![Arxiv:1102.4624V1 [Hep-Th] 22 Feb 2011 (Sec](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Renormalisation group and the Planck scale Daniel F. Litim∗ Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QH, U.K. I discuss the renormalisation group approach to gravity, its link to S. Weinberg's asymptotic safety scenario, and give an overview of results with applications to particle physics and cosmology. I. INTRODUCTION Einstein's theory of general relativity is the remarkably successful classical theory of the gravitational force, charac- −11 3 2 terised by Newton's coupling constant GN = 6:67×10 m =(kg s ) and a small cosmological constant Λ. Experimen- tally, its validity has been confirmed over many orders of magnitude in length scales ranging from the sub-millimeter regime up to solar system size. At larger length scales, the standard model of cosmology including dark matter and dark energy components fits the data well. At shorter length scales, quantum effects are expected to become impor- tant. An order of magnitude estimate for the quantum scale of gravity { the Planck scale { is obtained by dimensional p 3 −33 analysis leading to the Planck length `Pl ≈ ~GN =c of the order of 10 cm, with c the speed of light. In particle physics units this translates into the Planck mass 19 MPl ≈ 10 GeV : (1) While this energy scale is presently out of reach for earth-based particle accelerator experiments, fingerprints of Planck-scale physics can nevertheless become accessible through cosmological data from the very early universe. From a theory perspective, it is widely expected that a fundamental understanding of Planck scale physics requires a quantum theory of gravity. It is well known that the standard perturbative quantisation programme faces problems, and a fully satisfactory quantum theory, even outside the framework of local quantum physics, is presently not at hand. In the past 15 years, however, a significant body of work has been devoted to re-evaluate the physics of the Planck scale within conventional settings. Much of this renewed interest is fueled by Steven Weinberg's seminal proposal, more than 30 years of age, that a quantum theory of gravitation may dynamically evade the virulent divergences encountered in standard perturbation theory [1]. This scenario, known as asymptotic safety, implies that gravity achieves a non-trivial ultraviolet (UV) fixed point under its renormalisation group flow. If so, this would incorporate gravity alongside the set of well-understood quantum field theories whose UV behaviour is governed by a fixed point, eg. Yang-Mills theory. In this note, I discuss the renormalisation group approach to gravity. I recall some of the issues of perturbative quantum gravity (Sec. II), introduce the renormalisation group `ala Wilson to access the physics at the Planck scale (Sec. III), review key results in four dimensions (Sec. IV), evaluate applications within low-scale quantum gravity arXiv:1102.4624v1 [hep-th] 22 Feb 2011 (Sec. V), and conclude (Sec. VI). II. PERTURBATIVE QUANTUM GRAVITY A vast body of work has been devoted to the perturbative quantisation programme of gravity. I recall a very small selection of these in order to prepare for the subsequent discussion, and I use particle physics units ~ = c = kB = 1 throughout. Classical general relativity is described by the classical action Z 1 4 p S = d x det gµν (−R(gµν ) + 2Λ) (2) 16π GN where I have chosen a euclidean signature, R denotes the Ricci scalar, and Λ the cosmological constant term. The main point to be stressed is that the fundamental coupling of gravity GN in (2) carries a dimension which sets a ∗Electronic address: [email protected] 2 mass scale, with mass dimension [GN ] = 2 − d in d dimensional space-time. This structure distinguishes gravity in a profound manner from the other fundamentally known interactions in Nature, all of which have dimensionless coupling constants from the outset. Consequently, the effective dimensionless coupling of gravity which organises its perturbative expansion is given by 2 geff ≡ GN E (3) (in four dimensions), where E denotes the relevant energy scale. While the effective coupling (3) remains small for energies below the Planck scale E MPl, it grows large in the Planckian regime where an expansion in geff may become questionable. Within the Feynman diagrammatic approach, this behaviour translates into the (with loop order) increasing degree of divergence of perturbative diagrams involving gravitons [1]. This structure is different from standard quantum field theories and relates to the classification of interactions as super-renormalisable, renormalisable, or `dangerous', depending on whether their canonical mass dimension is positive, vanishing, or negative. The degree of divergences implied by the negative mass dimension of Newton's coupling is mirrored in the perturbative non- renormalisability of Einstein gravity which has been established at the one-loop level [2] in the presence of matter fields, and at the two-loop level [3] within pure gravity. While this state of play looks discouraging from a field theory perspective, it does not rule out a