T'e( :;? E T Flf T Ys C Ts",(

T'e( :;? E T Flf T Ys C Ts",(

TI'RI€ITIRE 'g.ift.fn "+iIR NESEI le published, monthl-y by the lfest lli.ding Branch of Alr for prl.vate circulation onJ.y. Due credit shoul.clbe given to anythlng extracted from ,. this magazine. January 1970. Volumo YL $unber f. Editor Philip Jackson, l28rVictoria ldount, Horsfcrth, Leed.s, ,/*7 161B liPz, H/h Production Manager. D.Sharp. 'ife,st The Journar of the Ricing Branch of Air Britain /r) /-/w&{ ',T}:at *J.._/J- _ do our reaciersthink of d.evotingpracttcally all' our.gragazine to one subie ct like the Yorksl:ire ',io ,iirfield and. *ircrart suivey? Is lt eood thing ? still ryorkshlre I r -, nced.more articles for /iir News besides neles- Cnn any of our rcad.ers sup.:ly any intoreuiing articles. ,arLyu"#';:r:;,il:n -l'l;T; :,05",ff .,i3*;" "3l'fr* ;ffih. t'E(:;? E t flf tys c ts",( roport tr.u'ru]t iffil";";;1i"il.;;*,:,X"rfillil. You no doubt notecl the secretarys remarks about attendance oI granoh rneotings The nemCommittee would appreciate belng poorr increased attsndanc,e at our-moetings v;hich the last $unday of each monttr are held. on at ^2.45.P.ro. ln Tho rorkshlre /ieroprane crub yoadon.lro wotrld like to arrange tho- t}po of nreeting tlut-you uish io uliuna and ].ook foreuarcl recelvi"ng your lettsr nith your commontsJ gffioers to qt],airnla!-L ?he of the Branch ar." ,_ lL '.li.Distributiln, B,t?hitakerrl o :iredalo Terya""rCt Uice.chtirnan;J.s?6ffi{i$Il'nlckotts park u"r"storunrshlprey. nrive, LeedsG. Li5 JpB. *e.crg Jl r,.Jackson, .1 28 rvLct oria Mount,Ho rsf ortfi to;;" d;d D.sharp, r6 , ;' 4p?,. $rFSsgrg LynenoocrAvenuo, vhinahilt, srripruy,-Iieds,& iJrf,snrre. Pt4bLtcity Offio-er J.Buckle, 2lrHoorlaoc." ;rrr"n,.", ru*aon Editor as at,ov6r _clflf?y J;JWARY 25th. ri'or tLre Branch meeti,g we hope to have a fi-]-m proJector and a number of filns including l,,ieniphisfeli.o; The Airforce'f,!.ieht lest Cen{re, Gemini [r and T..,I.c. on Target.usual time and uunu6.Ari ."ra"rr. trEBRUARY7th. Prees date for yorkshlre Air l{ows. FEBRUiRY 22nd., Branch moating to bs amanged,. II.iILCH1l+th' Pross d.ato for yorlcshiro :iir News. aPRII.,.5th. rt has boen anrangecl 'irest for nembers cf the ifding Branch of Atr ?;lji13"T.,-T?T:i "LI:*"Ii,:^+:: *": { .yis i_t_-t[". iu*r."" iiaa"r"y **"J,::*"T*u3-l^.T::t.I:.:ly_:!$"lp-0n-spardi;;d;-#';IsJrlbi; tho Tforks at Brough ilrouglr the ralter has'io [u'y"t confi*aed.At HoLraewo rqilL be treatecl to a lecture on the Buccanoer and, phantonn BY tr{r.D.J.irhiteheadt If Chief Test Pl"Lot.T'e pJ.an io *n a caach f"or-ini* to here at a str,^ll price yet to be crecid'eit. ri-you qish to--hur"-yoo" complete the rorm-Ueio"-rna ;;;;r" To the Editor yor.kshlro ;l,lr Neus, pl"ease put ry name forenaril for the vlsit On-Spa1dlng-Moor and posslably to HoLme_ Brough-on the-5th of Aprll. To be returned