Condensed Matter and Interphases (Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy) Short communications To the 90th anniversary of Zhores Alferov, Nobel Prize laureate and a Full Member of the Academy of Sciences E. P. Domashevskaya Voronezh State University, 1 Universitetskaya pl., Voronezh 394018, Russian Federation Zhores Ivanovich Alferov was born on 15 March Technology Research and Education Centre” of 1930 in Vitebsk, Belorussian SSR, Soviet Union. He the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was editor graduated from secondary school No. 42 in Minsk in chief of the journal “Technical Physics Letters” and was awarded with a gold medal for academic (Pisma v Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi phisiki). His other excellence. Later he was admitted without entrance titles include honorary full member of the Russian exams to the Faculty of Electronic Technology Academy of Education, vice-president of the at Ulyanov (Lenin) Leningrad Electrotechnical Russian Academy of Sciences, and the president of Institute, which he graduated from in 1952. Saint Petersburg Scientifi c Centre. From 1953, he worked as a junior researcher at Ioffe He was also editor in chief of the journal Physico-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of “Semiconductors” (Phisika i tekhnika polupro- Sciences in the laboratory of Vladimir Tuchkevich vodnikov), member of the editorial board of the and contributed to the development of fi rst Soviet journal “Surface: physics, chemistry, mechanics” transistors and germanium power devices. In 1961, (Poverkhnost: Phisika, khimia, mekhanika), and he earned a PhD degree in Physics and Mathematics. member of the editorial board of the journal In 1970, Zhores Alferov received a Doctor of Science “Science and Life” (Nauka i Zhizn). He was also degree in Physics and Mathematics. In his thesis, he on the boards of the RSFSR society “Knowledge” generalised the results of research of semiconductor (Znanie). heterojunctions. In 1972, Zhores Alferov received Zhores Alferov was the author of over five the title of professor, and a year later he became the hundred papers, three monographs, and fifty head of the Department Branch of Optoelectronics inventions. His Hirsh index was 52. His research has at Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. had a great impact on the development of physics In 1979, Zhores Alferov was elected a full and informatics. member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (currently As a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Russian Academy of Sciences). Federation, he initiated the establishment of the Between 1987 and 2003, he served as the Global Energy Prize in 2002 and was the Head of the director of Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the international award committee till 2006. He was the USSR Academy of Sciences, and was its research rector and organiser of the new Academic University director till 2006. Around this time, in 1988, Zhores in St. Petersburg. On 5 April 2010, Zhores Alferov Alferov became the dean of the newly founded was appointed the head of the innovation centre Faculty of Physics and Technology of St. Petersburg Skolkovo and from 2010 he was a co-chairman of Polytechnic University. the Skolkovo foundation advisory committee. From the early 1990s, Zhores Alferov was Zhores Alferov was a Soviet and Russian actively involved in the study of properties of low- physicist, Russian Nobel Prize laureate in Physics dimensional nanostructures, including quantum who received the prize in 2000 for the development wires and quantum dots. In 1990–1991, he was of semiconductor heterostructures and the creation elected vice-president of the USSR Academy of of fast opto-electronic and microelectronic Sciences and president of the Leningrad Scientifi c components. He was a full member of the Russian Centre. From 2003, he was the chair of the Academy of Sciences, an honorary member of academic organisation “St. Petersburg Physics and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (from 2000), The content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Condensed Matter and Interphases, 2020, 22(1), 135–143 135 E. P. Domashevskaya Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Zhores Alferov... an honorary member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (from 2004), an international member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, an honorary member of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences (from 2011), and an honorary doctor of Voronezh State University (from 2013). Scientific cooperation between Voronezh physicists and Zhores Alferov goes back to the early 1970s and international conferences dedicated to chemical bonds in semiconductors and solids which were regularly held in Minsk by Nikolai Sirota, the Director of the Institute of Solid-State Physics and Semiconductors and full member of Zhores Alferov holding his diploma of honourable the Academy of Sciences of the Belorussian SSR. doctorate from Voronezh State University (10 Septem- Among the participants of these conferences were ber 2013) many prominent American and European scientists. As a result of the many-year cooperation with In 1970, at one such conference in