.- ll ~. _ I i O 1 HARULU ADRIANI{USL$13I.L RHILBY i University. -&#39; &#39;-sin recalled his earlier suspicions t&#39;at may have recruited andgand advised has admitted he recruited but denied that~was recruited. rt-entioned in this connection that*had never admitted to him that Guy Burgesswas invo-lvedwith SovietIntelligence. U ! i 5 I F 1 I 1 I | » . 1 I J 92 v TM: :1:=c::mm~.!:"*nLl.!!&#39;!5 neither |-pr--|n1miIn&#39;laLl0nlconclusions nor Hf Um rm. I1 In lhv nrw-Ilv of 1;", 3-]|1"ml it lunntll to ymu -nnnrv. 1 gm] Ila gum:-nl: Fife not tn hr dh!l.rlbu92.ed oublid!&#39;n&#39;11&#39; &#39;92lI@92fv&#39; J | -¢.- L E ii 4 92= 1L}. I I - OFHUN-ll. POI!!E, Q _.. anMlv IQI1 muH:IDHI cmnn-11.6 I J umrzn STATESco » ERNMENT 1-. §mom /V1/7OsAc,NEWm YORK f /W suggest; A. nznzcwon, maxh" DATE: 6/l7/66 HAROLD ADRLAN RUSSELL PHILBE ESP-R0: NY! / ReBulet 5/ll/B6 and NYlet 5/1%/66. The NYO has completed its review of indices concerning the list of Americans who attended Trinity College or Trinity Hall at Cambridge University, 1930- l93H, and has determined that NYO files contain inforé 92informationmation similar to thatset to forththeavailableNYO in reBu1et.however, is, The as not complete in detail as that set forth in reBulet. L . -, In accordance with the Bureau&#39;s instructions, the NYO will proceed to compile a list of Americans, other than Rhodes Scholars, who attended Oxford Uni- versity during the period l930 to l9H0. 92 17 &#39;92 6&#39; omcwu row N0. I0 f - Md V52IDIYIOH an rm: ancm un-11.0 l UNITED srxrssi If Q Mam Va- i_ - i ? Memorc. .1l§.Qm -v- TO ; DIRECTOR, FBI !.l..,....i ll/B/66 FROM i %2§92~&#39;92new eYORK e-&#39;"in sac, r sungscr: 0 r HAROLD ADRIAN RUSSELL PHILBY ESP-R As the Bureau is aware, the NYO is currently attempting to compile a list of Americans other than Rhodes ? Scholars, who attended Oxford University during the period &#39; l93Ol$hO,by reviewing back issues of The American II H .. Oxonian. It is noted that The American Ononian" is a publication of the Association of American Rhodes Scholars _ and1:, &#39; contains the names and addresses of not only Rhodes 1: Scholars, but also other Americans who studied at Oxford. J The TYO has experienced considerable difficulty 3.r in compiling this list since it determined many individuals who attended Oxford during the pertinent period were not &#39;,. listed in the lQhO directories but rather are listed in more 92;;f- recent directories. It was also discovered that the reverse ,;f:;r directorieswas true, thatare is, notindividualslisted listedin later ones. in the Thisearlier made itb &#39;27? necessaryfor the KYO reviewto directoriesfor several years in order to compile a reasonably complete lists It was also discovered that in the early directories the individuals were listed alphabetically V by state whereas in subsequent directories there was no _ breakdown by state and the names were simply listed alphabetically. It was also discovered that in some cases the year the individual attended Oxford was not shown in some directories but was set forth in others. Thus, what at first appeared to be a rather simple compilation of names, turned into a rather complicated project. It is noted, however, that all the major obstacles have now been surmounted and the list is rapidly being completed. The P, list will show, with few exceptions, not only the individual &#39;s full and complete name, but also the cOl1Uuu and yea. lLL r his occupation and residence in the l9hOs, as well as his l currentthe ligjresidencewill be andpromptly employment. submittedUpon to completiontheBureau. of same, ply Q/tif_ureau -n - RH! _ iii: u 1/V 1 - 1-: -. 1&#39;1; &#39;l92 """"&#39; ,.. 51 sit- . A &#39;7&#39;-L -5m__? v A 1-.4NOV1956 9 :!92 ! ._ ___,.. I --... -» 92- Vk 1" &#39; ;&#39;_m!*.:r¢&#39;vlr25_92 Li!. i{&#39;<&#39;5ur&#39;m&#39;1!/ m»ua.92.m: 1&#39;»-J*I0»z ..|ai/Jugs l s 4 Un- ..w . .WWM mm, M W , .->- I 92 _. GI-A nun :1um! 0:. .... § _ _- .-"5 -" QJNITED STATES &#39;~&#39;¢ ._¢-?-&#39;F &#39;. &#39; 0 Zllemomnmzm R 3 - DIRECTOR, FBI ll»! mm; 12/23/66 p I &#39; &#39; MA; J 92"&#39;§n:92/J.=.., --..=.. ..-.....-- ii. h-a. 4 K DAD, NEW IUHIX ] LY! I O unqscr: HAROLD ADRIAN RUSSELL PHILBY ESP-R .4.