by 21.4.7O, Iti.tl4E.t . .. r . .. o. , . , _p8--_:---: ift iutrg/l Itrry :-ta/f{i!f/Fr ;LiyJEty ' Compilecl b.y the Editor fr,om reports by: .parber; f .Carlingi J.J.Coopel P.A.Jackson; E.Jopson; ii.Jordan; J.Kilburn; N.H.Ponsford; 14.T.Povre11;T.Sydcei; I(.Woolley; rBrackushe rl(ent tscottish -,l,viationR$vis$lt; Air Ne.,,rst; Air lvenstl & fliretks anctRelic.:r. the map referances and airfield heig-hts above sea leve1 are approxo rAer.onautioal &11ilane taken from Chart ICAO, 1:5OO0O0Europer dated 16th August 196i, ApASTm.MAIA.IS jJ d,egrees 12 minuits J0 seconds i,[orth, 1 degree 7 minui-..; r-fust. 2! foot above sea Lerrel. OpenedLn 191+2as a satelli'te for Church Fenton and Marston l.;loor. The nrnnays are at present in a'bad state but are still intact. A0fiIlil'[ nr.Middlesborough.A post rrrar civil airfield used to be here. @ggIEE5!0',/w\l/ps/lo.'ff.P.oneof,the2ndFie1dRegirnentRoya1Arti11.erywho have Sioux's XTZL+7/A;X$B49Aii &TJ[2O6N. ls FL't.A.A.C. are also based here vrith Scouts m5Jri }P(6Jj; &frr121. BAR,IICI( ]N EIilliIT Easecl in the viLlage is Gyrocopter G-ASNZ. BELLASIE Details about this airfieLd are required.. ''t. BBFlcryqI fi/t+B/n x oo/5t+/w 2or.1,SL.opened in Iate 1941 for 1 Group, and ctosect in 19r+5 whilo vith Transport Command.Themajority of the airfield is no$,a saw mill, but eomeof the original instalations still remain, BRIDTINCTON/GRINPJiIETeesSide Air Charter Ltd., hopc to establish an airfieLd here. ':;. BRrpLrNGroN/SPffir0N.5t{O8 / lO N @/lt*/OO 35Ot ,l,SL, Nothing knovrn by us about this airfield except that it vro.sorlginally a pre-i,rrar civil airfield. BRO,UGH53/t+l/OO w oO/33/3O:,,T20'ASL. Homeof liawker s.irldeley .:;viation's Blackburn Division.Corry1eteproductionofBuccaneerS.2BtsintheKii525-}:f{5!0b}ock,ancl rnodification of ex iiavy S.2ts and S.2Ats to S.2B standard.is undertaken here along.with produrcticn of Harrier,,ings and front f\:selages and Trident front fuselages. nlll U.A.S. left hero in January/lrebr^uary 1959, J"eaving Blackburn 82 C-AIBI; Dove C-ffinn; Aztec FATIU; & theroicee G-AVIL as .l:e only Uased.aircraft.In one of the hangars the wings -f a B1at:16!urn82 still exist.These are probably the last remains of G-.1CLDrryhicfi crashed near York on 15,6.5ir BIIBII 55/45/oo N 1/A5/oo w. 2otASL. saterrite of snaith.Sre nrnways are stirl intact and many of the original buildings are stil1 standing here. 0ARITONI{OOR 5VzS/oo lt o1/12\a w 5otASL. 