LJY . PARISH CHURCH. - -- See DALGETTY (ARTHUR BURNESS). The church and parish of Liff. LIFTMAN (MICHAEL). - -- Power for the poor; the Family Centre Project - an experiment in self -help. [By] M.L. for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence. Foreword by D. Donnison. Sydney, 1978. .3628(945) Lif. LIFSHE'Y (EARL). - -- The housewares story; a history of the American housewares industry. [Commissioned by the] National Housewares Manufacturers Association. Chicago [1973.] .6838(73) Lif. ADDITIONS LIFT (SONIA) . - -- See BRADY (TIM) and L. (S.) LIFSHITS(EVGENIY M KHAYLOVICH). - -- See LANDAU (LEV DAVIDOVICH) and L. (E.M.) - -- and PITAEVSKIY (L.P.). - -- Relativistic quantum theory. Pt. 2. See LANDAU (LEV DAVIDOVICH) and LIFSHITS (EVGENIY MIKHAYLOVICH). Course of theoretical physics. Vol. 4, pt. 2. LIFSHITS (MIKHAIL ALEKSANDROVICH). vicxycc'rua Kap.na Ilapxca. The philosophy of art of Karl Marx. Tr. ... by R.B. Winn. Republ. Lond., 1973. .3354 Mar. Lif. LIFTON (ROBERT JAY). - -- Revolutionary immorality; Mao Tse -tung and the Chinese Cultural C2 evolution. New York [1968.] Politics Lib. - -- Another ed. Lond., 1969. .9(5105) Lif. - -- Thought reform and the psychology of totalism; a study of "brainwashing" in China. 2nd impr. Lond., 1962. Psychiatry Lib. LIGACZ (RYSZARD). - -- Fremde Einflusse auf das Kunstdrama der schlesischen Tragiker im 17. Jahrhundert. [Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciók Nauk, Tom. 21, Zeszyt 2.] Poznan, 1962. .8325o9 Lig. LIGER.See also LIGIER. LIGER (CHARLES LOUIS). - -- Traite de la goutte, dans lequel ... on indique les moyens ... pour la bien traiter Paris, 1753. *H.32.79. ADDITIONS LIFSHITS (EVGENIY MIKHAYLOVICH). - -- and PITAEVSKIY (L.P.). -- Physical kinetics. See LANDAU (LEV DAVIDOVICH) and LIFSHITS (E.M.). Course of theoretical physics. Vol. 10. LIFSHITZ (E.M.). See LIFSHITS (EVGENIY MIKHAYLOVICH). LIFSHITS (I.A.). --- OLEVSKAYA (E.A.) and ABRAMOVICH (V.I.). -- eds. CTaTVicTyruecxa.si Teopxx oRexosaxxx ... See [STATISTICHESKAYA. ] CTaTHcTHUecxasi .. L1e ON (BETTY JEAN). -- Lost and found; the adoption experience. New York [1979.] .36273(73) Lif. - -- Another copy. Soc. Work Lib. LIPTON (ROBERT JAY). - -- Home from the war; Vietnam veterans, neither victims nor executioners. New York [1973.] .355(7392) Lif. - -- Thought reform and the psychology of totalism; a study of brainwashing in China. [Pelican Bk.] Harmondsworth, 1967. .3011523(5105) Lif. LIGER (LOUIS). - -- Le ménade des champs et de la ville, ou, le nouveau jardinier frangois accommode au goust du tems ... suivi d'un traité de la chasse ... Seconde partie du Ménage des champs. Paris, 1737. ß. E.B, ,635L& LIGERS (ZIEDONIS). - -- Histoire des villes de Lettonie et d'Estonie, des origines jusqu' la fin du XVIIIe siécle. Paris, 1946. .9(474) =.352 Lfg. -9 (1-14) . LIGERTWOOD (JOANNES). - -- Diss. ... inaug. de angina infiammatoria. Edin., 1773. Theses Sect. 61604/3. - -- Another copy. Att.75.7.16/2. - -- Another copy. Att.75.7.17/13. LIGERZ (HEINRICH VON). - -- See MEIER (P.G.). H. v. L. LIGETI (LOUIS). - -- Catalogue du Kanjur mongol imprimé. Vol. 1. [Bibl. Orient. Hung. Vol. 3.] Budapest. Mg.563. 1. Catalogue. 1942 -44. LIGGETT (ERIC). Britioh political iocucc. 