A revision of the Australian species of Hybanthus Jacquin (Violaceae) BY Eleanor M Bennett Abstract trealn]eniis presentedof lhe AustraLianspecies offll'd'l'rrs' A taxoiomic di'cu"ed The L" r']''.il'ii irr"ii"u' ancrie mo'pholog)and.anarom),are t:i*":i"t,;r:;:;.1'$lil"-:',';^i#:tf;ii;l;i"''l'?i.."1"1"d"'"Yi""*ll?,';,;;:' il.'i.rrlti'it! """ tixa and new combinationsare proposed: ';'';',:";';;'ffiilk"'#;: H ';;, "", ' {l , F. Muell 'ub'p r/P//arloid?r tDominr 'rat no\" ',t'p "il*-ar 'ubspnor".H tlo.tihmtlt''sub'P ;;;;::;;!;L'i;dt;l: M'.ir \4uerrrr \4uerl i;li;i;:l.;';"';;'' -it-.',:"r',tirl'spio'andH v' r iitr' subsp,,tadrer-suDsP, nov, arc grvenfor 8 of the ll Australianspecies and the chromosome"a;.i,ii.ia.counls given' .ytori!''"ii irisrribiurionnaps for all taxa are Introduction on Hyhanthusrvas pubtishe<1 by Jacquin,in I760 rvasbased Tlre nane -lt (1824' r;..i"i? hat'anensii'which is therefoiethe type - St' Hilaire tfr" r-e]. y was rn firtrrlhls u'ith lonidiun e\t' (1803),.a.sthe latter name ".".i,'r""itJ[ too much current use and a renamlng under Hybanthus would ha'"e caused Australian lonidiurtt ;;;i;;;";:- in ltio lar. .i ttansfefidd the then accepted speciesto H Ybantlus. (176O)was At the Vienna Congressin 1905 the rame H'rbQ thus.-Jacq "eui"ti-itt .uitl., svnonvmCalceo1a'- rhls con- .o^.'ii !::L ^!tli!]:. tbat the servationwas larer consrderedro bi unnecessaryas it u,as thought br'rt Dandv i;il";;-;;;; lnJiJ u"ing unaccompanied bv a description' (1969)pointed out that a genericde'cription wai prorided Therefore Cal- olat iq Loefl.nru.t rcmaill on the li\[ ol nomlnarejlclcnca' Hybanthus According to Airy Shaw (1906) there are 150 speciesof- ]n Africa and Asia' No.th Ameriia, Soutli America, Australia, Malaysia' South none being recorded in ir;;;;;;;;;;':iti rG .uiniuno statesof Ausiralia, Tasmania. Nlorphotogy of the Australian species Hahit thickening' All the Australian speciesol H;banthus develop.secondary bushle-tsof F1 eld- -ori'U.it* tfti"ti ranging from a height of 50 cm in the H' epqcrci'les' ","J,aii"'i - itltte iDl]ani form of H floribuntius'-American one species.' havanensis also ;.;;i;; ipi""i..nt branches. The :nec-ies,.1-t, violaceae i.u"ioit titi,t" "pines, a ieature comparatively rare in the calltinur, H- Jcbilissittls' H' rclubilis and H ate Hrbqnrltus .monupctaluswith i.i.roplngn.tirt grolvth lrom an utrdergroundt1'tl'omq o.