Fulbright Program in Ukraine Fulbright Program Програма імені Фулбрайта в Україні Програма імені Фулбрайта Щорiчник 2009-2010 Yearbook International education exchange is the most significant current project designed to continue the process of humanizing mankind to the point, we would hope, that nations can learn to live in peace. Sen. J. William Fulbright Preface The best of the best, the most persistent of the persistent, and the intellectual elite of the nation – this characterizes the students, scholars and professionals who are awarded the honor of a Fulbright grant. Throughout the world being a Fulbrighter is considered very prestigious. Yet, with this prestige also comes a responsibility. These people represent their country abroad, act as unofficial diplomats, and present not only the country’s scholarship, but also its culture, politics and worldview. This yearbook records a brief overview of the Fulbright Program in Ukraine for the 2009–10 academic year. It presents several stories by Ukrainian and American Fulbrighters about their studies and research in the USA and in Ukraine and provides an insight into Передмова the impact this experience has had on these students Кращі з кращих, найнаполегливіші з найнаполегливіших, and scholars. інтелектуальна еліта нації – так можна охарактеризувати студентів, Our program represents various spheres of науковців, фахівців, які вибороли престижну стипендію Програми scholarship and education. From the yearbook імені Фулбрайта. В усьому світі бути фулбрайтівцем дуже почесно. you will find out about the activities of the Ukrainian Разом з тим і відповідально. Адже саме такі люди повинні Fulbright Association, publications of Fulbrighters, репрезентувати свою країну за кордоном, бути неофіційними scholarly conferences, public relations, community дипломатами, представляти не лише науку своєї держави, а й її activities, and art exhibits sponsored by the program. культуру, політику, світоглядні цінності. Every year the number of individuals in Ukraine У цьому річнику подано короткий звіт про роботу Програми bearing higher education qualifications and necessary імені Фулбрайта в Україні у 2009/10 академічному році, розповіді professional skills increases. One dares to hope that українських та американських фулбрайтівців про їх навчання, this means that the quality of life in the country will дослідження у США і, відповідно, в Україні. change in positive and constructive ways in the future. Наша програма активно представлена у різних сферах науки і One would like to believe that the world will know культури. З річника Ви дізнаєтеся про діяльність Фулбрайтівського about us not only because of Chornobyl or reports of товариства України, видані фулбрайтівцями монографії, проведені fistfights in Parliament, but also because of significant і підтримані Програмою художні виставки, прес-заходи, наукові achievements of a country with an ancient culture, конференції. contemporary educational system, high technology, З року в рік кількість людей, які мають високу освітню кваліфікацію and a fitting level of life in which the rule of law is an та належні професійні навички, зростає, а отже, є надія, що established fundamental principle. The activities of every мінятиметься і якісний рівень життя у державі. Fulbrighter are, we trust, an integral component of the Хочеться вірити, що світ знатиме про нас не тільки через overall national effort to reach these high ideals. Чорнобиль та випуски новин про бійки у парламенті, а й через вагомі Vitaliy Zhuhay досягнення України як країни давньої культури, сучасної освіти, editor високих технологій, належного рівня життя, верховенства права. Діяльність кожного фулбрайтівця має стати складовою загальнодержавного руху до цих високих цілей. Віталій Жугай, редактор We are indebted to the staff, alumni, and grantees of the Fulbright Program in Ukraine for their many contributions to this Yearbook. Design: Marian Luniv, Denis Ryabtsev Contents Зміст 02 Greetings from Ambassador John F. Tefft Вітання від посла США в Україні Джона Тефта 2009/10 Academic Year in Review 2009/10 академічний рік: огляд, учасники, події 4 A Word from the Director Myron Stachiw Слово директора Мирон Стахів 8 Fulbright Scholar Program Програма для науковців 24 Fulbright Specialist Program Короткотермінова програма для фахівців 28 Fulbright Faculty Development and Graduate Student Programs Програма для викладачів, молодих дослідників та студентів 44 Program Events Наша діяльність Ukrainian Fulbright Association Українське Фулбрайтівське товариство 50 The Mission of the Ukrainian Fulbright Association – A Sovereign Ukraine Myroslava Antonovych «Місія Українського Фулбрайтівського товариства – соборність України» Мирослава Антонович 52 Alumni Publications: A Selection Публікації фyлбpaйтівців: вибране 54 Fulbrighters – Small Grant Recipients Фyлбpaйтiвцi – стипендіати Програми малих грантів Greetings from Ambassador John F. Tefft Carved into the ceiling of one of the and inquiry. American Fulbrighter Oleg halls at the University of Pittsburgh’s Timofeyev gave concerts in numerous main academic building are these words venues, showcasing his work on taken from the great Ukrainian poet Taras reclaiming musical traditions. In September Shevchenko: an international conference was kicked off “Learn, my brothers! at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War Think and read… looking at the difficult topic: “World War II Learn foreign thoughts, and the (Re)Creation of Historical Memory but do not turn away from your own in Contemporary Ukraine.” country!” Director of the Fulbright Program in Since the inception of the Fulbright Ukraine Myron Stachiw and his staff Program in Ukraine almost twenty years maintained their energetic outreach, ago, more than one thousand scholars, crisscrossing the country multiple times. students and researchers – both Publicizing the Fulbright Program through American and Ukrainian – have had the presentations to potential applicants across opportunity to learn, think, and read. They Ukraine, Myron has done an excellent have developed their areas of interests job attracting top talent to the program. outside their country – and then brought He and his team built solid relations that experience back home. I am proud with the universities that host American of the contribution Fulbright has made Fulbrighters. They worked to strengthen in fostering US-Ukrainian cooperation the alumni network, and to connect with Ambassador John F. Tefft in a range of fields and in helping to current American scholars, researchers build a stronger, more prosperous and and students as they engaged in varied independent Ukraine through the work of projects and activities. For example, alumni all over the country. Myron joined several Fulbrighters involved This has been a full and productive year in the annual American Studies conference for the Fulbright program. Upon arrival in for university instructors in Yevpatoriya in Kyiv last winter as US Ambassador, I found June – lending his unique insights on the Fulbright Program in full swing. Most both cultures to the lively discussion. I individuals were already placed at their appreciate all that Myron and his colleagues institutions in the U.S. and Ukraine and have accomplished this year. the annual Fulbright Alumni Conference I had the good fortune to meet most of was taking place, having been delayed by the 55 Ukrainians selected to travel to the the nationwide quarantine in November. U.S. under the Fulbright Scholar, Faculty In February I had the honor of Development, and Student Programs in the welcoming Anita McBride, Chair of the 2010-11 academic year. They are a diverse Fulbright Scholarship Board, who was group: mathematicians and lawyers, artists visiting Ukraine as an observer during the and archaeologists, social workers and second round of presidential elections. historians. They hailed from all corners of She met with various members of the the country, from Lutsk to Zaporyzhzhya, extended Fulbright family, both at Kyiv- and from Sumy to Simferopol. Studying, Mohyla Academy and at the offices of the lecturing, or conducting research in Fulbright Program in Ukraine. The time various institutions throughout the U.S, that Ms. McBride spent with returned and these Fulbrighters will be joining 27 of their outbound Ukrainian Fulbrighters, as well countrymen spending a second year in the as with American Fulbrighter Dan Charles U.S. This year 2 Ukrainian PhD candidates and his journalism students, made a will be on the longer-term Fulbright positive and lasting impression on her. Science and Technology Program. Those Throughout the year, Ukrainian 84 Fulbrighters represent slightly over one Fulbrighters have been involved in cutting- quarter of all U.S. government academic edge issues of interest to both our exchange program participants in America countries, including trafficking in persons, in this academic year. climate change, and biodiversity. They have The Fulbright Program will also host 14 produced a number of events that helped U.S. Scholars, 11 Students, and (for the to create an atmosphere of exchange first time) 2 English Teaching Assistants in 2 Ukraine. Like their Ukrainian counterparts, щорічна конференція випускників Про- Він поділився своїми ґрунтовними these Americans cover a wide range of грами імені Фулбрайта, проведення якої знаннями про обидві культури, що ви- disciplines and academic interests, from з листопада було перенесено на пізні- кликало жваву дискусію. Я високо ціную education for the deaf to energy politics,
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