Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48208-0 — The Archaeology of Egypt in the Third Intermediate Period James Edward Bennett Index More Information INDEX (m) hꜣtpꜣ5 nhtw ꜥꜣ nn(ꜣ)mꜥ. See at the Head of the Alexandria No. 360, 283 ˙ ˘ Five Great Fortresses of the Ma Ali Mara, 68 [...]mꜣ mntw nb [...], 215 Amara West, 119 [...]š-m-r-ky, 215 Amarna, 26, 31, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, [i]ꜣtbꜣ, 213 128, 129, 135, 138, 140, 141, 143, 154, 165, [N]im(a)-teped (Great Chief of the Libu), 283 168, 217, 218 ‘ndty. See Ninth Lower Egyptian Nome boundary stelae of, 34 ¯ ...shemerki, 215 south tombs of, 218 Workmen’s Village of, 120, 148, 150, 218 Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, 21 Amasis, 261 Abdimilkutti (King of Sidon), 282 Amenemhab Abis Project, 20 tomb of, 206 Abnormal Hieratic, 79 Amenemhat (Prophet of Amun at Karnak), 201 Abu el-Gud, 43, 87, 123, 129, 132 Amenemhat II, 252, 255 Abu Id, 42, 69, 108, 200 Amenemhat III, 129, 230, 231 Abu Salabikh, 149 Amenemnisu, xvii, 6 Abu Sir Bana, 240 Amenemope Abu Tisht, 209 temple of, 214 Abusir el-Meleq, 49, 230, 231, 272 Amenemopet, xvii, 6 Abydos, 50, 147, 166, 178, 209, 210, 211 Amenhaemopet, 223 Amélineau excavations, 278 Amenhotep I Garstang Cemetery E, 278 temple of, 206 Mace Cemetery D, 278 Amenhotep II Northern Cemetery, 210 temple of, 152 Peet Cemetery B, F, and X, 278 Amenhotep III, 175, 273, 304 Pennsylvania–Yale excavations, 278 Amenhotep son of Hapu, 274 tomb of Djer, 210 Amenirdis I Western Cemetery, 210 building works of, 206 Aegean, 160, 193, 275 Amenirdis II (Gods Wife of Amun), 11 landscape preservation, 28 Amenmose settlement pattern studies, 28, 39 statue of, 206 Aegi Amen-Re, 254 amulets of, 177 Amsterdam University Eastern Delta Survey, Ahanakht, 227 240, 242 Ahmose-Nefertari, 206 amulets, 84, 165, 166, 167, 176–7 Ain Shams, 234, see also Heliopolis manufacture of, 159 Akanosh, 240 production of, 85 akh iqer n Re busts, 174 use of, 187 Akhenaten, 34 Amun, 112, 176, 233 Akhmim, 18, 19, 77, 211, 212, 264 Amun-Re, 244, 246, 253 Akoris, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 73, 74, 78, 84, 123, 142, ancestor cult, 184 143, 144, 145, 147, 152, 162, 165, 168, 175, Andjety, 240 176, 177, 180, 182, 186, 197, 219, 274, 279 Anena Alabastron, 162 temple list of, 206 Aldred, Cyril, 3 animal grazing areas, 147 Alexandria, 20, 21, 31 animal storage, 147–8 330 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48208-0 — The Archaeology of Egypt in the Third Intermediate Period James Edward Bennett Index More Information INDEX 331 Ankesesnese at the Head of the Three Great Fortresses of the ushabti of, 242 Sherden, 224 Ankhefenamun (royal scribe to Psusennes I), 249 Atar en-Naby, 50, 233, 249 Ankhefenamun (son of Butahamun), 127 Atfih, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 73, 74, 78, 145, 152, 219, Ankhefenkhonsu (priest), 125 224, 228, 229, 231, 254 Ankheseniset Cow Necropolis, 231 statue of, 234 Athribis, 10, 11, 81, 171, 