Oklahoma’ s 2 2 S p e c i e s o f B a t s (according to O k Conservation Dept.) Pallid Bat Endangered Cave Myotis Yuma Myotis Evening Bat Seminole Bat Indiana Bat REPLACE THIS REPLACE THIS REPLACE THIS REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR WITH YOUR WITH YOUR WITH YOUR PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO Southeastern Rafinesque Big Eared Bat Myotis Identification Worksheet Family/Tribe/Genus/Species/subspecies/common names WEIGHT FORE WING 1st check visual items Face Ears & Nose closest match X GRAMS ARMS SPAN MM 2nd compare physical measurements -> MM Specimen # 1 Molossidae-Nyctinomops Macrotis- Big Free-Tailed Bat 24-30 58-64 426 Endangered 2 Molossidae-Tadarida Brasiliensis Mexican (Brazili8an) Free-Tailed Bat 11-14 36-46 301 Western Small-footed Townsendii 3 Myotinae(M)-Myotis-Austroriparius/South Eastern Myotis 5-7 36-41 254 Myotis Ozark Big 4 Myotinae -Myotis-Grisescens/Gray Myotis 7.9-13.5 40-46 275-300 Eared Bat 5 Myotinae -Myotis-Keen’s(Keenii) Myotis 4 - 6 35-38 200-260 6 Myotinae -Myotis-Leibii/Eastern Small-Footed Myotis 4.1-5.5 30-36 212-248 7 Myotinae -Myotis-Lucifugus/Little Brown Bat 7-9 34-41 190-239 8 Myotinae -Myotis-Sodalis/Indiana Myotis 7.1-7.5 35-41 240-267 9 Myotinae -Myotis-Valifer/Cave Myotis 15 37-47 296 10 Myotinae -Myotis-Yumanensis/Yuma Myotis 4-6 32-38 225 11 Myotinae-Lasionycteris-Noctivagans /Silver Haired Bat 8-12 37-44 289 12 Vespertilionidae(V)- Antrozous pallidus/ Pallid Bat 12-17 48-60 353 13 V-Plecotus(P)-Corynorhinus (C )-rafinesquei/ Rafinesque’s Big-eared 7-13 40-46 280 Endangered 14 V-P.C. Townsendii pallescens/Townsend’s Big-eared 5-13 39-47 297-320 Gray Myotis Big Brown 15 V-P.C.Townsendii ingens/Ozark Big-eared bat 7-13 39-47 270 16 V-Eptesicus Fuscus /Big Brown Bat 13-30 42-51 312-325 17 V-Lasiurus-(Hairy tailed) borealis/Eastern Red Bat 10-15 35-45 312 18 V-Lasiurus (hairy tailed) cinereus/Hoary Bat 20-35 46-58 400 19 V-Lasiurus (Hairy tailed)/Seminole Bat 10-15 35-45 300 20 V-Nycticelus Humeralis Evening Bat 5-15 33-39 260-300 21 V-Pipistrellus Hesperus/Canyon Bat was W. Pipistrelle 3-6 27-33 190 22 V-Pipistrellus-Perimyotis Subflavus Tri-Colored Bat was E. Pipistrelle 4-6 31-35 235±15 Additional bats from BCI list for Oklahoma Silvered Haired Myotis-Ciliolabrum/Western Small-Footed Myotis 4-5 30-36 242 Keen’s Myotis Myotis-Melanorhinus Myotis/ Small-footed Dark-nosed Myotis 3-7 30-36 210-250 MyotisLucifugus-Occultus Myotis/Arizona Myotis 7-9 36-41 190-239 V-Lasiurus blossevillii/Western (Desert) Red Bat 9-12 35-45 312 Additonal bats from Natureserve.org V-Plecotus Corynorhinus townsendii /Townsend’s Big-eared 5-13 39-48 297-320 Myotinae-Myotis-septentrionalis-Northern Long-eared Myotis 6-9 35-38 230-260 Make visual assessment color, fur texture, shape size of nose, ears, head put red X to all that look similar, measure and weigh check the rest see which ones check across. Include your comments below the one with X across closest match Eastern Red Bat additional measurements are in