*;;1;i;;;;; bark i'i"-ir,l"lrrir.i". ald base-of the items develop a white pithy bark This noticeably ;ft;'d-.;;loos;; ih. ,,..t ol H. Qurantiaatsrvhere it becomes fissured witir age. Le0)es has opposrte The leaves of most speciesare alternate, 6vl H' no opetalus Iower nodes' f.u""t'u't'i iiti tpp., noJes'inaddition to the alternateleaves of the iiii"i u"A' il- epacroitleshave leaYesclustered at the nodes' 2t8 ':'r;it:i 6#,i"'f;li*id"f,?#'ilr3";i',{1a1e r*,,rr*.r""* Jtxi ":fi lerrba Lurxo-rdd" Jo slpted peoriqs'f,pueragrp jo ,.,inj o^i'l* "r"qr slDtad lo.taJDT 'n e1BrrJrq,{1 serrerreu rql ruo{ uorlarces,,r} ^lqeq,ord?tr JtJ"r1'Jl""ir"rl'r""T;:Jtltr:l:i scuaJseqnd puu sa8pr: eql jo ac^ues_erdiq1 :-,nrii eql olur pualxe .tetu qcnl,r ecueoseqndal!q.^\ Jo slunou" Bur,{re,reiisa8pu "qj u""^1"g np!l[:',:l,L:l;ot'Jfll"1i|:ji ^\ErJ,rqr Jo qraual oqr pu"'"" ,rap,., .rolla^:.q1.:trl.p_i" ' ro onlqeled rltla ellq.,!\sl ,\\EIJ rq] ^lLEreuaC."ie1ad jirelel aqfo q6uey aq] u'qr ssal.ro 01 lenbe aq ,{eur^\e1c eq1 fire pem"zlcxjpugs'1p sg pFil:qi ,iiffig^':l?ri :1^1:'osqnsl"jl glg? re)r"p ero a u,u,.,1'"tiT ouf i,:Iil\ ;i:;;:: snturadsDtuuaH pue snro,ltuD.lnD.77 u1 ;i pu? 'ruroJruor rdJuo 1e1oq,r_eri1qrlliriuJa ir ot el"^o ruo+ Burfre,rreln5rq:oqns ,{lpcrdil sr n,iiLrl "q1 rearelqcnu.r srpu" porrnds .{1pur1srp sr,.,r"d, on,1n.,1rnytl"ir"X,t",Jilltill""ut lDlad Jo!.!aJav ur r.r' spnq.rr,{\og*tJ .roqtoeql ueqrroqslq tlrqS,lr'j:i;lr,]tl {:_:liyreo :ll .elrunpad aqlJo Juo lnq s.redur rn.:.ro_{eq1 5qt eieuiurjei,{"r.11 se slcerq p0llec .{llrerror aroJararll.re 11e1sdurra,r,r6g aqt uo'sa,reeipiglpo_ ,q1 rlc'eor sorl"la.rur,tu€A eseqr^ .srJ€rq aql *.i;";:1lr:1orl," !]11"r !1,r",{roeqt pu" 'stcerq 3o.:19d aqr molaq Aur:.rncao Auire^<)g eq1 go qFuel:j.j:-1t-p-"3- 3q1aq 11e1s " ol pe.leprsuoJ.red?d srql ur sr lo,r.ogkrulrlos e3o olcunped5q1' p)lpad puD apury)ad 'pecnpo:d sl snuulculJ lloqs " (esoruacsJ) r"rsaqcouoru sr qt,$or8 .leqilnJ 1:IT.?111.::T,?c 'l"rseqrrp: oo1"^"p !1pi,f"Io ;iil"t",1:l',t'J:i:"10",3:lt"'ili:"LTjl lnq sr uorsrlrp1s-rg eqt srueld uJ- .r"*og k.rn1,1.os"n if:.01 !l lera^es ruuseqcrpe trro{ uorlauel snotlssnpunEto{.11 .,{relriosra,reu o.re sle,\\og snou€As€ llr^\ sBsacue-ri:rogur lerseq:rp 1uu1d eues arjj .111-111-:y.l]:9!q"u*! snsgtnwtrH .t€uturrt ::.]Y:::li aq ,{eu li lileuorsirjo rnq X.,e11,reii tLD AllB.reurD o1 saur,{cq6n6i,q1 ia,reel slxe srJ,rog:::i.