THE PRESIDENT ' S APPOINT!mNTS WEDNESDAY, DECEH3ER l, l.954 ) 8:00 all The following had Breakfast with the ?resident; Congreemnan Daniel A. Reed .. New York Hon. Gerald Morgan Hon. Charles E. Jl.son, Secretary of Def"ense Admiral Art.bur • Radford .. Chairman, J. C. s. H0n. Levis L. Strauss, Ch.airman, A. E. c. (Halt-hour appoin\ment arranged by Adndral Radrord) 9(~0 am National urity Council Hon . Richard Nixon, The Vice Preaid•nt Hon . John Foster Dulles, SecNter;y of Stat Hon. Charles E. Wil on, Secretall7 of Defense Hon~ Hal'Qla E. Stassen, Director, F. O. A. Hon • . rt.bur s. Flemming, Director, o.. D. • Hon .. H. ChaJIM.ll Ro se, for the Secretary 01' the Treasury Hon . S:t.nQlai.r :eeks, cretary of Commerce Hon.- Rowland R. Hughes,, Director; BuNau or the Budget Hon .. t.wis L. Stnues, Ch.a.iman, AtoJllic ,ergy Commiosion Adm.. Arthur · • :dtord, Chairman,. J. C. s. Hon. Allen Dulles, Director of c. I . A. Hon. Robert Cutler, Special Auistant to the President Col. Andrew J, Goodpaster, White Hous.e Sta.rt Secnta.ey Robert c. Lanphier, Jr., Deputy Assistant oretaq of Detenn Lt. CGl. 'ill.iam J . P raws, Department of DetenM Hon . Thomas P. Pike, Assist.ant Secretary of D$!enae Brig. G«t. G. O. N, Loden, USA Wells H. Thomsen, Department of the Navy Brig. Gen . Thomas P. Garrity, USAF Geo:rge Goodin, Defense Department Hon .. Jamea s. Lay, Jr., cutive Secretary, N.s.c. Hon . s. E.Yerett Gleason., Depnty Executive cret8J"Y. N. s. C. li,00 tin (LUNCH} 2:30 rm Ron . George Humphi-ey, Secre.tary ot the 'treasury Hon. Paul Hortman, ot Calitomia The Preeident and Yd's. Eisenhower gave the Cabinet Dinner. THE PRESIL>miT ' S APPOINTMENTS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21 l9S4 8:.30 aa {Hon. Herbert B"rownell, Jr., The Attomey General) OFF 1RE RECORD The Preeident left for the State Department Auditorium, Where he said a tev worde or greeting to the opening session ot the 'a.ehington Conterenoe or Mayors. 10:15 (Hon . Roben Cutler) OFF THE RECORD lOt4S am The Preaident met with the Detense Mobilization Board in the Cabinet Room. (Arranged at the request or Dr . Fl.elllldng) The .following were present: Hon. Art.hUr s. Flemming, Director, o. D. M. P..on. George Humphrey, Secretary of the Treasur,y Hon. Charles E. Wilson, Secretary ot Deten• Hon . Herbert Brownell, Jr., The Attorney General Hon. Douglas McKq, Secretary of the Interior Hon. Ezra Tart Benson, Secretary of Agriculture Hon .. Sinclair ~ eeks, cretaJ."7 of Commerce Hon. James P. Mitchell, cretary of Labor Hon. Robert Murphy, Deputy Under Secretary or State Hon. rl Butz, Assietant Secretary of Agriculture Hon. William McC. Mart.in, Jr., Chairman, Board of Govemors, Federal Reserve System Hon. Harold E. Stassen, Director, Foreign Operations Adm. Hon. Marion Folsom, Under Secretary 0£ the Treasury Hon. Thomas P. Pike_. Assistant Secretary of De.tense Hon. Rowland Hughe , Dil:-ector, Bureau o~ the Budget Hon. Arthur Bums, Chairman, Council of Eeonomic Advisers Hon. Gabriel Haug , The White House M:-. Maxwell Elliott, General Counsel, General Sel"Vices Adm. Hon. Victor E. Cooley, Deputy Director, O. D. M. · Mr. Charles E. Kendall, General Counsel, o. D. M. Mr. William S •. Floyd, Assistant Director for