Route Period / Service Old New Old New Old New Old

Route Period / Service Old New Old New Old New Old

Service Changes Effective Sunday, November 22, 2020 Route Period / Service M-F Saturday Sunday Headway R.T.T. Vehicles Headway R.T.T. Vehicles Headway R.T.T. Veh Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Where running times are shown as "A+B", the first part is the scheduled driving time and the second part is the scheduled recovery/layover usually provided to round out the trip time as a multiple of the headway. Vehicle Types: F: Flexity B: Bus AB: Artic Bus T: Train Miscellaneous Changes 12 Kingston Road Minor service improvement. AM Peak 12D Victoria Pk Stn to UTSC 27' 26'30" 113+22 117+15/16 5B 5B PM Peak 12D Victoria Pk Stn to UTSC 25' 23' 104+21 108+7 5B 5B 34 Eglinton East Trippers removed. AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 34A Eglinton Stn to Kennedy Stn 6' 6' 109+17 109+17 21B 21B 34C Eglinton Stn to Flemingdon Park 12'30" 12' 90+10 90+10 8B 8B Midday / S-S Late Morning 34A Eglinton Stn to Kennedy Stn 9'26" 12' 114+18 114+18 14B 11B 34C Eglinton Stn to Flemingdon Park 10'40" 12' 85+11 85+11 9B 8B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 34A Eglinton Stn to Kennedy Stn 5'58" 6'30" 123+20 123+20 24B 22B 34C Eglinton Stn to Flemingdon Park 11'22" 12'30" 106+19 106+19 11B 10B Early Evening 34A Eglinton Stn to Kennedy Stn 5'27" 7' 87+11 87+11 18B 14B 34C Eglinton Stn to Flemingdon Park 11'26" 16' 71+9 71+9 7B 5B Late Evening 34A Eglinton Stn to Kennedy Stn 11' 11' 70+7 70+7 7B 7B 34C Eglinton Stn to Flemingdon Park 22' 22' 59+7 59+7 3B 3B 38 Highland Park Construction ends at Scarborough Town Centre Station allowing this route to return to its normal location. 43 Kennedy New peak period service to Village Green Square AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 43A to Steeles 10' 10' 82+8 82+8 9B 9B 43B to STC via Progress 15' 12' 45 52+8 3B 5B 43C to Village Green Square 30' 47+13 2B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 43A to Steeles 8'30" 8'30" 90+4 90+3/4 11B 11B 43B to STC via Progress 15' 15' 45 54+6 3B 4B 43C to Village Green Square 30' 50+10 2B Service Changes Effective Sunday, November 22, 2020 Route Period / Service M-F Saturday Sunday Headway R.T.T. Vehicles Headway R.T.T. Vehicles Headway R.T.T. Veh Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Where running times are shown as "A+B", the first part is the scheduled driving time and the second partKeele is the Station scheduled Construction recovery/layover Diversions usually End provided to round out the trip time as a multiple of the headway. Vehicle Types: F: Flexity B: Bus AB: Artic Bus T: Train 30 High Park Interline with 80 Queensway ends. Service reverts to February 2020 schedules. AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 20' 20' 14+6 14+6 1B 1B 20' 20' 14+6 14+6 1B 1B Midday / S-S Late Morning 20' 20' 14+6 14+6 1B 1B 20' 20' 16+4 16+4 1B 1B 20' 20' 16+4 16+4 1B 1B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 20' 20' 16+4 16+4 1B 1B 20' 20' 16+4 16+4 1B 1B 20' 20' 16+4 16+4 1B 1B Early Evening 20' 20' 13+7 13+7 1B 1B 20' 20' 14+6 14+6 1B 1B 20' 20' 14+6 13+7 1B 1B Late Evening 24' 15' 12 12+3 .5B 1B 30' 15' 12 12+3 .5B 1B 30' 15' 12 12+3 .5B 1B 41 Keele Extension to Howard Park ends. See Express Route restoration section below for details. 80 Queensway Interline with 30 High Park ends. Service reverts to February 2020 schedules. AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 20' 30' 70+10 68+22 4B 3B 20' 30' 58+2 56+4 3B 2B Midday / S-S Late Morning 20' 30' 70+10 68+22 4B 3B 20' 24' 72+8 70+2 4B 3B 20' 24' 72+8 70+2 4B 3B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 20' 30' 77+3 75+15 4B 3B 20' 24' 72+8 70+2 4B 3B 20' 24' 72+8 70+2 4B 3B Early Evening 20' 24' 58+2 56+16 3B 3B 20' 30' 58+2 56+4 3B 2B 20' 30' 58+2 56+4 3B 2B Late Evening 24' 30' 53+7 51+9 2.5B 2B 30' 30' 58+17 56+4 2.5B 2B 30' 30' 58+17 56+4 2.5B 2B 89 Weston Extension to High Park Station ends. AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 8'44" 8'30" 90+6 87+8 11B 10B 10' 10' 62+8 60 7B 6B 10' 10' 60+10 58+2 7B 6B Midday / S-S Late Morning 12'23" 12'23" 92+7 90+9 8B 8B 10 10 72+8 70 8B 7B 10 10 68+12 66+4 8B 7B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 12'13" 13'45" 104+6 102+8 9B 8B 10' 10' 80+10 78+2 9B 8B 10' 10' 76+14 74+6 9B 8B Early Evening 11'26" 11'26" 74+6 72+8 7B 7B 10' 10' 66+4 64+6 7B 7B 10' 10' 62+8 60 7B 6B Late Evening 11'40" 11'40" 60+10 58+12 6B 6B 10' 10' 60+10 