l UN ARCHIVES • f} il -u r- 2 ll!OOl '06259 30/ 06 '94 n-:23 UNl?ROFOR. -~ ,Fi :32 ROU'I'Dfflg4 .).l'WM'.WRrrY DUmOIATE HOST :IMMEDIATE UNCLAS UNRESTRICTED CONP'lDBN'l'IAL ON SECRET ONLY . Date/Tille: 30 June 1994 Fi1e Ref: Stn. eriPj,l No. CIVAF/94/06/44 89rz' I From: s. Zhang, ore, Civil Aff11irs Fax/Tel . No: Route RO: TOT 041 170 199 1p;t.,:> >"~ r5B8 I To: Char1as Kirudja, I COS/CA UNPROFOR, Zagreb . Info: Clare Harkin Protocol, OSRSG C CAC (SS) Subject: Yia.it_ af :O:S_Co~!:~sianal___Del~Ati.Qn. tg :tbG Total Pages: ZQS, Sli:~tat: Hsn:th Int. Disti:: SC, osc, cos, Chief, ~CIVPC>i:-"f l>rafter: Dept/Tel: Signature: Releasing Dept/Tel: Signatur~ Officer: s. ZHANG, OIC/CIVIL ,... AFFAIRS/SR I - ~ Ace Clk: I Router: I rrx Op: Check Op: MESSAGE Ref. our discussion over the phone on the above subject, the local milicija was informed about the visit of the u.s. Delegation. _!!le loea !_ miiliija d~d- not - expr~ _s any obiections regarding the visit, but only asked if Knin was informed. We expressed that Knin was being informed. The Oele e Ii.let b ~~:at .unt.a~ives of SN at the first UNPROFO TUranj _on ~uly 5. Best regards. cos/ct1 /tr>Tr ·c_t) L UNITED NATIONS Office of the SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVEOF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA TO: Com.missioner, CIVPOL DATE: 30 June 1994 INFO: cocc COS Civil Affairs cos Mr Jaque Grinberg, Civil A fa~·s MNFC \ FROM: Clare Harkin · Protocol SUBJECT: Visit of us CongressionalDeleiation to SectorNorth - Tuesday5 July '94 1. Thank you for your memo of 27 June on the above mentioned visit. As offered, I would very much like to have CIVPOL in Sector North participate in the visit, particularly in view of the important role the officers play in the Zone of Separation. 2. I believe that Mr Zhiang, the Civil Affairs Coordinator, in Sector North is co­ ordinating the detail of the visit. I am unsure as to what briefing arrangements he is making for the visit but would hope that CIVPOL is involved. Ideally, and of course depending on the length of time the US party will be on board the bus they are travelling in whilst in the Zone of Separation, I would like a representative of CIVPOL to be on board to answer any questions that might arise. 3. Again I am unsure of the contacts that the CAC in Sector North has made with the local authorities in the Sector, but I do know that Mr Hrvoje Sarinic, Head of the State Com.mission of the Republic of Croatia for relations with UNPROFOR, has been informed of the visit by the HCA. I hope therefore that there will not be any problems at the Croatian checkpoint on entering the Sector. 4. I am most grateful for your help with this visit. ,,..