Materials, O.D.M. Mr. George A. Landry, Assist.ant Director tor Production, O. D. M. Mr. Joseph F. Vaughan, St.atf Secret&r:y, O. D. • Mr. John Dennis, Transportation Coordinator, o. D. M• • Harold Botkin, Assistant Director for Telecommunieations, O.D.M. Mr .. H. B. McCoy, Assistant to the Seeret#&17 of Commerce Mr. Winitield Ri.etler, Asal.st.ant to Hon . illiam McC. ~rtin Mr. llaer Bennett, Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior Mr. John Liebert, Assistant to the- Secretary ot the Interior Hon. Stanley N. Bames, Assistant Attorney General ll:.30 am Hon. Charles E. Bohl.en, American Ambassador to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( Ambassador Bohlen requested this thru Protocol) 12:15 pa Hon. \lebster Todd, former head of Ottiee of onomic A£tairs, F.O.A., Paris (Hon . Bem.ard Sbanl.97) (Arranged by Mr. Shanley. • Todd wishe to talk about matters connected with his resignation, and perhaps make .some suggestions on operation his former oftice.) THURSDAY, DEcmmER 2, 1954 Page 2 'nie esidat recei'Yed the bere ot the te House Conference on ucatioa. (Arranged at the request or s. Hobby) The following were present: lr. ell H. McBl.roy, Chairaan - President, Procter & Gamble Co . l • inis E. Engleman, Vice Chairman - Co ssiotte?" of Education, State of Connecticut AHLGREN, · dred Carlson (Mrs. Oscar A. ) P st Preaid9nt, General Federation ot omens Clubs BR.elm, thel G. (Mrs. Rollin) Chairman, Caliromia creation Com. BUNCHE, Ralph J .~ Trustee, United Natione BURIE, John s., President, B. Altman & C pany, New York C<liLES, John, President, The Minneapolis Star and Tribune GALE, O. , Director, Public Relations Division, Procter & Gamble Co . GOSS, Bert c., Vice reaident, Hill a.nd Knowlton, Inc., New York HlCKEI, 1argaret (Miss) itor, Public At.fairs Department., La.di.ea Home Joumal HILL, Henr;y H., President, George Peabody College for Teacher• HOBBY, Hon. Oveta Culp, Secretary of Health, Education & Wel!a~ KIU.IAH, James R., Jr., President, ssachusetta Institute of Technology LANE, Hon . illiam Preston, Jr . , - Governor, Stat. ot Maryland LAZZIO, Th mas, aident, Local 300, United Auto orkers LITTLE, Kenneth J., Deputy Co ssioner of ucation, Department ot Health,. • ucation & Wel.!are I.AR.Sm, Roy E. , :'resident and Director, Time, Inc. MeLAI , J oseph c., Principal, roneck, ew York, High hool McMANUS, gr. illiam E., Asaistant Director, Nat.ional Catholic Wal.ta.re Conterence MIL , Lorimer D., President, Citizens Trust Co., Atlanta, Ga . MITCHELL, Don G., Chairman o! the Bo rd, Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. MOORE, Frank c., President, Government Affairs Foundation, Inc. Nl!liJSOM, Herschel D., Master, National Grange PACE, Clint, White House Conference Cormnittee staff' Director PALE!, illiam s., Chainnan ot the Board, Columbia Broadcasting System, Ine. RE1MO D, James F. Superintendent of Schools, Nelf Orleans, La. SHULL, Me.rtha (Miss) High hool Teacher, Portland, Oregon PABKS, Frank H.. , President, abash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana Sn>lART, Potter, Judge, United St ates Court of Appeals tor the Sixth Circuit STRATTO , Jeese G.. , President, National hool Boards Association, Inc. TO!, Henry, Jr. , Executive