-= ReNY1et, .11/B/66, captioned matter. ? Enclosed for the Bureau are l9 copies of an LHM captioned, "Oxford University," setting forth a list of Americans other than Rhodes Scholars; who attended Oxford University during tne period 1930 - 19h0. This list was compiled by reviewing back issues J of the American Oxonian, a publication of the Association of American Rhodes Scholars. The LHM is not being classified since it was compiled from public 2 source information. - X while the attached list is probably not all inclusive, it does represent the most comprehensive list of Americans who studied at Oxford that it was /&#39;4;possible for the NYO to compile without access to official university records. A A copy of the enclosed LHM is being submitted Y to WFO for information in View of their interest in this matter. /2. if -_-./_~ ¢ UNi1EDDEPARTMENT STATESJUSTICE OF égkféa-.-"_.¢ FEDERALBUREAU OFINVESTIGATION InRq@aHmuR4nw New York, New York File No. DEC2 3 1966 Oxford University I The following is a list of American students other than Rhodes Scholars who attended Oxford University, Oxford, England during the period 1930-l9h0. The list was copilsd from a review of current and back issues of "The American Oxonian", a publication of the Association of American Rhodes Scholars. A section of this publication contains the names and addresses of not only Rhodes Scholars but also of other individuals, mostly Americans, who studied at Oxford. / Zr»-D 9292 e L o . cg Y . Q &#39; 1 don tau! 1/l0/67 ¢torx@I. gr X 1 l -aqua-~ HAROLD LDRIAK IUSSELL PHILBY - f IS? - I Ieurlet 12/29/56%!» there are attached two copiea or a letterhead aenorandun dated Deceaber 23, 1966, at lee York entitled "Oxford University. There is also attached a copy of lee York letter dated 12/23/66 in the instant case. The aenorandua lets out a liat ot Anericana other than Rhodes | l acholare who attended Oztord Univeraity during the yearn 1930 through 1940. You should turniah a copy oi this nano- randull to your aource and deteraine it any information in available to your aource to indicate that any oi the persona on tne list more recruited or it any attenpta verb aade to recruit any &#39;0! these individual: during their residence in Oi lngland. The 348 nanea contained in the nenorandua have g. not been aearched through Bureau tilea since no reason exiats E-*4 at this tine to undertake ouch a project without additional @ £17.: intonation indicating the noaaihility oi recruitment attenptl -3 -1having been directed againet any or theee persona. _ Q! 92 Incloeuree 8 - - I f I "92 J _.,- i H Q mp M __r_ ______ _____ M _ . H ..92-. .._.+<-V-it -- ~- - our --u " X Ii j 51,-!, - * 1 1 1 } §-I- Q 13¢ Joly 24.new 92~92 &#39; l I 0 meow mama aussru. nmav I Z 1 h .-.4-.-age. % Jone 22, 195?, that he had -» !r....no-2.1.-Q edge of Harold Philby&#39;e connections with the Soviet llnion, q and alwayenoted considered thatthat hie associationPhilhy was a withBritishPhilhy agent.inIadrid wee . very riei, covering the period tron April to July or auguat, 1939 Phil covering the ear in épain for the lamina ll I 1&#39;3Iiaee In i y or luguet, 1939, Philby returned to London on leave and did not return to ladrid hecauee oi the outbreak oi lorld tar ii, iv eaw Philhy again on one occasion in about September, H33, in Parie, at which tine Philby indicated that he was to he eaployed ae a war correspondent with the Iritieh linedIorcea. In1946 hrietly net&#39;Phi1b1 again in Athena, Greece, at which tine by claiaed that he one workini for the iiritiih Fofeiin Uliii, aztawzh -ue""%:a1i that hewae actual:eailoyed by British Intelligence. at loatria.that tine &#39; 92 and Philhvy to Vienna Z . j again net Philhy in Beirut, Lebanon, in the lpriag or M56 there they were eociallv acquainted tor over a year. Ilhilhy had experienced difficulty in eecuring eaployaent in lngland, and he had gone to Beirut ae an obaerver or eon.-c:,,-o-..de:t tor the "eh-..erver" and the "Eco-..c..i=t,&#39; both very conservative Iritieh pnhlicatione. at that tine, Philbfe Q ; / &#39; ! Q wife :e ia antlagliehaaaiall, pingehlytor alcoholi- eeeenicide aamot ca. aboutmm oi l957._eved t thi_e during eoaaa iaeG__ he ha d t the I1 1967 e! Ihilby,and hiehump oi he= $35.17;.Clll J3 *6 &#39;7 ly luogariaaions oi althoughthe opinionrecalled he_that mf-1 8043 *-* I?¢a|.Il"iiii iii i-atria. H QL-, Iv __ .. Foreign1.1.1%"b|§;;n&¢Ea - through/90, £or7¢f! a I RouteX , ,_ . , __ ._ __- _ . .._ _ __.:_ . -¢._1&#39;-1?;-;*z,&#39;__" ._r &#39; "&#39; 7&#39; &#39; *&#39; &#39; 7 &#39; &#39; &#39; - - -"- -.>&#39;.*- ~_ ..--».-.- __ ..._,...__ .L A» / .
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