Vol. 66 No. 2 Bulletin 1992 Géodésique The International Geodesist’s Association of Geodesy Handbook International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Union Géodésique Le Manuel et Géophysique du Géodésien Internationale 1992 Editor C.C. Tscherning 77 FOREWORD A VANT-PR OPOS C.C. Tscherning The Executive Committee of the International Le Comit6 Ex6cutif de rAssociation Internationale Association of Geodesy has decided to publish after de G6od6sie a pris la d6cision de publier apr~s chaque every General Assembly a special issue of Bulletin Assembl6e G6n6rale un num6ro sp6cial du Bulletin G6odesique devoted to a detailed description of the G6od6sique consacr6 h une description d6taill6e de Association. The first "Geodesist's Handbook 1980" l'Association. Le premier "Manuel du Gdoddsien-1980" was published after the Canberra General Assembly in fut publi6 apr~s l'Assembl6e G6n6rale de Canberra en 1979. This is the "Geodesist's Handbook 1992". It aims 1979. Ceci est le "Manuel du Gdoddsien-1992". Le but at providing all the practical informations on the de cette publication est de fournir tousles Association, supplemented with information of renseignements pratiques sur l'Association, et importance for the International scientific cooperation. 6galement toutes les informations concernant la coop6ration scientifique internationale. The first part refers to the history of the Association La premiere partie traite de l'histoire de and to its present place and activities within the l'Association, de sa place actuelle et de ses activit6s au International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, sein de l'Union G6od6sique et G6ophysique Statutes and By-Laws. As the quadrennial General Internationale, de ses Statuts et de son R6glement Assembly is a very important date in the administrative Int6rieur. L'Assembl6e G6n6rale 6tant une 6tape and scientific life of the Association, the second part of importante dans la vie scientifique et administrative de the book contains the reports of the last General l'Association, la deuxi~me partie comprend les comptes Assembly which was held in Vienna, Austria, August, rendus de la derni6re Assembl6e G6n6rale qui s'est tenue 1991. These reports deal with the activities during the h Vienne (Autriche) en Atilt 1991. Ces comptes rendus preceding four-year period, with the decisions taken se rapportent aux activit6s de la p6riode quadriennale during the Assembly and their administrative and pr6c6dente, ainsi qu'aux d6cisions prises pendant scientific consequences. The third part is mainly l'Assembl6e G6n6rale et aux cons6quences devoted to the review of the basic constituents of the administratives et scientifiques qui en d6coulent. La Association, the Sections, the Commissions, the troisi~me partie est principalement consacr6e h la Special Commissions and the Special Study Groups, pr6sentation des constituants de base de l'Association, namely their structure and program of activities for the les Sections, les Commissions, les Commissions coming period 1991-1995. The important information Sp6ciales et les Groupes Sp6ciaux d'Etudes, notamment on the Geodetic Reference System 1980 is reprinted leur structure et leur programme d'activit6s pour la from the i980-edition of the Handbook and is found in p6riode quadriennale 1991-1995. L'importante note sur the fourth part. Here is also included information on the le Syst~me G6od6sique de R6f6rence 1980 a 6t6 reprise current estimates of important parameters, prepared by de l'6dition 1980 et figure dans la quatri~me partie de the president of Special Study Group 5.100, l'ouvrage. Dans cette partie, on trouve 6galement des Prof. M. Bursa. The fourth part also includes a list of informations sur les estimateurs actuels de certains major international and national data centers and param~tres importants, pr6par6es par le pr6sident du scientific publications series. Groupe Sp6cial d'Etudes 5.100, Prof. M. Bursa. Cette quatfi~me partie contient aussi une liste des principaux 78 Finally, the Handbook contains information for centres de donn6es internationaux et nationaux ainsi que contributors to the Bulletin G6odesique and (maybe des publications scientifiques r6guli~res. most important) a list of addresses. Enfin le Manuel contient des informations n6cessaires aux auteurs d'articles pour le Bulletin The Executive Committee has discussed whether to G6od6sique, et (peut-&re le plus important) une liste include other pratical information such as addresses of d'adresses. geodetic research and educational institutions, or information on regional or national geodetic datums. Le Comit6 Ex6cutif a aussi discut6 de r6ventualit6 Only one source of information was readily available, d'inclure d'autres informations pratiques telles que les namely the addresses of educational institutions. adresses des instituts