2005 - 2006 Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (An Autonomous Organisation of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, GOI) Sriperumbudur - 602 105, Tamil Nadu, India. Website: www.rgniyd.gov.in 2005 - 2006 Shri. Mani Shankar Aiyar, Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports visits RGNIYD Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (An Autonomous Organisation of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, GOI) Sriperumbudur - 602 105, Tamil Nadu, India. Website: www.rgniyd.gov.in Japanese Delegation visits RGNIYD R G N I Y D Contents Pg. No. 1. Overview 1 2. Training 4 A) Training Programmes B) Seminars, Workshops and Consultations C) Exposure Visits D) Programmes for North-Eastern Region E) International Programmes F) Special Programmes 3. Research and Extension 19 4. Documentation and Dissemination 20 5. Administration 22 A) Executive Council Meeting B) Visitors C) Facilities D) Allocation of Additional Land E) Construction 6. Annual Accounts 26 Budget Projections for 2005-2006 Budget Estimates for 2005-2006 Revised Budget Estimates for 2005-2006 Budget Projections for 2006-2007 Revised Budget Estimates for 2006-2007 Auditor's Report Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2006 Text Entry: Shri. E. Ravichandran A N N U A L R E P O R T 2005 - 2006 R G N I Y D 1. Overview As Youth Development constitutes a core component of This Institute has the following five Divisions besides the national development in the context of building human Administrative Division, each under a Faculty Head. resources in a vast country like ours, it was felt that there l Training, Orientation and Extension Division (TOE) must be a national organisation to identify all the relevant l aspects of youth motivation and to develop and design Research, Evaluation and Documentation / programmes for promoting youth welfare. Therefore, Rajiv Dissemination Division (READ) Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) l Panchayati Raj and Youth Affairs Division (PRIYA) was set up as an autonomous body by the Department of l Youth Affairs and Sports, Ministry of Human Resource International Centre for Excellence in Youth Development, Government of India and registered under Development Division (ICEYD) Societies Registration Act, XXVII of 1975 S.No.67 of 1993. l Social Harmony and National Unity Division (SHANU) The renewal of Registration has been update. Aims and Objectives It has emerged as the professional resource agency and acts as a think-tank of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and The objectives of the Institute are as follows: Sports, and assists the Government and Non-government a. To function as a Resource Agency and Think – Tank for agencies in youth related activities. As the apex Institute at youth programme, policies, and implementation strategies. the national level, it works in close cooperation with the b. To develop multi faceted – programmes for youth keeping NSS, NYK and other youth organisations in the in view of the social harmony and national unity as the implementation of training programmes. The Institute is ultimate objective. being developed as a nodal agency for training youth and c. To grow and develop as a facilitator and nodal agency for thereby it will become a well-oriented facilitator of youth youth training, youth work, and youth development in the development activities in rural as well as in urban areas. country for rural as well as urban youth. This Institute is provided with the essential facilities and d. To function as an Institute of advanced study in the field of infrastructure so that it would serve as a Centre of youth and to develop such professional excellence as Advanced Study and Applied Research for ensuring may be required for the purpose. availability of professional expertise in youth work and to create a competent cadre of youth workers. As a regular e. To develop its programmes aimed at inculcating a sense feature of its functional activities, the Institute has of national pride, awareness of national goals and launched a number of research projects and extension internalisation of national values among the youth programmes to unearth the potential in the young people workers. which perhaps remain untapped. It provides a forum for f. To develop new ideas and innovative programmes for youth to debate and discuss issues that concern them as motivating and creating a committed cadre of youth well as those that impinge on their development. workers and functionaries. 1 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2005 - 2006 R G N I Y D R G N I Y D g. To promote and conduct action and user based applied constitute a major chunk. An orientation programme to the youth and youth workers. Workshops and national Counselling is a vital component in the process of personality research and evaluation studies in youth development create awareness of the various Poverty Alleviation integration camps were organised at RGNIYD to fulfill development of youth. The problems of the Youth are multi- and through this provide necessary thrust to youth Programmes among the District Youth Coordinators who will this objective. dimensional – psychological, physical, mental, physiological, programmes on systematic and scientific lines. be able to create awareness among the members of the In association with MoYAS a 2-day National Workshop academic, family relations, peer pressures etc. Youth workers h. To function as Center for Information Publication and Youth Club was organised to enhance the participation of was organised to prepare strategy plan for Youth and programme officers working closely with the Youth need to Documentation pertaining to youth development. youth in developmental activities. Development Programmes in the country. The objective be equipped with counselling skills so that they can function as i. To provide Institutional training for the personnel With the objective of enhancing the employability skills of was to recast the current Youth Development Programmes para / professional counsellors. A three-day training on working in the field of youth development. Youth to make the most of their natural potential and to with focus on creating an impact in the lives of Young counselling skills was organised by the Institute to cover the people by explicitly setting out short and long term goals, j. To provide appropriate youth extension projects and realise their aspirations, RGNIYD worked as catalyst in this NSS Programme Officers / Coordinators from the North-east. preparing the broad framework for operationalising services which can function as laboratory on youth important concern / need by coordinating between the big the plan and establishing the indicators for work. industries in need of skilled manpower and the rural unemployed youth who are on the look out for support in assessing the outcomes, including optimum and k. To link its programmes and functions to the promotion of terms of training. In fulfilling this task, cooperation came productive utilisation of the resources. National Youth Policy. forth from major Companies such as L&T, NIIT, Nokia, 264 Youth aboard “Nippon Maru”, the 18th Ship for In fulfilling these objectives the Institute has undertaken Indian Institute of Leather Products and others. World Youth Programme from Japan and 12 other training, research, action research, special programmes countries converged at RGNIYD and intermingled and documentation and dissemination activities. Counselling the traumatised victims of disaster is an essential component of disaster management. RGNIYD with the Indian Youth. The interaction facilitated During the year, the Institute trained youth and youth organised exclusive Tsunami Counselling Programmes with through such Youth Exchange Programmes by functionaries on various aspects viz., Information RGNIYD under the aegis of the Ministry of Youth the help of eminent psychologists and counsellors along with Technology, Counselling, Life Skills, Disaster Affairs and Sports brought out the inherent feeling of Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF), Chennai. Management, Poverty Alleviation, Gender Governance, bonhomie and friendship among the youth coming Nation Building, Adolescent Health, Right to Information, Empowering the young Self Help Group Members by from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. educating and exposing them on marketing strategies for etc. RGNIYD believes in the inherent entrepreneurial strengthening their economic activities has been taken up by The youth, especially, marginalised ones from the rural qualities of the youth. To tap these abilities, youth RGNIYD on sustained basis. areas need to be equipped to face the challenges of the entrepreneurial and development programmes globalisation. RGNIYD in collaboration with Tata Institute of The Institute is mandated to develop programmes aimed were organised in order to facilitate the realisation Social Sciences dealt at length with the various issues of at inculcating a sense of national pride, awareness of of the full potential of this skill. 18th Ship for World Youth Programme arrives at Chennai globalisation that impact on the Youth in National Workshop national goals and internalisation of national values among The role of Youth in effective implementation of Right to The Institute will be launching an exclusive Youth i n S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 6 . T h e Information Act and National Rural Employment Portal/Database for Youth to the Youth practitioners and recommendations that emerged to Guarantee Scheme cannot be underscored. Therefore, scholars and others interested in Youth
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