Index Aachen, Germany, 336 Agkor, 328 Amanat Khan, 524 Aalto, Aino, 743 Agora, Athens, Greece, 129 Amaravati Stupa, India, 185, 222 Aalto, Alvar, 726, 727, 742–743, 749 Agra, India, 524 Amazon societies, 50, 51, 234 Abbasids, 307 agriculture, 6–8, 10–12, 16, 50, 51, 90, 94, 96 Amber Fort, Amer, India, 611 Abbasid Caliphate, 314, 316 3500–2500 BCE, 1–3 Amenhotep III (pharaoh of Egypt), 65, 107 abbeys, 351 2500–1500 BCE, 25–27 Amer, India, 597 abbey churches, 336 1500–800 BCE, 57 Americas Abbey Church of Cluny, France, 398 800–400 BCE, 87 2500–1500 BCE, 26 Abbey Church of St. Foy, Conques, France, 398 200–400 CE, 198 200–400 CE, 199 Abbey Fécamp, France, 399 600–800 CE, 271, 275 1000–1200 CE, 356 Abbey of Church of St. Riquier, France, 238, 336, 800–1000 CE, 305, 308, 309 1400–1600 CE, 455 397 1000–1200 CE, 347–349 1600–1700 CE, 501 Abbey of Sant’Antimo, Sienna, 351 1200–1400 CE, 407–409 1700–1800 CE, 563, 568 Abbey of SS. Ulrich and Afra, Neresheim, 1400–1600 CE, 457 1900–1950 CE, 657 Germany, 583 1700–1800 CE, 563 colonialism, 568 Abbey of Vézelay, France, 645 1800–1900 CE, 607 slavery, 569 Abd al-Malik (caliph of Jerusalem), 318 haciendas, 568, 571 trade, 90 Abd al-Rahman I (caliph), 316, 317 plantations, 568, 569, 606 urbanization, 90, 338, 356 Abhayagiri Vihara, 188 agropastoralism, 3, 6, 11, 12, 26, 219, 409 American Craftsman Style, 684 Abiff, Chiram, 107 Aha’s tomb at Umm el-Qaab, Abydos, Egypt, 19 American Institute of Architects (AIA), 688 Abrams, Charles, 761 Ahmedabad, India, 488, 778–779 American Revolution, 626 Absalom, Tomb of, 163 Ahmed III (Ottoman sultan), 598 Amiens Cathedral, France, 411, 443–444 Abuja, Nigeria, 777 Ahmed Shah (sultan), 488 Ammianus Marcellinus, 219 Abu Simbel, Egypt, 6, 56, 72 Ahmose I of Thebes, 64 Amsterdam, Netherlands, 501, 556–557 Abu Temple, Tell Asmar, 35 air pollution, 637 Amsterdam Town Hall, Netherlands, 557 Abydos, Egypt, 19 Ajanta Caves, 244–246 Amsterdam University Hall, Netherlands, 715 Academy of Architecture (France), 580 Ajatsatru (Indian king), 185 Amu Darya, 198 Achaeans, 124 Ajunta, India, 185 Amun-Re Temple, 71 Achaemenid dynasty, 120 Akapana (Tiwanaku temple), 309, 344, 345 Ananda Temple, Pagan, Burma, 420, 421 Acolhua of Texcoco, 455 Akbar, Jalal-ud-Din (Mughal ruler), 520, 521, 523 Anarudhapura, Sri Lanka, 185, 188 Acoma Pueblo, Navajo, New Mexico, 461 Akbar Hotel, India, 778 Anatolia, 54, 55, 75, 348 Acropolis, Greece, 129–135 Aksa Mosque, Jerusalem, 312 Andean people, 27 Actium, Battle of, 168 Aksum, Ethiopia, 199 agriculture, 50, 57 Acueducto de Los Milagros, Mérida, Spain, 202 Aksum Empire, 96, 220–221, 434 ceremonial structures, 50–51 Adam, Robert, 616–618, 628, 664 Alai Darwaza gate, Quwwat-ul-Islam, India, 430 high Andes, 84–86 Adina Mosque, Pandua, India, 488 Alaric I (Goth leader), 168, 237 metalworking, 232 Adirá & Broid & Rojkind, 795 Ala-ud-Din Aibak (Ghaznavid general), 428 Ando, Tadao, 784, 785 Adi Shankara, 112 Al-Azhar Mosque, Cairo, Egypt, 350, 367, 368– Andronovo Culture, 55 Adronovo Culture, 26 369 Angkor, Cambodia, 305, 328–330, 349, 408, 614 AECOM, 790 Al Azhar University, 350 Angkor Thom (Khmer capital), 416, 418–419 Aegean Sea, 77 Albany Civic Center, Albany, New York, 755 Angkor Wat (Vrah Vishnulok), Cambodia, 407, AEG Pavilion, German Shipbuilding