ID Pub Call Num. Author Title Date Publisher Subject Num. 306 Achtemeier, Paul Harper's Bible Dictionary 1985 Harper & Row Bible Dictionary 110 62 Adams, A. Dana Four Thousand Questions & Answers on the Bible 1932 A. J. Holman Co. Bible Trivia 110.5 258 Adams, Dana A. Four Thousand Questions & Answers on the Bible 1959 A.J. Holman Co. Bible Trivia 110.5 Greek Language (& Lexicon) 348 Aland, Kurt (Editor) Greek-English New Testament 1986 Biblia-Bruck GmbH Studies 140 1089 Alexander, David Eerdman's Handbook to the Bible 1973 Eerman's Publishing Co. Bible Handbooks 110.3 William B. Eerdman's 256 Alexander, Frank Eerdman's Handbook to the Bible 1973 Publishing Co. Bible Handbooks 110.3 946 Alexander, Pat The Lion Encyclopedia of the Bible 1987 Lion Publishing Corp. Bible Encyclopedias 120 1309 Alexander, Pat Encyclopedia of the Bible 1986 Reader's Digest Assoc. Bible Encyclopedias & Almanacs 120 Sermons of Denominational 1015 Alldredge, E.P. Forty Sermon Studies-from Jonah 1942 Broadman Press Preachers 582 762 Allen, F.G. Old Path Pulpit-Doctrinal Sermons 1940 Gospel Advocate Co. Sermons & Lectures of Brethren 580 335 Alls, Willard (R.PH) What the Christian Should Know about Drug Use, & Abuse 1974 Restoration Publications Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol 602 463 AMP The Amplified New Testament 1975 Zondervon Bible Publishers Bibles 100 Commentaries on the Old 20 Anderson, Bernhard Understanding the Old Testament 1957 Prentice-Hall, Inc. Testament 320 938 Anderson, Elaine With God's Help Flowers Bloom 1978 Quality Publications Women's Studies 600.2 492 Anderson, Ken Where to Find it in the Bible-(The Ultimate) 1996 Thomas Nelson Publishers Bible Handbooks 110.3 592 Anderson, Lynn Navigatng the Winds fof Change 1984 Howard Publishing Co. Sermons & Lectures of Brethren 580 1198 Bagents, Bill Renewing Respect 2009 Gospel Advocate Co. Articles by Brethren 580.1 597 Bailey, Hoyt Things Old & New in Religion 1948 C.E.I. Publishing Co. Sermons & Lectures of Brethren 580 730 Baker, Kathy The Presidential Prayer Team 2003 J.Countryman Prayer 731 50 Bales, James D. Instrumental Music in New Testament Worship 1973 James D. Bales Instrumental Music 800.2 396 Bales, James D. Modernism-Trojan Horse in the Church 1971 James D. Bales Liberalism / Modernism 260 846 Bales, James D. Jesus-The Ideal Teacher 1963 Old Paths Publishing Co. Church Teachers 920.3 935 Bales, James D. The Holy Spirit & The Christian 1966 Lambert Book House Holy Spirit 430 950 Bales, James D. Modernism-Trojan Horse in the Church 1971 James D. Bales Liberalism / Modernism 260 951 Bales, James D. The Faith Under Fire 1967 Gussie Lambert Doctrine-(gen.) 400 1213 Barbour Publishing Kids Bible Facts 2009 Barbour Publishing Co. Children's Books 910 59 Barclay, William The Revelation of John (Vol. 2) 1976 Westminister Press Revelation 318.77 63 Barclay, William Index Volume - The Daily Study Bible 1978 Westminister Press Bible-Index 110.6 538 Barclay, William The Revelation of John- (Vol.1) 1976 Westminster Press Revelation 318.77 548 Barclay, William The Letters to 1John to Jude 1976 The Westminster Press I John 318.73 1129 Barfield, Benny Christian Evidences-Vol.4 The Pragmatic Evidence 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidence 950 1130 Barfield, Benny Christian Evidences-Vol.5 Failure of Evolution Pt.1 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidences 