VOL. 2 No. 12 OCTOBER 1935 S¢ AGAINST WAR AND FASCISM STOP THE CONQUEST OF ETHIOPIA RESISTANCE IN ITALY TO PLUNDER OF ETHIOPIA by =| Tito Nunzio and William N. Jones JAPAN’S “MANIFEST DESTINY” by Johannes Steel GOEBBELS VS. SCHACHT by Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld SPEED UP THE DAY OF DELIVERANCE by Walter Citrine WHO RUNS SOUTH DAKOTA? by Elsie Olson BLOOD ON THE COTTON by Al Jackson Is IT A CRIME TO PROTEST AGAINST WAR? by Julia Kolar HENRI BARBI Woodeut by Liston M. Oak Henri Barbusse, Anti-Fascist Fighter By LOUIS GIBARTI Associated with Barbusse in organizing the Brussels Congress for Colonial Liberation FIGHT ‘in 1927, and the Amsterdam Congress Against War and Fascism in 1952. ESS) AGAINST WAR AND FASCISM MEDITERRANEAN storm was drum- writer sat shivering in an armehair, wrapped Yous ‘OCTOBER, 108 xo ming upon our windows in the tiny in his overcoat, his head sunk between sleeping French village, Miramare de hunched shoulders. I involuntarily thought CHAIRMAN: HARRY F. WARD. VICE-CHAIRMEN: VEsterelle, During that April night in 193: of the statue by Rodin of Balzac, seized by ROBERT MORSS LOVETT, in Paris and other remote French cities ex- fa great idea. Barbusse dictated: LINCOLN STEFFENS, EARL BROWDER citement was running high. The French "J accuse. the Prime Minister André ‘TREASURER:... WILLIAM P. MANGOLD President Doumer had been assassinated by Tardieu, ADMINISTRATION:...CLARA BODIAN the White Guard Russian, Gorgulov. This T accuse the Minister of the Interior Ma- ORGANIZATION... WALDO McNUTT provacateur, a strange forerunner of Van hieu . the investigating Judge . and PUBLICATIONS:......LISTON M. OAK der Lubbe, threatened to become a useful tool the Police Prefect! of Paris. .” DOROTHY McCONNELL in the hands of the French fascists attempt- ‘As <nunnnsen JAMES LERNER he dictated, his deep resonant voice ing to drive France into a war of interven- rose, reflecting his intense passionate. hatred JOHN MASSO tion against the Soviet Union. of injustice, his love of humanity. The type- HERMAN REISSIG Exploiting his Russian nationality, the writer clicked off page after page . thou- French “patriot” press had linked this mad sands of words, eloquent words, marching NATIONAL PUBLISHED EXECUDIVE MONTHLY COMMITTEE BY THE, adventurer to the “Tcheka.” Not only the like soldiers to the battle. Hour after hour Jingo sheets of the perfume manufacturer thus was created one of the most im- Coty, but even the semi-official newspaper portant contributions made by this great AMERICAN LEAGUE AGAINST of WAR AND FASCISM the Foreign Office, Le Temps, had charged ‘man to the fight against war and the defense 112 East 19th Street, New York, N.Y. that “by this murder the Soviets are seeking of the Soviet Union, the splendid booklet, ‘Single to create @ revolutionary crisis in France.” Taceuse, Ganads’ copie, and’ § Foreign, conta. Yearly Seventy-ee eubnoription, cents 50 @ conte 10, ‘The whole atmosphere was tense, and war Later when that booklet beeame a force, Fnterad Enon ae Gp Second at New Clas York matter, Feb. 90, 1986 at seemed imminent, compelling the fascists to retreat; when the eens ede an” Henry Barbusse had gone to Miramare de prosecuting attorney was forced to admit YEsterelle for a vacation—which meant leis- that the Soviet Union had been dragged into ure to meditate undisturbed over a new novel. the Gorguloy affair without justification, I this frail old man was and will remain one But he had received a huge parcel from often thought of that stormy night in Mira- of the dynamic centers of our age in the Paris; newspaper clippings and the minutes mare d V'Estrelle. fight against oppression. Possessed of tre- of the court at the first Gorgulov hearing. ‘That little episode in the life of Henri Bar- mendous creative force, the genius of Bar- He realized the tremendous implications of ‘busse symbolizes the devotion, the indomitable busse penetrated beyond all frontiers. His the reactionary eampaign launched by the energy of the man in defense of peace and ‘message has reached millions in every land, fascists around the Gorgulov affair. He humanity ‘better than could any biography. ‘and the movement which he initiated has em- swept aside all plans for a new novel. Al- ‘A modest, frail old man, a dear friend, who braced people of every race and every social though still ill after a strenuous anti-war at any time and any place would at a mo- stratum in the most significant human task ‘campaign in Paris, Barbusse plunged into ment’s notice throw himself passionately into in the world today: the building of a war fa painstaking study of the documents. ‘the battle; for whom no sacrifice was too less and a classless society. Long after midnight he awoke his secre- great. A genius and a humble worker against Barbusse is dead — forward with the tary and began dictating. Outside the war and fascism