![The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen A?To Matsu ("Chinese Taipei") to the World Trade Organization](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE ACCESSION OF THE SEPARATE CUSTOMS TERRITORY OF TAIWAN, PENGHU, KINMEN A?TO MATSU ("CHINESE TAIPEI") TO THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION The Delegations of Chinese Taipei and the United States of America hereby notify that they have completed bilateral negotiations to establish terms of Chinese Taipei's accession to the Worid Trade Organization (WTO) in the context of commitments and concessions for Market Access for Goods and Services. Consequently, they join in presenting to the WTO Director Genera! one origniai copy of the agreed schedules of concessions contained in the attached Annex. For the Delegation of For the Delegation of Chinese Taipei Tne United States of America y Date: Date: General Agreement on Trade fc Ser-'ices Chinese Taipei's schedule under the General Agreement on Trade In Services (CATS) includes two exceptions from most-favorsd-nation (MFN) treatment relating tc acquisition of land and air freight forwarding services. Chinese Taipei has conditioned its commitments in these wo sectors on reciprocity. Chinese Taipei hereby confirms that the United States satisfies the reciprocity requirement that is the basis for Chinese Taipei's M?N exception concerning acquisition of rights and interests in land. Therefore, Chinese Taipei will permit U.S. natural and legal persons to acquire rights and interests in lar.d in Chinese Taipei as set forth in the list of MFN exceptions of its GATS schedule. Furthermore, Chinese Taipei hereby confirms that the United States satisfies the reciprocity requirement that is the basis for Chinese Taipei's MFN exception cenceroing limitations on the percentage of equity ±at a non-Chir.ese Taipei natural or juridical person can hold in an air freight forwarding enterprise incorporated in Chinese Taipei and on the number of non-Chinese Taipei directors of such an enterprise. Therefors. Chinese Taipei wjli not impose a Iirr.it on the percentage of equity that U.S. natural and juridical persons are permitted to hold in an air freight forwarding enterprise incorporated in Chinese Taipei cor will Chinese Taipei limit the number of non-Chinese Taipei directors cf such an enterprise. After its accession to the WTO, Chinese i aipci will r.ot apply tariffs above the rates applied in 1995 on an MrN basis, except for products that are subject to (1) a tariff quota, (2) temporary dury suspensions or reductions or are on the attached List cf Exceptions. Such products are, however, subject to the bound rates set forth ir. Chinese Taipei's marker access schedule. Since Chinese Taipei's formal market access schedule for goods will be in the Harmonized System 96 nomenclature and -hat nomenclature differs from the nomenclature in the attached market access schedule, Chinese Taipei wii! provide a concordance, in electronic form, uO the WTO Secretariat and any WTO member requesting one. This concordance will identify the changes for each tariff line associated wiih the conversion from the nomenclature ussd in the attached schedule co the Harmonized System 96 nomenclature. The conversion will be subject to verification