234, 236, 240, 247, 252 Ankhhor (Chief of the Libu), 8, 238 Atum, 255 Ankhkherednefer auger boring, 98 statue of, 244 Ausim. See Letopolis Ankhpakhered Austrian–German Mission at Tell el-Daba/ donation stela of, 54 Qantir, 30 anklets, 166 Anlamani, 174 Bab el-Nasr, 234, 257 Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte, baboons 23, 30 amulets of, 177 Antaeopolis. See Qaw el-Kebir Babylon, 50, 233 Anthes, Rudolph, 172, 179 Bahariya Oasis, 50 Anubieion, 160, 233 Bahr Faqus, 65 Anubis, 177, 221 Bahr Hadrus, 60, 61 apes Bahr Muweis, 249 amulets of, 177 Bahr Yusef, 19, 221, 222, 229 Apet, 201 Bakennefi A, 106, 234, 247 Apis Bull, 168, 233 Bakenrenef, xix, 9, 232 embalming house of, 253 baking, 84 Apries Balat, 276 naos of, 238 Ballah Lakes, 248 Arab el-Sheikh Mubarak, 66 Ballet, Pascale, 31 Archaic Greece, 4 Baltimore, Walters Art Museum 22.202, Archaic Greek studies, 3 286 Archimedes Screw, 20 Banebdjed, 97, 98, 116 architectural fragment Alexandria No. 360., 287, see Barakim, 56, 246 also Alexandria No. 360 Barmacha, 223 the Area/District of Fishing and Catching Birds, 250 Basa Armant, 44, 76, 204, 206, 215 block statue of, 208 armbands Bastet, 226, 254, 255, 260 of Prince Nimlot (22nd Dynasty), 55, 235 naos of, 255 arrowheads, 178 temple of, 254, 255 Asfun el-Matanah, 203 Basyun, 55 Ashakhet (priest), 125 beads, 165, 166–7 Ashkelon, 160 Bebi Ashmolean Museum, 208 stela of, 221 Ashmolean Museum 1889.1038, 286 Behbeit el-Hagar, 81, 240, 284 Ashmolean Museum 2403, 277 Beheira province, 31 Ashur, 201 Belgium expedition to el-Kab, 202 Assasif, 205 benches, 140, 148 Assurbanipal, 10, 14, 34, 108, 111, 171, 236 Benha, 240, 247 Assyria, 10, 32, 114 Beni Suef Inspectorate 32–987, 281 campaign records of, 34 Beni Suef Museum MAE 85–174 (Register Book Astarte, 169 641), 280, 282 Aston, David, 7, 8, 49, 243 Berlin Museum 7344, 266 Aswan, 22 Berlin, Staatliche Museen VA Ass 2258, Aswan High Dam, 19 282 Asyut, 7, 18, 213, 217, 250 Bernand, André, 30 at the Head of the Five Great Fortresses of the Bes, 173, 174 Ma, 223 amulets of, 177, 187 at the Head of the Five Great Fortresses of the Beth Shan, 168 224 See Sherden, bh˙d.t. Edfu © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48208-0 — The Archaeology of Egypt in the Third Intermediate Period James Edward Bennett Index More Information 332 INDEX bhn, 72, 73, 75 Cairo CG 639, 286 ˘ associated with the Castle of the Vizier, 225 Cairo CG 741, 283 associated with Tukh el-Qaramus, 74, 75 Cairo CG 3842, 285 of HPA Menkheperre at Karnak, 106 Cairo CG 9430, 280, 283 bhnw. See Tukh el-Qaramus Cairo CG 39217, 285 ˘ Bietak, Manfred, 30, 56, 57, 61, 65, 68, 249 Cairo CG 42221, 276 Bigga, 42, 68, 200 Cairo CG 42228, 280 Bilbeis, 66, 68 Cairo CG 42232, 266, 277, 286, see also Luxor J 152 Bilgai, 57 Cairo CG 70006, 287 Bilhasa, 224 Cairo CG 70007, 276 Bindariya, 54, 81, 236, 256 Cairo JdE 8392, 285 BM EA 386, 277 Cairo JdE 30872, 266 BM EA 642, 278 Cairo JE 1221, 277 BM EA 1007, 285 Cairo JE 26097 (TN 20/6/24/10), 278 BM