2 volo. [Thc Commonwcalth and Int. Lib. Comm., Soon. & Admin. Div. Voie. 6 7 Oxford, 1964. LIGGETT (JOHN). - -- and COCHRANE (RAYMOND C.). - -- Exercises in social science. [Sociol. and Soc. Welfare Ser. 4.] Lond., 1968. .301018 Lig. ..,,:E0:.14 -4..r:,st:: ADDITIONS LIGER (LOUIS). Le jardinier fleuriste, ou, la culture universelle des fleurs, arbres, arbustes ... Nouv. ed., rev. corr. & augm. ... Paris, 1768. D.S.g.11.7. LIGETI (GYáRGY). - -- G.L. in conversation with P. Varnai, J. Häusler, C. Samuel and himself. Lond., 1983. Reid Music Lib. - -- See NORDWALL (OVE). G.L. - See GRir'i ITHS (PAUL). G.L. LIGGETT (ERIC). --- British political issues. 2 vols. [The Commonwealth and Int. Lib. Comm., Econ. & Admin. Div. Vols. 6-7.] Oxford, 1964. .32(42085) Lig. LIGGE112 (JOHN). --- and COCHRANE (RAYMOND C.). - -- Exercises in social science. Sociol. and Soc. Welfare Ser. 4.] Lond., 196$. .301018 Li g. LIGGEPT (JOHN RILEY). - -- An experimental study of the olfactory sensitivity of the white rat. [Genetic Psychol. Mon. III, 1 . ] Worcester, Mass., 1928. Per. .15 Gen. LIGGINS (DAVID). - -- National economic planning in France. [Saxon House Stud.] Farnborough, 1975. C.E.G.S. - -- Repr. Westmead, Farnborough, 1977. 3389(44) Lig. LIGHT (ARTHUR B.). --- See PHILADELPHIA COMMITTEE FOR THE CLINICAL STUDY OF OPIUM ADDICTION. Opium addiction. [A series of papers by] A.B.L. ... LIGHT (FRANCIS). - -- See CLOUD (H.P.). Malayats first British pioneer; the life of F.L. LIGHT (HENRY). - -- Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Libanon and Cyprus in ... 1814. Lond., 1818. P.17.30. LIGHT (HORACE ROBERT). - -- ed. The nature of management. With an introd. by L. Urwick. Repr. Lond., 1953. .658 Lig. - -- 3rd ed. Lond., 1968. .658 Lig. LIGHT (MARTIN). - -- See KOTTLER (BARNET) and L. (M.). LIGHT (PAUL. - -- The development of social sensitivity; a study of social aspects of role -taking in young children. Cambridge, 1979. .13673 Lig. - -- Two other copies. .13673 Lig. - -- Another copy. Psychol. Lib. LIGHT (RICHARD L.). - -- and OSMAN (ALICE H.). - -- eds. Collected papers in teaching English as a second language ... See NEW YORK. STATE. ENGLIGH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES AND BILINGUAL EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION. LIGHT (RICHARD UPJOHN. - -- Focus on Africa. Foreword by I. Bowman. Repr. [Amer. Geog. Soc. Spec. Publ. 25.] New York, 1944. Bv.13.1. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. LIGHT (WILLIAM). - -- Sicilian scenery, from drawings by P. De Wint. The original sketches by Major L. [Eng. and Fr.] Lond., 1823. P*20.29. - -- Views of Pompeii. Drawn on stone by J.D. Harding, after drawings by W.L. Lond., 1828. P.15.14. - -- See DUTTON (GEOFFREY). Founder of a city; the life of Colonel W.L. LIGHT scattering in physics, chemistry and biology. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. ADDITIONS LIGHT (PAUL). - -- See BUTTERWORTH (GEORGE) Lecturer in Psychology and L. (P.) LIGHT (PAUL CHARLES). - -- The President's agenda; domestic policy choice from Kennedy to Carter (with notes on Ronald Reagan). Baltimore [1982.] .35303 Lig. - -- Vice-presidential power; advice and influence in the White House. Baltimore [1984.] .35303 Lig. LIGHT on the land question; a frank inquiry into the land value policy by a Man in the Street. What would it do? 2nd ed. [Henry George Found. of Great Britain.] Lond., 1936. P .33622 Lig. LIGHTBODY (GEORGE). - -- Quaestiones grammaticae in compendium digestae ... Libri II. Ellin., 1628. De.10.64. LIGHTBODY (WILLIAM PATERSON HAY). - -- See DAVEY (T.H.) and L. (W.P.H.) LIGHTBOWN (PATSY). - -- See BLOOM (LOUIS), L.