Minsk, Evelina Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute we have held Domashevskaya, a young physicist from VSU, heard in Voronezh a number of seminars dedicated to a plenary presentation dedicated to semiconductor heterostructures. One of them was held just before 3 5 heterostructures based on A B semiconductor Zhores Alferov was awarded a Nobel Prize in 2000. compounds by Zhores Alferov, a young and well- It took place at a recreation facility at a picturesque known scientist from Leningrad who had just site along the River Usmanka in the Voronezh completed an internship in the USA. Later, VSU region. Among the participants of the seminar physicists developed scientifi c connections with were scientists from leading research centres in the Zhores Alferov’s laboratory at Ioffe Physico- St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Nizhny Novgorod as Technical Institute (Leningrad) and even sent their students to the laboratory for a few months to complete pre-graduation practical trainings and internships. Evelina Domashevskaya supervised such trainings and internships. Ivan Arsentiev, a graduate of the Department of Solid-State Physics, was among the Voronezh students who had a chance to take part in such programmes. After graduating from VSU, he returned to work at Alferov’s laboratory at Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute and became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize as one of the leading engineers who contributed to the development of heterostructure technologies. He received a Doctor of Science degree and is now working as a leading researcher at Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). At The organising committee of the Heterostructures present, he is the head of the joint laboratory of Ioffe seminar in 2000. From left to right: E. P. Domashevs- Physico-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy kaya, head of the Department of Solid-State Physics of Sciences and VSU on the side of the Russian of Voronezh State University, Zh. I. Alferov, director of Academy of Sciences. On VSU’s side, the head of the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the Russian Acad- joint laboratory is Pavel Seredin, a young Doctor of emy of Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy Sciences, who in 2012 defended his doctoral thesis of Sciences (chair of the organising committee), I. N “Substructure and optical properties of epitaxial Arsentiev, leading researcher at Physico-Technical A3B5 heterostructures” supervised by Evelina Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (gradu- Domashevskaya. His research was based on objects ate of VSU’s Faculty of Physics), and N. N. Bezryadin, developed at the “Semiconductor Luminescence head of the Department of Physics of Voronezh State and Injection Emitters” laboratory at Ioffe Physico- University of Engineering Technologies (graduate of Technical Institute. VSU’s Faculty of Physics). 136 Condensed Matter and Interphases, 2020, 22(1), 135–143 Short communications In 2003, already a laureate of the Nobel Prize, Zhores Alferov organised a major International Conference of Laureates of the Nobel Prize in Natural Sciences dedicated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. The event was held in the offi ce of the Praesidium of St Petersburg Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Concert hall of the Winter Palace. Evelina Domashevskaya received an invitation to the event. Later, the laureate of the Nobel Prize, Zhores Alferov, came to Voronezh in 2007 and gave lectures in lecture halls of Voronezh State University and Voronezh State Technical University which were fl ooded with visitors. The following year, in 2008, a scheduled Zhores Alferov and Evelina Domashevskaya at the International Heterostructures and Nanostructures meeting with laureates of the Nobel Prize dedicated Symposium took place in St. Petersburg at the to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, 18 June academic organisation “St. Petersburg Physics and 2003 Technology Research and Education Centre” of the well as developers of semiconductor equipment Russian Academy of Sciences. At the event, Evelina and heterostructures. The participants of the Domashevskaya presented the results of joint study 3 5 conference and Zhores Alferov had a trip to the of atomic and electronic structure of epitaxial A B then lively operational site of NPO “Elektronika”. heterostructures which were obtained at Ioffe Zhores Alferov even expressed his admiration for Physico-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy its site and equipment. of Sciences and became the basis of the doctoral Zhores Alferov, a Nobel Prize laureate, gives a lecture dedicated to heterostructures in Levitskaya Physics lecture hall. In the background, there is a mural depicting Maria Levitskaya surrounded by her students (VSU, 21 November 2007) Condensed Matter and Interphases, 2020, 22(1), 135–143 137 E. P. Domashevskaya Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Zhores Alferov... The team of the Department of Solid-State Physics and Nanostructures and Zhores Alferov after his lec- ture in laboratory 25 (VSU, 21 November 2007) The personifi cation of friendship and scientifi c coop- eration between Voronezh and St.
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