Director, ational Citizena Conmisa1on for the Public hoole VEST, H. Gnnt, Condesioner ot cation, State ot Colorado WIU..IAMS, E. ( s . Charles L.) Elementary Teacher, Miami, Florida 12:45 pn (General Gear e Kenny) OF THE RECORD 1:00 (LUNCH) (Mr. Hagerty) THURSD I, DECEMBER 2, 1954 Page J 2:30 pa 3:00 The Proeaident. received the group representing Columbia. t3n1versity Alumni Association of District. of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, and the Columbia Uninraity Bicentennial C01I!lnia5:lon. (Presented scroll to th resid4Snt1 honoring hinl fer work in starting the Columbia Bicentennial Cel.ebration) The following were resent: Dr. Grqson Kirk; esident of Colwrlbi 'Mr. Arthur Hayes Sulzberger, Chairman, Bicentennial Conmit'tte• Protea or Richard R. Powell, Dh·ector of Bieentennia.1 • Dougla1 Blaok, President of Doubleday · Co. and m _. of Bicentennial Contnittee H.E .. AmJ d Ali, Pakistan Ambassador Mr.. Howard c. vestwood, Washington Chairman ot 01nne!I:' · Colmlitte• Mr. Ellsworth O. Alvord, gional Chairman ot Bicentennial Miss · F. Jesaup, i. gional Vice Chairman. Mr . Hugo E. Weisberger, Presid.ent., Columbia University Clu.b Mr. Leo N.. Plain,. Pr si.dent, Columbia. College Club Mrs.. J . a J . ooney Mr . P~ul. C. ·arnke Mr.. Jamee Q. Riordan Mrs. Virginia G. tkin lfir. George Mr . illlam 17 Vallance Mr . :wrence E. Blanchard, Jr., Richmond, Virginia Hrs. John Ad , Alexandria, Virg1nia ,.. Pat Munro lion. Philip Young;. Ch inrlan, Civil Service Oommisal...on Hon . Dallas Townsend, Aslrl. tant. At.tomey Genel"al 3:15 ~ Hon . Joseph K, ge, former otor, Bureau ot the Budget (Arrang by vemor Ad a) 9:00 pm The President and s. Eieenbowei" gave the lita.ry and I>epal!tmental. Reception at. the White House. THE PRESIDmT 1S APPOINTMENTS FRIDAY, DECEMBER J, 1954 S:.)O (Ron. Robttrt Outler) (Briet th aident on N. S. C.) 9:00 Nationa.l curlty Council *Hon. chard ixon.,, '!be Viee President *H n. John Foster Dulles, Secretary ot st. te *Hon. Ch rlee E. Wilson, Secretary or Defense *Hon. Harold E. assen, Director, F. o. A. *Hon. Arthur S. flemming; Director, 0. D. M. Hon. George 1 • Hum rey, Secreta.ry or he Treasury *Hon. Rowland R. Hughes, Direc~or~ Buruu of t.he · get Hon. rtllur F" Bums, Chairman, Council of Economic dvisera Hon. ob ri. 'I'. St 1"en , Seoretal"'Y of the Army Hon. Charl e 6. Tho s, ~~ qret ry ot tho avy Hon. James H. ~ugl a, Ac;ting Seeretar,y of the Air Fo.rc Hon .. Percival F. Brundage, Deputy Director, Bureau of' the Budget Hon. len IJ.oyd, Deputy Direct.Qr, F, O. A. Hon. John H. Ohly1 :F. 0, A. *Adm. Arthur r. ord, Chairman, J . c. s. *Gen. Ma.tthe B. Ridgwtcy' 1 Chier of Staft of the Anq· Adm.. Donal.d B. Duncan, Acting Chief' o.f Naval Operation• Gen. Nathan B. Twining, Chie.t o;f Staff of t.he Air Fore• Gen. el C. Shepherd, Jr., Cmnmanciant, U. S. M. C. *Hon. Allen W. Dulles, Director of c. l . A. Hon. Robert Cutler, Special Assis'ta.nt to the President. Col. AndNW J. Goodpaster, White House St tf Secretar,y Hon. W. J. McNeil, Ase stant Secr.et.aey of Defense Hon. Struve Hensel, Aesistant Secretary ot DetentMt Mr. Ellis Veach, Department or Defense *Hon. James s.
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