quantum-field theoretical description of gravity altogether. There are a few indicators available to support this view. Firstly, at low energies, a weak-coupling analysis of quantum gravity effects is possible within an effective theory approach [4], which operates an ultraviolet cutoff at the Planck scale, see [5] for a review. Secondly, higher order derivative operators appear to stabilise perturbation theory [6]. Including all fourth order derivative operators it has been proven by K. Stelle that gravity is renormalisable to all orders in perturbation theory [7]. This striking difference with Einstein- Hilbert gravity highlights the stabilising effect of higher derivative terms. Unfortunately, the resulting theory is not compatible with standard notions of perturbative unitarity and has therefore not been considered as a candidate for a fundamental theory of gravity. The r^oleof higher order derivative operators has further been clarified in [8] with the help of a BRST analysis. Interestingly, the theory remains unitary once all higher derivative operators are retained, whereas renormalisability is at best achieved in a very weak sense due to the required infinitely many counter terms. III. RENORMALISATION GROUP The renormalisation group (RG) comes into play when the running of couplings with energy is taken into account. As in any generic quantum field theory, quantum fluctuations modify the strength of couplings. If the metric field remains the fundamental carrier of the gravitational force, the fluctuations of space-time itself should modify the gravitational interactions with energy or distance. For Newton's coupling, this implies that GN becomes a running −1 coupling GN ! G(k) = GN Z (k) as a function of the RG momentum scale k, where Z(k) denotes the wave-function renormalisation factor of the graviton. Consequently, the dimensionless coupling geff in (3) should be replaced by the running coupling g = G(k) k2 (4) which evolves with the RG scale. In particular, the UV behaviour of standard perturbation theory is significantly improved, provided that (4) remains finite in the high-energy limit. This is the asymptotic safety scenario as advocated by S. Weinberg [1], see [6, 9] for extensive accounts of the scenario and [10{12] for brief overviews. The intimate link between a fundamental definition of quantum field theory and renormalisation group fixed points has been stressed by K. Wilson some 40 years ago [13, 14]. For gravity, the fixed point property becomes visible by considering the Callan-Symanzik-type RG equation for (4) which in d dimensions takes the form [10] (see also [6, 9]) @tg ≡ βg = (d − 2 + η) g (5) with η = −@t ln Z(k) the graviton anomalous dimension which in general is a function of all couplings of the theory including matter, and t = ln k. This simple structure arises provided the underlying effective action is local in the metric field. From the RG equation (5) one concludes that the gravitational coupling may display two types of fixed points. The non-interacting (Gaussian) fixed point corresponds to g∗ = 0 and entails the vanishing of the anomalous 3 dimension η = 0. In its vicinity, gravity stays classical, and G(k) ≈ GN . On the other hand, a non-trivial RG fixed point with g∗ 6= 0 can be achieved implicitly, provided that the anomalous dimension reads η∗ = 2 − d : (6) The signficance of (6) is that the graviton anomalous dimension precisely counter-balances the canonical dimension of Newton's coupling GN . This pattern is known from other gauge systems at a critical point away from their canonical space-time dimensionality [10], eg. U(1) Higgs theory in three dimensions [15]. In consequence, the dimensionful, d−2 renormalised coupling scales as G(k) ≈ g∗=k and becomes small in the ultraviolet limit where 1=k ! 0. This pattern is at the root for the non-perturbative renormalisability of quantum gravity within a fixed point scenario. Much work has been devoted to check by explicit computation whether or not the gravitational couplings achieve a non-trivial UV fixed point. A versatile framework to address this question is provided by modern (functional) renormalisation group methods, based on the infinitesimal integrating-out of momentum degrees of freedom from a path integral representation of the theory `ala Wilson [16{20]. This is achieved by adding a momentum cutoff to the action, quadratic in the propagating fields. In consequence, the action (2) becomes a scale-dependent effective or flowing action Γk, Z d p 1 Γk = d x g (−R(gµν ) + 2Λk) + ··· + Sk;gf + Sk;gh + Sk;matter ; (7) 16πGk which in the context of gravity contains a running gravitational coupling, a running cosmological constant Λk, a gauge fixing term, ghost contributions, matter interactions, and the dots indicate possible higher derivative operators in the metric field. Upon varying the RG scale k, the effective action interpolates between a microscopic theory ΓΛ at the UV scale k = Λ (not to be confused with the running cosmological constant Λk) and the macroscopic quantum effective action Γ where all fluctuations are taken into account (k ! 0).
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