Exhibition of Al-Barubiyyin, Marrakech, Morocco, 367 408, 413, 416–418, 615 1908, Berlin, Germany, 705 Albert Dock, Liverpool, England, 638 Anglican Church, 599–600 Aeneas, 158 Alberti, Leon Battista, 474, 479, 480, 541, 619 Anhalter Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany, 665 Afghans, 565 Alcoa Building, San Francisco, California, 765 Ani, Armenia, 253, 394 Afghanistan, 238, 456 Alexander (czar of Russia), 564 Animal Crackers House, Chicago, Illinois, 781 Africa Alexander the Great (king of Greece), 117, 141, animal sacrifice, 3, 45, 81, 101–102, 107, 159 3500–2500 BCE, 2, 3 148, 181, 214 Ankara, Turkey, 741 2500–1500 BCE, 26 Alexander VII (pope of Rome), 548 Ann of Austria (queen of France), 558 800–1000 CE, 303 Alexandria, Egypt, 117, 141, 144, 147, 210, 251, Anthemius of Tralles, 280 1000–1200 CE, 347, 348 COPYRIGHTED261, 316 MATERIALAnthropocene age, 455 1200–1400 CE, 407–409 Algiers, 168 Antigonid Empire, 141 1400–1600 CE, 455 al-Hakim Mosque, 369 Antioch Baptist Church, Perry County, Alabama, 1700–1800 CE, 563 Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 367, 410, 796 1900–1950 CE, 658, 699 449–451, 655 Antiochus IV, 141 1950–21st century, 725 Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG), 705 Antium, Battle of, 158 colonialism, 658, 699, 711, 725 Allison, Ken, 773 Anup Talao, Fatehpur Sikri, India, 521 economic development, 789 Almerico, Paolo, 540 Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, 224 kingdoms in, 537 Almohads, 351, 431 Anyang, China, 82, 108 Mamluk Sultanate, 432–433 Almoravid dynasty, 350, 351, 431 Anyuanmiao temple, Chengde, China, 651 metal centers, 96 Al-Rifa’i Mosque, Cairo, Egypt, 681 Ao, 81 post-colonial, 777 Altan Khan (Mongol ruler), 516 Apadana, Persepolis, 122, 123 slave trade, 563, 568, 569 Altar of Heaven, Temple of Heaven Complex, Apollodoro of Damascus, 175 trade, 431, 432 Beijing, 227 Apulia, Italy, 158 Agade, 34 Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, 102 Aqmar Mosque, Cairo, Egypt, 368 Age of Reason, 580–581 alternative architecture, 776 aqueducts, 95, 202, 528 Agha, Mehmet, 534 Altes Museum, Berlin, Germany, 630–631, 667 Arabs, 272, 273, 409 825 bindex 825 17 March 2017 3:40 PM INDEX Arab caliphate, Armenia, 394 Ardashir I (Sassanian emperor), 198, 251–252 AT&T Building (Welles Bosworth), New York, New Arab Muhammad Khan (Uzbek ruler), 610 El Arenal, Mexico, 193 York, 694 Arausio, Orange, France, 204 Aretas III (Nabataean king), 179 Attila, 237 Arbeitsrat für Kunst (Germany), 708 Argentina, 658, 692 Atwood, Charles B., 694 Arcade, Capitoline Museum, Rome, Italy, 544 Argos, 78 August, Karl, 630 arch(es) Arianism, 265 Augustodunum, 202 catenary arch, 600 Aristotle, 117 Augustus (emperor of Rome), 166–168, 197, 204 Etruscan, 98 Arkaim, 55 Aula Magna, La Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas, fornix system, 212 Arkwright, Richard, 637 Venezuela, 766 horseshoe, 316 Arles church, 411 Aurangzeb (ruler), 565, 611 Limbaesis Gate, 203 Armenia, 175, 251, 284, 394–395 Australia, 2, 569, 690, 762, 767, 786 archaeological sites, 798 Armenians, 272, 273 Austria, 542 Archigram (journal), 725, 773 Arnstein, Joan, 746 Austro-Hungarian empire, 659 Architectural Association, 659 art(s) automobile manufacture, 701, 723 architectural