VOLUME 100, NO. 41 TUESDAY http://www.sjsu.edu/dielly APRIL 1, 1997 SPORTS INSIDE Judo coach leads team r+.4111 Traveling wall honors Pow-mv 15 to national prominence *V. Vietnam veterans Page 7 klaVA Page 8 SPARTANServingS Jose State University DAILY Since 1934 $300,000 Saving Santee investment OK by SJSU Foundation spending on Caret's recreation typical By Kimberly Lanske have invested in several other Spartan Daily Staff Writer improvements for the home, includ- ing an air conditioning unit and win- University President Robert Caret, dow shutters. The improvements are said to the $319,000 the SJSU necessary for the president to enter- Foundation spent on the purchase of tain guests important to university his house and recreational activities, business, Gibson said. were typically provided to a person in $10,000 for an invitational his position. membership at the Silver Creek "This money commonly comes Country Club for Caret, his wife and with the package for this kind of job," their four children between the ages he said. of 11 and 17. The non-profit foundation pro- Gibson explained that the money vided funding for several of the presi- for Caret's country club membership dent's expenses including: came out of a $40,000 to $50,000 $300,000 from an unrestricted annual community relations fund account toward the 1995 purchase of provided to the president by the his $785,000 house in Monte Sereno. Foundation. The fund is given to the The Foundation co-owns the 3,769- president to pay for expenses related square-foot house which was built in to advancing the mission of the uni- 1994-95. versity. These expenses often include $9,430, which is half of the memberships in clubs, attendance at money needed to complete a land- charity functions and receptions pro- scaping project at the Monte Sereno vided to honor donors to the univer residence. S. Kent Gibson, executive sity and its programs. director of the San Jose State University Foundation, said they See Caret, page 10 Eastside residents don't believe legal settlement vvill Athletics hires solve neighborhood ills By Paul Mataraugaa Spartan Maly Staff Writer alleged harasser Drug dealing, gambling on the streets, public drunk enness, streets obstructed by gang members and Former Stanford placekicker takes deplorable living conditions have pushed the San Jose residents in the Santee area to take action. On March 10, their actions paid off with an impor- temporary sports media position tant legal victory for them and the city of San Jose. located By Catherine Spencer tographs. The residents of the Santee neighborl d. 101, filed a Spartan Daily Staff Writer "This guy harassed my client with between McLaughlin Avenue and Highway constant calls for a month and a half lawsuit in July 1996. The suit was one more attempt to Despite pleading no contest to constantly asking him for nude pho- make the resident's living conditions bearable. seven counts of misdemeanor phone tos, especially of the boy's genitalia," Superior Court Judge Jeremy Fogel approved a Settle- harassment, ex-Stanford place kicker Patrick R. McMahon, attorney fin between the city and the landlord which requires Eric Abrams was hired by San Jose one of the victims, said in a statement the landlords to pay a total of $249,000. State University last month as die to the San Francisco San lose City Attorney loan (Ian() said, "The tenants interim sports informa- Chronicle. in Santee have lived with intolerable conditions and have tion director for the- "There were significant lived with them for too long." PHOTOS BY LEA TAURIELLO Spartan Daily Spartan baseball team. Sexual overtures to all of The city, which has spent about $7 million in Santee Top: Armando and his family have been using a bathroom in which the shower leaks water Last year, Abrams was this. My client was afraid I rying to turn the neighborhood around before the law- into the bedroom next door, the toilet is falling apart and lights hang from damaged walls sentenced to three years for his safety. lie feared suit, will now have more cooperation from the landlords. probation, 100 hours have that he was being fol- Along with the cash settlement, the landlords Bottom: Sister Mariam Daniel visits with Scarlette Itzel, one of the children in the Santee community servic C. .1 managers and secu lowed," McMahon said. agreed to hire professional property neighborhood in San Joe Scarlette plays with the cross on Sister Mariam's neck in one of $200 fine and psychiatric and to practice tenant control, including While McMahon has rity services, the run down apartment buildings that is now up for sale. counseling by Palo Alto said he would seek dam- Municipal Court Judge ages in civil court for his See