the Book “Bats of Oklahoma” if more than one checks across Comments Eastern Small-footed (Most common Myotis(Leibii) Tulsa Rehab) Photos from Merlin D.Tuttle Bat Conservation Big Free-tailed International Little Brown Bat Hoary Bat Tri-colored Bat Mexican(Brazilian) Free- Bat Canyon Bat was Batcon.org Western Pipistrelle was E Pipistrelle tailed Bat FEWERR.ORG Website http://fewerr.org The foundation for Environmental & Wildlife- Email [email protected] Education, Research & Rehab Newsgroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group.BatResQ 7822 S 69 E Pl, Tulsa, Ok 74133 Movies produced http://www.youtube.com/radarfoxbat 918-493-4943 Facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=700044097&ref=ts Oklahoma’ s 2 2 S p e c i e s o f B a t s (according to O k Conservation Dept) Pallid Bat Endangered Cave Myotis Yuma Myotis Evening Bat Seminole Bat Indiana Bat Rafinesque Big Southeastern Myotis Eared Bat Identification Worksheet Family/Tribe/Genus/Species/subspecies/common names WEIGHT FORE WING 1st check visual items Face Ears & Nose closest match X GRAMS ARMS SPAN MM 2nd compare physical measurements -> MM Specimen # RH106TC2-11 X 4.5-5.6 35 190-220 1 Molossidae-Nyctinomops Macrotis- Big Free-Tailed Bat 24-30 58-64 426 2 Molossidae-Tadarida Brasiliensis Mexican (Brazili8an) Free-Tailed Bat 11-14 36-46 301 Endangered 3 Myotinae(M)-Myotis-Austroriparius/South Eastern Myotis X 5-7 X 36-41 254 Western Small-footed Townsendii 4 Myotinae -Myotis-Grisescens/Gray Myotis 7.9-13.5 40-46 275-300 Myotis Ozark Big 5 Myotinae -Myotis-Keen’s(Keenii) Myotis X 4 - 6 X 35-38X 200-260X Eared Bat 6 Myotinae -Myotis-Leibii/Eastern Small-Footed Myotis X 4.1-5.5 X 30-36X 212-248X 7 Myotinae -Myotis-Lucifugus/Little Brown Bat X 7-9 34-41X 190-239X 8 Myotinae -Myotis-Sodalis/Indiana Myotis X 7.1-7.5 35-41X 240-267 9 Myotinae -Myotis-Valifer/Cave Myotis X 15 37-47 296 10 Myotinae -Myotis-Yumanensis/Yuma Myotis X 4-6 X 32-38X 225 11 Myotinae-Lasionycteris-Noctivagans /Silver Haired Bat 8-12 37-44 289 12 Vespertilionidae(V)- Antrozous pallidus/ Pallid Bat 12-17 48-60 353 13 V-Plecotus(P)-Corynorhinus (C )-rafinesquei/ Rafinesque’s Big-eared 7-13 40-46 280 14 V-P.C. Townsendii pallescens/Townsend’s Big-eared 5-13 X 39-47 297-320 Endangered Gray Myotis Big Brown 15 V-P.C.Townsendii ingens/Ozark Big-eared bat 7-13 39-47 270 16 V-Eptesicus Fuscus /Big Brown Bat 13-30 42-51 312-325 17 V-Lasiurus-(Hairy tailed) borealis/Eastern Red Bat 10-15 35-45X 312 18 V-Lasiurus (hairy tailed) cinereus/Hoary Bat 20-35 46-58 400 19 V-Lasiurus (Hairy tailed)/Seminole Bat X 10-15 35-45X 300 20 V-Nycticelus Humeralis Evening Bat 5-15 X 33-39X 260-300 21 V-Pipistrellus Hesperus/Canyon Bat was W. Pipistrelle 3-6 X 27-33 190X 22 V- Pipistrellus-Perimyotis Subflavus Tri-Colored Bat was E. Pipistrelle X 4-6 X 31-35X 235±15X Additional bats from BCI list for Oklahoma Myotis-Ciliolabrum/Western Small-Footed Myotis 4-5 X 30-36X 242 Silvered Haired Myotis-Melanorhinus Myotis/ Small-footed Dark-nosed Myotis 