firms, globalization, 410, 411, 789, 3500–2500 BCE, 2 Auxerre Cathedral, France, 444 790 1500–800 BCE, 57 Avars, 278 architectural preservation, 645, 788 400–600 CE, 238, 239 Avaris, Egypt, 64 architecture 1400–1600 CE, 456 Avellino, Andrea, 550 3500–2500 BCE, 2 Fatimids, 350 Ayala Center Greenbelt, Philippines, 789 2500–1500 BCE, 25–27 Olmec people, 91 Ayutthaya, Thailand, 500, 614 1500–800 BCE, 55, 57 Art Deco, 681 Ayyubid sultanate, 369, 431, 432 800–400 BCE, 87 Art Nouveau, 659, 673, 687, 703 Aztec Empire, 228, 230, 452, 463–464 400 BCE–0, 117 Arts and Crafts movement, 657–658, 669–673, 0–200 CE, 153, 154–155 683, 687, 697, 703, 707, 708, 713 Baalbek, 210–211, 213, 218–219, 259 200–400 CE, 197–199 Aryas, 54 Babur (Mughal ruler), 520 400–600 CE, 237–241 Aryabhatta, 319 Babylon, 54, 64, 87, 115–116, 141 600–800 CE, 271–275 Aryans, 54 Babylonians, 87 800–1000 CE, 303–309 Arzhan kurgan, 57 Babylonian Empire, 87 1000–1200 CE, 348–353 Ashur, Assyria, 113 Babylonian Exile, 107 1200–1400 CE, 407–413 Asia. See also specific regions, e.g.: Central Asia back-to-nature movement, 674 1400–1600 CE, 455–457 1500–800 BCE, 53 Bactrian-Margiana Archaeological Complex 1600–1700 CE, 501 200–400 CE, 198 (BMAC), 33 1700–1800 CE, 563–565 400–600 CE, 239 Baghdad, Iraq, 303, 307, 314 1800–1900 CE, 605–607 1950–21st century, 725 Baguio, Philippines, 689 1900–1950 CE, 657–659 economic development, 789 Baima-si (White Horse Monastery), 247 1950–21st century, 725 globalization, 790 Bakafu code, 564, 659 Buddhist, 239–240, 306 trade routes, 198 Baker, Herbert, 699, 710 Chinese, 7, 8, 197 Asoka, 117, 148–149, 185, 186, 256 Baker House Dormitory, Massachusetts Institute of Christian, 259–263 Asokan pillar, Vaishai, India, 148, 186 Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, climate change, 787, 788 Aspendos theater, Turkey, 206 743 Egyptian, 45, 73–74 Asplund, Gunnar, 712 Bakong Temple Mountain, Siem Reap, Cambodia, environmental impact, 797 Assembly Building, Chandigarh, India, 758 305, 328–330 Etruscan, 97 Association for the New Architecture (ASNOVA), Balam Ajaw (“Decorated Tiger,” Tikal ruler), 338 Greek, 126–128, 141 717 Balkan territories, 12–14, 456 guerilla warfare, 788 Assos, 141 Balmumcu, Sevki, 741 Hellenistic, 179 Assur-Nasi-Pal II (king of Assyria), 113 Baluchistan Mountains, 3, 11, 16 high design principles, 791–794 Assyria, 54, 96, 113–114, 120, 124, 220 Bamba, Sheikh Amadou, 740 Hindu, 320 Assyrians, 87 Bambuti people, 2 Japanese, 241, 505 Astrakhan (Khanate), 536 Bamiyan Buddhas, 240, 247, 250 Kushan, 199 astrology, 612 Banditaccia at Cerveteri, necropolis of (Etruscan local architects, 795–796 astronomy, 319, 340, 563 mound), 98 media image, 788 Astrophysical Institute, Einstein Tower, Potsdam, Bandung, Indonesia, 741 Mesoamerican, 92 Germany, 709 Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Mesopotamian, 45 Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal), 727, 745 Indonesia, 714 Mycenaean, 77 Atelier Bow Wow, Tokyo, Japan, 796 Bangkok, Thailand, 108, 607, 614–615 nongovernmental organizations, 795 Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, 795 Bangladesh, 770, 778 preservation, 798–799 Athenaeum buildings, 666 Bank of China, 789 ready-made materials, 796 Athena
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