8 gliders are knoun to be based at thls i liiding site. Five of the have so far been identified., they are:- Kits I I$,ASZTrOlyimpia 28 B&I54B; IGrby Tutor 3G.A7B9;03-yimpla 2 spccial. Bc!,1O57/?t+Z;andolyimpfa L65 mneSF 455. Also based here is porered glider l{otorspatz G-.,Spy. C.:I{iBY 54/O3/45 N OO/15/3OT !Ot-,SL.Openec1in 19!4 as an emergancydiversion airfielcl with eu25O .yara ui.d.e rrnlrray, and nas' closcd in 19L5, but part of the runlilay ls still, kept in gootl condition for use ag a last rest,rt diversj-on airfield. Cj'IFOSS5l/SS/oo lt oo/16/00'il 40t...SL. This pre-rrar gunnery station v?astransfereil to Flylng Training Commandin 19t+0 and closed. in t 946. CATTERT0I(5+/zz/oo t; 01/37/ca w 180'--Sl.closed as a flying station in 19,+6and is novl an Ri'F Fire Fighting School and JLIFScgiment base.Very little is known by us about tht!-the $1g^$chool-has, bu!. reccnt reports mention :- Hunter BOO2ll;tleteor 76O9{:;;L597, Hastings Ie57Ot & Valetta VXSI+Z.Othcr blts that are knovrn 'l to be here aro 2 Syoamores, VaLiant, J Hunters, 1 Jet Prcvost and manyJavc1ins.F1yrble aircraft that are based hero,are Tiger Moth G-iNEr,, cadet T.llBts ]J'{198,& re]g7, and T.21R sedberghs ".{897!ancl 1IB985.'Basecl ln the area but not at thc alrfield is thr: i st Bat..Royal ftrsaiiers with Slouxs X1559, and XT560. (2) F' - -4"€- Y0RI6EIAEAIBFIEID_ Al{D AIRORAFS guRvqr gpntd...- rEliltQN A$ryc]i 5t/5o/oo N .01ht/lo tt .27rAsL.Gate guardians here aro spitfire 57t8Wnw97 and '91 vb llsteor nr(r). {lt 6xt/ws739,cnat F.t rJ340 can often be seon here nhon not out recuiting; along rntth the nos'esocti.on of a;€anberr:a,0nthe firo T-.11 hoap Vampire -7893v/w7,562.stiLl lingers on and has been Joined by the coclcpit secriqn of ra80J. unlts that JaveLin ''{D3i1h operate.r,n+tv| from here are:-- .vB76i(\l- lbc ppimary- -" -.uiying -"--'i.diszzo sguadron .rith chipmunks*-i&ug/rt :tx571/t+nels/n ,eiiuz =CI56115 ff:)Y,i^wetgs't1o e1flyL *iVii;f,aLg;/zt :in(w{tvzs5z1/zs -,'tK514/6 -ryfu*ti;pi71/:1 T/rgll'.tlg nfteh4u ;tpsz4go j1eiofti9 wzaie/zs .r*tiic/lz rorkshlre u'A's' and - , 9 A.E.F. nou poor thei.r'lrrcraft with 9118.F., bel-ngallooated servLceabloalrcraft^99+ day t? :r.q.c.. J ''tBr62/$wsr+68/s; 'w8e6lci .riy cadets ln. Thetr combineclaLrcraft are l{Dn9/b; BieoT;t-CajeZF;-,,K;t6ie;"rD3B2/H; :w9o/x & r*r*z/y. co Ps LAmrNg near Hutton cransvelckts the baso ot J/tN Alpha c'.Ae)c\t. co ,iu 54/o3/l+5N @/28hO T, l+85'.,1SL.openect tn 1g40 0s a satelrlte to DrLffielct. co/i'-r.cK base of l{AtI, crocla PremLerts CessnaJ]6 c.-,tsKsancl Cessna 1g5 e-ARI$t, Dr\LToN54/tt/:O It O't/zt/oo T, 7Jt,rgr,. openectin 1gl+1as a satellttevv-*4sv tovv topoltf,fo,ruP.,r' and closed in 1945.Now the be^seof Ces:na f,fiZf,-C-_i.lf,. DTSIIFORTH 5l+/o\/19*lt/25/oo.u 115'isl. closed Ln t966 but rrot Provosts'fhe is stitr ocasional.yusect by RalGs.lhere have Eon Prlmarv 337 and also :usier 6 g--l,soc 5 iler hrg, for Lse as e PoTc+9r.q.sl/lt/2o"I.-91 (190o-fl; 27';ISL. Base or condorsG-A',;trp C-AIIU Alredlale & c-,u(c?;Mossenger CTATA]{;/f N A].pir{:^ c-AF;, e-,..,mfr-&-_e-;r.lir-I^rton }viinor Auster 6 G-ARGrrcessna F.15oH G_":.\fpir, o-iiiiGr, and c6ssna F.i72Hf s c-ai;1,u, G-.liigx, and,c,-uiJo,K.

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