The Daily Register VOL.97 N0.117 SHREWSBURY, N J. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1974 TEN CENTS Byrne expects action this week on tax plan By JOHN T. McGOK AN ence" in New York, the governor said he had productive talks Byrne said this might be a small income tax iruir.i-.nl ficient education called lor in thr state uwMituliiin with leaders of the Democratic majority ami he found them cigarette and gasoline taxes, and even I statewide proper!) "We've had three years In satisfy the court," Hyme said, TRENTON (AP) - If Gov. Brendan T Byrnes con "ready to evaluate" several tax proposals and to come up lax as part of a bigger package "and if we didn't accomplish it in three veals, then eight or fidence is not misplaced, the legislature is ready to act this with a consensus "in Ihe next couple of days " The legislature hasn't reached a consensus vet. the JJOVH Hi yon isn't going to make am different e week to solve the states fiscal problems Byrne's own proposed solution, a state income tax offered nor said, but is far from deadlocked Byrne said thrw art dit- The governor said he would provoke court action if the Byrne said yesterday that the legislators are ready to last June, was turned down by the state Senate after being ficult times to sell new taxes legislature doesn't come up with a properly lax substitute b> agree on a tax package to close an anticipated $400 million approved by the Assembly He said he still consider* an in "We're in a situation where no i.iv npecUU) in this eco- asking the court if he ran continue slate ant under Ihe budget gap next year and, at the same lime, shift the major come tax "the fairest tax." nomic .climate — is a popular tax." Byrne uid present, unconstitutional svstem burden for financing local education from the local to the The governor said the Senate's alternate proposal for a He said that if he has misjudged ihe legislature - maud Byrne said if the legUUturr doesr'l vole new taxes to state level statewide property tax as the sole solution does not appear to and no new tax proposals come by Dec II he will nut ask the close the projected budget gap he will haw to decide what Both houses of the legislature are scheduled to hold closed have enough support in the Assembly State Supreme Court for more time essential services' Ihe public can do without sessions today to discuss new or increased taxes The legisla He laid the legislature would probably come up with a That court, acting in a public interest suit. Imputed a "Do we close state colleges ' Ho we turn mental inmate* ture is under court mandate to come up with a substitute for little bit of this and a little bit of that" in Ihe way of new or Dec. 31 deadline after it declared the present school financing nut into society''" the governor asked the local property tax as the principal school support before increased taxes. system unconstitutional Byrne said economies already imposed should get the the end of the year. "What has to come out of the Monday meetings." he said, The court said thai system, with its heavv reliance on lo- state through the current fiscal year without am budget defi- Interviewed on WABC TV s "Eyewitness News Confer- "is something that will cam1 a majority of both houses " cal property taxes, cannot provide statewide thorough and ef- cit Damage heavy as storm whips area A severe storm with north- The forecast for this area dale expected to resume H.i/let police said three to east winds gusting up to 80 today calls for continued high classes at 4 p m. today four homes at either end of miles an hour lashed the New winds with a falling tempera Flooding the township had lost elec- Jersey coast yesterday and ture and the possibility of Sporadic flooding was re tricity but that flooding was early today causing major snow during the afternoon, ported throughout the Kay controlled through the use of flooding in low-lying areas ending during the evening. shore area along with power floodgates at Waackaack and power failures throughout The high winds caused pow- shortages caused by fallen Creek northern Monmouth County. er failures throughout the utility poles Keyport police reported In Monmouth Beach, Army county and the Jersey Central Police in Middletown com flooding on several streets personnel stood by early Power It Light Co had at mented "if the storm had and in Matawan, Aberdeen today, ready to evacuate resi- least nine crews working in kept up another hour we Hoad was flooded with water dents if necessary. the Bayshore area