Index Abdullah Ahmad Badawi 158 Association of Southeast Asian Nations Abidjan 14, 251, 253-5, 257, 261, 274-6, (ASEAN) 161 281, 283 Aung San 149 Abuja 249 Australia 30, 70 Accra 241 Ayal, Eliezer 82, 91-2 Aceh 70-1, 137, 140-2, 144, 146, 151-3, 162 Badan Pertanahan Nasional 226 Achebe, Chinua 8, 9, 25 Balante 179 African National Congress 255 Bali 148, 153 Aguinaldo, Emilio 168 Balkans 153 Aguman ding Malding Talapagobra Bamako 276 (General Workers Union) 173-4 Bandung 228 Ahonsi, Babatunde 250 Bangkok 72-3 Alatas, Syed Hussein 76 Bankimchandra 191 Albay 171 Bank Negara Indonesia 128 Albertini, Rudolf von 27 Bankoff, Greg 3 Alexander, Jennifer 84 Bank (of) Indonesia 127-30 Alexander, Paul 84 Banten 70-1 Algeria 27, 32, 41-4, 48, 59, 61, 242, 244-7 Barisan Nasional 154-5, 157-9 Algiers 32, 242, 246-7 Barisan Sosialis 159 Ali Wardhana 129 Batavia 32, 71-2, 125, 228, 230 All Burma Volunteers 144 Bédié, Henri Konan 253 Alliance (Malaya) 94, 154-5, 157, 159 Bedner, Adriaan 226 Ambon, Ambonese 143, 148, 227 Beijing 157 American see United States Belgium 40, 116, 242, 247, 271 Amin, Samir 29 Ben Bella, Ahmed 246 Amsterdam 27 Bengal, Bengali 9, 191-2, 196-7 Anderson, Benedict 13 Bénin 252, 276 Angola 243 Benteng programme 93, 97 Ang Uliran 178 Beti, Mongo 12 Annam 81 Betts, Raymond 2 Anspach, Ralph 93, 109, 125 Bobo-Dioulassou 276 Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League Boeke, J.H. 75-6, 83 149 Bogaerts, Els 2 Anwar Ibrahim 158 Bollywood 206 Aquino, Cory 100 Bombay 14, 32, 198-203, 205-6 Arab 71, 246 Bombay Municipal Corporation 200 Arabic 10, 140 Bonifacio, Andres 168 Araneta, Salvador 119 Booth, Anne 3 Ardener, Shirley 169 Borneo see Kalimantan Arusha 281 Botha, Louis 35 Ashcroft, Bill 30 Botswana 254 Ashley, S.D. 275 Bouaké 276 Assemblée de l’Union Française 52 Boulle, Pierre 31 Els Bogaerts - 9789004260443 Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 04:02:47PM via free access 292 Beyond empire and nation Boumediene, Houari 246 Cooper, Frederick 2-3, 15, 242 Bounty, HMS 26 Copperbelt 51, 242, 261 Bowling, P.J. 275 Coquéry-Vidrovitch, Cathérine 5 Bretton Woods 111 Côte d’Ivoire 46, 244, 251-3, 275-6 British see Great Britain Cotonou 276 Brown, David 147, 152 Crouzat 276 Brown, Moritz Joseph 23 Cuaderno, Miguel 112, 115-21 Brunei 70 Czechoslovakia 151 Brussels 247 Budi Agustono 146 Dahomey see Bénin Bulacan 174, 176-7 Dakar 11, 270, 273-7, 280-3 Burger, D.H. 82-3 Dalaba 276 Burkina Faso 252-3, 276 Danquah, J.B. 53 Burma see Myanmar Dar es Salaam 279-81 Burmese Independence Army 149 Darul Islam 142, 151 Burmese National Army 140, 149 Darwin, John 17, 24 Butalia, Urvashi 193, 195 Daughters of Isabela 177 Davidson, Basil 152 Caanamongam 171 Delavignette, Robert 23-4 Cagayan 177 Delhi 33, 196, 198-9, 206-9 Calcutta 192, 198, 203 Deli 224 Cambodia 72, 81, 95, 151 Deli Maatschappij 224, 229-30 Cameroon 12, 42, 242-3 Democratic Alliance (Philippines) 175 Canada 51, 70 Depression 112, 172-3, 230 Canderia 167 Devan Nair 160 Cape Town 214, 269-71, 273-4 Dia, Mamadou 50 Caribbean 24-5, 44 Diagne, Blaise 44 Castillo, Andres 115-6 Dien Bien Phu 26 Césaire, Aimé 41, 45 Djoe Sen Tjong 224-5 Ceylon see Sri Lanka Douala 243 Chad 269 Durban 251, 254-8, 261 Chakrabarty, Dipesh 2, 32 Dutch see Netherlands Chatterjee, Partha 34 Dutch East India Company 230 Cheah Boon Keng 145 Ch’en-I 97 East Africa 56, 219, 251, 267-8, 279 China, Chinese 12, 17, 69-85, 87-8, 91-6, East Asia 87-8, 96 99-100, 123, 139, 143-4, 154-60, 162, East India Company 230 219, 224, 229, 230-1, 234 East Pakistan 197 Chin Peng 154-7 East Sumatra 225 Cholon 72 East Timor see Timor Leste Christie, Clive 150-2 Eckert, Carter 89-90 Cochinchina 81 Egypt 246 Cold War 109, 151, 162, 175 Elizabethville 247, 271 Colombijn, Freek 4, 146 English (language) 9, 25, 29-31, 73, 75, Committee of Colonial Urbanism 276 86, 159 Commonwealth 51-2, 256 Equatorial Africa 50, 242 Commonwealth (Philippines) 168, 173, Ethical Policy 86, 143 176, 214 Ethiopia 17 Conakry 276-7 Exter, John 111 Congo 40, 242, 247-8, 269, 271 Conrad, Joseph 30 Fanon, Frantz 27-9, 34, 60-1 Convention People’s Party 53 Federated Malay States 73-4, 79, 85, 87 Els Bogaerts - 9789004260443 Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 04:02:47PM via free access Index 293 Federation of Free Farmers 176 Guatemala 112, 116, 128 Federation of Free Workers 176 Guèye, Lamine 46 Fegan, Brian 180 Guinea 58, 276 Fort Lamy 269 Guinness, Alec 31-2 Four Communes 44 Guomindang 97, 156-7 France, French 7, 10, 12, 23-7, 31-4, 39- Guyana 28 49, 52, 57-9, 61, 73, 82-3, 139, 143, 219, 242, 246, 251-2, 271, 275, 277, 282-3 Habitat 216 Frank, Andre Gunder 29 Hack, Karl 3 Frederick, William H. 146 Hailey, William Malcolm 24 Freetown 241, 248, 270 Hainan 149 French Communist Party 46 Haiti 25 French Union 43-6, 49, 52 Hake, Andrew 250 Fretilin 146 Handelsvereeniging Medan 225 Freund, Bill 4-5 Hanoi 72 Frey, Marc 16 Harare 279 Friedman, Milton 120 Hargreaves, John D. 23 Furnivall, J.S. 3, 69, 75, 83-4, 99-100 Harper, Tim 139 Hart, Donn 177 Gabon 244 Hasan 202 Gandhi, Mahatma 191, 193, 200, 202-3 Hatta, Mohammad 78, 93 Gao 276 Helsdingen, W.H. van 25 Gapan 179 Higgins, Benjamin 75 Gardinier, David 23 Hirohito 225 Garreau, Joel 257 Hizbullah 149-50 Gaulle, Charles de 43 Ho, Samuel 88-9 Gautama, Sudargo 222 Hollnsteiner, Mary 176-7 Geertz, Clifford 169 Hornick, Robert N. 222 Gelderen, J. van 76-7, 83 Houphouët-Boigny, Félix 46, 49, 244, George V 198, 200 251-2 Gerakan (Malaysia) 155 Housing Development Board 160 Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) 142 Houwink, A. 125-6 Germany 27, 45, 92, 123, 279 Howard, Ebenezer 275 Ghana 28, 51, 53-6, 58-9, 241, 243, 252 Hukbalahap 118, 138-9, 175 Gifford, Prosser 27 Hulo 176 Gikandi, Simon 59 Hulo Women’s Club 177 Gĩkũyũ 9, 12, 30, 54, 243 Husain 