-. , --r ·, "it 1M , • ( I I IMMEDIATE ft ¥7 _ UNPR.OFOR . \- \ ROUTIHB PRIORr.l'Y ~IATB HOST IIUIBDIATE UMCLAS \UNRESTRICTED CO:Nl'IOENTIAL lJll SBCRE'i' ONLY Date/Time; JO Jwie 1994 . Pile Ref; Stn~§-¥,l Ho. CIVAP/94/06/4-5 Fro•: s. Zhang, oi:c, Civil Affairs PaxjTel Mo: I Route HO: 'l'OT ou 452 oo_i1,!7f To:. Kr. Tomas Head "·of Office . Croatian Govt. Office for Cooperation with UMPRm"OR and ECJOI In£o: c. Kirudja, COS/CA 041 l70 199 Clare Barltin, Protoool OSRSG I SUbject: nzi:t gf u ..s. conare~11ig1u1l Dele9§tion tQ Total. Pages: .2.,,, the zos - Sgat,g:c: Hgrlh Int. Distr: SC, DSC, cos, Chief, tniCIVPOL Drafter: DeptfTel: Signature: Releaslllg DeptJTel: Signat.ure:_y__k Officer: s. ZHANG, OIC/Crv:I:L AFP'.J.IRS/SH' -._, I.-\ / Ace Clk: I~outer: I Pb Op: Check Op: ~ MESS.A.GE This is to infor111 you that a o.s. congressional delegation will visit the Zone of Separation at Turanj Crossing on July 5, 1994 at 11.30 hrs. They will come into the zos in a bus with Croatian number plates and return back after 30 minutes inside the zos. :I t would be appreciated if the police in Karlovac be informed of this short visit. The Deleg?ttion will be met at the tirst UNPR0FOR checkpoint at Turanj by representatives ot SK. Please find a.ttached a list of participants for your information. (") Best regards. \0 .b 0 3:c c.- ~} ! c::: s:z \ . ::z tJ C ""[! T' l.,J .. 0 1" -.- •. -· r..s ~ .r, - - u, ., '' C' 7: z U1- I(' - . T I . •· - - - ~- ~ I ....,, ,. 0109 US CONGRESSIONALDELEGATION \.-1SITTO ZOS. SECTOR NORTH - ~ ,:: 7. ") I ... ,_ -..· L I Congressman Howard Berr:ia.n I Cong.cssman Alcee Hastings Con,ressman Julian Dixon - I Congresswoman Lucille Roybal•A!la.d Coniresswoma~ Anna Eshoo Co~ssmao Butler Derrick I Congressman Robert Menendez Col'\l,t£SswomanNariey Pelosi Mr Bndley Gordon Mrs Bernadette Jenkins I Mr Gene Smith Mr Graham Cannon 5 US Military csceru (oa.11cstrJ be provided) The rlelea~ion ,;,·il) ~lso b~ accompaniedby US Ambass:adorto Croatia, HE !vu Peter Galbraith and three rnembe.s of the US Embassystaff in Zagreb. i• I ' i . I l Ir . i j ~ t - '1 ~ - I• U N F ;~ ':· ::-C R a.A , 1· -1 I,·--.' ~ ; '.) 11\JC:. M IVI \, •• I • =--i. t • • _, UNITED NATIONS PROTECTION FORCE ( PROFOR) ~;) HQ, Zagreb "!4 JUN29 17 :34 Page 1 of 4 ROUTINE PRIORITY IMMEDIATE MOST IMMEDIATE UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET ONLY Outgoing Fax No.: Date: 29 June 1994 To: ENRIQUE AGUILAR From: YOLANDAAUGER;f.DHCA CAC, SECTOR SOUTH UNPROFOR HQ, Z GREB KNIN r/ _:;!,,c..,f ~-, - ; , I Fax No.: Fax • No.: (385-41) 170-199 ·, Attn: Ref. no. I . Originator :JG/mp Releasing Off.: Info. :CIVIL AFFAIRS COORDINATORS: SECTORS NORTH, EAST AND WEST Fax No.: Internal Distribution: Subject: PROTECTION OF CULTURAL MONUMENTS MESSAGE Attached are copies of self-exp l anatory correspondence from Sector North concerning the protection of cultural monuments. You will note the opinion of the ore, Sector North, that the efforts of the Serb milicija are limited and that more concerted attention by the Knin authorities wou l d better safeguard and minimize damage to such monuments. Please raise this matter wi th Mr. Prij i c ("Minister of the Interior") and also with higher Serb author i ties as circumstances arise. You could point out that such cultural monuments are an asset to any society and that failure to protect them adequately not only risks the destruction of irrep l aceable monuments but also generates negative loca l and internat i onal perceptions. Regards. TZV: 1..