3-7 X 30-36X 210-250X Keen’s Myotis MyotisLucifugus-Occultus Myotis/Arizona Myotis 7-9 36-41 190-239X V-Lasiurus blossevillii/Western (Desert) Red Bat 9-12 35-45X 312 Additonal bats from Natureserve.org Myotinae-Myotis-septentrionalis-Northern Long-eared Myotis 6-9 35-38 230-260 V-Plecotus Corynorhinus townsendii /Townsend’s Big-eared 5-13 X 39-48 297-320 Make visual assessment color, fur texture, shape size of nose, ears, head put red X to all that look similar, measure and weigh check the rest see which ones check across. Include your comments below the one with X across closest match additional measurements are in the Book “Bats of Oklahoma” if more than one checks across Eastern Red Bat Comments Eastern Small-footed (Most common Several Myotis fit but the 3 colors on the bat identifies this one. The above pictures are from 2 bats Myotis(Leibii) Tulsa Rehab) received in Sept 2011 Owasso & Muskogee Photos from Merlin D.Tuttle Bat Conservation Big Free-tailed International Little Brown Bat Hoary Bat Tri-colored Bat Mexican(Brazilian) Free- Bat Canyon Bat was Batcon.org Western Pepistrelle was E Pepistrelle tailed Bat FEWERR.ORG Website http://fewerr.org The foundation for Environmental & Wildlife- Email [email protected] Education, Research & Rehab Newsgroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group.BatResQ 7822 S 69 E Pl, Tulsa, Ok 74133 Movies produced http://www.youtube.com/radarfoxbat 918-493-4943 Facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=700044097&ref=ts Oklahoma’ s 2 2 S p e c i e s o f B a t s (according to O k Conservation Dept.) Pallid Bat Endangered Cave Myotis Yuma Myotis Evening Bat Seminole Bat Indiana Bat Rafinesque Big Southeastern Myotis Eared Bat Identification Worksheet Family/Tribe/Genus/Species/subspecies/common names WEIGHT FORE WING 1st check visual items Face Ears & Nose closest match X GRAMS ARMS SPAN MM 2nd compare physical measurements -> MM Specimen # RH82LBA1-11 X 7.4-8.8 35 220 1 Molossidae-Nyctinomops Macrotis- Big Free-Tailed Bat 24-30 58-64 426 2 Molossidae-Tadarida Brasiliensis Mexican (Brazili8an) Free-Tailed Bat 11-14 36-46 301 Endangered 3 Myotinae(M)-Myotis-Austroriparius/South Eastern Myotis 5-7 36-41 254 Western Small-footed Townsendii 4 Myotinae -Myotis-Grisescens/Gray Myotis 7.9-13.5 40-46 275-300 Myotis Ozark Big 5 Myotinae -Myotis-Keen’s(Keenii) Myotis 4 - 6 35-38X 200-260X Eared Bat 6 Myotinae -Myotis-Leibii/Eastern Small-Footed Myotis 4.1-5.5 30-36X 212-248X 7 Myotinae -Myotis-Lucifugus/Little Brown Bat X 7-9 X 34-41X 190-239X 8 Myotinae -Myotis-Sodalis/Indiana Myotis X 7.1-7.5X 35-41X 240-267 9 Myotinae -Myotis-Valifer/Cave Myotis 15 37-47 296 10 Myotinae -Myotis-Yumanensis/Yuma Myotis 4-6 32-38X 225X 11 Myotinae-Lasionycteris-Noctivagans /Silver Haired Bat 8-12 X 37-44 289 12 Vespertilionidae(V)- Antrozous pallidus/ Pallid Bat 12-17 48-60 353 13 V-Plecotus(P)-Corynorhinus (C )-rafinesquei/ Rafinesque’s Big-eared 7-13 X 40-46 280 14 V-P.C.
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