f’isem il-Prim Ministru. ___________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra UFFIĊĊJU TAL-PRIM MINISTRU - PROĠETTI MILL-FONDI TAL-EU *18838. L-ONOR. IVAN BARTOLO staqsa lill-Prim Ministru: Jista’ l-Prim Ministru jgħid x’proġetti saru mill-fondi tal-EU 2014-2021? 02/02/2021 ONOR. ROBERT ABELA: Qed inpoġġi fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra, listi ta’ proġetti ffinanzjati mill-programmi tal-Fondi Ewropej: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cohesion Fund (CF); European Social Fund (ESF), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD),European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF), Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) u Internal Security Fund (ISF). Din l-informazzjoni tinsab ukoll fuq is-sit elettroniku: www.eufunds.gov.mt. Seduta Numru 434 02/03/2021 PQ 18838 Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Name of Ministry (for Public Sector Project Ref No. Name of Operation Project Description Committed Funding beneficiary Organisations) Total project value Start Amount EU co- End Project (including co- Project financing Date financing) € Date € The project aims at assisting migrants willing to voluntarily return back to their respective countries of origin (CoOs) as well as offering reintegration support as a means of contributing to the sustainability of returns. Over a period of 3 years, the project will provide up to 170 beneficiaries with individually tailor-made assistance. Based on IOM Assisted voluntary return Malta’s experience nurtured during the implementation of five and reintegration in the consecutive phases of the RESTART project funded under the MT/2015/AMIF/1.01 IOM 2016 2021 1,249,972.42 937,479.32 country of origin - European Return Fund (RF), within the framework of which since RESTART VI 2009 to date a total of 271 Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) cases have been assisted, the project will apply best practices (including the referral system already in place; lessons learned when providing AVRR assistance to vulnerable returnees) and will further strengthen the outreach component in order to achieve the planned indicators. The aim of the project is to effect the forced return of third-country nationals who do not fulfill the conditions for entry and stay in Malta. Activities of Forced These include those who enter the Maltese territory without any prior MT/2015/AMIF/1.02 MPF MHSE Return Multi-Annual 2015 2022 742,500.00 556,875.00 authorisation and those who although originally their entry was Programme 2014-2020 legitimate, subsequently failed to fulfill the conditions of stay. Both categories could include failed asylum seekers. The main aim of this project is to help Third Country Nationals (TCNs) from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and former Soviet countries, to adapt to live, work and integrate in Malta. This project will focus on culture orientation classes and workshops, and thematically tailored language learning classes in basic Maltese and English, orientated towards specific professions the job seekers and settlers which are necessary when TCNs job seekers are settling in Malta. Other than training, the project shall result in the publication of a cultural Russian - Bridging Cultures - orientation guide book, and webcast and production of MT/2015/AMIF/1.03 Maltese Cultural 2017 2020 140,354.40 105,265.80 Integrating People documentaries. The project will also host a comprehensive multi Association language website where information and guidance can be easily downloaded and disseminated in an audio visual and written format.This project will target around 300 TCNs living in Malta, and also other future new arrivals from the mentioned countries. The programme will be delivered twice over a period of 33 months. The Russian-Maltese Cultural Association together with the Georgian and Serbian communities and the Mosta Local Council will be promoting and implementing the activities. The project aims to address the hurdles which children of TCNs face in their formal education with respect to the assistance they find from their family. Once parents spend many hours with their children during the preparation of the children’s schoolwork it is important to give the parents the tools to assist their children. The activity will include two twelve week, twice a week evening courses consisting of language classes in both English and Maltese held at the same Homework aid for TCN Sliema Local primary school which the children attend. Parents will also be taught MT/2015/AMIF/1.06 parents enabling them to 2017 2020 21,207.15 15,905.36 Council some of the major subjects which the children are learning such as assist their children. Mathematics. The course will also include some civic and cultural orientation classes specific to residents of the locality of Sliema. The estimated number of participants is 40 and the