tc ensure that the scope cf any concession, has not been altered. Members 'A-ill notify the Secretariat and Chinese Taipei cf any objections to the conversion and attempt to resolve them promptly. I .isl of Exceptions Tariff Kate of duty Initial Implementation Other duties iicm Description of products 3 negotiating period itnd number Accession Final right on the from/lo charges concession 1 2 (1) (2) 4 5 6 1)810W10 Lichees, hmgngans, fresh 20.00% 17.00% 2002 10061000 Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) ST-Anncx 5 10062000 I tusked (brown) rice ST-Anncx 5 10063000 St:mi-milletl or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or ghr/.cd ST-Anncx 5 10064000 Hroken rice ST-Anncx 5 11023010 Ghitioims rice Hour ST-Annex 5 1107.3090 Olhcr rice Hint ST-Annex 5 110.11 '100 Grouts, mcnl vS rice ST-Anncx 5 1MM291K)A Pellets of rice ST-Anncx 5 < IMMI900A Rolled of flaked rice ST-Anncx 5 1 MM 29 90A Olhcr worked rice ST-Anncx 5 II081900A Kicc starch ST-Annex 5 19019(190 A Olhcr preparations of hcnding No. 19.01 coiUmning noi less than 30% of rice ST-Annex 5 •V90'H010 Kite threads ST-Anticx 5 I99K/H/M List of Exceptions Tariff Kate of duty Initial Implementation Other duties hem 3 Description of products negotiating period and number Accession Finul right on the from/to charges concession 1 __ 2 4 9041090A .Ucc puffed, or prepared by puffing or roasting ST-Annex 5 1904 h won hisiant rice threads Si-Annex 5 ]9<MI090C Other processed foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of rn:e ST-Annex 5 19049000A Rice prnducts. in grain form, precooked or otherwise prepared ST-Annex 5 21069099C Other food preparations containing not less than 30% of rice ST-Anncx 5 35051031A Ilice starch for fodtlcr use, ST-Anncx 5 35O51O32A Kicc starch, not for fodder use ST-Anncx 5 25231010 Clinker, cement, white 10.00% 10.00% X 23231090 Other cement clinkers 10.00% 10.00% X 25232100 White cement, whether or not artificially 10.00% 10.00% X coloured J523291O Portland cement, white or coloured 10.00% 10.00% X 25232990 Other porlland cement 10.00% 10.00% X 1998/8/14 I.is! of Kxceptions Tariff Rate of duty Initial Implementation Other duties item Description of products 3 negotiating period and mnnlier Accession i-'inal right on the froin/to charges concession 1 2 (0 (2) 4 5 6 252.UOOO Aluminous cement 10.00% 10.00% X 257.190,0 lydnuiiic cements, white or coloured 1 10.00% 10.00% X 2523100C, Other hydraulic cements 10.00% 10.00% X 29051910A Mulylene glycol 2.50% 2.50% X 29095090A Potassium jjuaiacol sul Connie (3-1 lydroxy-4- 9.10% 5.50% 2001 mcthoxybenzene sul Ionic acid monopotnssiurn salt) ;><>.1V.4990A Mffnmmic acid (N-2,3-xylylanthranilic acid); 9.00% 0.00% 2004 (2-| {2.3-Diinelhylphenyl)ainino] -hen/oic acid) 29224990H Diclofcnai: sodium (2-( (2,6-l)ichtorophenyl) 9.00% 0.00% »H iimino) bcnzenc-acctic acid inoiiosodimn salt) - 29U94999A (ilyccryl guaiacolate (3-(2-Mc(hoxyphenoxy)-l. 9.10% 5.50% 2001 2-|)iopauediol); Guaiauol |>lyc«ryl ether 2WM.WH (lUiiiCcucsin 9.00% 0.00% 2004 291O400OA Dl.-incthionine (2-Ainino-4-(mcthylthio)butyric 9.00% 0.00% 2004 acid) 2912I99OA Rniiitiiliuc IIC1 fN-f 2| [ | 5-f (5-[(Dimctliylainino) 9.00% 0.00% 2004 mclhyl]-2-rnr;myl| methyl] lhio| ethyl) 1998/8/14 I J\s\ of licentious Tariff Rate of duly Initial Implementation Other duties iicm Description of products 3 negotiating period and number Accession Final right on the from/to charges concession 1 1 (1) ! 