1884. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1823 PETITIONS, ETC. SENATE. The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, THURSDAY, under the rule, and referred as follows: March 13, 1884. By M:r. BLANCHARD: Memorial of the Louisiana Educational So-· Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. E. D. HUNTLEY, D. D. ciety, for national aid to the cause of education-to the Committee on The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Education. By Mr. J. H. BREWER: Petition for a harbor of refuge at Atlantic EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. City, N. J.-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. The PRESIDENT pro tempo-re laid before the Senate a communication By Mr. CALDWELL: Petition of workmen of Nashville, Tenn., rela­ from the Attorney-General, transmitting, in response to a resolution of tive to the Chinese restriction act-to the Committee on·Foreign Af­ the 25th ultimo, information in regard to the failure of the Central and fairs. Union Pacific Raihoad Companies to comply with the requirements of By Mr. CALKINS: Resolutions of Nelson Post, No.6~, Grand Army the act of May 7, 1878, and the steps taken by him relative thereto· of the Republic, Department of Indiana, asking for equalization of which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committe~ bounties, &c. -to the Select Committee on Payment of Pensions, on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Bounty, and Back Pay. PETITIONS AND 1\fEMORIALS. Also, petition of citizens of Winchester, relative to education in Alaslur-to the Committee on Education. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a petition of the Chamber of By 1.Ir. S. S. COX: Petition of 110 depositors in the Freedman's Commerce of the city of Tacoma, on Puget Sound in Washington Bank-to the same committee. ~~rritory, praying that the propo ition before Congrek to declare a for­ By W. W. CULBERTSON: Petition of citizens of Concord, Lewis feiture of the C~'lde land grant to theNorthern Pacific Railroad Com­ County,. Kentucky, asking for an appropriation w build breakwaters at pany in aid of the construction of the Cascade division ofits main line Ripraps-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. be non-concurred in; which was referred to the Committee on Public By Mr. EVERHART: Petition and protest of proprietors and em­ Lands. ployes of J. M. Sharpless-& Co., Chester, Pa., against any reduction or Mr. CONGER presented the petition of William Greenonah and 86 agitation of the question of reduction of tariff duties-to the Committee other c.itizens of Sault Ste. Marie, ~.fich., in favor of granting to the on Ways and Means. Cathohc church of that place the str1p of land lying between their lati­ By lli. HANCOCK: Memorial of John A. Green and others, request­ itude, 97°, and the Saint Mary's River in case of the sale of the Fort ing an increase of salary of the United States district judges of Texas­ Brady military reservation; which was referred to the Committee on to the Committee on the Judiciary. Military .Affairs. By Mr. HART: Resolutions of Moons Scroufe Post, Grand Army of He also presented the petition of George Johnson, of Detroit Mich. the Republic, MountOrab, Ohio, for increase of pension-to the Select .praying compensatio~ for wrongs, injuries, and losses suffered 'by hi~ Committee on Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay. ~ cons~uence of the illegal a,nd ~ongful action of the military author­ By Mr. D. B. HENDERSON: Petitions from members of the bar of Ities dunng the war of the rebellion; which was referred to the Com­ Scott County, Iowa, asking an increase of pay of United States district mittee on Military .Affairs. judges-to the Committee on the Judiciary. JI.Ir. COCKRELL presentedana:ffidavitto accompany the bill (S. 948) By1.Ir.HOBLITZELL: Papersrelatingtothe claimofW. P. Wood­ granting a pension to Emma A. Porch; which was referred to the Com­ to the Committee on Appropriations. mittee on Pensions. By Mr. KING: Petition of the bar of Monroe, La., for increase of Mr. DOLPH. I present a memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of salaries of Federal circuit and district judges-to the Committee on the the city of Tacoma, Wash., remonstrating against the forfeiture of the Judiciary. Cascade land grant to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. I ask Also, bill making an appropriation of $20,000 for the improvement that it be read. of the Tensas River, in the State of Louisiana-to the Committee on The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair will state to the Senator Rivers and Harbors. from Oregon that a memorial from the same chamber of commerce was Also, bill making an appropriation of $20,000 for the improvement sent to the Chair, which the Chair laid before the Senate and had re­ of the Boeuf1liver, in the State of Louisiana-to the same committee. ferred to the Committee on Public Lands. Also, bill appropriating $26,000 for the improvement of the Bayou lli. DOLPH. I was not in when the Chair presented it. If the memorial presented by the Chair was not read I ask that this be read Bartholomew, in the State of Louisiana-to the same committee. 