950 1131 Barfield, Benny Christian Evidences-Vol.6 Failure of Evolution Pt.2 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidences 950 1132 Barfield, Benny Christian Evidences-Vol.7 Historical Accuracy 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidences 950 1133 Barfield, Benny Christian Evidences-Vol.8 Prophetic Accuracy 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidences 950 ID Pub Call Num. Author Title Date Publisher Subject Num. 1134 Barfield, Benny Christian Evidences-Vol.9 Birth, Life, Miracles of Jesus 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidences 950 Christian Evidences-Vol.10 Death, Burial, Resurrection of 1135 Barfield, Benny Jesus 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidence 950 1126 Barfield, Kenny Christian Evidences-Vol.1 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidences 950 1127 Barfield, Kenny Christian Evidences-Vol.2 Existence of God 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidences 950 1128 Barfield, Kenny Christian Evidences-Vol.3 Existence of God-2 2004 Sherrod Ch. Of Christ Christian Evidences 950 1357 Barnhart, Clarence The American College Dictionary 1953 Random House, Inc. Dictionary 109 845 Bartlett, Margaret Preschool Department 1964 Standard Publishing Church Teachers 920.3 196 Bates, Bobby Fishing for Men 1998 Sain Publications Personal Evangelism 715 1308 Bates, Bobby Fishing for Men 1998 Sain Publishing Co. Personal Evangelism 715 Greek Language (& Lexicon) 412 Bauer, Walter Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament 1979 University of Chicago Press Studies 140 1098 Bawer, Bruce Stealing Jesus-Fundamentalism 1997 Crown Publishers Debates 585 31 Baxter, Batsell Barrett I Believe Because 1971 Barker Book Howe Doctrine (general) 200 132 Baxter, Batsell Barrett As a Man Thinketh in His Heart 1966 Washington Industries Articles by Brethren 580.1 252 Baxter, Batsell Barrett Preachers of Today 1959 Gospel Advocate Co. General Biographies 570 261 Baxter, Batsell Barrett Every Life a Plan of God 1983 Zachry Association Autobiographies 554 267 Baxter, Batsell Barrett Family of God 1980 Gospel Advocate Co. Church History (general) 500 409 Baxter, Batsell Barrett If I Be Lifted Up 1972 Gospel Advocate Sermons and Lectures of Brethren 580 505 Baxter, Batsell Barrett Every Life A Plan of God 1983 Zackery Assocs. Autobragraphies 554 574 Baxter, Batsell Barrett Family of God 1980 Gospel Advocate Co. Articles by Brethren 580.1 Baxter, Batsell Barrett 470 (Editor) Preachers of Today-(Biographical Sketches) 1952 Williams Printing Co. General Biographies 570 297 Bearly, Beverly Simmons Treat the Earth Gently 1972 ? Archaeology 250 1164 Beauchamp, Gary God Loves the Single Too 1978 The Christian Teacher Articles by Brethren 580.1 286 Beauchamp, Gary R. The Calm After the Storm 1983 20th. Century Christian Emotions (Stress, anxiety, burnout) 595 1001 Beers, V. Gilbert Growing Up to Praise God 1987 Harvest House Publishers Children's Books 910 714 Bell, Terry Watch the Lamb-A Fresh Look at Jesus 1992 Gospel Advocate Co. Teachings of Jesus 251-1 301 Bender, Betty S. To Love a Child 1989 20th. Century Christian Home & Family 601.1 945 Ben-Gurion, David The Jews in their Land 1974 Aldus Books Ltd. World Religions 800.1 835 Benson, Clarence H. An Introduction to Child Study 1942 Moody Press Church Teachers 920.3 847 Benson, Clarence H. The Christian