5 6 ^'-methyl-2-niti o-1,1 -elheitcciininiim) 2933U990A ^icmiietnlc citrate (3-Pyrklinecarboxylic acid 9.00% 0.00% 1 2002 ?.-(cHcyhyl-amino) ethyl eslcr cilrale) 2933.199013 Clopcrastine 11CI (1-| 2-\ (4-Clilornpliuny 1) 9.00% 0.00% 2004 >iw:iiylTnclli-oxyJ clliytj pipeiidine ivdrochtoridci) 29109090 A l:lui]iequiiie(9-Fliii)io-6,7-dihy(tro-5-incthy!-l 9.00% 0.00% 2002 -oxo-1 HjSH-benzo [ij] quino!izinc-2-curboxylic ncitl) •;.9:M9()9OA ■nuoctuini<k:(l,^-l.)itlii<>l:un:-3-pcnrnnoic iiniKiu) 9.30% 6.50% 2001 29.U909UH Mcsulphcn (2,(j-Dinicthyl thianlliicnc & p- 9.00% 0.00% 2002 dilohicnc(lisuiridc) 29349090C Cl)Eorttie/ittume(2-('UChlnrophcnyl)tatrnliy<lnj-3- 9.00% 0.00% • 2004 uicthyMI 1-1,3-lhinzin-'l-one 1,1-dioxide) IMxtxicnm (■1-lIy(l!'oxy-2-tnethyl-N-2-|jyri»liayl- 9.00% 0.00% 2004 21 t-l ,2-bcnzolhia7.ine-3- cjirhoxamitie 1,! - tlioxkle 293490901: Oxnzolmti (lO-Chloro-2,3,7,1 lb-tetraliydro-2- 9.00% 0.00% 2004 meUiyi-1 Ib-phcnyloxazolc [3,2-d] \\,A] ben/xkI inzopin- fi(SM)-onc) 1998*8/ Ust »fl:.xccption5 Tariff Kale of duly Initial IniplcTiiculntion Other duties ilnii Description of products 3 negotiating period oi kI number Accession Final rifiht on tbc from/to charges concussion I A 5 6 293*190901* ; (5-Chloro-2(3I l)-l)c»7.oxaz(ilonc); 9.00% 0.00% 200'l (5-Uiloro-2(3!l)-bcnzoloiic); (5-Cliloro-2l I-droxy bcnzuxnzonc) 7-Ainiiiodcacct(ixyccr»lospormiic acid (7-ADC'A) 9.30% 6.50% 2001 293490»>0M 7-l*hunyliiL-ctniiiinodc»cctoxyccphalospnriinic ncicl 9.30% 6.50% 2001 (CI-l'A C) 29362990A Nicotinic Acid (3-1'yridiiiu carboxylic acid) or 9.00% 0.00% 2004 Niacin 29362990B Nicotinamidc (3-Pyridine carhoxiimidu) 9.00% 0.00% 2004 293930OOA Calkiuc Anhy(:t(nis(3,7-Diliydrt»-1,3,7- 9.00% 0.00% 2004 trimcChyl-11 i-p-.it mc-2,f>-dionc) 29393000 L* Caficinc Monof)ytlra(c(3p7-Dih>'(lro-1,3,7- 9.00% 0.00% 2004 trmiclhyl-111-piirinc-2,6-dione nuinoliydratc) 2939'IUOOA Pliciiylprnpanolninino MCI ((t)-Norcp!iec!rinc 9.00% 0.00% 2001 hydi(ichloride) 29395000A Thoupliyllint: sodium glyeiimlu 9.00% 0.00% 200-1 29395(J0OH Oyphyllinc(7-(2,3-['JihytIroxypropyl)-3,7- 9.00% 0.00% 2004 tf iliydro-1,3-diumtliyl-111-purine-2,6-dkint;) 1998/8/14 T)cc l,ist ofllxeqrtions Taiiif Rate of duly Initial Implementation Other duties item Description of products 3 negotiating period and number Accession I'inal on (he right froin/lo charges concession 1 (1).. 4 5 rhw)phyllinc(3.7-l )ihydro-1,3-dimcthyl-1II- 9.00% 0.00% 200<1 Ik'tberinc tannalc (7,8,13,13a-lclra(Iehydro-9, 9.00% 0.00% 2004 10-ilimcllmxy-2>(methylcnedioxy)betbinium II 1)00 A Ucti/.yl-pcnicillinc 0 sulfiixidi: (( 1s- 9.00% 0.00% 200<l {2a ,5 rr ,<i/7J)| -3,.l-di-methyl-7-oxi)-6-| (phenyl.-icetyl)amino)-4-tliia-]-!!zabicyclo- (3.'.'..0| hcptanc-2-cnr boxy lie acid sulfoxidc) 2041JOOOM Aminof'l- ■\inoxicil!in Tri'iydiali: (f1-( | 9.00% 0.00% 200-1 hy(itoxyphciiyl;:ici:(y| | amino| -3,3-diini:lhyl-7 -<ixo-4-thia-l -a/abicyclo j.1.2.0) hephime^- cnrboxylic acitl) Z'MIIWOC Ampicillin Tribydrate (6-[ (Amino]ihenylacelyl) 9.00% 0.00% 2004 amitio]-3,3-dimelhyl-7-oxo-4-iliiii-l-n7.abicyclo |.1.2.0| he|Hane-2-c:irboxylic
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