^::r:C!l -.sruac"r .;o eq1ur Jlbursuro{ a8uersed,{l JJuocserogur eq1 iercedi ue,lurjsiy "q; u1 pu"ts6t) eruor^\e.rpele.,rsn11, srpue peldecre ^,r"-,1t":ul"llgt]rtlililj ,{rslrxe{e ^::::."-1"j9!ii"ry,{c uEJo uorscnperpnper8 eq1 q8no.,ql'(9961) asore s5rcaii snqluDqtlHJo sre,rou .{re11xeal8urs eql 1eq1 pe,rarleq ezlnqcg .s.ro,rou e^€gsreqlo ,{rerrtosaa.eq sarceds ernos .sryrupqt ::::::j^r:_::.y{9serceosu"rTerlsnv eql H Jo urqlr^\sarntJnrls elqeue,r isoru "r, * ,r.r:;i:Xr_)i, "r:L"i(j'Ji'1'J'i."f 'Tfi?:# i1",?';""3^.il:l$:f ,t/."J,',1 ;i",};;$,'"0 pue13 pro'ro snonprJap B qrr.r pecldrl oJB . ':.y,;_!ya!!:',H ,iili;rle ;;'ii,',r"",?f;"s. :,:::,:,i",':i:",!:,"/J:f,'!;q\", suliJeur i" .JJlluJ elelnJrluopaql Sureqsuoude.rxa el€ surd.reLueq1 ,(11ecrd,{j' "-"1 - '1 -\ I V i -,:i',.-Y [t-:'ztr-t1 Lj.-i-:ni _\- / )v-\( )\"') | .-,-, .' ll \\- /'- J N -// r !r"_ / \\.- ?-\' -./-/ 1 Fieurel Antherstructure (diagrammatic). I Undersurface ofposterioranth.er' 2-Upper .nttte.l r-: teminal connectiveappendase;.L : loculi appendas€s; i;i;;^.i ;;i;;i;; or e"":;;d];; ii'.;:'d- bilocutar-anther:A . antheisurlace $hrch ma) beslabrous hareiarring digrees of pubescence:C basalgland' The Detalsof the outer pair are typically narrorv-oblongand entire The o.tutt oi [t.lnn.t pair sho*'numerousvariaiions in 'hapebetween lhe species' bul typicalllthey are up to 0 5 mm longerthan the ouler petals Anclroeciunt All five stamensare free with the edgesof the anthers apparently united by "on*-ciine tissue. All have conspicu-ous terminal connective appendages rnloa iiieure-r"'"rr ti\ hich are imbricatemaking the anthersappear to be connale petals' i"u?l tp..i.i ih. trrt.nt areihorter than or equal10 the lateral In all speciesthe anterior pair of stamens bear at tlle base spur append- "".t *l]"i"'ui.-t".i-i.,. rl"i" nectaries may be sessileand glabrous as in rt.,nonop"tolrt, glabrous and stalked as in some forms of H' enneaspermus' iiattea ri'itl a tuft of hairs at the tip as in other forms of -F1'enneaspermus' or densely pubescentas in H- aurantiacus. Aoicalloculi appendages (Figure l) arefound in somespecies or In some r.t-t'*itrrin u irr.ii'it. ri.t. ippendiges are narrow-triangular and always lessthan 0'5 mm long. Gynoecium "."i19:"l"il, The ovary, composed of th-reecarpels, is regular 3td -I1J: dirti*tiu i-;;i]J;ni in vounet uit upieari to bJ3-keeled In all speciesthe as ovarvisis-ovoidlslobose ovoid-globoseand glabrousglabrous. The styleisrs two to1o