Teacher 1950 Moody Press Church Teachers 920.3 856 Benson, Clarence H. A Popular History of the Christian Education 1943 Moody Press Church Teachers 920.3 960 Bigge, Morris L. Learning Theories for Teachers 1964 Harper & Row Teachers 920.3 934 Black, Doris Reach for Your Spiritual Potential 1983 Quality Publications Women's Studies 600.2 1345 Black, Doris But How Can I? 1981 21st. Century Christian Women's Studies 600.2 254 Blair, Edward P. Abingdon Bible Handbook 1983 Abingdon Press Bible Handbooks 110.3 1070 Blevins, James L. Revelation as Drama 1984 Broadman Press Special Studies-Revelations 330 302 Bolding, Amy Please Give a Devotion 1963 Baker Book House Women's Studies 600.2 779 Bolding, Amy Please Give a Devotion 1963 Baker Book House Women's Studies 600.2 149 Boles, H. Leo Gospel Advocate Commentary-Luke 1950 Gospel Advocate Commentaries 318.2 511 Boles, H. Leo Gospel Advocate Commentaries-Acts 1973 Gospel Advocate Co. New Testament Commentaries 318.2 555 Boles, H. Leo Gospel Advocate commentary-Luke 1977 Gospel Advocate Co. New Testament Commentaries 318.2 ID Pub Call Num. Author Title Date Publisher Subject Num. 249 Boles, Leo & Lipscomb I'll Stand on the Rock-A Biography of Leo Boles 1965 Gospel Advocate General Biographies 570 106 Boles, Leo H. Gospel Advocate Commentary- Acts 1882 ? commentaries 318.2 144 Boles, Leo H. Gospel Advocate Commentary-Acts 1948 Gospel Advocate Commentaries 318.2 146 Boles, Leo H. Gospel Advocate Commentary-Matthew 1952 Gospel Advocate Commentaries 318.2 422 Boles, Leo H. Gospel Advocate Commentary-Acts 1980 Gospel Advocate Co. Commentaries 318.2 705 Boles, Leo H. Gospel Advocate Commentary-Matthew 1979 Gospel Advocate Commentaries 318.2 234 Bonar, Horatius He Touched Them 1997 Ideals Publications Special Studies 330 755 Boom, Corrie Ten Tramp For The Lord 1974 Christian Literature Inspiration 242 238 Boone, Pat Twixt Twelve and Twenty 1958 Prentice Hall, Inc. Teens 616 753 Borden, E.M. Jacob's Ladder Christian Pilot Publishing Sermons & Lectures of Brethren 580 489 Boyd, Robert Boyd's Bible Handbook 1983 Harvest House Publishers Bible Handbooks 110.3 838 Bradford, Ann Working With Primaries 1961 Convention Press Church Teachers 920.3 Brecheen, Carl & 52 Faulkner, Paul What Every Family Needs 1994 Gospel Advocate Co. Home & Family 600.1 Brecheen, Carl & 739 Faulkner, Paul What Ever Family Needs 1994 Gospel Advocate Co. Home & Family 600.1 317 Brents, T.W. The Gospel Plan of Salvation 1950 Gospel Advocate Co. Christian Ethics (general) 600 580 Brents, T.W. The Gospel Plan of Salvation 1977 Gospel Advocate Co. Articles by Brethren 580.1 323 Brewer, Charles R. Above the Shadow Williams Publishing Co. Inspiration 242 265 Brewer, G.C. Autobiography of G.C. Brewer 1957 Dehoff Publications Autobiographies 554 590 Brewer, G.C. Brewer's Sermons 1952 Goodpasture Sermons & Lectures of Brethren 580 915 Brodsky, Marvin Alan The Family Bible Encyclopedia-Vol. #1 1972 Curtis Books Bible Encyclopedias 120 916 Brodsky, Marvin Alan The Family Bible Encyclopedia-Vol. #2 1972 Curtis Books Bible Encyclopedias 120 9 Brownlow, Leroy Better Than Medicine 1967 Brownlow Publishing Co. Inspiration Counseling 242 56 Brownlow, Leroy Seed for the Sower 1948 Brownlow Publishing Co. Sermons and Lectures of Brethren 580 73 Brownlow, Leroy Gardens of the Heart 1992 Brownlow Publishing Co.
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