1 Also, bill making an appropriation of $100,000 for the improvement so that it may go into the RECORD. of the Ouachita River, in the States of Louisiana and Arkansas-to the . The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore. The Senator from Oregon asks unan­ same committee. llllous consent that the memorial presented by him be read. Is there Also, bill making an appropriation of $200,000 for the improvement objection? The Chair hears no objection. of the mouth of Red River, Louisiana-to the same committee. The memorial was read, and referred to the Committee on Public By Mr. LACEY: Memorial of Henry Willis, of Battle Creek Mich. Lands, as follows: in favor of legislation obliging railroad companies to use unif~rm and Memorial to Congre s against the forfeiture of the Cascade land grant. safe car-couplers-to the Committee on Railways and Canals. To the Senate and House of Representatives Also, memorial of Henry Willis, of Battle Creek, Mich., in favor of of tlte United States of America in Congress assembled: Your memorialist, the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Tacoma on Puget H. R. 4991, providing for survey of ship-canal from Lake ltfichigan to Sound, in Washington Territory, begs leave respectfully to repre e~t to your the Detroit River-to the same committee. honorable bodies : By 1iir. UcADOO: Petition of 1\Iatthew W. Berriman-to the Com­ 1. ~hat the Northetn Pac~c Railroad Company was chartered to build a line mittee on Military .Affairs. of railroad from L~ke Supenor to Puget Sound; that it has built said line from Duluth to Wallula, m th~ easternpa:t:tof Washingt.on Territory, from which place By lli. McKINLEY: Resolution of the Knights of Labor of Canton wes~ard to Por~land, m Oregon, Its passengers and freight for all portions of Ohio, relative to the Chinese restriction act-to the Committee o~ W~hmgton Te.r:nt.ory: we t of the Cascade Mountains are transported over the Foreign .Affairs. ra.Il.roa~ an~ nver lines of another company ; that in continuation of its mam line dir~ct t.o Puget Sound across the Cascade Mountains it has built By Jl.¥. PARKER: Petition of members of the Grand Army of the twenty-five miles of road westward from Ainsworth, near said Wallula which Republic posts of Franklin County, New York, in favor of more lib­ road ha~ b~en accepted by the ~resident. of the United States, and still ~ries on such bwlding westward; that 1t has bmlt one hundred and fifty miles of road eral pension laws-to the Select Committee on Payment of Pensions, from PorUand to Tacoma, its western terminus; that from Tacoma. eastward it Bounty, and Back Pay. has built thirty miles of its direct line across the Cascade Mountains making in By Mr. PETERS: The petition of Farragut Post, No. 37, Grand all fifty-five miles of its Cascade division already built· that aboutt~o hundred miles of said Cascade division yet remain to be built, a~d that until the same be Army of the Republic, Burrton, Kans., for the passage of bill pension­ bui!t theNorthern Pacific Railroad will not have been completed from Lake Su­ ing ex-prisoners-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. penor to Puget Sound. By Mr. .J. H. ROGERS: Papers relating to the claim of Pryor N. 2. That the distance from Ainsworth, where said Cascade division connects with the main line\ to t!J.e P~get Sound termin us of ~he road by the present route Lea-to the Committee on Claims. down the Columbia .River 1s over one hundred miles longer than the distance By Mr. W. F. ROGERS: Petition of workingmen of the city of Buf­ between the same pomts by the uncompleted Cascade division. falo, N.Y., relative to the Chinese restriction act-to the Committee .3 .. ~hat the country thr~m~h ~h~ch the unc<?mpleted portion of the Cascade diVlSlOn has been located lSnch m timber, coal, ll'on, copper and other minerals on Foreign .Affairs. !ind in agricultural capabilities, which can not be developed until that divisio~ By Mr. STORM: Papers relatingtothe claim of Amos Stroh-to the lS completed. Committee on Invalid Pensions. 4. That the fuel and lumber which abound west of the Cascade Mountains are needed ~ the settlement and. development of the fertile prairie country on the By Mr.
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