threethree-tlmes trmes as long as the'r'" ovary,^","" beakheak shaped,.haned and orien(aledtowards the lronLol the Ho\ er' -l seddlor'{c eql uee^uaq suorlJurrsrp l'3r8oloqdJour ou eq or :eedde eragl , .;os1ue1d u,rnrco zr : " 0""fY';T":ff$##.11l31?,:'u;ii,;ff, t ereuo4elndod srql ur s,lu€ld_eqr Jr easo, ,no 0",-,.,n"Xtll";j3il ;"N"rl[:rt -osr B eq Jo tlnsar lle,^\fBru ,{ptold^lodsrr{l pue uortnqr.Us,pirel:age Xlqeqorci "qt ur rueurrllrs pue. .s:rrr1e.:o1 ::!-.":11 rueudo;e,req r5qio uurJ prtJrllor (L-^^r_ f,llecr8oloqdroLu,prqsrn8u|lsrp:qrouuer4Jqf .punoJerr$ :l::19 i9! qcrq,nur uorlelnd-od :y_"1:.9]1"9:11"o'ItZ'Zl '9 11euse seJn35c, tr7 u ilirmsruuid eq1 - u) sJrqunuproldeq jo e8uerepr,r e seqsnpuiqttogf iirtMoqtH -ro, uope_s'q 3ureq uorleredas ,,u,.rr,o;::;)t"j'",I::l:ilT:"?;:"lilii:l"t' 'o^\t put. H taqlo aqt pie isoiiugng uorjces aql ur pepnlcur .stlloladoaou,H .11 eJE'snJDrluotnD p\e snw.radsDarra 'JsJrll o,rJ .r:x .snua8 Jo Jequlntr esB(l eql o^rl{ sercadsrnog eqt roj p5ida.rre'a{ i pu€ .VZ.Zl ,g ,9 ,t:u rsnLul: ,_ x Jo srecl -unu es?q aLlI alu punoJ s:aqunr eruosouto:qceq1 rouuecazrs ro acuaeedde 'sls,{l€ue urseJueregrp ]eqr lle.us., "r" ,"*o,"*JiT:tif ;l ad,{1ofu"{ roj frolce3srlesun s?^\ pJurLuBxe -uac lsu;tEru crlo}rtu 5q1 i11e-,i Jlqelr?^esu.r leuetetu cuol{l ou lnq-.sJrJJds.raqlo {ue ui ueql rjirel rlJnu aJe snlDpdouoLLtstrtluoq.(H ur 1 tseqdeljtu 1e stuosoruoiqc eq1 ul 3u!ulels )roJaq , .-^ :]j"lo^rl1::" loqoJle-tJH ur prtprrJBr! puE aurJrrlrloi) luJJlJo 1.0 q]Lr pJlEJrluerq 3ur^Eq{;snorra-rd srql'leuelELu-drl .ureJro loorlspuc loor ruo{ paurelqo ere,{\ sluno3 ,l\al V crlece ui pourels pue elnlosqe loqocl€ ur perols.loqocle crlere ur paxg ere^\ qrlq,r s11::ieqjou_ira11o'a iuoig "-,.t't stunoJ .pJSruSoJaJ P?ulntqo lsohl sJrJJdsqnsOlaqtlo 4-aurodo,"uo.rq3 Burpnlrursarcedi s tlraoqr.HuerjpJtsnV 0l Jq] Jo g Jo ap"u uaeqa,tri1 slunbc \I elqeI) staqwnu aLuosouto,tqJ jil#,Hff o,{rq',eeqr sercads ra_qro"u, u, ,",,liruJ il'i"^T;;"ji:"":fi:Ji,1 ,(t Erur\oJdde :1.11:ill_tlll"" Jlsq sluesrJdr,ro,4.rque oqr srtoliuorno.ll pue t:y::!:i^ryya H aELnqlBdsoste are^\ sotuqure eql rojonot snqpoqill pue Do.tDrouaDlot/1 ut if punoJ reqt uruBn ..JEJurlJJEsJrJJdsrJqto aqilo ioxrcju,: Jql sBJrJq_rlatElnqteds 3ur;q sE pepr€BaJ 'H aJEsnJDuuDtnD.yl pue siuttatlsoaiuua Jo solJque Jql (9t61) uruBn ,{q uerrBsuorlrugtp }ir Burncrl1.r1 ".
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