trying to would have really been in from Matawan Creek "We do have a mess here." restore service. trouble." Union Beach reported pow- said a police officer. "Ocean The downed power lines As it was, major damage in er lines down on Union Ave., Ave. has been impassable caused several school clos- the township was caused by Shore Road and Jersey Ave with about 2'^ feet of water. ,ings, including Brookdale trees blocking main roads, in- The police there said the We've had problems with Community College. The Ran- cluding Swimming River and flooding on Florence and trees and wires down and ney School, Star of the Sea Middletown-Llncroft Roads Morningside Aves was not loose boats. But we've had no Academy and the Long Marly this morning, power major, but "something to be injuries." Branch public schools were was still out in most of Lin- concerned with." In neighboring Sea Bright. also closed. Downed power croft and Oak Hill Parts of No major flooding was re- Rt. 36 was blocked off be- lines and power failures Navesink and Belford were ported in Atlantic Highlands. cause of flooding and debris prompted the closings. Brook- also without electricity. See Wlad, page 2 in the road, police said. Fif- teen people were reported to have been stranded in their cars. Ocean Ave., from the High- lands Bridge at the north end «*|llt»r HaMIl L«T» Pun of Sea Bright to Long Branch was closed to traffic during HIGH TIDE — Actually this is a parking lot, not a river over the bulkhead and onto the tennis court most of the night because of beach. This is what the parking lot at Marine Park, parking lot. The boat in the background is moored flooding and heavy seas Red Bank looked like last night as high winds, rain in the municipal marina and was safely riding out which crashed over the sea- and an unusually high tide combined to bring the the storm. wall. The resort town was hit by high ocean'lMes at 9 p.m. which ran three to four feet above normal, and again two hours later by abnormally high water in the Shrewsbury Two jetliner crashes River. Boardwalk hit Meanwhile, police in Long Branch reported this morning that high winds tore the city's boardwalk from its structure take total of 95 lives between Laird St. and Broad- way, strewing boards along UPPERVILLE, Va. (AP) - mountainous area for a lion- sited in various directions their search today for the Ocean Ave. Searchers today were to re- cockpit voice recorder and duran Air Force cargo plane National only has north-south sume hunting for the bodies other monitoring instruments carrying four persons The runways. There was one fatality The manager of Dulles. which may have been storm FAIR HAVEN FATALITY - This is the car in which Miss Alice W. Kelly, of 92 persons killed when a that could provide clues. craft was reported missing daughter of Dr. Charles W. Kelly and Mrs. Joan Sheehan Kelly ot Mon- Trans World Airlines 727 Friday night. Dexter Davis, said weather related. A small foreign car went out of control shortly af- mouth Beach, was killed last night. The car went out of control at 8:09 p.m. crashed into a mountain dur- TWA officials said relatives The Mt. Weather search conditions there were highly on River Rood near the Shrewsbury River Yacht Club and hit a utility pole. ing a wind-driven rain storm, of the 85 passengers and sev- was hampered by driving unusual. "In the six years ter 8 o'clock last night on Riv- er Road in Fair Haven and Miss Kelly was pronounced dead on arrival at Riverview Hospital, Red killing all aboard. en crew members would be rain, fog and winds gusting I've been here, crosswind like struck a utility pole claiming Bank. taken by bus today to a tem- up to 40-50 miles an hour, the this hasn't happened," he The plane, TWA flight 514 the life of the driver and lone porary morgue near the crash same weather conditions that said. bound for Washington from occupant, Miss Alice W. Kelly site to identify the remains. prevailed in the area when The Federal Aviation Ad- Indianapolis and Columbus, of Monmouth Beach. (See Sto- When search operations sus- the jet crashed at 11:10 a.m. ministration said there had Ohio, sheared off tree tops been no unusual commu- ry, page 1.) and slammed into a rocky 10- pended at 8:15 p.m. EST yes- EST. Woman, 21, is killed nications between the plane's Miss Kelly was the daugh- foot-high ledge near a top-se- terday, the remains of 23 per- The flight had been sched- sons had been found, officials uled to land at 10:23 a.m.
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