(P.) and HOOD (LOIS). LIGHTBOWN (RONALD WILLIAM). - -- comp. French silver. See VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM, South Kensington. - -- ed. Sandro Botticelli. See BOTTICELLI ( SANDRO) [ ALESSANDRO FILIPEPI]. - -- Secular goldsmiths' work in medieval France; a history. [Soc. of Antiquaries of London, Res. Committee Rep. No. 36.] Lond., 1978. .913(42)06 Soc. LIGH'l't0OOT (DAVID w.). - -- Natural logic and the Greek moods; the nature of the subjunctive and optative in classical Greek. [Janua Linguarum, Ser. Practica, 230.] The Hague, 1975. .4858 Lig. - -- Principles of diachronic syntax. [Camb. Stud. in Ling. 23.] Cambridge, 1979. .415 Lig. LIGH`l'1'00'(EDGAR) . - -- Moment distribution; a rapid method of analysis for rigid -jointed structures. With a foreword by R.H. Evans. LSpon's Civil Engin. Ser.] Lond., 1961. Engin. Lib. - -- Another ed. Lond., 1961. Engin. Lib. *** Lond. imprint cancels that of New York. ADDITIONS LIGHTBOWN (RONALD WILLIAM). - -- See CORSE T (MARGERY) and L.(R.W.) - -- Donatello & Michelozzo; an artistic partnership and its patrons in'the early Renaissance. 2 vols. Lond. [1980.] .73521(4505) Don. Lig. LIGH'l'FOOT (DAVID w.). --- The language lottery; toward a biology of grammars. Cambridge, Mass. [1982.] .415018 Lig. - -- Principles of diachronic syntax. [Camb. Stud. in Ling. 23.] Cambridge, 1979. English Lib. - -- See HORNSTEIN (NORBERT) and L. (D.W.) LIGHTFOOT (EDWIN N.). - -- Transport phenomena and living systems; biomedical aspects of momentum and mass transport. New York [1974.] Engin. Lib. - -- See BIRD (ROBERT BYRON), STEWART (W.E.) and L.(E.N.) LIGHT/ OOT (FRANCES HARRIET). - -- An embellished chart of general history and chronology. Lond. [1831.] CC.3.23. Lightfoot (John) Botanist. Flora Scotica ; or, a systematic arrangement, in the Linnaean method, of the native plants of Scotland and the Hebrides. Ill. 2 vols. 8° Lond., 1777. 4fErOw4L4P44. E,B. 4111 (4 i) i; p . -- 2nd ed. To which is now prefixed, the life of the author, 7 by T. Pennant. S° Lond., 1789. 4 C- , B 5211g(+4. I) L 1 . Lightfoot (John) D.D. The works of ... J. L.... with the author's life, etc. (Vol. 1, revised and corrected by G. Bright. Vol. 2, published by the care and industry of J. Strype.) Port. and maps. 2 vol s. 2° Lond. , 1684. C* 16. 25 -26. - The whole works of ... J. L.... Ed. by J. R. Pitman. 13 vols. 8° Lond., 1825, 22. Z. 13. 1 -13. J. L. centuAa chorographica, face pnesertiin Talmudica, - loca quaedam terras Israeliticae memorabiliora perlustrans, ea praecipue quorum mentio apud S. Matthaeum. (And J. L. decal chorographica, loca ... perlustrans ... quorum mentio apud S. Marcum. -J. L. chorographica pauca in S. Lucam. -J. L. disquisitio chorographica loca ... in- vestigans ... quorum mentio apud S. Joannem.) 4 pts. [Ugol. Thes. Ant. vol. 5.] In A. 1. 5. A commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles ... With a briefe survey of the con- temporary story of the Jewel and Romans. 12 pts. (in 1). 4° Lond., 1645. *C. 30. 52. J. L. descriptio Templi Hierosolymitani, praesertim quale -erat tempore Servatoris Nostri. [Ugol. Thes. Ant. vol. 9.] In A. 1. 9. --- Elias redivivus a sermon preached ... March 29, 1643. 4° Lond., 1643. t7 1 VI. JAS 36'7 r ' 4 cry c.rEQc4) . (so tj N) D . L . -- Tho harmony, chronicle and order of the Old Testament . also, a second part of the harmony of the four Evan- gelists, etc. 3 pts. (in 1). 4° Lond., 1647. A. 10. 71. - The harmony, chronicle and order of the New- Testament ..
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