has gone from our midst, fight to which he gave his life—against gale was raging furiously . The great literally a martyr to this great cause. But war and fascism! Sa SS England and France are in a strangle-hold Unity with Italy. they fear of Black and White Opponents of the consequences of ‘a possible Italian defeat. They see, in addi- War and Fascism is Ethiopia’s Best Ally tion to a “rising tide of color,” a rising tide of white, brown and black working people. By WILLIAM France and England, therefore, are making. N. JONES a desperate Excorpts from an article by an outstanding Negro editor and journalist effort not only to halt the catas- in the Baltimore ‘Afro-American.”” trophe, but to save their faces with their mil- lions of toiling colonials by a show of opposi- tion to Italian plans with the evident inten- FTER TALKING to representatives of sion of Ethiopia. Both are committed to a tion of finally forcing Ethiopia to bow the Ethiopian Government, newspaper policy of reducing Ethiopia to some kind of largely editors to the will of Mussolini, and well-informed leaders in protectorate. ‘The crisis in Italy and Germany has be- England, France, Geneva, Poland and Russia, Germany, engaged in a program of plunder come so acute that it is forcing the rulers it seems clear to me that the war against and racial proscription, will grab any part to drastic efforts to stave off the crash. Ethiopia is likely to be the spark that may of Africa that comes handy, but has her eyes Frenzied capitalist economy comes to a pyra- set off a world-wide conflagration. turned toward the provinces of Austria and ‘miding stage when it must pile more exploi- ‘Although from the very beginning Ethiopia Soviet Russia. tation upon exploitation by reaching out for has had the diplomatic cards stacked against ‘Those who have looked to Japan as a de- new fields of operation... The whole Ital- her, she has played the game so skillfully fender of Ethiopia as a colored race are mis- ian national economy has been subordinated that she is coming out of this phase of the taken. Japan is engaged in a campaign of to the purpose of the Ethiopian struggle a victor. subjugation of another colored race; campaign. ‘When she has Ethiopia's greatest ally is the militant man- I left America, Ethiopia's situation joined the ranks of the exploiting impe1 ner in which white, black, brown and yellow ooked gloomy to me. It still looks grave, but ists... Japan is playing for higher stakes workers are lining up against Italy's war én I feel now that she has a fifty-fifty chance in an impending European conflicts. Jap- Africa... to win, anese policy at this moment coincides with It ie my carnest conviction that Russia Both England and France are opposing the policy of Italy in raiding Haile Sclassie’s stands today as the nation mest actively Italy over but not against the proposed divi- kingdom. opposing Italian plundering of Ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie appealing to his troops to defend Ethiopi ia, and Il Duce reviewing part of his million soldiers departing for the African campaign. To the left and below Mussolini is Balbo, twho will lead Italian forces in the invasion of the last independent African nation. Resistance In Italy to Plunder of Ethiopia hi DUCE wants the whole of Ethiopia.” By TITO NUNZIO determined leadership, and had thrown away Thus spoke Baron Aloisi, the repre- Eiitor, L'Unité Operaia their arms instead of keeping them and sentative of the fascist government of fighting with them to end the war. Italy, at the Council meeting of the League Among the Italian toilers there is no less of Nations, solini's prestige—which was already shaken ‘opposition to the preserit war which Musso- The Italian representative reiterated Mus- before the present war preparations—would lini is launching against Ethiopia than to solini’s determination to go ahead with his be completely shattered. The Italian workers Past wars. There is a large and growing plan to plunder and rape Ethiopia, and asked ‘and peasants would look upon Mussolini's re- number who are against the oppression of the other members of the League to stand by, treat as a sign of weakness, and would feel the people of Ethiopia. They are continuing hout intervening for or against. But his spurred to intensify the struggle against the their militant traditions, handed down to statement met with a sharp and outspoken hated régime of terror and hunger and war. them by Garibaldi, the Knight of Humanity, retort coming from Litvinov—the Foreign Mussolini of all people knows that he lies who never raised arms against the people of ‘Commissar of the Soviet Union—who declared when he boasts that the Italian people are other countries and always fought against that unless the Covenant is fully applied unanimously in favor of war.
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