nationalities are multiple. Combined sessions of reading events in which both the parents and the children will participate will be held. The course for parents will be followed by an evaluation of the course and a half day seminar to discuss the experience. The aim of the project is to improve the prospects and quality of employment for third country nationals with limited access to education. The project improves basic literacy and communication skills in Maltese and English, and increases knowledge and Training Third Country awareness on the historical, cultural, social, legal and political Nationals in Cultural context of Malta. In addition, the project raises awareness and MT/2015/AMIF/1.10 FSM Orientation, Language 2017 2019 103,447.50 77,585.62 provides information on diverse types of job opportunities in Malta. It and Work Related Skills provides training to home based carers in work related skills and for Employment competences. Finally the project exposes third country nationals to education and employment opportunities, and informs relevant stakeholders on best practices in the provision of education and training for third country nationals. Improving and strengthening the asylum Through this project, the Office of the Refugee Commissioner aims MT/2015/AMIF/1.13 REFCOM MHSE determinaiton procedure to further improve the asylum process by investing in (a) training for 2015 2022 781,385.06 509,726.42 through the training and interpreters; and (b) funds for interpreters. funds for interpreters. The Office of the Refugee Commissioner has been entrusted with the responsibility of the setting up of a unit that deals with requests related to REGULATION (EU) No 604/2013 of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the The setting up of a unit Member State responsible for examining an asylum application that deals with requests lodged in one of the Member States by a third country national or related to Regulation (EU) stateless person (recast). This will be taken over from the No 604/2013 of 26 June department that is currently seeing to it. One of the objectives of the 2013 establishing the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund is to strengthen and develop criteria and mechanisms the CEAS by ensuring that the EU legislation in the asylum field is MT/2015/AMIF/1.14 REFCOM MHSE for determining the 2016 2022 297,186.43 222,889.82 efficiently and uniformly applied. The Dublin Regulation is the Member State responsible cornerstone of the Common European Asylum System. Without it, for examining an asylum asylum seekers could have applications open in several member application lodged in one states and it wouldn't be clear which state would be responsible for of the Member States by making a decision. Through this project, the Office of the Refugee a third country national or Commissioner will set up a Dublin Unit which will be responsible for stateless person (recast) the implementation of the EU Regulation 604/2013. Refcom will continue their actions to assess the asylum process, follow-up cases, in particular in relation to Dublin III and compile statistical data, or COI-related actions in cooperation with EASO. The aim of the project is to resettle and relocate migrants following Resettlement and Malta’s decision to adopt solidarity measures in favour of Italy and MT/2015/AMIF/1.15 MHAS MHSE 2015 2021 1,468,000.00 1,468,000.00 Relocation Greece as part of the Council Decision EU 2015/1523, Council Decision EU 2015/1601 and Council Meeting of 20 July 2015. The Agency for the Welfare of Asylum Seekers is responsible for the daily running of a network of initial reception centres and open centres, with a total capacity of over 2000 persons. In pursuit of higher standards of service provision , specifically to support the Provision of Security heath and safety requirements of service-users and staff, this project MT/2016/AMIF/2.01 AWAS MHSE 2016 2022 1,457,985.00 1,093,488.75 Services in AWAS Units will provide round the clock coverage by a number of security personnel. Their main function are access control and soft interventions to prevent escalation. The benefits of this essential service is a safer living and working environment and good order, thereby raising the standard of reception. This project will support the implementation of the Migrant Integration Strategy & Action Plan (Vision 2020) issued by the beneficiary on behalf of the Government of Malta in December of 2017. The beneficiary has also set up the skelton structure of the Integration Unit laid out in the “National Programme AMIF” and in the Strategy. The project will engage human resources for the Unit to commence operations. The revamped Inter-Ministerial Committee will re-start meeting in January of 2018. The Strategy’s “I Belong” Programme Learning - Exchanging - will be supported with the provision of Stage 1 and Stage 2 courses.
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