202 Glassburner, Bruce 124, 126 Hutu 34 Golay, Frank 80-1, 94-6 Hyundai 89 Gold Coast see Ghana Gold Standard Fund 112-3 Idroes 149 Golkar 142 Ilesha 241 Gómez, Dominador 174 Ilocano 171 Great Britain, British 7, 9, 23-7, 32-3, 39- Ilocos 178 45, 51-9, 61, 70, 73, 75-7, 83-6, 89, 94, India, Indians 4, 11, 26, 32-4, 42, 69-71, 111, 122-3, 139-40, 143-5, 148-9, 155-9, 73, 90, 92, 94, 96, 99-100, 111, 143-4, 190, 192, 195, 198-203, 205-9, 215, 219, 149, 160, 189-209, 224, 255-6, 258-9, 243, 254, 256, 269, 271-2, 275, 277, 279, 268, 272 282 Indian National Congress 190-2, 197, Griffi ths, Gareth 30 199, 200-2, 204-5 Grimal, Henri 27 Indochina 32, 42, 44-5, 48, 81, 138-9 Grove, David 111, 116 Indochina Communist Party 138-9 Els Bogaerts - 9789004260443 Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 04:02:47PM via free access 294 Beyond empire and nation Indonesia 3-4, 8-9, 11-4, 17, 25, 32-3, 42, Kenya 9, 12, 29, 53-4, 56-7, 243, 250, 269- 45, 69-71, 73-81, 83-8, 90-1, 93-5, 97, 71, 274, 277 99-101, 109-10, 114, 121-32, 139-46, Kenya African National Union 56 148-53, 155-6, 162, 169-70, 213-35 Kenyatta, Jomo 56 Indonesian Communist Party 93, 232-3 Keynes, John Maynard 111, 113, 120 Infi eld, Henrik 172 Khartoum 248 Institute of Social Order 176 Kim, Songsu 90 International Labour Organisation 182, Kim, Yonsu 90 250 Kindia 276 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 111, King, Anthony 267 116, 118, 120, 128, 132 Kingsley, Margaret 31-2 Italy 34, 45, 92 Kinshasa 247-50 Ivory Coast see Côte d’Ivoire Kirk-Greene, H.M. 24 Kisangani 247, 271 Jakarta 71, 127, 220, 228, 231-3 see also Kiswahili 9 Batavia Klinkers, Inge 24-5 Jamaica 32 Knights of Columbus 177 Jansen, Gerard 229 Kolff, G.H. van der 76 Janssens, E. 247 Koolhaas, Rem 250 Japan, Japanese 8, 26, 31-2, 45, 71, 78, 81, Korea 78-9, 81, 87-90, 95 88-92, 96-9, 110, 114-5, 122-3, 125-6, Korea War 151 137-40, 145, 148-50, 156-7, 168, 174-5, Kraal, A. 128 219-20, 223, 225-6, 229, 231-5 Kuala Lumpur 85, 155 Java, Javanese 8, 11, 69, 72-4, 76-88, 124, Kurihara, Kenneth 80 143, 148, 151, 153, 215, 223, 230 Kyongsong Spinning Company 90 Javasche Bank 122-9, 132 Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 208 Laanen, J.T.M. van 84 Joesoef Wibisono 125 Labé 276 Johannesburg 256-7, 268-9, 278-9, 282-3 Labouret, Henri 24 Joint Philippine-American Finance Lagos 249-51 Commission 115-6 Lahore 194 Jones, Eldred 29 Land and Freedom Army 54 Jones, Leroy P. 97-8 Landé, Carl H. 147 Juhn, Daniel 89 Laos 81, 151 Latin America 111, 116 Kahin, George 77 Laurel, José 117 Kalibapi 174 Leaf, Michael 231 Kalimantan 83 Lean, David 31 Kalipunang Pambansa ng mga Magsaka Lebanese 251, 268 sa Pilipinas (National Society of Le Corbusier, Charles-Édouard 242 Peasants in the Philippines) 173 Ledesma, Oscar 119 Kang, David 96 Leiden 127 Kankan 276 Lenin, V.I.
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