EA 1146, 284, 287 Cairo JE 29858, 283 BM EA 13368, 277 Cairo JE 30972, 80, 283 BM EA 14466, 279 Cairo JE 36410, 269 BM EA 14594–5, 283 Cairo JE 36493, 286 BM EA 43070, 279 Cairo JE 36665, 277 BM EA 47609, 279 Cairo JE 37478, 286 BM EA 47610, 279 Cairo JE 37516, 277 BM EA 73965, 80, 283 Cairo JE 38261, 284 bobbins, 182 Cairo JE 38272, 287 body modification, 182–3 Cairo JE 39410, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 46, 48, 49, 73, 79, body piercing, 182 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 267, 277, Bologne K. S. 1813, 278 280, 281, 287 Book of Gates, 32 Cairo JE 41013, 276 Book of the Dead, 32, 280 Cairo JE 41664, 285 of Padinemty, 217 Cairo JE 43359, 284 Boreax Collection, 234 Cairo JE 44665, 269 bracelets, 165, 166 Cairo JE 44670, 277 Breasted, James Henry, 30 Cairo JE 45327, 281 the Breastplate of Inaros, 238 Cairo JE 45530, 281, 282 brewing, 84 Cairo JE 45610, 106 British School of Archaeology in Egypt Cairo JE 45779, 80 excavations at Qaw el-Kebir, 213 Cairo JE 45948, 281 British Survey of Egypt, 30 Cairo JE 46600, 285 brn, 225 Cairo JE 46789, 284 Brooklyn No.67.119, 283 Cairo JE 48400, 277 Brunton, Guy, 120, 229 Cairo JE 48862, 47086–47089, 265, 282 Bubastis, 3, 9, 13, 66, 68, 76, 80, 81, 102, 118, 171, Cairo JE 59785, 272 191, 238, 241, 247, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257, Cairo JE 65841, 282 260, 261, 284 Cairo JE 67846, 283 Bubastite Gate, 7, 231, 254, 255, 282 Cairo JE 71902, 277 Busiris, 57, 80, 81, 240 Cairo JE 85647, 80, 283 Busiris river, 61, 62 Cairo JE 89125, 276 Butahamun (Overseer of the Treasury), 127, 129 Cairo JE 92591, 283 Buto, 8, 9, 27, 28, 31, 55, 80, 81, 123, 165, 191, 235, Cairo JE 94748, 280 236, 240, 284 Cairo Mus Ent. 38269, 276 bw hrı’ hm=f Cairo Mus Ent. 46916, 276 ¯ ˙ the place where his majesty dwells. See palaces Cairo Mus. 11/1/25/13, 285 Byw. See Camp of Bia Cairo Mus. 31169, 285 Byzantine, 231 Cairo Museum TR 20/5/24/4, 281 bꜣk. See siege platforms Cairo Stela 3/12/24/2, 266, 268 Cairo Temp No. 16/3/64/1, 283 Cairo, 19, 50, 234, 237, 246, 247 Cairo Temp No. 20–10–48–15, 285, 286 Cairo (Stela Geneva MAH 23473), 80 Camp of Bia, 234 Cairo CG 535, 285 Canaanite © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48208-0 — The Archaeology of Egypt in the Third Intermediate Period James Edward Bennett Index More Information INDEX 333 amphora, 160 city-state culture, 195 jars, 160 classical Greece, 2 Canopic Nile branch, 50–3, 54, 55, 61, 65, 75 cobra heads Castle of Neferenpet, 73, 224 amulets of, 177 Castle of Panehesy, 73, 224 Coffin Florence 10501, 280 Castle of the Vizier, 73 Coffin Florence 10502, 280 Cataptystic Nile branch, 61 Coffin Florence 10568, 280 cats, 146 columns, 29, 127, 128, 129, 135, 138, 140, 161, 165, amulets of, 177 253, 254, 256 cemetery, 16, 38, 105, 156 Commander of Troops of the Western River, 50 of Abusir el-Meleq, 231 conception of kingship, 6 of Abydos, 209, 210 cooking Mace Cemetery D.
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