<~ UV: ENDALL TZV:~2 z3 ~ . pc_ c,,J \ \c_ (,.. {;:;.:,,f 8 DHC,~ ARCHlEFEXEMPLAAR 29 106 '91 1~5 8256 I (-,. Tr~~'hj Cf~ t-- UNPR.C>FO.R. 52~8 ROQTIU PRIOIUTY nomDIAD IIDST DDIEDUTB % \G<-;·0 UIICJAS UNRESTRICTRD COHFIDBN'l'IAL Oll SECRET ORLY ;J-~J Date/Tille: 28 June l.994 15:30 File Bef: stn. seri1 crvD/94/06/43 :p~ Proa: K.T.llauro, CVAO Faxj'.re1 II<>: Route lfO: 'l!OT HQ - Topusko 871-130 1272 To: Jlr. Tihoair BRACKAB 4 7-6262451\,'<. -.18:S, Liaison officer, Office t:dr UR and EC Dept. f:or sector •arth rn:ro: Kr. J. Granberg, SPAO 041-170199 TBQ - z.agreb ,.. I - SUl:>jeot: Envisaged aeeti.ng vi.th Hr.Viktor St.imac Total Pages:l Xnt. Distr: .·. /'1., Drafter; K.T.lla.uro DeptjTel: Signature :·{5Lf'J:_L--- liel.easing Dept/Tel: 6228 Signature: A, Oftticer: s. Zhang, o~c t=:V/ Ace Clk: I Router: I nx Op: Check Op: MESSAGE Re~erence our ta.x dated 20 April 1994. On 08 June, Ms.M,T •.Mauro :met Mr.Borota, the Orthodox priest operating in Petrinja, he asked again ONPROPORassistance in order to recuperate his personal photos, which could ..be found in his former house: Radiceva, 14 Karlovac and in the Ortod.ox Church located in Ban Jela.cic square. &.Borcta suggested to enter in contact with Viktor Stimac catholic parishr actually performing his religious functions in Karlovaa, in order to coliect some of his photos. Ms.Mauro kindly ask you to arrange at your convenience a meeting for her with Mr.Viktor Stimac in order to discuss the mentioned issue. Your cooperation remains highly appreciated Waiting for your reply Best regards £0: L l 62 NI1' ~6. - ~ 1' ~ . I l_ /" - - .J \_ :-;NOlj:-J!rln~ V°'IOJ ?.:::- . :: ;-~:: 1\J,l 211oe · 94 1.,.,.10 '06259 KO,u.11 ROUTnfE l?RJ:ORrTY UHCIAS OHRESTJUCTED CON.PIDBNT:IAL tJll SBCRBT ORLY Date/Time: 27 .lune 1994 _ File Re:!: CIVll"/94/06/41 Proa:s. Zhang, ore/civil Affairs, SN Pax/Tel Ro: Route RO: TOT 'To: Xr. Jlilivoj 'l'oJlas Head Croatian Govermaent Office for Relations with OXPROFOR, ~CMH IlOO: J!r. Biong Deng Buaan Rights O~ficar 041 176 704 COS/CA, SPAO 041170 199 OlfPROFOR ZAGREB Subject: lfiCOLA ARGUTIMA Lli RBKB'l'IIIA PRISO.N Total Pages: Int. Distr:SC, DSC, cos, CIVPOL CHIEF Drafter: Dept/Tel: Signature: Releasing Dept/Tel: Signature:~~ Officer: s. ZIIAIIG, OI.C/CrvrL APFAIRS/SN ,....,cJ -~J Ace Clk: I Router: I i'TX Op: - Check Op: / - --,1111:' - I have learned f"rom CivPol Sector North that Mr. Ni.cola >.rgutina, an aged and alJl\ost blind Serb; was taken by 3 Croatian soldiers inside the Zone of Separation (ZOS) at Sunja on 23 Jw\e 1994. He ts-·now being detained in Remetina Prison in Zagreb. As you are aware, the terms of the 29 March Cease-Fire Agreement (CFA) and the rules ~or policing in the ZOS do not allow •uch a thing to happen without the &\lpervision ot UltCl:VPOL.
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