Santee, page 10 C. Randall Schneider. client, he would not say if "1 knew Abrams had a a settlement had been criminal record before I reached and refused to hired him," said Lawrence tan, SJS1.1 make any further comments about sports information director. "He has still needed Abrams when asked (hiring a phone Remedial classes a job here, and as long as he performs conversation last week. limn ii,, 'iliversity of his job, that is how 1 AM evaluating By Catherine Spencer for college-level work despite the English skills do not improve faculty According to a report filed by the Spartan Daily Staff Writer nit, lie alifinnia him." trustees adopting a plan last year to overnight," said Marvalene I lughs, Calif"' Santa Clara Police Department, cut the need for remediation by 10 chaim of IIIC CS U'S rtCL011Cgiall: Conmiiiiiiiv iilleges and the K-12 Prior to his arrest, Abrams WAS the Abrams was able to gain 11%c confi The California State University Cardinal's top kicker and all time percentage points by fall 2001. Education Policy Implementation sector - - has, tot the first tunic, agreed dence of the youths by posing as a Board of Trustees reported last week U.110111 students leading scorer, playing four seasons Allison Jones, the CSU director of Advisory (lommince. on standards high Stanford football recruiter. High that the number of freshmen requir- ASSCSSMCIlt and retention for academ- By continuing to work with the should tneet..1 he Round I able is also between 1992 to 1995. ing remedial English and math ha.s school players were told by Abrams ic affairs, said the statistics are trou- entire ed tic at ion community. drafting criteria in assess academic Santa Clara police said that on and that Stanford University WAS interest not declined, although RICASUITS have between June 1995 to January 1996, bling because those accepted to uni- Trustees said it intends to implement performance and plans to set up early ed in them but that be needed them been taken to reduce the demand for versities are academically at the top a host of CdtKatlfillal intervention programs for students in Abrams nude numerous phone calls to send him nude pictures to deter remediat ion. to seven high school football players third of all graduating high school changes to address the problem. K-12. More than 40 pCfc. flit 01 thu fresh- seniors in the state. The Calift,inia Education Round Clovernor Pete Wilson and the requesting a variety of nude pho See Abrams, page 10 man entering the ( alifornia State "This is not surprising. Math and Table 5 task force comprised of University system remain unprepared See Education, page 10 Caret's cache Man stabbed to death in Willow Glen PreAident, (.S11 Tomorrow executives should give Free tuition to the By Kimberly Lamke Paramedics responded to the scene manufacturing and distributing about in charge of the investigation Spartan Daily Staff Writer of the stabbing, but were unable to $371,000 wonh of illegal drugs. "This is the largest methaniplicta- perks to education first 500 students save Nave, who died on the scene. Cliofas Guillen Torres, Rafael mine bust in Sari his( in thc last two Page2 who bring pizza to An argument between two men in San Jose police then followed up C1iXt0 I.Utla and lOSC Mafia Posadas years," said It'll Nechow. Assistant the Willow Glen neighborhood on reports that the assailant could be were taken into custody by U.S. Ifrug U.S. 1 bstrict Attorney. the Spartan Daily. Friday night resulted in the death of Spring snow hiding in the vicinity of the crime and Enforcement Agents after they dis- According to Neclrow, the sus- Have a Happy one. searched the area. Officers found covered approximately 40 pounds of pects Are 1101 AMCriCall cut u,.etss, it .% not too late to April Fools' Day According to a San JOSC Police Baker hiding in the basement of a res- marijuana and 28 pounds of metharn- Agents were led to the location of hit the slopes at sonic Department news upon, ClarCOLC idence. lie was taken into custody phetamine in the residence, as well AS the bust after receiving information Nave, a 27-year-old male, Was admitted to stabbing Nave, materials commonly used to manu- from Imperial ( :ounty Sheriffs of Aline 's best resorts and later 111P41 stabbed in front of a house on police officials said. He was booked facture the drugs. Deputies and D.E.A. agents that the Page7 Dorothy Avenue at approximately into the Santa Clara County Jail The men were arrested on East residence contained large quantity 11:30 p.rn, after trying to run from Friday and his arraignment is expect- Reed Street. of drugs. Surveillance confirmed that Legal fighting Jeffrey Baker, a man he had been ed this week.
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