g6od6siques de recherche et de formation, ou des informations sur les r6f6rences g6od6siques r6gionales ou nationales. Seule une source The Handbook has been compiled by P. Willis at d'information 6tait actuellement disponible, les adresses the Central Bureau of the Association. Here corrections, des instituts g6od6siques de formation. updates, suggestions and proposals for improvements of the Handbook should be sent. It is planned to publish Le Manuel du g6od6sien a 6t6 pr6par6 par P. Willis the most important updates in the Newsletter section of au Bureau Central de rAssociation qui serait heureux de Bulletin G6odesique. recevoir toutes corrections, raises ~ jour, suggestions et propositions afin d'en am61iorer le contenu. I1 est pr6vu de publier les mises ~ jour les plus importantes dans la partie "Newsletter" du Bulletin G6od6sique. 79 HISTORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GEODESY M. Louis The 1980 Geodesist's Handbook contains a very detailed note on the "History of the International While an undergraduate he was inspired by a visit to Association of Geodesy" prepared by J.J. Levallois, Witwatersrand University of Dr J. de Graaff Hunter. As Honorary Secretary General. a result he later undertook research on atmospheric refraction, and in 1959 was awarded a Ph D on the basis Then the 1984 Geodesist's Handbook contains brief of these studies. He moved to Australia in 1962 as biographical memoirs of former Presidents and General Senior Lecturer in the University of New South Wales, Secretaries of the Association. For the 1988 Geodesist's and was appointed as Foundation Professor of Handbook the Special Study Group 0.67 (History of Surveying in 1963. Geodesy, Chairman : Ch. Whitten) has prepared similar memoirs for three Presidents of the old Association and also concise bio-reference notes for deceased former Section, Commission and Special Study Group officers as well as other geodesists who have made significant contributions. In order to provide a continuous information about the history of the Association, the Central Bureau has prepared biographical memoirs of two former Presidents of the Association and one Secretary General who recently ended their terms of office. Similarly bio- reference notes have been prepared for those IAG officers and other geodesists who have deceased after 1987. I- Past officers of the International Association of Geodesy 1. Presidents ProL Peter Angus-Leppan Peter Vincent ANGUS-LEPPAN He developed geodesy in the Department, later the School of Surveying, and was largely responsible for President of the International Association of developments which have led to the current Geodesy, (1983-1987). international reputation in geodesy, of both the University and Australia. He supervised numerous Peter Angus-Leppan was born in 1930 in doctoral students, and assisted and encouraged many in Johannesburg, South Africa, and studied surveying at their geodetic research, including the late Ron Mather the University of the Witwatersrand. After practical and other who are active in geodesy today. experience, he lectured at the University of Natal, from 1954 to 1962, in geodesy and astronomy. 80 Peter Angus-Leppan's major contributions in Editorial Board of the journal manuscripta geodaetica, research are in aspects of geodetic refraction, though his and Editor-in-Chief of Bulletin G~od~sique for 12 years. publications and studies are widespread. In 1960 he helped to organize the first Conference of Southern African Surveyors (CONSAS), which continues to be organized at four-year intervals. He was Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the very successful 1979 IUGG General Assembly held in Canberra. Offices held in Australian Academy of Science, include Chairman of the National Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics 1974-1980, and Chairman of the Geodesy Subcommission, 1969-1980. He travelled widely to represent his School and conducted research at the University of New Brunswick (1966); at the Topocom Research Institute, US Dept. of the Army (1971); under an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, at the Geodetic Institute, University of Karlsruhe (1978); and at the Canadian Geodetic Survey, Dept. of Surveys and Mapping, (1981). In 1983, as Senior Visiting Scientist at the US National Geodetic Survey he undertook studies of Prof. Ivan I. Mueller refraction in geodetic levelling. IAG activities in which he was a moving force are Peter Angus-Leppan has always been a proponent of Project ADOS (African Doppler Survey), Project the widest possible applications of geodesy, and in MERIT and COTES - leading to the establishment of 1985-90 he worked as Project Coordinator in the International Earth Rotation Service, and the implementing the 20-year Land Titling Project,
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