1911-12 . LIST or muons. 171 LIST OF THE MAYORS OF THE CITY ‘OF HALIFAX SINCE THE CITY WAS INCORPORATED IN 13-11. Oct. !841—Stephen Binney. Oct. 18’:'6—Matthew Henry Richey. " Mar. 1842—Edward Kenny, elected to 1877—Matthew Henry Richey. " serve our remainder of 1878-—-Stephen Tobin. " Mr. Binney's time. 1879—Stephen Tobin. " Oct. 184-2—Thon1as Williamson. 1880—Stephen Tobin. " " l843—Alexander Keith. 188l——George Fraser. " . " I84-l~—Hon. Hugh 1882—George Fraser. " Bell. 1845—Andrcw McKinlay. May 1883—Ceorge Fraser. " " I846—}oseph Jennings. 1884-James Crosl-rill Mackintosh. " " l847—“"illiam Stairs. l88S\J3mes Croskill Mackintosh. " " 18-l8—Adarn Hemrneon. 1886—_lames Croskill Mackintosh. " " 184-9—Henry Pryor. l88?——Patrick O’Mullin. " " 1350-—William Caldwell. l888—Patrick O’Mullin. " l85I—Andrew McKinlay. " 1889——Dayid McPherson. " " 1852—Hon. Alexander Keith. 1890—David McPherson. " 1853-—Henry Pryor " 189l—David McPherson. " " 1854—l-Ienry Pryor. 1892-—Michael Edwin Keefe. " " 1855——Archibald Scott. 1893--Michael Edwin Keefe. " " 1856--Archibald Scott. I894»—Michael Edwin Keefe. " " 1857—l-lenry Pryor. I895-—David McPherson. " " 1858-—Henry Pryor. l896—David McPherson. " " I859-— Samuel Richard Caldwell. I897—Alexander Stephen. " " l860—Samuel Richard Caldwell. 1898-—:'-llexander Stephen. " " l86l——Philip Cartaret Hill. 1899—]ames Thompson Hamilton " " 1862--Philip Cartaret Hill. 1900—Iames Thompson Hamilton " " 1863—Philip Cartaret Hill. 1901-—]ames Thompson Hamilton. " ” 1864-—l\rlatthcvr Henry Richey. 19{}2—Adam Brown Crosby. " " I865-—l\'latthew Henry Richey. l903—Adam Brown Crosby. " " 1866—Matthew Henry Richey. 1904—Adam Brown Crosby. ” " 1367-—Stophen Tobin. 1905-—Robcrt Thomas Macllreith " 1868—5tephen Tobin. " 1906r—Robert Thomas Macllreith " " l869—Stcphen Tobin. 19[}7—Robert Thomas Macllreith " " l870——\\"illian1 Alexander Henry. 1908—Adam Brown Crosby " " 18'.*"I——Williarn Dunbar. l9U9—_]'oseph Andrew Chisholm. " l8?2—james Duggan. " 1910—Joseph Andrew Chisholm. " ” 1873-—_lohn Archibald Sinclair. 19l1—_Ioseph Andrew Chisholm. " " 187-1—_lohn Archibald — 19l2—Fredericlt Pennington Bligh. " Sinclair. l8?5—Matthew Henry Richey. | When the City was first incorporated. and until April 12th. 1849. the C0l‘D0l"M-3011 Cflflslsl‘-ed 0‘ 3 Mayor. six Aldermen and twelve Common Councillors. the Mayor being elected by the Aldermen and Common Councillors from among the Aldermen. In 1849 the office of Common Councilman was abolished. From 1850 to 1853 the Mayors were elected by the citizens from the members of the City Council. or from gentlemen who had previously served as Aldermen or Common Council- men. Wm. Cald was the first Mayor elected by the citizens under this system. In 1854 the Act in relation to the election of Mayor was further amended by Providing that ‘-313 INEODIE Should not be restricted to persons who had served in the City Council in their choice for Mayor. The only occasion on which this privilege was availed of was in 18'-'0. in the election of Hon. W. A. Henri?- Ftoin 1841 to 1882 the general civic elections were held in October of each year. From April. 1853. totlate. I.he general elections have been held annually in April. The civic year extends from 181. May in any one year to 30th April in the year following. i72 LIST OF ALDERME N. an may .550 .33 EC. -EoU .m..:..Eo -E._oU ..o:_aa:aU .. .. .. ..o=_a..:.oU .. .. ..o._=u..__._oU .. :n...Ea_uH< $305 _.=_E._a...._< =aE._wE< uo=B_.:..oU_ -:u..5oU :n:.:...v..< -mu:=oU =n._EuE/.._ :o.EEoU noEEoU 5 :oEu_u:mm vwuuflo .5 . .. .. I . _ :33 . _ BE. Cuum . _ . u>._mm _. _ . #500 .:uu:oU . _ . Em _ . .3130 . :oEEoU _ . wum . _...Eu2.__r.5 . of .....E..>vm_ . éuzd . m>_u>$ _:o_uum_o . _ . .u_.u3w. Em? :oEEoU :oEEoU =.&< . _ . Ho: . _ . _ . Dmékz _ . _ . of E..ucuZ we ._ _ . 2.59 . _.:_c_. «E3. _ . .m._m.»aa8w.. 3:200 53., _ . 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