58+2 7B 6B 10' 10' 57+3 55+5 7B 6B Service Changes Effective Sunday, November 22, 2020 Route Period / Service M-F Saturday Sunday Headway R.T.T. Vehicles Headway R.T.T. Vehicles Headway R.T.T. Veh Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Where running times are shown as "A+B", the first part is the scheduled driving time and the second part is theRestoration scheduled of recovery/layover Express Services usually provided to round out the trip time as a multiple of the headway. Vehicle Types: F: Flexity B: Bus AB: Artic Bus T: Train 29/929 Dufferin AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 29C Wilson Stn to Princes' Gate 6'12" 7'45" 119+5 119+5 20A 16A 929 Wilson Stn to Dufferin Gate Exp 8'45" 91+5 11B Midday / S-S Late Morning 29A Wilson Stn to Dufferin Gate 6' 7'30" 114+6 114+6 20A 16A 929 Wilson Stn to Dufferin Gate Exp 10' 97+3 10B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 29C Wilson Stn to Princes' Gate 6'31" 7'30" 148+2 148+2 23A 20A 929 Wilson Stn to Dufferin Gate Exp 10' 116+4 12B Early Evening 29A Wilson Stn to Dufferin Gate 5'36" 8' 105+7 105+7 20A 14A 929 Wilson Stn to Dufferin Gate Exp 10' 89+1 9B Late Evening 29A Wilson Stn to Dufferin Gate 7'05" 8'30" 80+5 80+5 12A 10A 35/935 Jane AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 35A Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 7' 9'20" 106+6 106+6 16B 12B 35B PV - Jane Stn via Hullmar 7' 9'20" 110+2 110+2 16B 12B 935 Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 7'30" 87+3 12B Midday / S-S Late Morning 35A Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 7' 7' 102+3 102+3 15B 15B 935 Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 9'30" 82+4 9B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 35A Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 8'45" 9'30" 120+11 120+10 15B 9B 35B PV - Jane Stn via Hullmar 8'45" 9'30" 126+5 126+4 15B 9B 935 Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 9'40" 105+1 11B Early Evening 35A Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 5' 8'45" 93+12 93+3 21B 11B 935 Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 9' 76+5 9B Late Evening 35A Pioneer Village - Jane Stn 9' 9' 79+2 79+2 9B 9B Service Changes Effective Sunday, November 22, 2020 Route Period / Service M-F Saturday Sunday Headway R.T.T. Vehicles Headway R.T.T. Vehicles Headway R.T.T. Veh Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New Old New 41/941Where runningKeele times are shownSouthern as "A+B", terminus the first partrestored is the to scheduled Keele Station driving following time and construction. the second part is the scheduled recovery/layover usually provided to round out the trip time as a multiple of the headway. Vehicle Types: F: Flexity B: Bus AMAB: ArticPeak Bus/ S-S T: Early Train Morning 41A Howard Pk to Pioneer Village Stn 14'30" 147+13 11A 14'30" 103+13 8B 25' 98+2 4B 41A Keele Station to Pioneer Village Stn 14'30" 137+8 10A 14'30" 96+6 7B 24' 92+4 4B 941 Keele Station to Finch West Stn 14'30" 94+7/8 7B Midday / S-S Late Morning 41A Howard Pk to Pioneer Village Stn 12' 147+9 13A 10' 126+4 13B 12' 117+3 10B 41A Keele Station to Pioneer Village Stn 12' 137+7 12A 10' 118+2 12B 11'30" 109+6 10B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 41A Howard Pk to Pioneer Village Stn 15'30" 166+20 12A 8'30" 139+6 17B 11' 128+4 12B 41A Keele Station to Pioneer Village Stn 15'30" 155+16 11A 8'30" 130+6 16B 10'30" 119+7 12B 941 Keele Station to Finch West Stn 14'20" 120+9 9B Early Evening 41A Howard Pk to Pioneer Village Stn 15' 127+8 9A 15'30" 111+13 8B 20' 107+13 6B 41A Keele Station to Pioneer Village Stn 15' 120 8A 15'30" 104+5 7B 21' 100+5 5B Late Evening 41A Howard Pk to Pioneer Village Stn 22' 123+9 6A 20' 99+1 5B 25' 98+2 5B 41A Keele Station to Pioneer Village Stn 22' 110 5A 20' 92+8 5B 24' 91+5 4B 45/945 Kipling AM Peak / S-S Early Morning 45A to Steeles 26' 26' 89+15 89+15 4B 4B 45B to Carlingview 26' 26' 73+5 73+5 3B 3B 945 to Steeles 7' 80+18 14B Midday / S-S Late Morning 45A to Steeles 12' 12' 83+13 83+13 8B 8B 45B to Carlingview 24' 24' 65+7 65+7 3B 3B PM Peak / S-S Afternoon 45A to Steeles 16'30" 16'30" 100+7 100+7 6.5B 6.5B 45B to Carlingview 16'30" 16'30" 77+14 77+14 5.5B 5.5B 945 to Steeles 9'40" 90+16 11B Early Evening 45A to Steeles 15' 10' 81+9 81+9 6B 9B Late Evening 45A to Steeles 18' 11' 70+2 70+7 4B 7B Service Changes Effective Sunday, November 22, 2020 Route Period / Service M-F Saturday Sunday Headway R.T.T.

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